From the Liaison-Dr. Patricia Thibodeau

"On being a scientist under #ShutdownSTEM "
If you’re like me, digesting the Black Lives Matter movement and protests during the pandemic has been overwhelming to say the least, but it’s encouraging needed conversations are happening and institutions are starting to take action. I’m trying my best to stay educated and informed.

Some of you may have heard about the #ShutdownAcademia and #ShutdownSTEM movements this month. I participated in webinars hosted by URI students and faculty, mainly from URI's Graduate School of Oceanography, as we discussed issues ranging from White Fragility to intersectionality with the LGBTQIA movement. 

One of RI C-AIM’s central goals is to recruit, engage, and retain a diverse and productive community of researchers in Rhode Island. The Diversity Action Committee (DAC) has been established to advise and support efforts within RI C-AIM, and also plan and implement activities that attract applicants from underrepresented groups at all levels of participation in RI C-AIM research.

Learn more about DAC and its members at all of RI C-AIM's partner institutions.

As the lead of DAC, Chuck Watson ( [email protected]) is available as a resource for C-AIM students and postdocs. 

For those that were unable to participate in #ShutdownAcademia this month, or would like to continue educating yourselves and learn more about DAC, I’ve provided some resources in this newsletter to get started. 


DAC and #ShutdownAcademia
More Resources
Grad Get-Together TODAY (Thurs., June 25) at 4 p.m.!
Come hang out with us as we talk with Dr. Andrew Davies, visiting associate professor of Biological Sciences at URI, as he discusses plans for launching RI C-AIM's Bay Observatory! Connect via WebEx
More @ RI C-AIM
Virtual Get-Togethers

To keep all our students in our research community connected, RI C-AIM is hosting monthly, informal virtual meetings via WebEx. We will have a lead speaker on various topics of discussion. The next get-together will happen on Thursday (TODAY), June 25 at 4 p.m.
We want to hear from you!

Let us know more about your cool RI C-AIM research and how your routines have changed as a result of COVID-19, and we will share it via social media, our newsletters and website. For more info, contact RI C-AIM Communications Coordinator Shaun Kirby at [email protected]
Have questions or comments for the Graduate student/Postdoc Liaison?

Reach out to Patricia via email at  [email protected] or on Twitter @PattyPlankton
Header image courtesy Alexa Sterling