Sunday, October 29
The Flowers will be placed in the sanctuary this Sunday to the Glory of God and in memory of Shelby Fairey McCutchen, given by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brooks McCutchen and family.
The new gold containers in the sanctuary are dedicated to the glory of God and given in loving memory of their Williamsburg Presbyterian Church friends who have passed away, by Eleanor and Bill Pitts, former members of our church.
ELDER on Call:
Week of October 22: Robert Mims 843-372-2362
Week of October 29: Amy Ivey 843-617-8972
Deacons for October
1. Heather Hall 2. Ross Hundley
3. Louise Holladay 4. Esther Harrell
Deacons for November
1. Dawn Jacobs 2. Edwin Belser
3. Nikki Mims 4. Elissa Swicord
Nursery: Mary Lisa McGill
Children’s Church: Laura Hundley
Acolyte: Ann Paisley Stillinger
Meals on Wheels October 31: Josie Holler/Guinn Nexsen
Sanctuary Guild/week following: Laura Hundley
Cross/Flowers Nov. 7: Carolyn McConnell
Backpack Blessings November 1: Barney/Lou Easterling