October 12, 2024 | #239

My Friends,

I want to begin by thanking everyone who joined us for the Come and See retreat last Saturday. It was a day filled with the Spirit as we gathered to share and grow in the love of Jesus. I believe the future of the Church will be grounded in small communities of faith. This is Pope Francis’ vision as he focuses on synodality. We need one another for Christ to come alive in our midst. Read more...

Coming Events

Discipleship Weekend

This weekend after all of the Masses you will have the opportunity to see what your St. Mary Parish has to offer and how to get involved.

Any questions or suggestions, please contact Joyce at 440-775-1967 or


Blanket Sunday

Blanket Sunday, sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Society, is this weekend. Due to sanitary concerns and lack of storage, we gratefully accept your financial donation and do the shopping for you, please visit www.svdpcle.org to make your donation. Please "blanket" someone for the winter and give yourself a warm feeling!

Senior Luncheon

Senior Luncheon will be held Monday, October 14. We will begin with lunch at noon. We look forward to a great meal, good fellowship, and game of BINGO for those who wish to stay. Bring a friend and enjoy a great afternoon. 


Pre-Baptism Class

Join us for the next pre-baptism class on Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Weigand Room. Babies & Godparents are welcome. To register, please call the Parish Office at 323-5539. Our next class will be held in February. 

School News

This week at St. Mary School

Upcoming events

Monday, October 14

No school - Columbus Day, Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Tuesday, October 15

6:00 pm - Parents’ Club Meeting - School Cafeteria

Wednesday, October 16

CYO Marco’s Pizza Fundraiser - enter fundraising code MARY (all caps)

Saturday, October 19

12:00 - 4:00 pm - Parents’ Club Matus Winery Fundraiser

Monday, October 21

6:30 pm - First Reconciliation Parent Meeting - Weigand Room

You will know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16

Join the St. Mary School Staff

St. Mary School is in need of substitute teachers, educational aides and monitors. The hours are 7am to 3pm. Contact the principal, Sharon Urig, if interested at 440-322-2808 or surig@smselyria.org.

Last Call!

St. Mary Afternoon at Matus

October 19 | Doors open at 12:30 - 4 pm

Must be 21 years of age or older to attend

This is the last call to make reservations to join the St. Mary Parent Club for an afternoon of wine and fundraising! SMS Parent Club will be providing: all you can eat food bar*, raffle baskets, 50/50 raffle, and door prizes!

*All you can eat food bar includes a salad, meat, bread, assorted sides, and dessert, non-alcoholic drink. Reservation options. No sales at the door

Make Reservations HERE

Register TODAY

Calling all 8th graders! Unleash your inner Panther! Register for the HSPT

on Oct. 19 or Nov. 2 at https://elyriacatholic.com/placement-test-registration scan/click the

QR code and stay on the admission track for the 2025-2026 school year. #BeAPanther #LWS

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St. Mary School


440.323.5539 | office@stmaryelyria.com
320 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio | stmaryelyria.org

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