In This Issue
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Worship at Grace
Year-round Schedule

Sunday Services at 10:30 am 


Celtic Meditations at 4:00 pm



Healing Services  every week at 4:00 pm


Young  and the Restless Chapel at 9:00 am the second Sunday of the month 


Morning Prayer 

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

at 9:30 am



All are always welcome to worship and pray with us at all services

This Week's Calendar


10:00 am
Art Class

6:15 pm
Bible Study

7:30 pm
Choir rehearsal

9:30 am
Morning Prayer

Office Hours 
10:00-12:00 pm

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9:00 am
Music Together

7:00 pm

Epiphany VI

9:30 am
Choir Rehearsal

10:30 am
 Holy Eucharist 
Church School

11:30 am
Coffee Hour

4:00 pm
Celtic Evensong 
and Communion 

5:00 pm
Episcopal Study


Holiday - Office Closed

Tues day

9:30 am
Morning Prayer

6:00 - 8:00 pm
Deanery Meeting

6:00 pm

10:00 am
Art Class

6:15 pm
Bible Study

7:00 pm
Mission Strategy Web-based Book Study

7:30 pm
Choir rehearsal

The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector

Tom Gaither,
Sr. Warden
Brian Fizer,
Jr. Warden
Ryan Patten, Clerk
Joanne Moar, Treasurer

Melissa Barnes
Laura Beasley-Topliffe
Katie LaBonte
Jane Stewart
Jason Stonehouse
Angela Williams

Larry Kamp,
Director of Music
Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons
Cheryl Robinson, Bookkeeper
The Reverend
 Debbie Phillips, 

Hugh MacKay 
Joanne Moar,

Laura Beasley-Topliffe
Beth Brown
Lois Nicholson
Cindy Rhodes
Helen Watson-Felt,
Altar Guild
Deb Papps,  Chair
Jane Thompson
Maureen Joyce,
Flower Committee 
Celtic Meditations Team
Ryan Patten, musician
Eric Wagner
Jane Stewart
Joanne Moar
Kathleen Tone

Director of Church School
Melissa Barnes

Real Asset Management/Property
Eric Wagner
Mike Ouellette
Tom Tucker
Bob Cole
Walter Weizenauer
Robert Hoffman

Ministry Team
Tom Gaither, Chair
Caroline Watson-Felt
Priscilla Lemons, Clerk

 Creation Care
Laura Beasley-Topliffe
Tom Gaither
Jane Stewart

Garden of Life
Jason Stonehouse

Ad Hoc Fundraising
Peggy Carter
Melissa Barnes
Joanne Moar
Caroline Watson-Felt

Convention Delegates
Laura Beasley-Topliffe
Joanne Moar
Eric Wagner, Alternate

Deanery Delegates
Laura Beasley-Topliffe
Joanne Moar
Walter Weizenauer
Eric Wagner

Thought this Week
Dear Seekers,

Bible Study with other people is fascinating. Whether at the start of a Vestry meeting, or during our regularly scheduled Wednesday evening Bible Study, reading Scripture together can be one of the most eye opening and heart opening endeavors of my week.

This is the format we usually use: Someone reads the passage and then we go around the room naming what word or phrase really jumped out at us during the reading. We read it again and then share why we think the passage might be speaking that word or phrase to us in that moment. If we have time, we then ask questions or imagine what people in ancient times may have heard in that moment.

If it is a familiar passage, someone usually notices something in it for the first time. They will often remark, "I never noticed that the Bible (or Jesus) said that before!" and it disrupts preconceived ideas as to what they may have been taught or thought about before. It shakes the passage loose so that you are actually having a conversation with Scripture. That invariably brings us closer to understanding the nature of God and of God's vibrant love. And that is what the Bible is telling us: that God's love is animated, active, and alive in the world today.

In the Way of Love,
This Sunday

This Sunday, the Sermon on the Mount continues with Jesus teaching us about the Ten Commandments.
At 10:30 am, the choir will sing Carson Cooman's anthem, "A Prayer of Julian Norwich."  The flowers on the altar are given in loving memory of Joe Doherty by Joanne Moar.  Following the service, we will gather for conversation and light refreshments in the Common Room.

At 4:00 pm, Eric Wagner will give the reflection followed by communion. All are welcome to come.

Please join us wherever you are
in your search for meaning. 

Everyone is welcome at any and all services at Grace Episcopal Church
Leaders for Worship

Lord's Prayer
*Note to leaders:
The new schedule is found on the website here 

The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
10:30 am

The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Presider and Preacher 
Larry Kamp, Organist
Joanne Moar, Verger
Gavin Watson-Bertrand, Campbell Boisvert, Acolytes
Tom Gaither, Lector
Tony Boisvert, Brian Fizer, Chalicers
Peggy Carter, Nick Nowak, Ushers
Cindy Rhodes, Altar Guild
Peggy Carter, Joanne Moar, Counters

The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
of our Lord
4:00 pm

The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Presider
Ryan Patten, Debbie Phillips, Eric Wagner, Musicians
Christine Reichert, Opening
Eric Wagner, Reflection
Priscilla Lemons, Prayers 
Priscilla Lemons, Chalice
Jane Stewart, Greeter

Thank you to all who made the Dinner and Movies a special event. We have a wonderful Fundraising Team!
Learning more about the Episcopal Church
continues this Sunday at 5:00 pm
Classes for anyone interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church and the Book of Common Prayer, especially those of you wishing to be received or confirmed in the Episcopal Church, will take place each Sunday  from 5pm - 6pm. Currently, a service of confirmation and reception for the North Shore Deanery is scheduled on April 18th here at Grace Church.
The classes will run through March 29th and will cover the following topics: The Liturgical Year including historical background, symbols, themes and special days in each; a study of the Book of Common Prayer including its relationship with the liturgical year, the sacraments (What are they? Scriptural background and symbols) with a focus on Baptism and Eucharist, all other prayers, liturgies and historical documents, including creeds and hymnals; the history and polity of Episcopal Church, Way of Love Rule of Life, Evangelism and Discipleship and contemporary issues in the Church.
This Sunday,  we will get an overview of the Sacraments with a focus on Baptism, our sacrament of adoption as beloved of God.

All are welcome to learn more about our branch of the Jesus Movement.    
Upcoming Events
Deanery Meeting at Grace Church 
Next Tuesday, February 18

We will be gathering in assembly on Tuesday, February 18th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm, hosted by Grace Church Salem. Grace will be serving a light supper. Our focus will be creation care. What can we do for our fragile island home that is burning and calling out for us to take action?
We will hear from The Rev. Laurie Rofinot and Lise Hildebrandt of our diocesan Creation Care Justice Network and try a test run of an online carbon calculator that will help us see our own and our church's carbon impact on the climate. Laurie asks that we bring a laptop, tablet or smart phone as she will be taking us to the website.  

Bible Study on Wednesday, February 19
During this season, we will meet for Bible Study each Wednesday from 6:15 to 7:15 as we consider the upcoming readings for Sunday. This session, we will consider the Transfiguration of Christ. Come with lots of questions and an open heart as we explore Scripture together.
Mission Strategy Book Study II, February 19

The next Book Study via Zoom is this Wednesday. The  book is  How to Be an Antiracist  by Ibram X. Kendi, and the online discussion will be facilitated by K. Holly Maze  Carter. Click on this Zoom link to join the discussion on Feb. 19 at 7 pm:

Last Epiphany, Sunday, February 23

February 23 is the final Sunday of the Epiphany season. The Gospel tells us about the Transfiguration, that event where Jesus takes three disciples up a mountain and he becomes dazzling bright in a preview of the Resurrection. This is the glimpse we carry with us during our journey through Lent.
We will also have our own blending of pre-Lenten traditions of Carnival and pancakes. The children will be making masks and will lead us in a parade during the end of the service. Following that, we will all gather in Abbot Hall for pancakes, sausages and bacon as we empty our larders. This will be hosted by our Vestry. We are asking for cooked bacon and sausages from you for this event.
After a brief "saying goodbye to the alleluias" service, the Rector and the children will return to the worship space to hide our box of alleluias for the season of Lent.
We will observe the Transfiguration at 4:00 pm and the Episcopal Church Study will follow at 5:00 pm.
Ash Wednesday: The Beginning of Lent
February 26
One sign of the approaching Spring is the church season of Lent (the "lengthening of days). This year, the first day of Lent, commonly called "Ash Wednesday" is February 26th.
We will have two different types of services on this day. At 5:30 pm, we will have a service with a focus on younger members of the community. We will burn last year's palms to make the ash, we will hear a story about Jesus and his time in the wilderness, and we will receive ashes and learn about confession and forgiveness. 

At 7:00 pm, a Choral Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes will be observed. This will be the proper liturgy of the day found in the Book of Common Prayer beginning on page 264. Everyone is welcome to either or both service on Ash Wednesday. 

The Rector will also visit anyone who is unable to attend services for their ashes. Please let her know if someone needs a visit and ashes.

Grace Episcopal Church | 978-744-2796 
385 Essex Street
Salem, MA 01970