Volume 3 ~ Issue 16; September 15-30, 2018
- Sacto Friars Host Dreamriders
- Canada: Union of Provinces
- Icon Pilgrimage Continues
September, 2018
A replica of the icon-painting
St. Francis and the Novices, which has been circulating since May 30 continues to make its way through the province in anticipation of the fall regional convocations and as part of our spiritual preparation for Chapter 2019. Accompanied by relics of both St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi, the “icon” is meant to be a source of meditation, reflection, and sharing as we walk together to discern the call and movement of the Holy Spirit as part of the R + R (Revitalization + Reconfiguration) process.
Recently, the icon and relics arrived at St. Boniface Friary in San Francis. They will travel to an additional six venues in northern California and Washington state before “arriving” at the Fall Convocation at San Juan Bautista in late October.
In the meantime, several friars involved in the Rivo Torto experience in Santa Margarita, California (September 4-7) gathered to produce this photo in homage to the icon. (shown here). This year’s event represented the revival of a series of informal encounters among friars originally organized by
Friar Mateo Guerrero more than a decade ago when he was in residence at the provincial hermitage in Sebastopol, California. Inspired by the simplicity of the original Rivo Torto fraternity established by St. Francis himself, small groups of friars would gather informally for prayer, Eucharist, rest and relaxation, as well as faith sharing. One of the highlights of each experience has been the extraordinary hospitality and fine cooking provided by Brother Mateo. Any friar interested in participating in a future Rivo Torto gathering, may contact him directly at 831/207-2285.
"The fraternal sharing our community in Malibu had while praying in front of the Icon — was one of the best we have ever had." - Friar Michael Doherty.
Top Left - St. Francis and the Novices (detail), icon painting by David Lattimore. Photo: Dick Tandy OFM.
Top Right - Homage to St. Francis and the Novices (September, 2018). l to r:
Friars Mateo Guerrero, David Gaa, Larry Gosselin
, and
Bill Minkel
. Photo: Charles Talley OFM
Bottom Right - Icon at St. Boniface friary. Photo: Tom West, OFM
Icon at Old Mission San Luis Rey.
A Reflection on the Icon Pilgrimage
Los Altos Hills, California
Photo: Poor Clare nuns at Immaculate Heart of Mary Monastery, Los Altos, California pray before the icon and relics.
September 8, 2018
Sung Sam Korean Catholic Church in Los Angeles, California served as the venue for the solemn profession of vows by our brother,
Friar Sung Wook (Zeno) Im. In a service attended by family member-- his parents, Mr. Jai Chan Im and Mrs. Eui Hyun An and his brother Eric—as well as nearly 50 friars and novices,
Minister Provincial David Gaa and
Vicar Provincial Martín Ibarra were on hand to receive Zeno’s vows officially.
Friar Sam Nasada served as Master of Ceremonies;
Friars Antonio Luevano and
Dick (DT) Tandy assisted with video and still photography respectively. A reception followed in the parish hall. Following a brief vacation, Zeno will assume full-time responsibilities as member of the Vocations Team and will live at Old Mission Santa Barbara, California.
A full-length video presentation of the ceremony is available:
https://youtu.be/3sWspiLOM6A. The homily and actual vows ceremony begin at 24.30 minutes.
Photos: c. Dick Tandy OFM
Above -
Friar Zeno Im
(center) with friars and family members. (l to r)
Vicar Provincial Martín Ibarra
, Eric Im (brother), Eui Hyun An(mother), Zeno, Jai Chan (father), Father Gregorio Yang (Pastor),
Provincial Minister David Gaa
, Deacon Francisco Ye.
Below -
Friar Zeno Im
with his parents, Mr. Jai Chan Im and Mrs. Eui Hyun An. PM
David Gaa
in background. Note: Korean women do not change their names upon marriage.
Friar Zeno Im with his parents, Mr. Jai Chan Im and Mrs. Eui Hyun An.
Note: Korean women do not change their names upon marriage.
Interprovincial Postulancy
Silver Spring, Maryland
August 30, 2018
By Friar Greg Friedman
“Jesus said to his disciples,” and to us, ‘Stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come.’ Jesus might have said that you do not know the day, but I know it. That day was yesterday, and today, and tomorrow.” In these words, Franciscan
Provincial Minister Father Jack Clark Robinson of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, exhorted the 12 men entering the postulancy program of six U.S. Franciscan Provinces, on Thursday, August 30, in Silver Spring, M.D. Father Jack went on to spell out the challenges which the postulants will face: “”individual challenges, individual affirmations, meant for you and for you alone….[and] the challenges that we face together. They come in your community here, among the friars of the six Provinces, and in the Church in our world.”
The group which will face those challenges are a diverse gathering of ages, backgrounds and places of origin:
- Edgar Alberto (HNP), 27, comes from El Salvador and more recently, Durham, North Carolina.
- Gino Grivetti (SH), 21, Peoria, Illinois.
- Adolfo R. Mercado (SB), 44, Sacramento, California.
- Fritz Newburger (ABVM), 22, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Josè de Jesús Osorio (OLG), 26, Mexico, and more recently, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- Neil Pavao (SH), 22, Douglas, Georgia.
- Joshua Richter (SJB), 21, Hamilton Ohio.
- Daniel Samsel (ABVM), 26, Cleveland Ohio.
- Michael Specht (HNP), 24, St. Bonaventure, New York.
- Bruce Tran (SB), 29, Los Angeles, California.
- Carlos Wagner (HNP), 39, Cali, Colombia, and more recently, New York City, New York.
- Zack Zerman (ABVM), 23, from Elgin, Illinois.
They bring a variety of educational preparation: business management, theology, philosophy, anthropology, education, language study, environmental science, global studies. They come to the friars through contact with the Franciscans in their families and parishes, as well as other religious.
The new postulants were welcomed at a Eucharist which was attended by the local friar-community at Holy Name College, friars from the six collaborating provinces, and Franciscan lay volunteers also based there.
Father Jack included in his homily a far-reaching prediction for the postulants: “You will, God grant it, make solemn profession of vows, five, six or more years from now, into a Province not yet born!”“But our challenge and the hard work that we must do together before your day of solemn profession is to bring that new Province into being, by offering our best selves—the best Franciscans each of us can be individually; offering the best of our inheritance from our six Mothers (now there is a thought—six Mothers!) and offering the best of our dreams, which is where you are so very important, to make that…truly a new sign of the power of God at work to change our world.” --
Friar Greg Friedman is Editor of the
Holy Land Review, published in Washington, DC by the Custody of the Holy Land.
Photo: Above - Group photo (front row, l to r) Fritz Newburger (ABVM), Daniel Samsel (ABVM), Bruce Tran (SB), Jack Zeman (ABVM), Edgar Alberto (HNP), Gino Grivetti (SH), Carlos Wagner (HNP). (back row, l to r): Michael Specht (HNP), Adolfo R. Mercado (SB), José de Jésus Osorio (OLG), Joshua Richter (SJB), Neil Pavao (SH).
Postulant Aldolfo R. Mercado (SB)
Postulant Bruce Tran (SB)
September 8, 2018
By Friar Tommy King
On September 8,
Friar Carlos García, Provincial of San Junípero Province, presided at a Mass of welcome at the Postulancy House of San Antonio de Padua here in Guaymas, Sonora, México. Along with celebrating the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we prayed for a special blessing of the Holy Spirit for the fifteen (15) new postulants. Among them are David Villegas, Eduardo Arizmendi, Wilder López and Ronald Orozco who were part of the aspirancy program before entering the postulancy with Junípero Serra. If they finish postulancy and novitiate with Junípero Serra, they will then be able to choose to stay with that province or apply to our province and continue their studies.
Photos: Courtesy, Tommy King OFM
Above - New postulants for San Junípero Province.
Below -
Friars Raúl Díaz
(l) and
Tommy King
(far right) with the four postulants from St. Barbara Province aspirancy program.
Journey 2 Justice
St. Francis Friary, Sacramento, CA
August 22, 2018
From Friar Mark Schroeder
Friars Mark Schroeder, Ray Bucher, and
John Summers hosted twenty Dreamriders overnight at St. Francis Friary in Sacramento CA. JOURNEY 2 JUSTICE is a 1700 mile bike ride which began in Seattle on August 1. The “Dreamriders 2018” campaign stopped on August 22 for a noon press conference at the state capitol, before proceeding to the friary for lunch. They had completed the shortest ride of their trek--coming less that 20 miles from Davis, California--allowing them a relaxing afternoon. After 23 nights in camp grounds and church social hall floors, the riders commented how wonderful it was to be able to bring their sleeping bags into in a house. "And yeah! no more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch!"
The idea for “Citizenship for All: Journey to Justice” was spearheaded and developed by young organizers from the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) and affiliates. They have been working furiously since the election of President Trump as his administration executed much of his anti-immigrant agenda, including the rescinding of DACA, enhancing interior enforcement and continuously creating a toxic atmosphere for immigrant communities among others.
At 5PM, the Dreamriders spoke to parishoners at St. Francis Church. Then they had dinner at the friary, highlighted with traditional Korean food.
Up early to prepare for a 48-mile trek to Stockton, all the riders visited an 8AM assembly of 5-6-7-8 graders from the elementary school. Three riders told their stories, one led the kids in a sort of Korean-language hip-hop chant, and the kids and teachers ended praying for all immigrants who might be crossing deserts or oceans, as well as blessing the efforts of the Dreamriders, by praying "The Prayer of St. Francis."
Photos: Courtesy of Mark Schroeder OFM
Above - Friar Mark Schroeder with Dreamriders
Below - Friar Ray Bucher
September 13, 2018
Our confreres from the Society of St. Francis--Franciscan friars in the Episcopal Church (Province of the America)-- were recently at San Damiano Retreat in Danville, California to welcome two postulants preparing to enter their novitiate program in San Francisco. Shown here (l to r) are
Friars Desmond Alban, Paul Francis, Camilo Guerrero, and
Finnian Kenny. Several of the San Francisco-based friars volunteer on a regular basis at St. Anthony Dining Room. They are part of the worldwide Anglican Franciscan community. Best of luck to the novices!
Chapter of Union Set for
October 21-25, 2018
With thanks to:
Friar Carlos Ona
Forging a new bilingual Pan-Canadian OFM Province, Franciscan friars from the two existing Canadian Provinces (St. Joseph and Christ the King), are planning a Chapter of Union on October 21-25, 2018 at Star of the North Retreat Centre in St. Albert, Alberta. The launch of the new Province, which will include a public celebration on the evening of October 22 in St. Albert Parish Church, will be assisted by the presence of
Minister General Michael A. Perry.
The Chapter of Union will be the second of two important gatherings this year. On April 23-26, Canadian friars assembled at
Centre de Spiritualité des Ursulines in Loretteville, Quebec, for a Chapter of Mats to break open the theme
Revitalisation and Evangelisation: Go Repair My House.
Capuchin Friar David Couturier and diocesan priest Jean-Philippe Auger worked to animate reflections on the renewal of Franciscan life within the Canadian context. This event aimed to draw the friars closer together in their common mission to evangelise as they seek to revitalise their presence in Canada.
As preparations proceed, several committees, including a Mission and Evangelisation Committee, a Formation and Studies Committee, a Finance Committee, a Statues Committee, a Communications Committee and a Liturgy Committee have been working in tandem with the existing Definitories, a Transition Committee (tasked to organise both chapters) and a Delegate General. All friars have been invited into a discernment process around the name of the new Province, as an always longed for renewal of Franciscan life and mission takes shape.—
Friar Carlos Ona is Director of Communications for what is currently the Christ the King (western Canada) province.
August 23, 2018
Former Minister Provincial
Joe Chinnici recently gave a presentation, "Passing on the Seal of Franciscan Life", delivered August 23 to the Province of Christ the King in Western Canada. According to Joe: “They are having a chapter of union with the Province of St. Joseph in the East, and this was their last provincial gathering. They asked me to give them some reflections on hope!” The full text of Joe’s remarks will appear in the upcoming Winter edition of
Franciscan Connections.
Joe Chinnici OFM
. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
September, 2018
On a recent stopover, Friar Vince Mesi visited San Damiano Retreat in Danville with some 40 pilgrims from Mission San Luis Rey Parish, Oceanside,California. Vince is accompanying parishioners on a journey to several of the California Missions. Pilgrims report that the spiritual fringe benefits accrued in their journey so far have included superb Italian cuisine as well as joyous singing—especially from their pastor! We are not at all surprised.
Photo: Vince Mesi OFM Photo: c. Peter Jordan
A Letter from José Aguto
Associate Director CCC
Dear Father David Gaa,
Thank you for your contribution to this outstanding demonstration of the US Catholic community’s support for climate action. As of August 23rd,
715 Catholic institutions have signed the declaration. Our collective number has been added to the website of the
We Are Still In (WASI) campaign, and a
link provided to our declaration webpage that leads to your institutions’ names.
We are delighted to align with WASI, and they and other climate actors express similar sentiments. As a demonstration of this shared enthusiasm, Dan Misleh, the Covenant’s Executive Director, has been invited to speak on the US Catholic community’s accomplishments in both word and deed, at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco at the WASI Forum on September 12th and the Catholic affiliate event on September 14th at the University of San Francisco, which will be livestreamed
The momentum continues. We welcome more signatories to the declaration and count on your efforts to persuade other Catholic institutions to join. We thank the hundreds of Catholic institutions which have filled out our
survey describing the actions they are taking to live out Laudato Si’.
All of these actions show to our Church, our world, and our Triune God, our commitment, in prayer, word and deed, our care for our common home, our fellow brothers and sisters, and our shared future. May God’s peace and blessings be with you.
For October 20, 2018
From Provincial Secretary Tom West
Friar Sam Nasada's diaconate ordination has been scheduled. Please made note of it:
The Conventual Church of
Our Lady of the Angels
The Franciscan Renewal Center
5802 E. Lincoln Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85253-4124
Saturday October 20, 2018
10 AM
Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Diocese of Phoenix, presiding
Sam Nasada OFM
. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
Timothy Arthur - September 1
John Gibbons - September 3
Vincent Nguyen - September 3
Stephen Gillis - September 4
William Minkel - September 8
Nevin Ford - September 9
Mark Schroeder - September 9
James Seiffert - September 11
Richard Tandy - September 12
Philip Garcia - September 13
Ben Innes - September 14
Rusty Shayghnessy - September 21
Emerito Gomez - September 22
Michael Dallmeier - September 24
Victor Vega - September 24
Tom Herbst - September 27
Michael Dallmeier - September 9
Richard Juzix - September 12
Roland Rovere - September 15
Mateo Guerrero - September 21
Emerito Gomez - September 22
Raul Diaz - September 23
Barry Brunsman - September 25
Jeffrey Shackletono - September 25
Vincent Mesi - September 27
Robert Valentine - September 27
Michael Guinan - September 29
Michael Doherty - September 29
William Haney - September 29
Michael Weldon - September 29
Michael Blackburn - September 29
Miguel Obregon - September 29
Michael Harvey - September 29
Tran Nguyen - September 29
2018 Calendar
~ From Lara Hansen ~
Investiture of Novices
October 16, 3pm ~ Old Mission Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California
Diaconate Ordination
October 20 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
Fall 2018 Convocations (2 sessions)
October 22–25 ~ St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA
October 29–November 1 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
Chapter Agenda Assembly
January 7–10, 2019 ~ San Damiano Retreat, Danville, CA
Inter-Provincial Retreat (2 sessions)
January 14-18, 2019, Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
February 4-8, 2019, San Pedro Retreat Center, Winter Park, FL
Spring Convocations (2 sessions)
March 11–14, 2019 ~ St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA
March 25–28, 2019 ~ Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA
Chapter 2019
June 23–28, 2019 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue.
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com