Franklin Center

The Bridge Newsletter

February 2nd, 2023

Coffee and Convo

Franklin Center's Coffee and Convo events provide a fun way to get to know other parents or caregivers in our community. Held on the second Friday of each month after drop-off (around 8 am), parents and guests can stop in for coffee and breakfast treats (often made by our students in the culinary science class) to mingle and get to know one another better. Events are held in our beautiful community room at Franklin Center. Come join us February 10th!

Tuition Assistance

We are now accepting tuition assistance applications through Blackbaud for the 2023-24 school year. Please note: Since Blackbaud Financial Management is a new module for us this year, those who submit an application should sign up as a "new user" and use Franklin Academy instead of a school code.

The deadline for applications is Friday, Feb 17, 2023. You will be asked to submit income and tax information for 2022, so we encourage you to file your 2022 taxes at your earliest convenience. Incomplete applications or those not containing verifying documents may not be considered.

For technical questions regarding the Blackbaud online application, please contact: 1 (800) 360-8027 or

Happy Hour

A group of Franklin Center parents will be gathering for Happy Hour on Thursday, February 9th at the Vine Room, 756 Mainstreet in Hopkins from 4:30-6:00pm. Join us!

For more information contact Maureen at


February 9th

Happy Hour

February 10th

Coffee and Convo

February 17th

Tuition Assistance Application Deadline

February 17th

No School

No Activity Day

February 20- 24th

Mid-Winter Break: No School

February 21- 24th

Activity Day

February 28th

Capstone Information Night

View the 2022-2023 Year at a Glance Calendar on our Parents' Page

Live Calendar

Franklin Academy's Family Corner

Parking Lot Reminders

Because of the large snow banks, icy roads, and turkeys, please use caution when driving in the parking lot. Remember to follow the signs and reduce your speed to ensure the safety of students, parents, and staff. Thank you!

Tuition Statements for Taxes

Do you need a record of tuition paid in 2022 for your taxes? Statements are now available in your Blackbaud Tuition Management Account. Once you've logged in, click on the link "Student Year End Statement", located to the right of the "Make a Payment" box. If you have trouble accessing your statement, please call Tuition Management Customer Service at 888-868-8828 or use the Chat feature accessible from your account.

Minds of All Kinds

Mark your calendars for the Minds of All Kinds (MOAK) annual fundraiser on Thursday, May 11th from 8:30-9:30am at the Golden Valley Country Club. We are excited to share the transformational work happening at Franklin Center and celebrate our amazing students, clients, young adults, families, and staff! Click here for more details.

Capstone Program Information Night

Interested in learning more about the Capstone Program? We will host a virtual webinar on Tuesday, February 28th at 7pm. Topics will include: changes to programming options, scheduling, external partnerships, tuition, and more. Non-Franklin families are invited.

Register Here!

Classroom Highlight: Temperance River

By Andy Dreher

In Temperance, students have been hard at work learning all about our solar system and its place in the universe. Unfortunately, without a "Magic School Bus" we weren't able to safely and quickly visit each planet, so we gathered our research the old fashioned way - the internet! Drawing upon previous lessons about orbit and rotation, students brought scale to how long a day and year take on each planet. They compiled information about atmosphere, moons, planetary composition and interesting facts and presented them on a poster. Come take a look in the middle school hallway, where their creativity and hard work are displayed above the lockers! 

Book Club

The Franklin Center Book Club had a fun night out last Saturday. The group headed to the Corner Bar for dinner, then to Theater in the Round to see the play "The Book Club Play". Are you a book lover? We would love for you to join us!

For more information, contact Maureen at

Sick Policy

It's that time of the year again. With flu season among us, many parents question whether their child's symptoms are enough to keep them home from school. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, they should not attend school in-person regardless of vaccination status:

  • Fever (100 or more)
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fatigue

For more information follow this link to view our Sick Policy.

Franklin Enrichment

Owls' Nest 

Owls' Nest is provided before and after school during the following hours:

7:00 am-8:00 am, 3:10 pm-5:00 pm. As a reminder, with winter weather and it getting darker earlier, please call (952)-737-6922 to have your student released from Owls' Nest.

Owls' Nest tuition billing occurs via Blackbaud or SmartTuition and is completed on the 1st of the month for the previous month, i.e. January 1st, 2023 for December 2022.


Session Three clubs have begun! This is just a reminder that the following clubs are cancelled this session due to low enrollment: Mondays: Yoga (LS) Club and Musical Exploration Club; Tuesdays: GoSolar! Kidz Club, Indoor Gardening, and MS/HS KidsCreate Club; Wednesdays: Snow Shoeing Club; Fridays: MS/HS Drama Club and Yoga (MS/HS) Club.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Amber Trapp, Enrichment Program Manager, at or (952) 737-6925.

Activity Days

Fun collaborations are planned for February's Activity Days, scheduled for the week of February 21-24, 2023. On February 21st PowerUp, a video game truck will be on site. February 22nd, we will visit REM5 Virtual Reality Laboratory and more. See the attached flyer for more information.

To register, log into your BlackBaud account. For Activity Days, Owls' Nest is available for an additional fee from 7:00-8:00 am and 3:10-5:00 pm.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Enrichment Program Manager, Amber Trapp, at or (952) 737-6925.

Activity Day Flyer

Letters From Leaders

Paul Gloudemans, Admissions

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to provide your child with an exceptional, holistic education this 2022-23 school year. We value your trust and commitment to us in serving your child.

In preparation for the 2023-24 school year, we are asking families to begin the process for re-enrollment. With our Evergreen Contracts, the initial contract you signed ensures continuous enrollment for your child at Franklin Academy. This means that you don’t have to hassle with a contract every year; your student will be automatically enrolled in the next school year unless you notify us of via the Official Notification of Withdrawal form found on our website by Wednesday, March 15th.

If you do intend to have your child return to Franklin Academy for the 2023-24 school year, there is no action you must take. We will simply bill a $1,000 deposit, guaranteeing your child’s enrollment for next school year, via Blackbaud Tuition Management, on your next billing date after March 15, 2023. This $1,000 deposit will go towards the new yearly tuition, which will be voted on by the Board of Trustees in mid February.

We are honored to serve all of our Franklin Academy students and families, and we certainly hope to see your family again next school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,


Audra Williams and Kerry Brown

PTO Co-Chairs

Kim Snow

Executive Director

Kim Strandemo

Academy Principal