Volume 4 ~ Issue 9; Release: May 15, 2019
- Keith Warner: Africa Report
From Friar Keith Warner:
Transforming Catholic Social Ministries
in Africa
Miller Center for Social Entrpreneurship
Santa Clara University, California
Dear Brothers,
In March 2019, I delivered two social enterprise workshops to networks of Catholic social ministries in Africa, one comprised of religious Sisters; the other, of Jesuit social ministry centers. Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University is collaborating with Catholic social ministries in both Africa and America to respond to the same challenges as social enterprises: creating effective exits from poverty, measuring social impact, and raising funds to sustain their missions. Leaders of these social ministries have asked us to accompany them as they transform into social enterprises. Recent results in Africa are quite promising! You can learn more in this article I have written: " Catholic Social Ministries”
Top Right Photo: Friar Keith Warner with Sister Winnie Tugumisirize, a Sister of Good Counsel, based in Mbarara, Uganda. Her congregation’s charism is to teach girls and young women
All photos, Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship, SCU
An attempt at a group photo of the 35 Sisters gathered for a social enterprise workshop in Nairobi. The women in yellow habits are Little Sisters of St Francis, based in Jinja, Uganda
Sister Francesca, a Missionary Benedictine Sister, is an herbalist and budding social entrepreneur. She is depicted here showing off her herbal garden to the Sisters.
Serving Hope Gala
St. Anthony Foundation
San Francisco
April 25, 2019
Minister Provincial David Gaa with Heather Holmes, news reporter for Channel 2, San Francisco, at the recent “Serving Hope” gala.
Photo Credit: SA Foundation
Vocations Ministry on the Move!
Recent Inquiry Events at OMSLR, SJB
Our hardworking provincial vocations ministers are on the move! Many thanks to
Friars Eric Pilarcik, Sebastian Sandoval, and
Zeno Im for their consistent efforts to “meet and greet” men inquiring about our Franciscan way of life. Two recent “come and see” events are shown in these photos—from Old Mission San Luis Rey and from St. Francis Retreat, San Juan Bautista, California. Many thanks to local friars who hosted these important discernment opportuniti4es.
We all know vocations work can be very demanding. We recently asked our Vocations Team to reflect on their ministry. Complete responses are here below. An edited version will appear in the May issue of the Friars Forward newsletter produced by the US-6 provincials.
What have you found to be the most rewarding aspect/s of your work?
Friar Sebastian Sandoval
- I have the opportunity and blessing to walk with discerners in figuring out their vocation in life, whether that be to religious life, married life or single life. It provides me with the opportunity to reconfirm to myself why I began this journey into religious life.
Friar Eric Pilarcik
- For me, it has been encouraging to walk with some really excellent, talented men at a unique point in their life where they are pausing to consider “maybe God is calling me to a new path.” And then to see them happened to the unknown and give it a try, which ever new vocation it might be. Plus, I did not expect this “internal ministry” to be so personally rewarding… It has been really great to work with Sebastian, Zeno, Oscar and many other friars in promoting the Franciscan vacation.
Friar Zeno Im
- I still remember the feeling that I had on the day of interview, last May. That was the first interview that I participated as an assistant to the vocation director. I was so moved that I worked with the 7 guys who came for interview. I am a millennial, so I know that religion is not an important part of our lives. It is not we against institutional religion but simply millennials don’t care about religion. But still, we had 7 guys. On that weekend, I thought that even though my generation didn’t care about religion, some still find interest in Jesus and his works on Earth. For me, that was sign from God. We are doing God’s works and our works still inspire others and make them to think about joining us. For me, that was rewarding.
Can you find all the friars in these vocations promotion events?
Photos Courtesy, Vocations Ministry, St. Barbara Province
What’s Happening in Tucson?
• Friar Peter Verheggen Jubilee
• Friar Max Hottle Birthday
By Bob Brady OFM
During its recent Convocation of Priests,the Diocese of Tucson honored our brother,
Friar Peter A Verheggen on the occasion of his 70th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Ad multos anos, Peter!
Copy of Apostolic Blessing
Friars met recently to celebrate
Friar Max Hottle’s 84th birthday.
Shown in the photo: (l-r) Steve Barnufsky, Carol Dieringer, Max Hottle, Arthur Espelage, Manuel Viera, Eddie Fronske (photo by Bob Brady).
Friar Abraham Joseph (HNP)
Released from DHS Detention
Diaconate Ordination set for May 21
Friar Abraham Joseph was granted a bond release from the Department of Homeland Security and has returned home to Blessed Giles Friary in Chicago. Abraham appeared before an immigration judge yesterday morning who ordered Abraham released on a relatively low bond. He was moved from the detention facility in Kenosha, Wisconsin overnight and released. During this time, Abraham retains his status as a legal resident and will be able to resume his studies and normal living activities.
Friar Abraham is expected to be ordained to the transitional diaconate at noon on May 21 at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. The ordaining bishop will be the Most Reverend Mark Bartosic, auxiliary of the Chicago Archdiocese. according to
Friar Joseph Rozansky, assistant director of post-novitiate formation.
Photo: Abraham Joseph OFM. Credit: HN Province
Friar John Boissy (SJB) on Summer Assignment
At Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
From Friar Tim Lamb (SJB)
Friar John Boissy will begin a staggered year of a Supervised Time in the Province by working and living with Friar Page Polk (SJB) and the St. Barbara friars this summer at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. This internship will include some time of learning catechesis from their top-of-the-line program at the Casa. He will return to Chicago in the Fall to complete his bachelor’s degree at DePaul University, with the hope of further time in Scottsdale during the Winter/Spring of 2020. -- Welcome, John! E
xcerpt from FriarNews
, SJB Province, Toni Cashnelli, Editor.
Photo: John Boissy OFM. Credit: SJB Province
Friar Victor Terminio (IC)
Solemn Profession June 19
The Solemn Profession of
Friar Victor Treminio, who is stationed at the Convento San Francesco in Rome while studying at the Pontifical University of the Antonianum, has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 19 at a Solemn Liturgy at 5:00 PM during the Immaculate Conception Province Chapter. Friar Victor is currently making a retreat at the Santuario della Verna, where St. Francis received the Sacred Stignata. Congratulations, Victor. Many blessings.
Photo: Victor Terminio OFM. Credit: IC Province
Friars & Firefighters Celebrate
Feast of St. Florian
May 4, 2019
From Friar Ed Arambasich (SH)
Firefighters throughout the world on May 4th celebrate Firefighter International Day and the Feast of St. Florian their patron saint. Firefighters gathered on the third, fourth, and 5th of May for a special blessing for safety and for courage to continue their good works among people. (
Friar Ed Arambasich, who is Chaplain of the Joliet (IL) Fire Department, has spent time in our province at the St. Anthony Foundation in San Francisco.
Photo: Friar Ed Arambasich with Joliet (IL) firefighters. Credit: SH Province
Father Kenan was one of teachers at the SAT program in Berkeley 2001-02 - a wonderful caring awesome teacher! He will be missed!--
Brother Ed Arambasich (SJB)
May 1 - Roy Rivas
May 2 - Rene Juarez
May 4 - Joseph Baur
May 8 - Jeff Shackleton
May 8 - Michael Higgins
May 10 - Maximillian Hottle
May 15 - Ignatius DeGroot
May 15 - Michael Lomas
May 19 - Evan Howard
May 19 - William Short
May 23 - Javier Garcia
May 25 - Bradley Tuel
May 29 - Arturo Noyes
May 1 - Roy Rivas
May 14 - Matthias Tumulty
May 19 - Ivo Toneck
May 26 - Philip Garcia
May 29 - Raymond Bucher
2019 Calendar
~ From Lara Hansen ~
Definitorium Meeting
May 20-24 ~ Old Mission Santa Barbara, CA
Chapter 2019
June 23–28, 2019 ~ Franciscan Renewal Center, Scottsdale, AZ
Interprovincial Chapter of Mats
July 29 - August 2 - Denver, CO
Definitorium Meeting
August 2-4 - Denver, CO
Definitorium Meeting
September 23-27 ~ Old Mission San Luis Rey, CA
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 1st and 15th of each month. Editor: Charles Talley, ofm.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue
Send submissions to: ofm.fyi@gmail.com