SPECIAL UPDATE: July 17, 2018
Brothers, here is information for you about the reception of new novices, which took place on Monday, July 16, 2018 at Old Mission Santa Barbara.
Best, Charles.
Group photo of novitiate class 2018-19. Row 1 (l to r): Josh Tagoylo (SB), Carlos Portillo (HNP), Richard Phillip (HNP), Nhan Ton (SH), Rafael Ozoude (SJB). Row 2 (l to r): John Neuffer (HNP), Steven Young (HNP), Andrew Aldrich (ABVM), Matt Ryan (SJB), Bernard Keele (OLG). Row 3 (l to r): Loren Moreno (HNP), Ian Grant (HNP), Salvador Mejia (SB), Andrew Dinegar (SB). Photo c. Dick Tandy, ofm
July 16, 2018
By Friar Charles Talley
On Monday, July 16, 2018—a typically balmy Santa Barbara morning—14 new novices representing all six of the US provinces involved in the R + R (Revitalization + Realignment) process were received into the Order. One of the group, Bernard Keele (OLG) received the Rite of Probation initiating his transfer from the Benedictines to the Franciscans. In addition, two men from Christ the King province in western Canada—not present-- are awaiting their US visas before they can join their US confreres in the program.
“We’re not at St. Peter’s in Rome, “ began
Friar Jeff Macnab as he welcomed the diverse group of new friars—almost all of whom had just completed their postulancy year in Silver Spring, Maryland before moving to the present interprovincial novitiate location at Old Mission Santa Barbara (California). “We’re very relaxed here,” he continued as he looked around the intimate group of new and “old” novices, ministers provincial, formation team members, and others gathered in the Friars Chapel: “This is a family celebration—a family gathering.”
The sense of family was reinforced in the remarks given by
Provincial Minister Jim Gannon of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ABVM) province. Following the proclamation of the Prologue of the Gospel of St. John (1:1-10), Father Jim mentioned that it reminded him of not one, but three separate generations of baptisms witnessed in his native Philadelphia. He began by mentioning the parish priest of his own childhood who, typically, immediately following the baptismal rite, would carry the infant in his arms from the rear of the church. The priest would then “present” the infant by placing it on the main altar, while he recited the Prologue, formerly known as the “last Gospel”. Fr. Jim shared that this same custom has been treasured in his own family for three generations now.
Fr. Jim challenged the incoming novitiate class members to work to understand more deeply the real meaning of the Prologue—“words full of grace and truth; grace upon grace, love upon love” and to apply its message to their own lives. “The Prologue of the Gospel of John is one of the most glorious foundational statements about Jesus Christ. Yet, we often skip over (it). John's story reveals two most fundamental affirmations about Jesus: Jesus is the presence of God's own life and that Jesus makes this life of God available to every human being.”
“For Francis of Assisi,” he continued, “ the Word became the core foundation of his renewed, revitalized life. The Word turned Francis of Assisi upside down and inside out. I firmly believe that no individual renewal or revitalization, no global renewal or revitalization of the Order of Friars Minor-- no national renewal or revitalization of the Franciscans in the United States will be successful unless we are committed to renewing our love for living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”
“Brothers, you are the next generation,” he concluded. “As you enter your novitiate year, enter deeply into the implication of the Prologue of John's Gospel. Enter deeply into the implications of the Incarnation, the Word made Flesh upon your life as a Friar Minor.”
During the actual reception of the new novices, each man was called by name and, along with two solemnly professed friars as witnesses, signed the Book of Reception. Bernard Keele (OLG) was welcome separately into “a time of probation” with the friars. Also in attendance were representatives of each of the six participating provinces, including:
Provincial Ministers Jim Gannon (ABVM), Jack Clark Robinson (OLG), Ralph Parthie (SH), David Gaa (SB), and Mark Soehner (SJB). Friar Basil Valente represented Holy Name Province.
Provincial Minister David Gaa, of the Province of St. Barbara, presented each new novice with a journal of his own “to write and express your journey.” “. . . . Be attentive to the workings of the Spirit and (even) the days you resist the challenge,” he urged them.
The service concluded with blessings of and by this year’s interprovincial novitiate team, consisting of
Friars Jeff Macnab (SB), Michael Plastic (HNP), and Michael Jennrich (SH), as well as
Sister Susan Rosenbach SSSF.
The new novices include: Andrew Aldrich (ABVM); Ian Grant, Loren Moreno, John Neuffer, Richard Phillip, Carlos Portillo, and Steven Young—all of Holy Name Province; Nhan Ton (SH); Andrew Dinegar, Salvador Mejia, and Joshua Tagoylo (SB); Raphael Ozoude and Matthew Ryan (SJB); and Bernard Keele (OLG), formerly of the Benedictine order. Still to arrive are Adrian Macor and Theodore Splinter of the Province of Christ the King (western Canada).
All photos: c. Dick Tandy OFM
Holy Names Province: (front, l to r): Novices Carlos Portillo, Richard Phillip, Steven Young, with Friar Basil Valente. (rear, l to r) Novices Loren Moreno, John Neuffer, Ian Grant.
Province of St Barbara: (front, l to r) Friars John Gutierrez, Freddie Rodriguez, Zeno Im. (rear, l to r) Friar John Gutierrez; novices: Josh Tagoylo, Salvador Mejia, Andrew Dinegar; Friar Jeff Macnab.
Sacred Heart Province: (l to r) Friars Jim Lause, Michael Jennrich; novice Nhan Ton; Friar Ralph Parthie.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province: (l) Friar Kevin Schroeder, novice Andrew Aldrich; Provincial Minister Jim Gannon.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Province: (l to r) Provincial Minister Jack Clark Robinson, Brother Bernard Keele (admitted to time of probation), Friar Jeff Macnab (SB).
St. John the Baptist Province: (l to r) Friar Karl Langenderfer, novice Rafael Ozoude, Provincial Minister Mark Soehner.
Old Mission Santa Barbara (Old Mission Church)
August 6, 2018/ /10:30 am
Solemnly Professed Under Ten Years
Holy Name College, Silver Spring, MD
August 7-10, 2018
Holy Name College, Silver Spring, MD
August 30, 2018 / 5:00 pm
September 8, 2018 / 11:00 am
Note location change:
Sung Sam Korean Catholic Church
1230 North San Fernando Road
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Take Highway 2, exit at San Fernando Road. Parking on Arvia Street.
Photo credit: Zeno Im: c. Peter Jordan
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue.
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com