Some people think that a yacht owner is a multi-millionaire. Therefore, thinking along those lines must include barriers designed to restrict and exclude people. If this type of philosophy is allowed to perpetuate and be underwritten by any person, business, or other entity, everyone suffers from this negative and judgmental point of view, especially the parties actively engaged in exhorting the idea.
Boaters are a various bunch of folks who have several things in common. Love of the outdoors, open water, fresh air, marine life, comradery with fellow voyagers, and having lots of fun. Boaters also enjoy a certain lifestyle that is unique to other types of pleasures. Every boat owner/user gets to choose their way to participate in the good life available to all. It is amusing to watch the multitude of ways any restriction to the overall good for all is always reduced to the nothingness from which it came.
Your Dana Point Boaters Association actively continues its mission to inform, advocate on your behalf, and promote fun, safety, and pleasurable activities for all boaters. The pursuit of happiness is the mission every person treks toward throughout life. You are worthy of every good thing!
The board members of the DPBA volunteer some of their precious time, attention, and various expertise to fulfilling the mission for which we stand. We are boaters, business people, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, and friends just like you. The difference is our cooperative choice to serve the boating community. And just like you, we understand that it takes a lot of individual people’s help to accomplish goals. As we perform tasks that are important to all boaters, we ask for your support.
In the spirit of fun, comradery, information exchange, and continuous good times, would you donate today in support of DPBA and/or our legal fund? Will you tell your friends and neighboring boaters about DPBA and ask them to join you in participation?
We invite your questions and ideas about issues. We ask that you continue to write letters to the County Supervisors and voice your opinion. Your participation is critical to the movement of good for all while having fun overall.