Volume 4 ~ Issue 7; Release: April 15, 2019
- Chapter 2019: South Convocation Wrap Up
- James Seiffert OKd for Solemn Vows
- Friars to Attend Taize Meeting
Please Remember Chapter in Your Prayers:
Almighty God, Merciful Savior.
Send Your Holy Fire
To Enlighten our Night.
As we journey towards Chapter
May we become like Brother Fire
Playful and Robust and Strong.
Walking with our brother Francis
in the footprints of Jesus Christ,
May we make our way to You
Who live and reign in perfect Trinity and simple Unity.
And are glorified,
God Almighty, forever and ever.
Photos Below: Southern Convocation 2019, Dick (DT) Tandy OFM
Friars Jeff Macnab (l) and
Joe Chinnici ( r )
All Friars Invited!
Contemplative Days
Mount Irenaeus, New York
June 17-21, 2019
From Friars Kevin Kriso & Dan Riley (HNP)
Dear Brothers, We would like to invite you to Mt. Irenaeus’ 2019 “Contemplative Days,” June 17-21. For many years we have gathered with Franciscan men and women, and Camaldolese Benedictines, to enjoy and explore the quiet found here. We share common prayer, meals and conversation, knowing that we each have lived a contemplative life in various ways and learn from one another and deepen our own contemplative practices.
In the
Canticle, Francis praises the Lord through all of God’s Creation. Francis came to believe all things come from God, are inter-related and show us something of God. In Merton’s writing “Hagia Sophia” he similarly states that “there is in all things… a hidden wholeness.” Our theme this year is finding the hidden wholeness through contemplation.
Mt. Irenaeus is located in western New York State and is comprised of 378 acres of trails, woodland, ponds and open spaces as well as a chapel, hermitages and a large timber-framed common house, the House of Peace. Most of each day will be “open” so that we have time to read, rest, pray and roam around, reading “The Book of Creation.” We will also meet as a group each day for discussions and for communal prayer. For those who might want to do some physical indoor or outdoor labor, that will also be gratefully accommodated!
We have availability for single occupancy accommodations in the House of Peace and in a number of cabins and hermitages. In keeping with contemplative time, we hope to give participants enough space to be in solitude as they wish, so we are taking reservations on a first come, first-served basis. The Contemplative Days begin mid-afternoon on Monday, June 17 and conclude by lunchtime on Friday, June 21.
Throughout the world there is a hunger and need for all of us to take time with our relationship with God and listen to what is ours to do. Many times, more “practical” concerns compete for our attention but in reality, taking time with God is probably the most “practical” thing we can do. Maybe this letter is an invitation to you from God to take some time away?
Check out our website (
www.mountainonline.org) to view pictures, read some stories- information that might connect you to visuals that would help you see and experience us from afar! If you are wondering about a longer stay or joining the Mountain Community, Click on the
for-friars link under the
Our Life tab to learn more about this opportunity. Contact Kevin Kriso, OFM Guardian of Holy Peace Friary:
kkriso@sbu.edu and he will send more of our primary documents, recent newsletters and such.
Please contact us by Wednesday, May 1 for a place in our Contemplative Days. You can use our phone number 585-973-2470 or e-mail Michelle Marcellin, our Office Coordinator, at
With fraternal affection,
Dan Riley, ofm
Mt. Irenaeus
Kevin Kriso, ofm
Guardian Holy Peace Friary
Mt. Irenaeus
Photos: Courtesy of Holy Name Province.
Friar James Seiffert
OK’d for Solemn Profession
Old Mission San Luis Rey
Oceanside, California
August 31, 2019
During their recent (March 18-22) meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona members of the Definitorium voted unanimously to recommend our brother,
Friar James Seiffert, for solemn profession. Their recommendation was approved by
Provincial Minister David Gaa. The solemn vow celebration is slated for Saturday, August 31, 2019 at Old Mission San Luis Rey. Congratulations to our brother, James!!
Also at the March meeting,
Secretary of Formation and Vicar Provincial Martín Ibarra presented his comprehensive report on all levels of formation to the Definitorium. According to the minutes of the meeting, “They (members of the Definitorium) discussed various aspects of Martin’s excellent report and voted to accept the recommendations that the Formation Council proposed. The Formation Council made recommendations for the brothers in Temporary Profession and the Definitorium voted unanimously in favor of renewal of temporary vows for the following:
Friars Mark McPherson, Henry Djojo, Bradley Tuel, Antonio Luevano, Michael Lomas, and
Pat Groves.
Photo: James Seiffert OFM. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
A Vocations Eye View:
2019 RE Congress
Anaheim, California
March 22-24, 2019
From Friar Zeno Im
Perfect weather! Thousands of thousand people! What a perfect place for introverts! This was my impression when I arrived at the Anaheim Convention Center for the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Last year, it took about a week for me to recover from the Congress. Although, it doesn’t mean that I was dragging myself to be there. I was also excited. The Congress is the biggest Catholic gathering event in the US. When I entered and saw the people of faith, I felt warmth in my heart. Here, in the Congress, people are looking for knowledge and wisdom of God. Moreover, people enjoyed to see each other. On those three days, Anaheim Convention Center was the house of God.
When I arrived, a lot of people had already entered and were waiting for their first session to start. With helps from
Friars Tony Luevano and
Michael Lomas, the vocations booth was already set. Right next to us was FST booth, so we shared spaces. This year, we got the corner area, so I felt more people were passing in front of us. The Friday was the calmest day for us. I guess many people have to go either work or school on Friday. So, I had more time to look around the Convention Center. When I was walking around the booths, I was surprised that so many Franciscan organizations had their booths all around the Convention, including our Franciscan Renewal Center, with their coffee stand!
I also met so many friars. Beside the friars from our province, I met guys from other provinces including
Friar Paul Smith from the Canadian province. I also met Capuchins, Conventuals, and Franiscan Friars of the Renewal. One lady who was passing by us told me that she never saw so many friars in one day, in one space. We even had “Franciscan” Mass on Friday, celebrated by
Friar Dan Horan (HNP). One thing that touched and impressed me was that all the friars, including the guys from other provinces, were willing to help our vocation booth. They naturally talked with the people in the Congress and pulled them over to us. That helped us, the vocation office, a lot.
Throughout the Congress, I couldn’t attend any of sessions. But I saw that the theme of the year was ‘Thirsting for Justice.’ I saw the program for the weekend and many sessions were about immigration issues. Surely, immigration issues are the biggest and most immediate problems that we are facing. I thought it was very thoughtful that Archbishop Gomez mentioned several times about St. Oscar Romero during the Mass on the last day.
Overall, it was exciting and great experience, although, as I said, it took a week for me to recover, again. Like St. Paul said, we are members of one body in Christ. I really felt that one at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.
Photo: Zeno Im OFM. Photo: c. Peter Jordan
2/3 of the Vocations Office:
Friars Sebastian Sandoval
Eric Pilarcik (r).
Photo: courtesy, Sebastian Sandoval OFM
Friars Tony Luevano (l) and
Sebastian Sandoval (r).
Photo: Courtesy, Sebastian Sandoval OFM
Two SB Friars to attend!
Taizè, France
July 7- 14, 2019
Two of our confrères,
Friars Juan-José Jauregui and
Dick (DT) Tandy, will be among those in attendance at the upcoming V Chapter
Under Ten which will take place in Taizè (France) from July 7-14, 2019.
According to a release received from the OFM Curia in Rome: “To facilitate the participation of all the
Under Ten friars of the Order in this time of grace, the chapter work will be divided into three phases: Pre-Chapter, Chapter, Post-Chapter, structured according to the model: “
See,” “
Judge,” “
Act,” respectively. For more extensive information on the Chapter process, see the letter from
Minister General Michael A. Perry:
Brother Alois, Prior of the ecumenical community has written about the upcoming week: “We will discover and rediscover that this intimacy with God is not a complicated search; it is simple and accessible to all. In a simple prayer, we renew a relationship with the Creator, with Christ, with the Holy Spirit. And even if our prayer remains poor, Christ welcomes us as we are, with what is good, but also with our inner contradictions, and even with our faults. Simplicity of heart brings us into this mystery: our identity lies in a relationship with Christ. We receive the meaning of our life from Christ. It consists in being loved and in loving.”
While the Chapter, which will take place in Taizé, will be attended by some representatives of each Entity of the Order, the Pre-Chapter and the Post-Chapter events will be held in the Entities themselves with the involvement of all the Under Ten friars.” Previous chapters celebrated were at Santiago de Compostela (Spain, 1995); Canindé (Brazil, 2001); Holy Land (2007); Zapopan / Guadalajara (Mexico, 2012).
We wish our confreres every blessing on this journey of faith. And no, they do not need any one to come along to assist them with their baggage, thank you.
Top Right Photo: Taizé Community
Dick (DT) Tandy OFM
Photo: c. Peter Jordan
Juan-José Jauregui OFM.
Photo: c. Peter Jordan
A Call to be Saints, Founders and Prophets:
Franciscan Writings Addressing Contemporary Issues
Sheraton Westport Chalet
St. Louis, Missouri
June 21 – 24, 2019
From Franciscan Musings
(April, 2019), newsletter of the Franciscan Federation:
As we celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of the three volume Franciscan Sources, we invite Mary Elizabeth Imler, OSF and
Michael Blastic, OFM to use the lens of these writings and the values of the Third Order Rule and Life to approach contemporary issues.
We will be inspired to use our Franciscan Sources and our Third Order Rule and Life to:
Use a contemplative stance to heal the clerical abuse issue in our Church
Consider our values of poverty and humility to face institutional and material loss in our congregations. Engage the movement of conversion to confront the divisions of today’s society.
Registration is available on the website under "Gathering", at
Cover: Franciscan Sources
Mrs. Jeannie Fronske, the sister-in-law of Father Eddie Fronske OFM, died Saturday March 30, 2019.
Mr. Clifton Wayne Blackburn, the father of Father Michael Blackburn, OFM, died today Tuesday April 9, 2019 in Tarzana, CA. He was 100 years old.
Mr. Donald Rostagno, the husband of May Lotito and
brother-in-law of Father Floyd Lotito, OFM (d. 2009) has died. He was 84 years old.
Bishop Francis Anthony Quinn, retired Bishop of Sacramento, California died on the Feast of St. Joseph, March 19, 2019. The current bishop, Jaime Soto, writes:
The Most Reverend Francis Anthony Quinn, the seventh Bishop of Sacramento, and Diocesan Bishop from 1979 to 1993, has died today, March 21, 2019 in an assisted living facility in Sacramento. He was 97 years old. At the time of his death, he was the oldest living Bishop in the United States. Bishop Quinn was known for his simple lifestyle, his advocacy for the laity, and his love for the poor. While bishop of the diocese, he chose to live in a one-room space in the basement of the Cathedral Rectory. During his nighttime strolls through downtown Sacramento he got to know many of the men and women who lived on the
streets. Whenever a homeless person would ask him for a blessing, he began by asking that person to give him a blessing first. Quinn Cottages, a 60-unit transitional housing project for homeless individuals, bears his name.
Bishop Quinn also began putting into place protocols to protect children and young people from sexual abuse. He established the first review board. He was intent on bringing programs and events to the Diocese to encourage and inspire both men and women to lead and assume leadership roles in parish governance, educational, liturgical, financial and social ministries of the Diocese. He was a skilled communicator who could create an immediate connection with his listeners. He became a media star in the written press, both national and local, as well as on local television. Catholics and non-Catholics alike were accustomed to his regular appearances on the evening news. Protestant pastors often referred to him as their pastor too, "the pastor of the pastors." He was also widely admired in the Jewish community when he became the first Christian leader to reach out to a local synagogue after it had been firebombed.
After his retirement in 1993, he spent thirteen years ministering to the Native Americans living in southern Arizona. The clergy, religious, and faithful, indeed the entire Diocese are thankful to God for Bishop Quinn's ministry among us. Countless people in Northern California will miss him, from the powerful in government and business to the most humble in the pews and on the streets. Join me in commending our brother into the merciful arms of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Letters of condolence to Bishop Quinn's family may be sent to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Donnell Quinn, 14 Willotta Drive, Fairfield, CA 94534.
Photo: Emeritus Bishop Francis A. Quinn. Photo: Diocese of Sacramento
New Release:
The Voice of Victims, The Voice of the Crucified: A Franciscan Perspective
by David B. Couturier, OFM Cap.
Franciscan Institute Publications
c. 2019; 111 pages, $19.95
ISBN: 978-1-57659-4353
*Ebook is available through online vendors 978-1-57659-436-0
Press Release:
This is a book for all those horrified and disillusioned by the abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. It begins by detailing the way that the Church has created a culture of cruelty and corruption and then develops a theological and spiritual platform for hope and change. This text relies on the spirituality of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi to indicate a path of reform, renewal and recovery.
“If our church is to survive this great moment of tribulation, it must look deeply into the wounds of its own victims and all victims of injustice. It must turn its focus away from those who hawk power and privilege and hear the voices of victims, without trying to silence, muffle, distract or dismiss them.
The work of victims is the work of the church; their voice is the voice of God today. God speaks in no other language. God is understood in no other medium than in the cries of the dismissed, despised and deprived.
The voice of victims is the voice of God today. It is the voice of the Crucified. It must become the voice of the Church.”
David B. Couturier, OFM Cap., is Executive Director of the Franciscan Institute and Associate Professor of Theology and Franciscan Studies at St. Bonaventure University. He also holds an appointment as the Dean R. Hoge Professor of Pastoral Planning and Church Management at the Graduate Theological Foundation.
David B. Couturier OFM Cap. Photo: St. Bonaventure University
Dates & Theme Announced
February 20 (Youth Day)
February 21-23, 2020
The 2020 Los Angeles (California) Religious Education Congress will be held at the Anaheim Convention Center February 21-23, with Youth Day scheduled for February 20. The theme of next year’s event is:
Live Mercy- Be Holy/ Vive la Misericordia y la santidad. Speakers, workshop events, and liturgies will be announced as preparations proceed. See:
In case you missed the
2019 RE Congress, you can get valuable information from these links:
Beginning with Congress 2010, we have live-streamed our events in the Anaheim Arena. This year, we again had live streams from Youth Day and Congress Arena events and Spanish events held in North Hall. You can find our three playlists — Youth Day, English and Spanish — and more on our YouTube RECongress Channel. If you didn't get a chance to see the sessions live, you can still watch them online.
- Watch our English (Arena) playlist here.
- Find our Spanish (North Hall) playlist here.
- See the Youth Day playlist here.
Watch our YouTube RECongress Channel
Relive RECongress in Photos
Though RECongress 2019 has passed, it's not over! Keep checking our site this week as we continue to add photos from Congress, including this one from Sacred Space. And don't forget about our online video archive of RECongress on our YouTube Channel. You can find links to our YouTube Channel off our photos page.
Find our RECongress 2019 Photo page
RECongress Registration Statistics
Congress 2019 brought attendees from around the world! Our foreign registrations totaled 681, with attendees from Canada (388 registered), Australia (160), Colombia (3), Ireland (14), Italy (4), Mexico (42), New Zealand (19), Philippines (8), Poland (7), Spain (5), United Kingdom (26), Vietnam (12), and one each from Argentina, Belize, China, Guam, Kenya, Mariana Islands, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Singapore and the Virgin Islands.
And our U.S. registrants represented (nearly) every state in the nation — (just 7 were missing)! On our RECongress statistics page you can find details on the number of registrations by state, and there you can find our interactive map to see how many came from your state.
All photos courtesy of RE Congress.
From Friar Eddie Fronske:
Please thank the friars for their prayers. I get to keep my eye; I'm sure it was all the prayers. I will continue getting MRIs to make sure the cancer doesn't spread, but it was an MRI that showed the doctor that surgery on my eye was not necessary. Please THANK the brothers for their prayers. Love and thanks, Eddie
Photo: Eddie Fronske, OFM c. Peter Jordan
April 1 - Vincent Mesi
April 3 - Joachim Grant
April 5 - Tom Frost
April 12 - Dennis Duffy
April 16 - Franklin Fong
April 16 - John Kiesler
April 18 - Jeff Macnab
April 24 - Nghia Phan
April 25 - Miguel Obregon
April 26 - Louis Khoury
April 27 - John Tran Nguyen
April 28 - Brian Trawick
April 3 - Richard McManus
April 4 - Ben Innes
April 5 - Vincent Nguyen
April 8 - Alberto Villafan
April 12 - Sung Wook Im
April 19 - Angelo Cardinalli
April 23 - Jorge Hernandez
April 25 - Mark Schroeder
April 25 - Mark McPherson
April 27 - Rene Juarez
2019 Calendar
~ From Lara Hansen ~
Renewal of Profession Day
April 16
May 20-24 ~ Old Mission San Luis Rey, CA
Chapter 2019
June 23–28, 2019 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com