Volume 3 ~ Issue 20; November 15-30, 2018
Woolsey and Hill Fires Force Mass Evacuation
November 14, 2018
Latest news from Malibu (November 14).
Serra Retreat Administrator Tom Anderson reports that "around 2:30 pm today (Wednesday), the authorities lifted the mandatory evacuation for Serra Retreat residents only, and up to the library area. Most of Malibu is still under mandatory evacuation. So most of the friars are heading back to Serra today. This is good news. The retreat center is safe, but there will be a lot of cleanup. Hopefully, we can get the employees back soon and reopen for groups. Thanks for your prayers."
To date, our confreres at Serra Retreat in Malibu are safe and sound. However, as this writing the premises of Serra Retreat have been evacuated, except for the presence of firefighters who have been given hospitality there. The ongoing Woolsey and Hill fires started on November 9.
On the initiative of
former Provincial Minister Mel Jurisich, Director, upwards of 20 firefighters have been welcomed to Serra Retreat for much needed respite during their continuing efforts to contain the blaze. As of Monday, November 12, Mel reported that: “We had four trucks at Serra yesterday. We opened all the rooms, the kitchen, everything to the firefighters and told them to help themselves to whatever they wanted to eat. They cooked dinner last night for 22 people, watched the game on tv, made breakfast for themselves, then went back to their work.” Mel also reported that the other friars at Malibu were all safe and had either found shelter elsewhere or, like
Friar Michael Doherty, had elected to stay on during the evacuation period: “Everybody is fine. Tom Anderson, our administrator, has been doing an outstanding job. He and I have been staying with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet at their motherhouse. They couldn’t be more hospitable. . . . Serra Center, of course, is a mess right now, covered with smoke, ash, and leaves from the fire. But we’ll straighten all of that out as we go along. The important thing is that everyone is okay.”
To date, more than 150,000 people have been evacuated from the Malibu area and approximately 90,000 acres of land have been scorched by the flames, with the loss of numerous homes, including those owned by a variety of Hollywood celebrities. At this point very ever shifting winds make fire control especially hazardous and unpredictable.
Top right - Serra Retreat Nov 2018. Photo: Michael Doherty OFM
Bottom left - Relief “superscooper” helicopter flying over Serra Retreat. Photo: Michael Doherty OFM
Bottom right - Advancing flames, Malibu. Photo: Tom Anderson
Meanwhile, in the Bay Area….
Smoke and ash from the recent Camp Fire in Paradise, California -- abetted by high winds -- continued to pour over portions of the San Francisco Bay Area starting the weekend of November 10-11. With pollution levels at dangerous levels, residents were advised to stay indoors as much as possible. The devastating conflagration has so far claimed upwards of 50 lives and essentially destroyed the town of 26,000 inhabitants approximately 170 miles northeast of San Francisco.
Photo: San Damiano under the weather. Photo: C. Talley ofm
Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom
Visits St. Anthony Dining Room
San Francisco, California
November 8, 2018
Just the day after his landslide election victory, California Governor-elect Gavin Newsom chose the St. Anthony Foundation in San Francisco to make his first public press conference. Accompanied by his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Newsom first helped to serve in the dining room before moving to the Foundation’s Poverello Room at 150 Golden Gate for a press conference. In his service, he was accompanied by a number of staff and volunteers.
Friar Mark McPherson (SB) works at the Dining Room, as well as
Friars Chris Best and
Dick Tandy.
SAF Executive Director Barry Stenger recounts Newsom’s longstanding connection to the Foundation: “Instead of gifts for his first wedding, he and his bride requested that gifts be made to St. Anthony’s. And here’s an excerpt from a recent article in
The New Yorker:
As we walked by a soup kitchen called St. Anthony’s Dining Room, I mentioned that his former campaign manager Jim Ross had told me that, one winter night in 2002, Newsom drove to a discount clothing shop, bought a couple of thousand dollars’ worth of socks and underwear, and delivered it to St. Anthony’s. Newsom nodded ruefully. “Sometimes,” he said, “you get so frustrated you just have to do something directly.
The Foundation’s Twitter entry for the day summarizes the visit: “We were delighted to welcome Gavin back, reminisce about his days visiting us as Mayor, and hear his thoughts on gun safety, homelessness, and poverty as our future Governor.”
Barry Stenger adds:
Governor-elect Gavin Newsom . . . . (has) visited St. Anthony’s on several occasions as Mayor of San Francisco and is a supporter of our work. The tragic shooting in southern California resulted in a more urgent and somber tone for the press conference, but Gavin answered reporters’ questions with honesty and passion, and thanked St. Anthony’s several times for doing the important work we do. He said : “St. Anthony’s is the manifestation of the values that I think those of us who love this city hold dear, and love our state. We recognize that one stands taller than when he or she bends down on one knee to help lift someone else up. That is what happens here every hour, every day, every year, for generations. St. Anthony’s is the heart and soul of this city. It’s a heart that beats loudly, and it’s the spirit that I want to bring to this state.”
Please visit our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to see photos of his visit, and look for coverage on our local news stations. Press conference on YouTube:
All photos: Dick Tandy OFM
Top - SAF Executive Director Barry Stenger (l) with Governon-elect Gavin Newsom.
Bottom - Governor-elect Newsom with
Friar Mark McPherson
A Diaconate Ordination:
Behind the Scenes
Deacon Sam Nasada
October 20, 2018
Many people, including many friars, would consider a diaconate ordination as a kind of warmup to the main event: ordination to the presbyterate.
It’s nice, it’s a celebration, but I’m not necessarily going to cancel other engagements to attend or hop on a plane to attend. That’s just the way it is.
But Sam Nasada’s very personal reflection on his recent ordination to the diaconate,
A Diaconate Ordination: Behind the Scenes, gives one pause to consider that this threshold event has its own compelling significance. As Sam himself reflects:
Although I had been a Franciscan friar for almost 10 years by this time, and had professed my solemn vows two years prior, I was still filled with trepidation. The clerical status (that of priests and deacons) is such a highly visible, public ministry in the Catholic Church. I wasn’t sure I could take on that tremendous responsibility. I doubted my worthiness of such an important, holy office.
The full text of Sam’s reflection is in our vocations blog:
Photos: Courtesy,
Sam Nasada OFM
A Symposium on
“Lifelong Formation for Franciscan Men in the U.S. In service of God’s Mission”
Catholic Theological Union
Chicago, Illinois
25-27 October 2018
By Friar Edward Foley OFM. Cap
The full texts for all presentations provided here are copyright, Catholic Theological Union.-ed.
For three days 40+ Franciscan brothers assisted by two OSF sisters gathered for a symposium on lifelong formation for Franciscan men at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago, Illinois. The gathering was sponsored by the Duns Scotus Chair in Spirituality at CTU. Over the past two decades the chair, endowed by the John the Baptist Province of OFM friars in 1997, has sponsored scholarship and educational initiatives in support of the Franciscan charism. These efforts have included lectures by renowned scholars such as
Sister Ilia Delia OSF of Villanova University and study days by leading Franciscan thinkers such as
Bill Short OFM of the Franciscan School of Theology.
This, first-of-its-kind symposium was designed to expand the conversation by inviting First and Third Order brothers from a variety of communities and jurisdictions to ponder the
promise and demands of forming Franciscan men for the 21st century. Participants included Atonement Friars, Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, TORs, OFM, OFM Conventual and OFM Capuchin friars from across the U.S. and some brothers from Europe. Invitations had been extended to multiple other communities as well.
In 1217, the Franciscan order was officially divided into two separate families by Pope Leo X in his proclamation Ite Vos. In recent years there have been various “Beyond Ite Vos” efforts from the international to local levels to move beyond the longstanding divisions within the Franciscan family, and build avenues of communication and collaboration. As the current Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality Edward Foley explained, the advisory board for the Duns Scotus Chair—composed of OFM, OFM Conventual, OFM Capuchin and OSF representatives—recognized that this first symposium could not address the needs of every group. It was thus decided that it would be appropriate to focus on the formation of Franciscan men so that they could develop a more united presence and provide leadership around the vision for the Franciscan family in the future. As previous events sponsored by this chair have invited the presence of Franciscan Sisters and Secular Franciscans, so any future symposia would also expand to include these important members of the Franciscan family.
The symposium was structured around a series of presentations, two of which were open to the public.
Brother Michael Perry OFM, the current Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor, offered an opening lecture on Thursday evening entitled “‘You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased:’ Musings from the Margins.”
Click here for full text.
Taking his cue from the Gospel of Mark (1:9-15), Br. Michael explored that text as one that presents necessary elements for the lifelong journey of religious life and discipleship. His presentation, livestreamed on CTU Facebook and soon to be posted on CTU’s website, was attended by a large group of Franciscans, including men in initial formation from the OFM, Conventual and Capuchin communities. The following day, three participants in the symposium offered responses to Br. Michael’s presentation, which spurred the morning discussion.
A second presentation was offered on Friday morning by
Sister Meg Guider OSF, Associate Professor of Missiology and Chair of the Ecclesiastical Faculty at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, and member of the Duns Scotus advisory board. In her “Stewarding the Grace of Fraternity: Living out the Franciscan Charism of ‘Being Brothers’ in Service of God’s Mission”.
Click here for full text. Sr. Meg reminded the group that it was only after the Lord gave Francis brothers that the Poverello focused on the Gospel form of life. Then, employing Matthew’s parable of the talents (25:14-30) she invited the brothers to consider what kind of stewards of the grace of fraternitas have we, are we and will we become. These challenges we the focus of discussion for the rest of the morning.
On Friday afternoon
Friar Dan Horan OFM, Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at CTU, offered a presentation on “Liquidity and the Abyss: Lifelong Theological Formation for U.S. Franciscans.”
Click here for full text. Br. Dan focused on contemporary theological trends, challenges and hopes that need attention in forming Franciscan men today. In this “liquid” era in which there are powerful forces attempting the decolonialization of standards of knowing and experience, Br. Dan proposed that two theological areas that needed attention by Franciscans was a theology of authenticity and the meaning of the human person. Small group discussion and interaction with the presenter occupied the participants for this first afternoon session.
The final session on Friday afternoon was designed as a “grass roots” moment in which participants were asked to brainstorm about what issues were not being addressed and needed to be raised up, as well as what issues or ideas really resonated with them and needed to be remembered. This discussion, like the whole of the symposium, was facilitated by
Sr. Margaret Carney, OSF. The former director of the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University, and then President of that university, Sr. Margaret brought not only formidable facilitation skills but also a vast knowledge of Franciscan theology and spirituality to the task. Her ability to weave Franciscan sources, stories and poetry into the process contributed to the forward momentum of the symposium and the lively engagement of its participants. This grass roots session yielded affirmations and particularly unaddressed issued that covered seven large post-it sheets.
Friar Pat McCloskey OFM (SJB), the editor of
St. Anthony Messenger magazine, volunteered to serve as secretary for the symposium and assisted Sr. Margaret in compiling and recording these comments.
Friday evening was the second public presentation, this time by
Friar John Corriveau OFM Cap., former minister general of the Capuchin Order and recently retired bishop of Nelson, British Columbia. His topic was “A Brotherhood of Missionary Disciples.”
Click here for full text. In his presentation, Brother John noted that in a unique turn Francis chose to model his form of religious life on the life of Jesus’ missionary disciples. From this flowed his two main points: 1) the embrace of Franciscan brotherhood is the embrace of Jesus Christ, and 2) that embrace leads to Franciscan brotherhood. Br. John’s impassioned presentation was again attended by a large group of friars, including many brothers in initial formation from the various Franciscan communities in and around Chicago. The presentation was videotaped and will be available in the near future on the CTU website. On Saturday morning, three symposium participants responded to Br. John’s talk, which sparked the morning conversation in the symposium. In final session of the symposium, facilitator, Sister Margaret, asked the group to consider “What is your new
mandatum after this symposium” and “What is our mutual mandatum from this symposium?” The participants offered many suggestions for what they and their individual obediences could do in light of this gathering, as well as suggestions for further work of the Duns Scotus Chair.
It was agreed that a first follow up to the symposium would be the composition of this executive summary, which would be distributed freely to all participants and multiple other Franciscan communities and contacts along with the four talks by Br. Mike Perry, Sr. Meg Guider, Br. Dan Horan and Br. John Corriveau. These talks are copyright by CTU and can freely be duplicated and shared, as long as the copyright is acknowledged. There is also a plan to publish these talks in an open access book form along with those presented by Br. Dominic Monti OFM, Br. Regis Armstrong OFM Cap., and Br. Jude Winkler OFM Conv. in the November 2017 “Beyond Ite Vos Gathering” held at CTU.
As part of the environment for the symposium Br. Jerry Bleem OFM, director of formation for the OFM interprovincial temporary professed program in Chicago and an adjunct Associate Professor at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago, coordinated a juried art show entitled “Prayer and Devotion: Franciscan Art, Franciscan Artists.” This unique installation, on display at the Veeck Art Gallery at CTU from September 16th through December 15th of 2018, features over 25 works in glass, textiles, paint and other media. Symbolic of the Franciscan tradition for embracing beauty as a central theological theme, these beautiful works provided the setting for fellowship among the symposium participants whose meals were served in the gallery. Similar attention was given to the prayer environment that included celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours punctuated by music, texts and prayers in nine different languages, reflecting the diverse heritages and ministry experiences of the symposium participants.
For further information on the symposium, please contact Edward Foley, Capuchin, Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality, Catholic Theological Union at foley@ctu.edu.
Friar Edward Foley OFM.Cap. is the Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality and Ordinary Professor of Liturgy and Music at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where he was the founding Director of the Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry Program.
Comment by Friar Sam Nasada:
What might not be captured in that written publication is the spirit of brotherhood among those present. Everybody expressed their desire to attend more events like this in the future, where the larger Franciscan family, including the Poor Clares, Franciscan sisters, and seculars, can gather together. There was also a desire for more collaboration between FST, CTU, and the Franciscan Institute at St. Bonaventure University to provide opportunities for the Franciscan family to learn more about our intellectual and spiritual traditions. In a world that seems to only want to build more walls , we Franciscans can show the world how to build more bridges.
Top - Edward Foley OFM. Cap
Middle - Group shot
Prayer & Devotion:
Franciscan Art, Franciscan Artists
Catholic Theological Union
Chicago, Illinois
September 16- December 15, 2018
From the tradition of the Christmas crèche to art inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical
Laudato Si’ which quoted St. Francis of Assisi’s
Canticle of the Creatures, there has been a longstanding relationship between Franciscans, Franciscan spirituality, and the arts. This exhibit seeks to bring together work by contemporary Franciscan artists without regard to its content, and work from artists that use Franciscan themes.
Mounted in conjunction with the school’s 50th anniversary, acknowledging the Franciscans (Sacred Heart Province) as one of the three founding religious communities of the school, and enhancing an October symposium focused on Franciscan lifelong formation, the show’s title comes from the Franciscan Rule
of 1223. Its 5th chapter states the friars are to “work faithfully and devotedly so that…they do not extinguish the Spirit of holy prayer and devotion to which all temporal things must contribute. (--Excerpt from announcement).
Few West Coast friars will have the opportunity to view this national exhibit at the Veek Gallery of the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Nevertheless, as this selection of works, courtesy of Kellene Urbaniak at CTU, will attest, Franciscan life and spirituality continue to serve as both wellspring and point of departure for any number of contemporary artists expressing themselves in a variety of media. Many thanks to
Friar Jerry Bleem (SH) who played an instrumental role in the execution of the show.
Photos: Courtesy, Veek Gallery, CTU.
Top - Kay Francis Berger. St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi. Each: 26.5” x 22.5” Oil on canvas. 1991
Kay Francis Berger St. Francis and St. Clare, 37.5” x 23.5” , needlework. Year: na.
James Hickey (l to r) New Life (7” x 8” x 8.5”, 2018); Fragile Fabric of Life (2” x 8” x 8”, 2015) and Coral Reaching for Brother Sun (7” x 9” x 9”, 2017). All works in fused glass medium.
Kay Francis Berger St. Francis of Assisi with Cross, 35” x 10.5” x 11”. Clay. Year: na
Day of the Didacus (Clavel, that is)
Oakland, California
November 7, 2018
There’s not a single friar in the Province of St. Barbara who can open his breviary on November 7 of each year on the feast of St. Didacus of Alcalá (patron of Franciscan lay brothers) without thinking of our own beloved confrere,
Didacus Clavel. In fact, friars at St. Elizabeth's, Oakland, recently gathered to help celebrate both the saint and his namesake.
Artist, trainspotter par excellence, faithful docent at the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi in San Francisco), and avid cyclist, Didacus eagerly celebrates each day as both a holiday and holy day-- with gusto, panache, and often with over the top decorations that surprise and delight. Didy is also a passionate proclaimer of the Word, preacher, and sensitive observer of our way of life, as his remarks at the recent Convocation in San Juan Bautista attest:
Sometimes looking into the mirror, I wonder how much do I reflect Francis in my own life. We read his life, we try to imitate him. We live his ideals. We observe the vows. We try to practice perfect joy and we try to be powerless in our ministry. We live a community life—although we sometimes find this difficult. We try to renew ourselves. We try to walk with our brothers. Life moves on and so do we. It’s like moving on, searching and looking for something better to come our way. And yet, up to now, we have done nothing.
Thank you, Didy. Keep going. We love you and we need you.
Top - Didacus Clavel OFM. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
Bottom Left - Didacus giving cycling lessons to Gerry Carbone (l) and Lara deGuzman Hansen. Photo: Tom West ofm
Bottom Right - Friars Freddie Rodriguez (l) with Blessed Didacus and Didacus Clavel (r). Photo: Tom West ofm
Friar Eddie Fronske
Accompanying our Trappestine Sisters
St. Rita Abbey
Sonoita, Arizona
Our brother
Eddie Fronske will be forever associated with the Apache people of the Whitewater, Arizona reservation, and his many years of dedicated ministry among them. Since leaving his work there this past May, however, Eddie has moved to the San Xavier delBac fraternity in Tucson to enjoy active retirement. Not one to sit still, though, Eddie has now found a very special part-time ministry as informal chaplain to the Trappestine nuns at St. Rita Abbey, Sonoita, Arizona. Recovering from recent eye surgery, Eddie visited the sisters and discovered that, for lack of a presider, it had been more than two full months since they’d been able to celebrate Eucharist in their community! He offered to help remedy the situation on the spot, and since then visits St. Rita’s as often has he is able. See:
Photos: Top - Eddie Fronske OFM. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
Eddie Fronske at St. Rita Abbey
Photo: Mike Fronske
Sisters celebrate young visitor. Photo: Mike Fronske
Helen Dinegar, stepmother of our novice brother Andrew Dinegar, died on October 28 in Camp Verde, Arizona. Her funeral Mass was celebrated on November 2 in Camp Verde.
Thomas Keating OSCO
d. October 25, 2018
Livestream Memorial Service
November 16, 2018
10:00 – 11:30 (Pacific DST)
Spiritual director, writer, abbot, and leading proponent of the Centering Prayer movement, Trappist Father Thomas Keating died at St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, Massachusetts on October 25, age 95. According to the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico: “He modeled for us the incredible riches and humility borne of a divine relationship that is not only possible but is already the fact in every human being. Such was his teaching, such was his life. His heart now shines diaphanously through all those who were, are, and will be touched by his example, even as it comes to rest at last in the very heart of Christ.”
The monastic community from St. Benedict’s Monastery joins Contemplative Outreach community for a memorial service in Denver, Colorado, on Friday, November 16, 2018, from 10:00 am to 11:30 (Pacific Time). Check the video view player at the link above.
Friar Jeff MacNab writes:
This has always been my favorite quote from Thomas Keating. It comes from a class he gave us at St. Joseph Abbey (Spencer, Massachusetts):
To discover God, one must dive into the recesses of one’s inner being. The place where the Diving Breath settled when we were created.
2019 Calendars Now Available
Creation’s Colors – God’s Rainbow of Natural Beauty
Photos by Daniel Barica OFM
Each month features a picture celebrating the beauty of God’s creation through the photography of our brother,
Daniel Barica OFM. In addition, the calendar provides a monthly and day-to-day Catholic liturgical calendar, which includes the feast days of many Franciscan saints along with others on the Roman calendar.
Cost: $15
Contact the Parish Office at Sts. Simon & Jude, Huntington Beach, California to order.
Click here or visit the Parish website to view the photos: www.ssj.org.
Essay by Friar Garrett Galvin featured:
The Paulist Biblical Commentary
Paulist Press, 2018
ISBN: 978-0-8091-0613-4
An essay on 1 Samuel contributed by our brother
Garrett Galvin OFM is featured in the newly released tome, The
Paulist Biblical Commentary. Pastorally oriented, this carefully researched volume is a vital resource and companion for homily preparation as well as more in-depth Scripture study. As such, it is an excellent complement to the
New Jerome Biblical Commentary in that it makes accessible to the general reader relevant theological and pastoral ideas, but without the sometimes obscure referencing in the NJBC that can leave the Greek/ Latin/ Hebrew- deprived student at a loss.
Co-edited by a stellar team of scholars featuring Richard J. Clifford SJ, Carol J. Dempsey, OP, Eileen M. Schuller, OSU, Thomas D. Stegman, SJ, and Ronald D. Witherup, PSS, and José Enrique Aguilar Chiu, this book holds considerable heft— both physically as well as academically. Literally weighing in at a full pound, its 1654 pages also carry a hefty list price of $150. (To prevent one’s guardian from going into a fit of apoplexy at the price tag, better to buy a single copy for the whole house and share! )
In addition to his ongoing commitment to study and research, Garrett is currently Vice President for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture at the Franciscan School of Theology (FST), Oceanside, California. Congratulations to our brother on his important contribution to this excellent work!
Photos: Garrett Galvin OFM. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
The Untold Story of
Father Irenaeus Herscher, OFM
by Kathy Peterson Cecala
In his classic and best-selling memoir of spiritual epiphany,
The Seven Storey Mountain, Thomas Merton tells of a delightful and friendly Franciscan friar who freely lends him books and discusses matters of the spirit with him. This biography tells the full story of that man,
Father Irenaeus Herscher OFM, describing not only his friendship with Merton and the poet Robert Lax, but also his own American-immigrant narrative: his early years as a young shipyard worker, his unlikely call to the Franciscan order and eventual career as academic librarian and historian. Against a backdrop of great 20th century events and cultural changes, Father Irenaeus managed to touch many lives. As ‘pastor’ of his library, he encountered US presidents, cardinals, bishops, famed writers and journalists, famous athletes, film stars and other cultural icons—as well as housewives, grade-schoolers, local businessmen and hospital patients he ministered to as chaplain. But perhaps his biggest influence was on the thousands of students, scholars and researchers he worked so hard to serve and help, following his own guiding spiritual principle: Do your best, let God do the rest. His legacy lives on through his beloved library at Saint Bonaventure University.
Kathy Petersen Cecala, a graduate of Saint Bonaventure University, is a veteran of the New York City publishing industry, has taught English and is the author of several novels. She is active in the International Thomas Merton Society (ITMS), and has written for their NYC chapter website, the Merton Seasonal and Episcopal New York.
Pb 978-1-57659-427-8
Sign up now! While there’s still time!
Inter-Provincial Retreats
Richard Rohr OFM, Presenter
January 14-18, 2019, Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
February 4-8, 2019, San Pedro Retreat Center, Winter Park, FL
Sign up now for either of the upcoming Inter-Provincial retreats. According to
Friar Ken Laverone
, there is still time for friars who would like to register for either of the retreats. Just download the registration form, fill it out, and send it in!
Edward Fronske - November 15
Finian McGinn - November 18
Didacus Clavel - November 19
William Haney - November 22
Mateo Guerrero - November 24
Angelo Cardinalli - November 29
Kenan Osborne - November 24
Edward Fronske - November 29
Andres Rivero - November 30
2018 Calendar
~ From Lara Hansen ~
Chapter Agenda Assembly
January 7–10, 2019 ~ San Damiano Retreat, Danville, CA
Inter-Provincial Retreat (2 sessions)
January 14-18, 2019, Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
February 4-8, 2019, San Pedro Retreat Center, Winter Park, FL
Spring Convocations (2 sessions)
March 11–14, 2019 ~ St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA
March 25–28, 2019 ~ Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA
Chapter 2019
June 23–28, 2019 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue.
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com