Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church 
Weekly News For
Sunday July 9, 2017
Dear Friends,

The story of Cinderella has long been a favorite of young and old. Did you know the Bible has a Cinderella story?

Well, it does - sort of. The story of the courtship of Rebekah in Genesis 24 doesn't have a glass slipper at the center of it, but it does have a gold nose ring!

Being a story from a different culture, it's about a different style of marriage than what we're used to hearing about. This is an arranged marriage, and the courtship is conducted via proxy: Abraham dispatches a servant to find a suitable wife for his son, Isaac. The tests the servant puts the comely Rebekah through have nothing to do with her shoe size - and they're like nothing we've ever imagined, either! But it's all very touching, even romantic in its own way. And everybody does live happily ever after.

There's a lot of talk these days about biblical family values. A story like this one shows how much things have changed over the centuries. But one thing hasn't changed: the greatest of all values, in families or otherwise, is our relationship with God. Although Genesis 24 contains scant reference to God, the figure of God the covenant-
maker looms over everything. The marriage arranged that day long ago led to the birth of Jacob - and, through his sons, to the 12 tribes of Israel. God's purpose will succeed - no matter what.

Come to worship on Saturday evening in the Annex for an intimate communion service, or join us on Sunday morning for worship in the Sanctuary, with special music by Jonathan Yount. Hope to see you there!

Pastor Carl
Sunday, July 9, 2017
14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Genesis 24:1-34, 42-67

Dr. Wilton preaching:   "THE BIBLE'S CINDERELLA STORY"

10:00 a.m. - Worship/Healing Prayers
11:00 a.m. - Special Coffee Hour for Courtney Rzeplinski
This Sunday there will be a time of healing prayer at the front of the Sanctuary. Please come forward - if you would like to offer or receive prayers for healing.

5:00 p.m. in the Annex
Communion will be served

Join us for a special coffee hour this Sunday in the Chittick Lounge.  This Sunday we will be saying goodbye to Courtney Rzeplinski who has accepted another position at a church in Oldwick, NJ.  Thank you to Courtney who has been our Youth Connection Coordinator for the past 5 years.  
Prayerfully Consider
"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."  Philippians 4:6

The Prayer Person for the week is Julie Budrick. Let us be prayerfully aware of Julie, a well as all our members and friends.

Prayer Concerns: The family of Dianne Weber (Inlaw of the Coppolinos); Ched Church; Loren Donley; Tom D'Amore; Despina Koch; Robert Morphet (nephew of Sharon Hock); Marilyn Rice.

Long term concerns: Jacob Basilotto; Diantha and George Brown; Elsie Cason; Kevin Conheeney; Loren Donley; Audrey Kerber (mother of Joanne McGuire); Bruce Larsen; Maryanne Leach; Karen Liebhauser; Margie McGhee; Jim Millar; Edith Pula; Zach Russo; Ralph and Nancy Smith; Jim Tabor; Les Thornton; Stan Thornton; Bill Williams; Jacquelin Woods; Gwen Whitworth; Lari Zero (relative of Mary McSweeney); those struggling with addictions and mental illness.

Military: Kyle Barker; Sarah Davis Brown; Morgan Daniels Colberg; Michael Fahey III; Matthew Warren; all those in our nation's service.
         PPPC NEWS

News and Notes
- The Session will be meeting this Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room.  The committees will not be meeting this night, only the Session.  (Session members, please let the office know if you are unable to make the Session meeting.)  
MID-YEAR GIVING STATEMENTS  have been emailed/mailed this week.  If you would like your statement emailed or if you have any questions, please contact Donna Ferry in the church office. 
DIGITAL PICTURE DIRECTORY IS NOW AVAILABLE - There are a limited amount of printed copies available in the office.  To get your digital copy please call or email the office.
USHERS NEEDED - Over the past year we have unfortunately lost a few of our regular ushers.  We are looking for 4 or 5 additional adult volunteers to serve as ushers for our Sunday morning service (but we will gladly welcome more!) Each team has four ushers and a team ushers approximately four times a year. If you are willing and feeling called to serve as an usher, please contact Scott Smith. You may find him in the back of the church as an usher many Sundays, covering, or you can call him at 732-840-0279.  
CHURCH PICNIC - Once again the Church Picnic will  be held at Riverfront Park, Point Pleasant Boro, on August 6, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m.

Worship with Communion begins at 10:00 a.m. followed by the picnic under the Pavilion. There will be food and games (including the playground). Attached to the Maxson Avenue Municipal Beach, this facility has a beach area that can be used for fishing or crabbing. Swimming is permitted in a section with the lifeguard. Cost is $1 per person to swim, which covers the cost of the lifeguard.

We ask that you sign up to bring either an Appetizer, Salad or Dessert. You can email Kerry Jones at [email protected] and let her know how many and what you will bring or look for the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.  

Like last year, we ask that you wear your blue Point Pleasant Presbyterian Tee Shirt.  If you would like to purchase one they are available for $15 each in the office.  

Last week we had a meeting with Erin from Camp Johnsonburg, to discuss our week of Day Camp, August 14-18. We found out our theme for the week is "Branching Out in Community." 

We are excited to say that we have 31 registered children so far. If you haven't signed your child up yet, we hope you will take the opportunity to do so this week.

We'd like to appeal to the congregation for some help with regard to this new program for PPPC. We are in need of some financing to help camp be successful. 

We will have 3 counselors who will be housed in our CE Annex that need to be fed - and we all know that young adults like to eat! There are options for this. Money would help to provide breakfast and lunch foods. We're thinking they may want to spend some evenings at the boardwalk for dinner and that's where the money would be helpful also. We also discussed the possibility that there may be a family whose child is attending camp (or maybe not), that would like to host the counselors for a dinner meal. You may also choose to supply a meal and bring it over to church to share with the counselors at dinner time.

In addition to providing for the counselors, we will need juice boxes and light snacks for our campers.

If you can help us, please send checks to the church office with a note in the memo section saying "Johnsonburg." If you have snacks or juice boxes, please
drop them off in the office. Any and all help is most graciously appreciated! No
amount is too small!

Thank you!
Sue and Frank Perkowski
Dear Congregation,

This Sunday will be my last Sunday at the Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church. I have been a member here since my confirmation, back in 2001, and on staff since 2012. It has been my absolute pleasure to serve the youth of this congregation over the last five years. I have laughed, cried, celebrated and stressed with our youth over the years. I myself have grown so much from my time with them and with the members of the church. I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your outpouring of love and support to me, both during my younger years and into my adult life. Thank you for helping to mold me into the Christian woman I am today. I wish you all well in the future endeavors of our church. May God bless you and keep you forever.

Courtney (Norton) Rzeplinski

Planning Has Begun for Our Gift Auction

It's been a number of years since the church has had a gift auction, but those who were around at that time know how much fun the event is - and what a warm feeling results from helping support the church!

They also know it takes a significant amount of planning.

A dedicated committee has already begun meeting. They're tentatively planning a luncheon event at a local restaurant for Sunday afternoon, October 22. Luncheon tickets will be sold at cost or close to cost; it's the auction that raises the funds. More details will be announced soon.

Gift auctions run on donations: both smaller items that can be gathered into gift baskets for a silent auction, as well as more substantial goods and services that will be sold at the live auction part of the afternoon.

Please start looking around your home or business for good-quality items that can be auctioned. The field is wide open: antiques, jewelry, artwork, whatever. Or maybe you have a service that can be auctioned, such as professional services or a vacation rental or time-share.

The committee will also be approaching local businesses for donations, so if you have any ideas along those lines, they'd love to hear about them!

All proceeds, after expenses, will benefit the church. So, please mark your calendar now and plan for a fun afternoon!

Interfaith Hospitality Network 
Arriving July 30 

IHN is a national organization that provides housing and support programs for homeless families. While searching for permanent housing, families stay in participating churches for a week at a time.

PPPC hosts families from IHN four times a year. Host churches have opportunities to minister to the families in a variety of ways and oftentimes those doing the serving (us) find themselves being blessed in return.

There are several ways to become involved with IHN. If many people would step up and do one part, the ministry would not seem overwhelming and more people would take ownership of this ministry. Here are some of the responsibilities needing to be done each time:

COOKS: An evening meal needs to be cooked each night the families are with us. Each cook is notified ahead of time as to the number of families staying that week and if there are any dietary restrictions.

HOSTS: Hosts are those who come and spend time with the families in the evening to make them feel welcome. Some hosts may help kids with homework and play with the children to give the parent(s) a break.

OVERNIGHTERS: Each night two people from PPPC are needed to stay overnight. This is for safely as well as hospitality reasons. This is not a hard job. Overnighters may sleep on the bunks upstairs in the fellowship area of the annex or on cots in one of the Sunday school rooms downstairs. Why not find a "bunk buddy" and give this a try? Those who stay overnight come around 9 pm and leave early the next morning.  We are fortunate to have so many last week sign up to be overnighters. Thank you!

SHOPPERS: This person or persons shop for lunch and breakfast items for the guests. There is money for this.

ADDITIONAL NEEDS: In addition to these ministries, we need people to do laundry once the families have left. That involves taking a pillow case full of dirty sheets home to wash, then returning them clean and folded.

Do you have a trailer hitch? We need one or more persons with a trailer hitch on a truck/van to move the IHN trailer to the next host church. Sometimes it is just across the street to St. Mary's.

Our next week to host is July 30-August 6, 2017. Look for the sign-up sheet in the narthex soon and PLEASE sign up. If you have any questions call Dorothy Tolley at 732-892-9306.

Congratulations to Matthew J. Drew and Matthew J. Powner for their achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout.
Since 1929, Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church has been the charter sponsor for Troop 6.  The Troop 6 does it all...all weather camping, Pumpkin' Chunkin', dodgeball, canoeing, kayaking, fresh water, deep sea and surf fishing, backpacking, night hikes, summer camps, winter hikes, ultimate frisbee, skeet shooting, climbing, rappelling, geocaching, high adventure trips and
 much, much more.  They have
been to Canada, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, New Mexico, 
Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington DC and of course all around New Jersey.  

The life lessons learned in Scouting form a foundation to embrace opportunity and overcome obstacles in life. Scouting is for all ages. There are many different Cub and Boy Scouts who meet here at the church and they have activities planned year round.  If you would like your child to participate in Scouting or would like to learn more, please call the office or Scoutmaster Jim McGuire at 908-783-7193.


Sunday, July 9
10:00 a.m. - Worship/Healing Prayers
11:00 a.m. - Special Coffee Hour for Courtney Rzeplinski

Monday, July 10
6:30 p.m. - Eagle Scout Board of Review

Tuesday,   July 11
10:00 a.m. - Busy Hands, Fellowship Room
10:00 a.m. - Eye Openers, Chittick Lounge
6:00 p.m. - Session Meeting

Wednesday,  July 12
9:00 a.m. - Women's Breakfast at the Rainbow Diner
Thursday, July 13
8:00 a.m. - Men's Breakfast at US Subs
Friday, July 14
9:00 a.m. - International Students Class, Chittick Lounge

Saturday, July 15
5:00 p.m. - Saturday Communion Service, CE Annex
Sunday, July 16
10:00 a.m. - Worship

This Month's Birthdays Birthday Blessings

July 9 Kelly Iadarola
July 10 John Cutting, Jason Decker
July 11 Carol Eckenfelder
July 12 
July 13 Laura Landre, Marjorie Watson
July 14 Claire Pula
July 15 Doris Pennypacker, Lauren Rauffer
July 16 Thomas Reinhold
July 17 Kelly Hughes, Lauren Hughes
July 18 Sara Hoey, JoAnna Liotta
July 19 Eileen Jinks, Ruthanne Paulus
July 20 Emily Dunston,  Isabella Reid, Scott Smith
July 21 
July 22 Erin McGuire, Sandra Pasola, Sarah Sarbello
July 23 J. Louis Couche, Bill Findlay Jr., Deborah McCrossan
July 24 Steven McDermitt, Marion Search
July 25  Vivian Reid, Virginia Waldie
July 26
July 27 
July 28 Nancy Pazienza
July 29 
July 30 Carol Bonebrake, George Koch, Jonathan Yount
July 31


Sunday, July 30 - IHN Arrives
Sunday, August 6, 10:00 am - Church Picnic and Communion Service, Riverfront Park, Point Boro
August 14-18 - "Johnsonburg On the Road" Day Camp




The Rev. Carl Wilton, Ph.D., Pastor

The Rev. Linda Chase, Associate Pastor


Office Staff 

Kim Gaydos, Church Secretary 

Donna Ferry, Financial Secretary


Music Staff

Sara Hoey, Organist

William Shoppell, Chancel Choir and Choral Bells Director

Rebecca Muraglia, Acting Dove Choir Director


Christian Education Staff

 Courtney Rzeplinski, Youth Connection Coordinator

Tricia Stoffers, Sunday School Coordinator 

Devlin House, Point Beach Prep Preschool Director

Quick Links 

Full Calendar of Events

Make a Safe, Online Contribution

Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church

 701 Forman Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

(Corner of Bay and Forman Avenues) 


Church Office: 732-899-0587 Fax: 732-899-2946

Visit us at http://www.pointpresbyterian.org

Church Office: [email protected]