Volume 4 ~ Issue 10; Release: June 1, 2019
- Announcing: Juntos Como Hermanos
- All-Formation Meeting in Colorado
- Tribute to Friar Louie Vitale
May 31, 2019
Dear Brothers,
May the Lord give you peace.
I am sending you two letters regarding how we are responding to the sexual abuse issue in the province. One is the press release going out this afternoon and the other is a letter I sent to all our board chairs, executive directors, and other collaborators. If you wish you can share either one or both of these with you staff, people in your ministry site or parish, or whomever you wish. After 3:00 p.m. today they are public documents. I wanted you to see these letters to keep you fully in the information loop. All the work we have been doing in Oakland has been the efforts of many people, both friars and lay. The Definitorium has been working on this issue since January and at our last meeting in Santa Barbara we reviewed the list and all things going public. We can be thankful we have many good people helping us.
The administrations in the past were leaders in setting an example of a response that was both compassionate and prophetic. They responded to the reality of their times in a positive manner, however, time has moved on and the issues have slightly changed. I hope all brothers are comfortable in the manner this administration has responded.
Let us continue to pray for all those who were victimized. Let us also continue to pray for each other.
Fraternally yours,
Fr. David Gaa, OFM
Provincial Minister
Photo: c. Peter Jordan
US 6: All Formators’ Meeting
Colorado Springs, Colorado
April 29- May 3, 2019
By Friar Eric Pilarcik
This first national gathering of OFM formators included representatives from each of the US 6 provinces involved in the R + R (Revitalization + Reconfiguration) process. Each level of initial formation was represented, including vocations, postulancy, novitiate and programs for temporary professed friars. There was also a separate presentation about JPIC (Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation) within the formation process. Topics for discussion at the meeting included: efforts to improve formation programs overall; communications, integration of JPIC in formation, and the proposed development of a cross-cultural immersion experience. There was also consideration of philosophy course requirements for Franciscan men on the ordination track as well as inclusion of Franciscan School of Theology (FST) courses in the Franciscan formation curriculum. Finally, there was ample time available for prayer, Mass, and fraternity.
This was the first inter-provincial meeting of formators held since the "R + R" vote in May, 2018. At this point, I am positively impressed at how well the R + R process has progressed to date, insofar as the friars’ commitment across the board to working together in order to improve our formation programs overall is concerned. Many thanks to
Friar Larry Hayes, Secretary of Formation for Holy Name Province. Larry kept the meeting moving and on track. Our own
VIcar-Provincial Martín Ibarra's made an important contribution to the meeting as well by bringing up the topics of FST involvement in the formation process as well as the creation of a post-novitiate "immersion experience" for all formation student friars.
Friars John Gutierrez (SB) and
Rommel Perez (SH) gave a presentation on the inter-provincial postulancy program in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Friars Jeff MacNab (SB) and
Michael Jennrich (SH) explained the novitiate program and issues, while
Friar Anthony Garibaldi discussed the program for temporary professed friars at Old Mission San Luis Rey as well as its connection with FST.
Friars Joe Rozanski (HNP) and
Jerry Bleem (SH) spoke about the program for temporary professed friars at the Chicago Theological Union (CTU).
Friars Greg Plata (ABVM),
Erasmo Romero (OLG),
Basil Valente (HNP) and
Eric Pilarcik (SB) led the presentation about vocations plans and merger efforts. Professor Maureen Day from FST gave a presentation on the topic
Listening, Learning and Accompaniment: Ministering to Young Adult Catholics, while Mr. Russell Testa, JPIC director for Holy Name Province, gave a presentation on how to increase the impact and presence of JPIC within our friar communities and in our formation programs.
Top Photo St. Francis Retreat Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Presenters: (l to r) Russ Testa, JPIC director (HNP);
Friars Greg Plata (ABVM), ofm, voc. dir and secr. of formation, Assumption Prov.;
Anthony Garibaldi (SB)
Joe Rozanski (HNP), and
Basil Valente (HNP).
Brother Roy Rivas-Nuno
Brother Roy died peacefully on Monday May 27, 2019 at New Bethany Retirement Community in Los Banos, California. He was 85 years old and 63 years professed.
The Mass of the Resurrection will be at 10 AM on Tuesday June 4, 2019 at St. Joseph Church, Los Banos. Reception to follow at New Bethany Care Center, 1441 Berkeley Drive, Los Banos, CA 93635. Internment at Old Mission Santa Barbara to take place at a later date.
Photo: Roy Rivas OFM. nd.
Friar Eugene Burnett
Father Eugene died today, Saturday May 25, peacefully at Mercy Center in Oakland. He was 93 years old, 68 years professed and 66 years ordained.
The Mass of the Resurrection will be at 10 AM on Saturday June 1, 2019 at Mercy Retirement Center, Oakland, California. Interment at Old Mission San Luis Rey to take place at a later date.
Photo: Eugene Burnett OFM. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
Friar Samuel Cabot
Our brother Sam died Sunday May 19, 2019, at home in Serra Retreat, Malibu, California. He was 83 years old and 61 years professed.
The Mass of the Resurrection was held on Memorial day, Monday May 27, 2019 at Serra Retreat Chapel, Malibu, California, with internment scheduled for a later date at the Old Mission San Luis Rey Cemetery, Oceanside, California.
Photo: Sam Cabot OFM. Photo: Courtesy, SB Province Archives
Allan Graff
Mr. Allan Graff, former St. Francis Center, Los Angeles, Board President, and long-time friend and supporter of the friars, died suddenly on Thursday May 30 2019. The Mass of the Resurrection will be at 4 PM on Tuesday June 4, 2019 at St. Brendan Church, 310 S. Van Ness Ave. (at 3rd St), Los Angeles, CA 90020.
Ex Prov. Min Louie Vitale
Subject of Feature Article
May 14, 2019
Friar Louie Vitale is the subject of a feature article, “Evangelization of Peace: The Radical Life of Father Louis Vitale”, in the online version of
Nations. Written by author Max McGee (who is Louie’s great nephew!) with photos by Ryan Devisser, the article explores the extensive social justice ministry of our confrere and former provincial minister.
Summarizing the life and ministry of his uncle, Max writes that:
At his core, Vitale is a reformer. His early days monitoring the skies for Russian aircraft led him to the barren deserts of the Nevada Test Site to promote peace. His close awareness of the fragility of human life has guided him through a lifetime of service and radical advocacy modeled after St. Francis and Christ.
Gala Performances at:
Sts. Simon & Jude Parish
Huntington Beach, California
May 17 & 18, 2019
The Road Home: A Franciscan Story, a gala musical performance based on the writings of St. Francis of Assisi, was presented at Sts. Simon & Jude Parish recently. Proceeds from the original production written by Michael Upward and Barbara Brennan, will go towards the parish’s “Paving the Way” debt. Pastor:
Friar Daniel Barica.
Lecture/ Workshop
A New Peace Paradigm
Presenters: Paul K. Chappell and Friar Larry Gosselin
St. Barbara Parish
Old Mission Santa Barbara, CA
June 8, 2019
Friar Larry Gosselin and Mr. Paul K. Chappell will present a morning-long lecture/workshop event at St. Barbara Parish on June 8. The topic is:
A New Peace Paradigm: A lecture Addressing Trauma, Technology and Humanity’s Future. Our brother Larry is a well-known figure in the Parish and throughout the city of Santa Barbara. Paul K. Chappell is Peace Literacy Director at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. For more information,
click here for the evite.
Photo: Friar Larry Gosselin. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
Immaculate Conception Province
Provincial Chapter 2019
Mount Alvernia Retreat Center
Wappingers Falls, New York
June 16-21, 2019
Our prayers and best wishes to our confreres in IC Province as they prepare for their Chapter.- ct
The 2019 Provincial Chapter of the Province of the Immaculate Conception has been scheduled for June 16-21, 2019 at Mount Alvernia Retreat Center, Wappingers Falls. The Chapter will officially open on Monday afternoon, June 17, with a plenary session. The Mass of the Holy Spirit will be celebrated by His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, who will also be giving the homily. Tuesday’s Mass will mark the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of our presence in Central America. Wednesday’s Mass will be the Solemn Profession of
Friar Victor Treminio, and Thursday’s Mass will be honoring the Jubilarians of the Province. The closing Mass of the Chapter will be for the Deceased of our Province.
Welcome SAS Alumni!
With the passing of our brother, Friar Mel Bucher, the publication of Bridges, the newsletter of the alumni of St. Anthony Seminary, Santa Barbara has been discontinued. Subscribers to the newsletter will now begin to receive an edited version OFM.FYI on a regular basis. As one SAF alumnus has written to us: “I appreciate the fact that someone will continue the outreach that has been the hallmark of the Province for the past 40 years or more. I look forward to more news over the years”. -- Allan Peck (Fr. Alcuin)
June 1 - Louis Vitale
June 6 - Michael Harvey
June 11 - Oscar Mendez
June 14 - Luis Baldonado
June 15 - Luis Guzman
June 17 - Larry Gosselin
June 20 - Martin Ibarra
June 21 - Leo Gonzales
June 21 - Peter Kirwin
June 23 - Melvin Jurisich
June 28 - David Paz
June 13 - Anthony Garibaldi
June 13 - Antonio Gregory
June 13 - Anthony Lavorin
June 13 - Anthony Luevano
June 13 - Rodrigo Ortiz
June 24 - John Gutierrez
June 24 - Louis Khoury
June 24 - John Kiesler
June 24 - Nghia Phan
June 24 - William Short
June 25 - Daniel Barica
June 25 - Guglielmo Lauriola
June 29 - Peter Boegel
June 29 - Peter Kirwin
2019 Calendar
~ From Lara Hansen ~
Chapter 2019
June 23–28 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
Capitular Meeting
June 29 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
First Profession
July 2 ~ Old Mission Santa Barbara, CA
Interprovincial Chapter of Mats
July 29 - August 2 ~ Denver, CO
First Reception of Novices
August 1 ~ Chapter of Mats, Denver
Definitorium Meeting
August 2-4 ~ Denver, CO
James Seiffert's Solemn Vows
August 31 ~ Old Mission San Luis Rey
Definitorium Meeting
September 23-27 ~ Old Mission San Luis Rey, CA
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com