Volume 3 ~ Issue 19; November 1-15, 2018
Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos altar
at San Damiano Retreat, Danville, California.
Friars are invited to send in photos of their own altars.
Scottsdale, Arizona
October 20, 2018
By Charles Talley OFM
The Conventual Church of Our Lady of the Angels at The Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona served as the venue for the transitional diaconate ordination of our brother,
Friar Sam Nasada. With Bishop Thomas Olmsted (Diocese of Phoenix) presiding and
Provincial Minister David Gaa concelebrating, the October 20 liturgy also involved the presence of more than a dozen friars, primarily from the Southwest. Present as well were relatives and friends from the Indonesian Catholic communities in both the Los Angeles and Phoenix area, as well as members and friends of the FRC.
In his homily, David started by congratulating Sam, noting that “It’s been a long road from Indonesia to Scottsdale.” He continued by saying that “On behalf of all the friars…. I want to tell you that we are extremely proud of you. You are a good man, a great Franciscan, and you will be a very good deacon.” In reference to the day’s Gospel from John 15, David went on to reflect on the sense of remaining or “abiding” in Jesus: “It is important for all of us, and especially for you, Sam, to realize that it is God’s grace working through us that allows us to be His witnesses and His ministers.” In our Franciscan Rule and in our traditions, he continued, “. . . we are warned very closely about clinging to positions, clinging to places, clinging to anything.” Instead, he continued, “I would argue that . . . clinging to Jesus, this abiding in Jesus, this seeing Jesus as our friend, this realization that all begins with God and all ends with God is very important.”
Following his ordination, Sam will serve his transitional diaconate year in Scottsdale. No date has been set yet for his presbyteral ordination. Congratulations and every blessing, Sam! Additional photo highlights are below. Special thanks to Patricia Lee at the FRC for her good help. You can watch the video of the entire liturgy by clicking this link:
Photos: c. Peter Jordan, unless otherwise noted.
PM David Gaa, Deacon Sam Nasada, Bishop Thomas Olmsted.
Sam gets a hug from
Friar Juan-José Jauregui.
Sam with relatives and members of the Indonesian Catholic communities
of LA and Phoenix. Photo: Densy Chandra.
Symposium on Franciscan Formation
Chicago, October 25-27, 2018
By Friar Sam Nasada
More than 40 friars-- OFM's, Capuchins, Conventuals, TOR's, Atonement, and Brooklyn Brothers-- gathered at the Chicago Theological Union (CTU) from October 25 to 27 for a symposium on Franciscan formation.
Friar Juan-Jose Jauregui and I represented St. Barbara Province, and
Friar Michael Higgins, TOR, President of FST, also represented our school of theology.
The symposium was organized by the Duns Scotus Chair of Spirituality at CTU, a position sponsored by St. John the Baptist province and currently held by
Friar Ed Foley, OFM Cap. Two Franciscan sisters also played an integral role in this event.
Sister Margaret Carney OSF, President Emeritus of St. Bonaventure University and a speaker at our Extraordinary Chapter in May, was the facilitator for the whole symposium.
Sister Margaret E. (Meg) Guider OSF, Professor of Theology at Boston College, was a keynote speaker, along with
Minister General Friar Michael Perry, former Capuchin minister general and retired Bishop of Nelson of British Colombia,
Friar John Corriveau, and
Friar Dan Horan.
Minister General Michael Perry stressed the importance of accompaniment in Franciscan formation, which is not limited to solely the period before solemn profession. He observed that many friars felt lonely and left to suffer alone, not having enough support by others in their friaries. He believed that crisis can serve as a road to realizing one’s authentic identity, but that accompaniment is key if one is to survive such a crisis.
The next day, Sister Meg Guider invited the friars to reflect on the grace of fraternitas that we have received. What kind of stewards of this grace that we are called to be? Dan Horan then shared how contemporary theology can help with our formation. Finally, John Corriveau gave a passionate talk on becoming a brotherhood of missionary disciples. Borrowing a phrase from the OFM Conventual’s constitution, he challenged the friars to truly make our local fraternities "the privileged instruments of communion."
The complete scripts of the talks and their responses will be published online by CTU in the near future. We will make sure to mention it on
OFM.FYI when it becomes available. What might not be captured in that written publication is the spirit of brotherhood among those present. Everybody expressed their desire to attend more events like this in the future, where the larger Franciscan family, including the Poor Clares, Franciscan sisters, and seculars, can gather together. There was also a desire for more collaboration between FST, CTU, and the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University to provide opportunities for the Franciscan family to learn more about our intellectual and spiritual traditions. In a world that seems to only want to build more walls , we Franciscans can show the world how to build more bridges.
Photos: Courtesy of Sam Nasada OFM
Top Right Photo: Friar Dan Horan (Holy Name Province) delivers his keynote talk on Contemporary Theology and Franciscan formation.
Former FST presidents,
Friars Bill Cieslak, OFM Cap. and
Mario DiCicco, OFM (Sacred Heart Province) chat before Michael Perry's talk.
Friars at morning prayer. We prayed in English, Spanish, French, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Tamil, and Indonesian. (Photo: courtesy of
Friar Michael Surufka, OFM, ABVM Province)
Why are these 13 friars smiling?
Old Mission Santa Barbara
October 16, 2018
From Friar Ian Grant (HNP)
Thirteen novices participating in the OFM Interprovincial Novitiate, coming from five provinces of the US-6, were vested in the probationary habit in an Investiture Rite on October 16. The Rite was conducted in the side chapel of the historic Old Mission Santa Barbara and was overseen by
Friar Jeff MacNab, Novice Master. The investiture service, which lasted one hour, was viewed by friends, family, and others via a life-stream and remains on YouTube.
Click here for the video.
The thirteen men representing Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Name of Jesus, St. John the Baptist, Sacred Heart, and St. Barbara provinces received their probationary habits from delegates from each province. They are:
Andrew Aldrich (from Kim Studwell, (ABVM); Ian Grant, Loren Moreno, John Neuffer, Richard Phillip, Carlos Portillo, and
Steven Young from Basil Valente (HNP); Matt Ryan and
Rafael Ozoude, from Charlie Milller, (SJB): Nhan Ton from Ralph Parthie (SH); and
, Andrew Dinegar, Salvador Mejia, and
Josh Tagolo from
David Gaa (SB).
The liturgy involved novices from the Conventuals and Capuchins in music and reading. The reflection was offered by David Gaa, Provincial of St. Barbara Province, in which he expressed a personal refection of the habit and the ideals of the Order of Friars Minor and the Catholic Church as a whole. David started by stating that the habit the novices would receive should be “outward sign of an inward reality”; a reality that must be expressed in our behavior. Further, he went on to say that, “We are men of ideals,” of prayer, peace, reconciliation, and simplicity. He continued to express how often we fall into the “abyss” that stands between the reality of ourselves and the ideals set by Christ and St. Francis. “How do we bridge this abyss without becoming frustrated?” In an attempt to answer a question that has no one answer, David offered the understanding that our ideals as Catholic men in Franciscan life should be to see these ideals as “stars we stretch for,” that we will never totally reach.
Basil Valente led the scrutiny of the novices. He briefly detailed the novices’ journey and finished by asking, “What is it that you ask of us at this point in your Franciscan Journey?” With the individual voices forming one, single voice, the novices responded in unison: “to be clothed with the habit of probation so that we might join you ever more fully in following Jesus in the example of St. Francis.”
The novices exited, then re-entered the chapel clothed in the habit of probation and were welcomed ever more fully by their Franciscan family. A reception and dinner hosted by the novitiate team and friars at the Old Mission followed the mid-afternoon ceremony. And the novices, being only partially formed in Franciscan life, left the dining room before they were asked to do the dishes.
Top Photo: Group photo of novices in their habits.
Bottom Photo: Intercommunity gathering of novices at Investiture (Conventuals, Capuchins, OFMs).
CANONIZATIONS: Archbishop Romero, Pope Paul VI
St. Peter’s, Rome
October 14, 2018
By Friar Tommy King
Friar Óscar Méndez, my sister Marilyn Astore and I arrived in Rome on October 12th with plans to attend the Canonization Mass of Archbishop Óscar Romero, Pope Paul VI and five others on October 14th. On October 12th, we went to St. Peter´s Square to find it all ready for the Mass on the 14th. With Óscar and I in the foreground, in the background you can see the banners of Óscar Romero, Paul VI and the other seven to be canonized.
Friar Bill Short picked up our tickets to the Canonization Mass, he invited us to lunch at St. Isidore’s on October 13th. It was great to see Bill and
Friar Ryan Thornton who, along with the Irish Franciscans, took great care of us.
Everywhere we went in Rome, we ran into Salvadorans excited about the canonization of Óscar Romero. I am sure there were thousands of Salvadorans present at the Canonization Mass at St. Peter´s Square. The estimate was that at least 70,000 people attended. We arrived at St. Peter´s Square two hours before the start of Mass and all the seats were already taken. As you can see in the photo, we were packed in like sardines for four hours. Nevertheless, it was a powerful experience. Because people who attended the Mass were from all over the world, we really had a concrete experience of how international the Catholic Church is.
The day after the canonization, Pope Francis held an audience with the Salvadorans who were in Rome for the celebration. Since we were leaving for Assisi that day, Óscar could not attend. However, highlights from the audience are on YouTube.
CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK. It is Pope Francis at his best. ¡Viva San Óscar Romero!
Tommy King OFM
(l to r)
Friar Óscar Méndez, Marilyn Astore (sister of
Friar Tommy King) and Tommy.
Friars Tommy King (l) and
Oscar Méndez at the Vatican.
Franciscans of Canada Unite!
Holy Spirit / Saint-Esprit Province Erected
St. Albert, Alberta
October 22, 2018
It is a matter of fact: the new Franciscan Province has been created! It is time to turn the page. The birth of a new Canadian Franciscan Province with its new identity begins today (October 22). The union has been formalized by a decree pronounced by the General Minister of the Order of Friars Minor,
Michael Anthony Perry, OFM. The new leader of the province, known as the
Minister Provincial, is Pierre Charland, OFM. “The creation of the new Holy Spirit/ Saint-Esprit Province of Canada takes us back to the roots of our Franciscan charism. It reflects a desire to be led by the Spirit, even on unknown paths. It takes us back to the experience of Pentecost, and to the core of the Gospel. This is what I hope will characterize the new Canadian province”, according to the new Provincial minister. Many guests from across Canada came to St. Albert, Alberta, to join in this historical celebration including
Peter Williams, OFM, General Delegate, as well as some Canadian bishops and Franciscan provincial ministers from the USA.
The proclamation of the erection of the new Province and the formation of the new Provincial government opened the Chapter. Go rebuild my house! is the theme for this Chapter of Union-- the very words which St. Francis heard before the San Damiano crucifix in Assisi. This Chapter allows for the new Province to build on a strong foundation and to discuss the kind of challenges that come with the mission and the evangelization needs for 2018. Franciscans desire to be present and close with the people they serve and to all of creation. No matter who they are, no matter what they do, including the new generation, they want to bring Christ and the Gospel to the modern world.
The new province will include 87 Franciscan friars from the ages of 32 to 97. Currently, they are present in Quebec (Montreal, Lachute, Trois-Rivières), British Columbia (Vancouver and Victoria) and Alberta (Edmonton and Cochrane). The headquarter of the new Province will be in Montreal at La Resurrection convent. -- With thanks and appreciation to Julie-Isabelle Baribeau and Friar Michael Perras.- ed For additional information on the Franciscans in Canada,
Top Photo: Province logo
Bottom Photo: Friars gathered to celebrate the union of provinces in Canada
Photos: Courtesy, Province of the Holy Spirit.
Barry Stenger, Executive Director
St. Anthony Foundation to Step Down
From Provincial Minister David Gaa
Dear Brothers,
Peace and all good.
Please click here to view an important announcement that has been sent to Province stakeholders announcing the retirement of Barry Stenger. We are grateful for Barry's service to St. Anthony Foundation over the years, and we wish him the best of luck in the next chapter of his life. Please keep Barry and Lupe and their family in your prayers of gratitude for the many gifts he has given the friars over the years.
Photos: Courtesy, St. Anthony Foundation
90th Birthday Celebration
August 23, 2018
Tucson area friars gathered at the Little Mexico restaurant to celebrate Clifford’s 90. In the photo below (thanks to
Friar Bob Brady) are: Seated (l to r ): Manuel; Dennis;
Clifford Herle, OFM; Arthur Espelage, OFM
95th Birthday Celebration to be held
November 5, 2018
Friars are invited to attend Peter’s birthday celebration at an 11:30 luncheon in his honor to be held at his residence,
Atria de la Compana del Rio, located at 1550-East River Road, in Tucson AZ.
Friar Bob Brady via email:
ofmcafci@aol.com, or text: 415-341-7374. Looking forward to hearing back from you before
Thursday, 1 November 2018!
Dia of the Dead/ Dia de los Muertos
Holy Name College, Silver Spring, Maryland
From Postulant Friar Adolfo Mercado
I was recommended to shoot some photos from the Day of the Dead celebration I helped organize for the postulant community at Holy Name College, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Jesús Osornio of Guadalupe Province and I took lead on this, with help from Fr. Rommel of Sacred Heart Province.
Deborah Roque, the mother of
Richard Phillip OFM, a Novice from Holy Name Province, died on Tuesday October 16, 2018. The funeral Mass was held on Tuesday October 23, at St. Margaret Church, Woodbury Heights, New Jersey.
Liturgy Spotlight: The Cross and Suffering Mass
March 22, 2019, 5:15pm
Friar Dan Horan, Presider
Friar Rufino Zaragoza, Music
The Cross and Suffering In Today's World in the Franciscan Tradition is the theme of one of the liturgies to be celebrated at the upcoming Religious Education Congress (March 22-24, 2019) at the Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California.
Friar Daniel P. Horan is to be presider. Music by
Friar Rufino Zaragoza (SB)
Friar Dan Horan (HNP), a theologian and columnist at America magazine, has lectured across North America and Europe. He teaches theology and spirituality at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He previously taught at Boston College as well as at Siena College and St. Bonaventure University, both in New York.
Friar Rufino Zaragosa
Photo: c. Peter Jordan
The Appalachian Trail:
A Franciscans Spiritual Journey
Author: Fr. Joe Nelson OFM
Fr. Joe Nelson, OFM (OLG) has written a book entitled
The Appalachian Trail: A Franciscans Spiritual Journey. In it he gives a day by day account of his time on the Appalachian Trail and then how it fits in with autobiographical parts of his life, and finally how it reflects Franciscan Spirituality. The cover price on the book is $16.95 but he will sell it to friars for $14.95.
If you would like a copy send a check made out to Franciscans for $14.95 plus $3.00 for postage and handling to: Fr. Joe Nelson, OFM P.O. Box 98, Oldenburg, IN 47036
Continue the great work you are doing, keeping the friars informed. What a gift you have and share! Now that I am "semi-retired" at San Xavier, I have more time to read and reflect. Thanks, too, for our interview some months ago, I believe in Danville. --My memory is weakening, as the doctor warned, because of my eye cancer. The tumor is shrinking, and hasn't spread. --thanks for the prayers! I hope this finds you well; continue sharing your wonderful gift to the friars. Thanks again! --
Eddie Fronske
FINALLY. . . .
Friars Raul Diaz and
Tommy King at celebrations
for the Feast of St. Francis, October 4.
DANVILLE: Friars from friaries (St. Elizabeth, Oakland; St. Boniface, San Francisco) at recent Day of Recollection, San Damiano Retreat, Danville, CA
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA: Chef Jeff rules the roost (or is it ‘roast’) at St. Francis Retreat.
Anthony Garibaldi - November 1
Robert Brady - November 4
Peter Verheggen - November 5
Ryan Thornton - November 7
James Lockman - November 8
Richard McManus - November 10
Micah Muhlen - November 12
Edward Fronske - November 15
Finian McGinn - November 18
Didacus Clavel - November 19
William Haney - November 22
Mateo Guerrero - November 24
Angelo Cardinalli - November 29
Charles Talley - November 4
Mel Jurisich - November 5
Didacus Clavel - November 7
Jeffrey MacNab - November 8
Ryan Thornton - November 8
Leo Gonzales - November 10
Kenan Osborne - November 24
Edward Fronske - November 29
Andres Rivero - November 30
2018 Calendar
~ From Lara Hansen ~
Chapter Agenda Assembly
January 7–10, 2019 ~ San Damiano Retreat, Danville, CA
Inter-Provincial Retreat (2 sessions)
January 14-18, 2019, Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
February 4-8, 2019, San Pedro Retreat Center, Winter Park, FL
Spring Convocations (2 sessions)
March 11–14, 2019 ~ St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA
March 25–28, 2019 ~ Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA
Chapter 2019
June 23–28, 2019 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue.
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com