Volume 3 ~ Issue 8; May, 2018
Brothers, enjoy this jumbo issue. I will be away on pilgrimage most of this month.
- From Juan-Jose Jauregui: Renewal of Vows
- The Way (announcement, latest issue)
- Formation: article from HNP on the novices.
- From Eric Pilarcik: Come & See Weekend
- From Daniel Barica: A Beautiful City
- Keith Warner Named As CCC Committee Position
- St. Francis Retreat Anniversary
Our Brother
Father Christian Mondor, OFM has passed from this world to the next. He loved life to the fullest and the people to whom he ministered, fighting to stay with them until the very end on 25 April 2018, two days before his 93rd birthday. He died with vision of mind and body unabated and with the holy oils of Mother Church still wet upon his forehead. His final words were, "Keep working." He was, from first to last, a Franciscan priest and a man of God. May he rest in peace.
(Photo right: courtesy of Orange County Register)
Father Christian Mondor, OFM died on Wednesday April 25, 2018.
Father Chris was 92 years old, 74 years professed and 67 years ordained.
Funeral Arrangements:
Rite of Reception and Viewing
Thursday May 10, 2018 from 4:00 to 6:30 PM
Sts. Simon and Jude Church
20444 Magnolia St.
Huntington Beach, CA 92645-5212
Mass of the Resurrection
Friday May 11, 2018 at 2:00 PM
Sts. Simon and Jude Church
20444 Magnolia St.
Huntington Beach, CA 92645-5212
Reception following the Mass in Coleman Hall
Please keep Fr. Chris and his family in your prayers in this time of loss.
April 27, 2018
The Rev. Christian Mondor, the "Surfing Padre" who wore a wetsuit under his clerical robe and presided over an annual Blessing of the Waves ceremony in Huntington Beach, has died.
Mondor died Wednesday, two days before his 93rd birthday, after a bout with pneumonia, according to officials at Saints Simon and Jude Catholic Church in Huntington Beach, where he heard confessions and sang in the choir for nearly three decades.
"He just loved life," his colleague, the Rev. Ryan Thornton, said Friday. "The community was drawn to him because he had an extraordinary ability to connect with people."
A competitive swimmer since he was a boy, Mondor only took up surfing in 1990 — when he was in his mid-60s — after joining the church just blocks from the beach.
"He figured that if he lived near the beach, he'd better learn how to surf," Thornton said. Before long he earned the nickname the Surfing Priest and, later, the Surfing Padre.
His fellow surfers would ask for his blessing before they paddled out in the mornings. Eventually, Mondor started a yearly interfaith prayer service on the sand with other religious leaders. It became known as the Blessing of the Waves and drew thousands of people.
Mondor said the event was to honor St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the environment. Recent gatherings included representatives from the Roman Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Islamic and Zoroastrian faiths. After presiding over the blessing, Mondor shed his robe and grabbed his board to join a crowd of surfers in the water.
"We find that the ocean can bring people of all faiths together," Mondor said in 2010. "And since this is Surf City, USA, it's the perfect place to gather."
In 2013, Mondor was honored with a star on Huntington Beach's Surfing Walk of Fame.
During his nearly 70-year career, Mondor worked as a priest and teacher in his home state of California, as well as in Oregon and Canada.
A memorial is planned at Saints Simon and Jude church and the surfing community will organize a ceremonial paddle-out in Mondor's memory, he said.
Chris wrote frequently to comment on items appearing in OFM.FYI and to offer his support. Here is his last letter, received just before his passing (gulp!): “Thanks for the current issue of OFM FYI. –ct
“ Yes Cover to cover, it superbly covers what’s going on. Especially thankful for the highly readable and exciting summary of the intense conversation going on about the future of the Province. I especially enjoyed your summary of
Joe Chinicci’s
reflections. This kind of penetrating analysis in the light of our Franciscan history is essential to our forward progress—not everyone takes time to read or listen to Joe and have forgotten St Francis’s own words about honoring “our scholars, because they minister to us spirit and life.”
Christian Mondor, OFM at the Blessing of the Waves event.
(photo courtesy of Orange County Register)
As the Community Grand Marshal of the 2012 Huntington Beach 4th of July Parade. (
photo courtesy of City of Huntington Beach City News)
Call your Brother!
Today, across our Province and across the country we will be celebrating Religious Brothers Day. We give God thanks for the gift of our brothers and for the gift of their vocation. Take a moment today (or any day, for that matter) to call, text, or email one of our lay brothers to thank him for his life and work with us! Happy Brothers Day, Brothers!
Here is a portfolio of photos of our solemnly professed lay brothers put together by
Friar Sam Nasada. And here is the YouTube link for it:
We also wish to acknowledge all of our brothers who are simply professed:
Zeno Im, James Seiffert, Henri Djojo, Bradley Tuel, and Mark McPherson.
Many thanks to Anne Browne of the Provincial Office for the “fraternal collage” provided here as well.
And here is a prayer for the day:
Renewal of Vows
April 16, 2018
Last Monday, April 16, the Franciscan family around the world renewed our religious vows. For me, the renewal of vows was a moment to realize the gifts that God gave. God has been faithful and has always been there and continues to be with me forever
The renewal of vows each year is an opportunity to continue trusting in God and in myself. I have come to realize that God will always be there to help me in the most difficult and turbulent times. It is a new opportunity to remember the wonders that God has done in my life. To me, I consider God's calling personal. It is not my decision to offer or to consecrate myself but to answer the calling God has made to me. For me to realize how much He loves me and what I can do for Him is a new opportunity to remember that my consecration is not only mine but for others who expect or need God's help. I will show this through me and my gifts and gifts that he has given me as consecrated man.
(Photo courtesy of Peter Jordan)
Highlights from the MP-6
London, UK
April 8-9, 2018
(Inspired perhaps in part by the UK location of the meeting and reminiscent of the British intelligence group M15, the acronym “MP-6” refers to the “Ministers Provincial-6”—the six leaders involved in the R + R (Revitalization + Restructuring) process.–ct).
Photo courtesy of Peter Jordan
Here is the most recent video for the Revitalization + Restructuring (R + R) process in advance of the upcoming Extraordinary Chapter. It is by
Friar Doug Collins
of Sacred Heart Province, who lives in Chicago
(pictured right: courtesy of Sacred Heart Province)
. Take a minute to listen to what he says about how, since joining the Order in 2000, he has felt inspired by the friars of all the provinces in
the 10th video in the Revitalization and Restructuring video series
And if you haven’t already viewed, it take just two minutes to watch the recent video
recorded by
Friar John Friebel
of Our Lady of Guadalupe Province, in which he talks about past interprovincial activities and about his hopes for the future.
This final video is to be released May 14. It features
Friar Erick Lopéz (HNP).
Here is the link:
This video is in Spanish, but English subtitles are available. They should appear automatically. If they do not, click the small “CC” icon below the video and choose English subtitles.
These videos are part of the series by members of the US-6 provinces featuring their personal perspectives on aspects of the (R + R) Revitalization and Restructuring process.
Every province has been asked to provide two such programs; each of them is being released simultaneously by the provincial office of communications for each of the participating entities. The hope is that they will continue to stimulate discussion and comment as we prepare for a nationwide vote on the reconfiguration proposal, May 30, 2018. To view other videos in the series, visit the “Friars Only” section of
Spring Issue Release Date: May 1, 2018
The most recent issue of
The Way (formally known as
The Way of St. Francis) magazine is now out and will be distributed starting this week. The full issue is already available online at the Province of St. Barbara website:
Edited by
Friar Charles Talley, this Spring 2018 issue focuses on the theme of “Pilgrimage: Path & Passage to the Spiritual.” It includes articles and information from/ about a number of friars, including:
Friars David Buer, Mario DiCicco (SH), Richard Juzix, Sam Nasada, John Quigley (SJB), Joe Schwab, and
Warren Rouse.
The Way, Spring 2018 issue (cover). Artwork: Paul Tokmakian.
FORMATION: Novices Share Experiences
by Jocelyn Thomas
This article originally appeared in Friar News, a publication of the Holy Name Province. Reprinted with permission.—ct
After several months in the novitiate, the six novices have gotten to know each other.
Front row (left to right): Luis Manuel Rosado, Antonio Luevano and Michael Lomas. Back row: James La Grutta, Jason Damon and Troy Hillman. (Photo courtesy of Octavio Duran)
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. — Six men – ranging in age from their 20s to their mid-40s and hailing from areas around North America – have spent the last eight months learning about Franciscan life and about themselves. As members of the 2017-18 novice class at the interprovincial novitiate, they are participating in workshops, working at ministries, and collaborating with other Franciscan communities. They have also lived through a natural disaster.
The novitiate experience is intended to be an apprenticeship to this life as a lesser brother, said Michael Blastic, OFM, one of three members of the leadership team at Old Mission Santa Barbara, where the novitiate has been located since August.
Living Franciscan Life
“With entrance into the novitiate, the novice becomes a part of the Order and a province,” he said. “This means that the novice begins living the life of the friars as the means of initiation into the Order’s charism, traditions and mission. The focus is on personalizing one’s call to be a lesser brother within a fraternity of brothers, through self-reflection and self-development, personal and communal prayer, manual labor in the friary, ministry, and theological reflection, within the context of community living.”
The team teaches classes in modules from Monday through Wednesday, which allows flexibility for presenting required topics. Given that the Friars Minor are collaborating with the Conventual and Capuchin novitiates, this involves joint meetings of the teams to plan what they will do in common.
“This collaboration has been a real enrichment for all of us and has allowed us all – novices and formation teams – to establish relationships of support and friendship,” said Michael.
An average week for the novices includes study, ministry work and opportunities for personal and spiritual growth: Monday through Wednesday are days of input, either through workshops or through classes. Special work projects take place during one or two of the afternoons when no input is scheduled. Thursday is ministry day – with St. Vincent’s Home, pre-schoolers and seniors, Catholic Charities, Showers of Blessings with the homeless, parish home visits, and the like. On Friday morning, the novices have a session on group dynamics, communication skills, conflict resolution, and similar topics. Friday afternoons alternate between friary chapter, spiritual chapter and theological reflection. Saturday morning after Eucharist is given to regular house chores, and the remainder of the day is free for the novices until they come together for Compline at 9:15 p.m. On Sunday, after morning prayer, the novices go to Mass at a parish of their choice. After evening prayer on Sunday, the novitiate hosts preprandium with the professed community, and after dinner, they have some form of common recreation.
Each day includes morning and evening prayer, with Mass scheduled at different times of the day. The novitiate celebrates Eucharist with the professed community on Wednesday afternoons, followed by preprandium and dinner.
The location of Santa Barbara has provided accessibility to the Capuchin and Conventual novices.
“We have been able to arrange joint experiences among ourselves,” said Michael. “For next year, together we have developed a program that will allow us to share many workshops in common, times for prayer and reflection, as well as for fraternity and recreation.
“Another significant advantage is living and praying at Mission Santa Barbara itself,” he added. “Our friars have had a continuous presence here for more than 200 years. There is something spiritually powerful about being surrounded by the living legacy of these brothers and their commitment to live the Franciscan mission, that invites us all – formators and novices – to deepen and commit ourselves to embody and keep alive the charism and mission of Francis in our world today.”
This year’s novices are:
James Damon, OFM, a native of South Wales, N.Y., and a member of Holy Name Province. He graduated in 2016 from St. Bonaventure University in Western New York.
Troy Hillman, OFM, a native of Hinsdale, N.Y., and a member of Holy Name Province. He graduated from St. Bonaventure University in 2015.
Antonio, James, Jason, Michael, Troy and Luis after the investiture ceremony.
(Photo courtesy of Octavio Duran)
James LaGrutta, OFM, a native of Goshen, N.Y., and a member of Holy Name Province. He graduated from Siena College in Loudonville, N.Y., in 2011 and from George Mason University in Virginia in 2012.
Michael Lomas, OFM, a native of San Jose, Calif., and a member of St. Barbara Province. He graduated from Holy Names University in Oakland, Calif.
Antonio Luevano, OFM, a native of Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., and a member of St. Barbara Province. He graduated from Humboldt State University in Arcata, Calif., and the Franciscan School of Theology
Luis Manuel Rosado, OFM, a native of Puerto Rico, and a member of Holy Name Province. He graduated from Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico in 1992.
The six student friars, who began their 2017 novice year in August and received their habits in November, recently reflected on their experiences. Each provided feedback to several questions.
“Come and See” Weekend
Old Mission Santa Barbara, CA
April 13-15, 2018
Eric writes:
Hi. We were lucky to have five good men who are discerning come to Santa Barbara this past (April 13-15) weekend. One is from Carpenteria; two are from Orange County; one is from the San Diego area; and one is from the Tucson/ San Xavier del Bac area.
Friars John Hardin, Jeff Macnab, and all the friars here at OMSB were fantastic and welcoming.
Photo: Friars Eric Pilarcik (2nd left, standing) and Oscar Mendez (standing, far right) welcoming discerners.
(Photo courtesy of Eric Pilarcik, OFM)
“Beautiful City” Musical at
Sts. Simon & Jude Parish
Huntington Beach, California
May 18-19, 2018
What if the saints we know and love from the past were fast-forwarded into the present? How might they respond to God’s call today? Come experience Francis and Clare as they make a choice to follow God’s call - brought into the 21st century and among LA's Skid Row. Help us bring their story to life in SSJ's first annual all-parish musical production -
A Beautiful City
(Image courtesy of SSJ Parish). The original script was written for the SSJ community by the Parish Ensemble director/pianist Michael Upward and his writing partner Barbara Brennan.
Friday, May 18, & Saturday, May 19, at 8:00 p.m. (church doors open at 7:30 p.m.)
Just let
Daniel Barica know when you might be coming a
Thursday night, May 17, will be a dress rehearsal with no charge for admission so that might be another opportunity.
“A Beautiful City” begins with a wealthy group of friends celebrating Spring break out of the U.S. One of them, a young man named Frank, is kidnapped and held for ransom. His father pays the kidnappers and he is returned to his home in Los Angeles. His parents commiserate with the other well-to-do parents of Frank’s friends. When Frank recovers, he tells his dad that he does not want to go into his family’s business asking the question, “There’s got to be something more?”
He finds his answer in a rundown old chapel, St. Damian’s, which is located on L.A.’s Skid Row. It is there that he hears God’s call to “Rebuild His church.” Frank’s faith causes others, in particular, his friend, Clare, to follow him and join him in a mission to help the homeless and destitute of Skid Row. The story is told through lively and moving music that will touch those of all ages.
I fully realize that being a professed religious in the Franciscan order makes me biased toward the stories of Francis and Clare of Assisi. That said, I think their stories are relevant in today’s world for several reasons: 1. they both came from a place of economic privilege yet found a way to connect to the real needs of their time; 2. they were able to discern a way of following God that was passionate, joyful, and addressed ecclesial and secular challenges; 3. neither of them knew where the path would lead yet they trusted that God would guide them each step of the way.
(Photo courtesy of Peter Jordan)
We live in an extremely secular world where many choose paths of personal pleasure and material gain without regard to the cost of their choices on others or the environment. People of our time and culture need to be reminded that a choice for God can come in so many forms and that God calls us through the context of our gifts and passions to minister to today’s needs. The Franciscan way is a way of joy, passion, compassion and embraces all of creation. St. Francis and St. Clare experienced God in all things, even death, whom Francis called, Sister Death, and their legacy speaks as boldly today as it did 800 years ago. And what better way to tell the story of their conversion than to use God’s gift of music and theater.
Note: This revised announcement replaces the notice placed in the April 15 issue of OFM.FYI. – ct
April 15, 2018
Congratulations and best wishes to our brother,
Friar Dan Lackie, who was installed as Pastor of St. Barbara Parish, Old Mission Santa Barbara on Sunday, April 15. Bishop Robert E. Barron, regional bishop for the Santa Barbara Region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, presided. Featured here (l to r)
Friars Richard McManus and former Provincial Minister John Hardin; Bishop Robert E. Barron; Pastor Dan Lackie, and
Deacon Chris Sandner, Secretary to Bishop Barron and deacon at St. Mark University Parish, Goleta, CA.
Our brother,
Friar Keith Warner, has recently been named to the Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Stewardship of the California Catholic Conference (CCC). In a letter on behalf of the CC, dated April 20, 2018, Bishop Emeritus Stephen E. Blair of the Diocese of Stockton noted that “because of your expertise and experience, you would be an incredibly valuable member (of the Committee).” The purpose of the Ad Hoc Committee is to advise the Catholic bishops of California in the “determination of public policy principles and priorities that care for creation as ‘Our Common Home.’”
Keith is currently Senior Director, Education and Action Research, Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University.
Congratulations, Keith!
(Photo courtesy of Peter Jordan)
San Juan Bautista, California
Friars, family, and other friends of St. Francis Retreat were on hand for its 70th Anniversary Celebration of “70 Years of Life and Ministry” (April 21-22, 2018).
Festivities included a Reception and Local Farm to Table Formal Dinner on Saturday, April 21, 2018, followed by a Mass of Thanksgiving and and Hors d’oeuvres Reception/ Refreshments
the following day. Congratulations to
Friar Ken Laverone, Executive Director
(pictured left, courtesy of Peter Jordan), the friars of the Laudato Si fraternity, and to all of our confreres who have been involved in St. Francis Retreat since its founding in 1948. Ad multos anos, SFR!
Old Mission San Luis Rey
Oceanside, California
May 28-May 30, 2018
Extraordinary Chapter begins with 6 PM dinner on May 28th and concludes with dinner on May 30th at Mission San Luis Rey. Included in our time together on Tuesday morning, May 29th, our Franciscan Sister, Margaret Carney (pictured below-right), will share with us her reflections on the values of "unity" and "discernment" in times of change. Her talk will be followed by small group discussions with the friars at your table.
As of April 28, we have 105 friars who have already registered for Chapter. There are no more rooms available at the Mission. If you haven't registered yet, we really need you to
register NOW
, and you will be placed at the motel (we have a cut-off date for our group rate at the motel).
Peace and all good!
The Extraordinary Chapter Steering Committee.
Friars Peter Boegel, Michael Doherty, John Gutierrez,
Juan-Jose Jauregui, Mark Schroeder
May 20, 2018
Friar Eddie Fronske
(pictured left, courtesy of Peter Jordan)
is retiring from St. Francis Mission in Whiteriver Arizona. His farewell Mass will be on Pentecost Sunday May 20, 2018 at 9:30 AM. I will concelebrate with Eddie and the Bishop. All the friars and friends are invited. The Mission has a small retreat center (two rooms) which will be available on a first come first served basis. Others can get a room at the Hon-Dah Casino Hotel or in the nearby town of Pinetop.
JUNE 18-22, 2018
Our theme this year comes from one of Thomas Merton’s insights, “We are already one” with our addition of “Grounding in Christ’s Peace in Troubled Times.” We have availability for single occupancy in the House of Peace and in cabins and hermitages. In keeping with a contemplative time, we hope to give participants enough space to be in solitude as they wish so we are taking reservations on a first come, first-served basis. The Contemplative Days begin mid-afternoon on Monday, June 18 and conclude by lunchtime on Friday, June 22.
Call 585-973-2470 or e-mail Michelle Marcellin, our Office Coordinator, at
. Deadline: May 1.
Jubilee of Profession
San Damiano Retreat
Danville, California
July 8, 2018
Planning is well underway for the celebration of our brother Evan’s 70
Jubilee of Profession on July 8 at San Damiano Retreat. The tentative schedule is below. For information about accommodations, contact: San Damiano Retreat at:
(925) 837-9141
Sunday, 8 July, 2018
San Damiano Retreat Center, Danville, CA
3:00 PM Mass in chapel
4:00 PM Reception in Fireside Lounge (& courtyard, weather permitting)
5:00 PM Dinner in the Dining Room
Joanne Romeo, Development Assistant at the Provincial Office, has resigned from her position, effective April 20, 2018. From the inception of
Joanne has been responsible for layouts—including the great headline banners!—as well as distribution. Her good help, expertise and cooperation are very much valued. She will be missed. In the meantime,
Anne Browne
is assisting with newsletter production as well as with administration of the Mission Coop Plan placements this summer. Many thanks, Anne, for stepping into the breach when we really needed help!-- ct
- Roy Rivas-Nuño ~ May 1
- Rene Juarez ~ May 2
- Joseph Baur ~ May 4
- Jeff Shackleton ~ May 8
- Max Hottle ~ May 10
- Michael Minton ~ May 10
- Ignatius DeGroot ~ May 15
- Evan Howard ~ May 19
- Bill Short ~ May 19
- Tito Garcia ~ May 23
- Kenan Osborne ~ May 29
- Arturo Noyes ~ May 29
- Roy Rivas-Niño ~ May 1
- Robert Brady ~ May 13
- Matthias Tumulty ~ May 14
- Ivo Toneck ~ May 19
- John Hardin ~ May 22
- Mel Bucher ~ May 24
- Ray Bucher ~ May 29
2018 Calendar
~ From Lara Hansen ~
Discernment Dinner & Prayer/Discussion
May 4 ~ St. Elizabeth Friary, Oakland, CA - 5PM
Franciscan School of Theology (FST) Commencement
May 26 ~ FST/ Old Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA
Extraordinary Chapter
May 28–30 ~ Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA
Franciscan Discernment Come & See Weekend Retreat
June 8–10 ~ St. Elizabeth Friary, Oakland, CA
Rite of Reception of the New Novices
Monday, July 16 ~ Serra Chapel, Old Mission Santa Barbara, CA, 11am.
First Profession of Current Novice Class
August 6 ~ Mission Church, Old Mission Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, 10:30 am
Guardians & Vicars
August 7–9 ~ St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA
August 7–10 ~ Holy Name College, Silver Springs, Maryland
Discernment Dinner & Prayer/Discussion
August 18 ~ St. Elizabeth Friary, Oakland, CA - 5PM
Fall 2018 Convocations (2 sessions)
October 23–25 ~ St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA
October 29–31 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
Chapter Agenda Assembly
January 7–10, 2019 ~ St. Elizabeth, Oakland
Spring Convocations (2 sessions)
March 12–14, 2019 ~ St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, CA
March 26–28, 2019 ~ Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA
Chapter 2019
June 23–28, 2019 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue.
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com