Weekly Newsletter | January 31, 2025 | |
Calendar Highlights:
January 31: 4F Outing
February 2: Sunday Worship
February 3: Preschool registration open for SMLC/current families
February 5: Wednesday Evening Activities (Dinner: Mac and cheese, hot dogs, coleslaw, watermelon)
February 6: Youth Group
Keep reading for more information on each of these events!
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To view the comprehensive church calendar, click here.
Stay connected with St. Mark's on social media for the latest news and updates!
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Pastoral Messages from ELCA Bishops: In the time since President Trump's inauguration, our denominational and synodical leaders have released public messages regarding the new administration, highlighting its current and potential impact on our communities and those most vulnerable among us, as well as reflecting on what actions our communities can take to live into our commitment to love and justice in the face of these changes. We invite you to read these messages using the links below:
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The Biblical, Spiritual, and Practical Nature of Stewardship: Join a timely conversation on Stewardship at St. Mark's. Each week will involve both a teaching component and then a practical conversation on our current giving.
February 9: The Biblical roots of tithing AND continued conversation of the current state of SMLC giving.
February 16: Pledge cards as Spiritual Practice AND Discussion of the Pledge process and SMLC budget planning.
February 23: Thrivent Rep on Gifting Strategies: Qualified Charitable Distributions, Donating stocks or assets vs cash, and Having a legacy giving plan.
Faith Journey, Spring Series: We would like to invite you to join us for this winter-spring’s “Faith Journey” series. What is Faith Journey? It’s a series of nine Wednesday evening gatherings that give us an opportunity to hear one another’s stories, explore questions of faith, build relationships, hear scripture together, and listen for God's call. Series begins on February 19. Click here for more information.
Bible 102: What’s the Bible all about? Where did it come from? How can I read it and make sense of it? Where should I start? It’s time now for the New Testament. This series doesn’t presume any Bible knowledge on your part, but it’s not a dumbing-down either. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or contact the church office. More info? Click here.
How Media and History Shape our Views and Bias, and what they got wrong - Sunday, February 2, at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesday, February 5, at 6 pm: Join us as we explore what media is and how we create the history we learn. How we make myths and legends of our history to rewrite it from Columbus to Lincoln to today's rise of social media and the falsehoods that form the foundation of many of our views and biases.
Women's Retreat: Held Together at Camp Burton, Vashon Island
Registration for the March 7-9, 2025 Women's Retreat begins this Sunday. Bring your checkbook or be prepared to pay by QR code at the time of registration. We are Held Together in God's grace. We are lovingly held by the power of Christian fellowship. We are held throughout life's seasons, whether times of joy or trial. Spend a weekend gathered in community to rest together, talk together, laugh together, and worship together. The weekend will begin on Friday, March 7, with check-in around 4:30 p.m. We'll wrap up on Sunday in time to catch the ferry back around mid-day.
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Family Worship is happening this Sunday, February 2, at 9:45 a.m. after the children's message. PreK-4th grade students will be invited to the lower CFC for a storytime lesson with Ms. Celesta and guest teachers.
Save the Date: Lent Book Read: Deacon Ingelaurie Lisher will be hosting a Lent book group Sundays, March 9-April 13 from 12:15-1:15 p.m. We will be reading Have a Beautiful, Terrible Day! by Dr. Kate Bowler. This Lent devotional book 2024 is packed with bite-sized reflections and action-oriented steps to help you get through the day, be it good, bad, or totally mediocre. Order your book here or use your favorite book retailer. Sign up here and let us know you are interested in attending.
Lord's Prayer Milestone Event: 1st grade students' families mark your calendars! Our Lord's prayer milestone and marker event will be happening on Sunday, February 9, for 1st grade students. This teaching event for students and parent(s) will take place following the opening song with Mr. Cooper downstairs in the Children's Faith Center.
Youth Group: Youth group for students grades 6-12 resumes Thursday, February 6, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Parish Commons!
Improv Night and Dessert Potluck: Whose Line Is It? Improv Night and Dessert Potluck: Join us for this laugh-out-loud cross-generational event. Bring a dessert to share and enjoy the show. Saturday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m.
2025 Summer Service Trip: July 20-25: This year, we are headed to Portland, OR for a week of service, worship, and fun! This trip is for youth grades 8-12th (2025-2026 school year). Cost: $200 per person, a deposit of $100 is due by March 30, the rest will be due May 30. Sign up here.
Spring Elementary Retreat March 29-30 (Sat. to Sun.) for students grades 3-5th with St. Mark's and 2 other churches. The cost would be around $105.00 per person (based on last year's cost). Non refundable deposits of $75.00 per person will be due in January. Fundraising opportunities are available with the Epiphany Event and Mardi Gras party that even our elementary age students along with their grown up can help out with to cut the cost.
High School Lock-in: March 1-2 for 9th-12th grade students, starts at 6:30 p.m. at Messiah Lutheran in Auburn. Families are invited to join the 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship with their youth or plan to pick up youth at 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd. Cost is $10/student. Youth should eat before they arrive, there will be late night snacks and breakfast in the morning provided. Messiah goes all-out for lock-ins, so it should be really fun! Email Celesta Smith if your child is interested in attending. We will also need an adult or two to attend with our youth.
Summer Camp Registration is Open! Summer Camp is June 22-27 for students grade 3-8 ('25-'26 school year) at Camp Lutherhaven in Idaho. Follow this link for more information and registration instructions.
Holden Village Youth Weekend: Holden Village Youth Weekend for students grades 9-12 is coming up May 23-25.
Download and fill out this short form by February 28 if you plan on attending.
Nursery Volunteers/Workers Needed: There are available spots for youth nursery volunteers/workers. Please use the sign-up link to sign-up for available days and times or feel free to email Celesta Smith.
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St. Mark's Email Prayer Team: If you would like to join our Prayer Email Team and receive prayer requests to include in your personal prayers, please contact Linda McKeller in the Church Office.
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4F Group - January Outing: Adults in their 40s & 50s are invited to meet up at Peaks & Pints on 26th and Proctor on Friday, January 31, from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Room. Come and meet other St. Mark's members in this age group. If this date doesn't work for you please keep an eye out for more gatherings. If you need help finding childcare to attend this outing please email Celesta Smith. Please see the information sign with QR code to join the What's App group on the Welcome Center.
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Mexico Mission Trip 2025 Interest Meeting! St. Mark’s will again partner with Lutheran Border Concerns to build several tiny homes July 19-26, 2025. Want to learn more? Please see the table in the Narthex and attend an Interest Meeting on Sunday, February 16, at 11:00 or Sunday, March 2, at 12:00. Meetings will be at St. Mark's. If you’re interested but unable to attend one of these two meetings, please contact Sarah or Melanie.
Hunger Walk Registration Open Now: Join the St. Mark’s team in Hunger Walk 2025, which takes place May 3 at Fort Steilacoom Park. We’ll be raising funds for the Emergency Food Network, Pierce County’s emergency food distributor, serving more than 70 food pantries, meal sites, and shelters. We are dedicating this year’s walk to the memory of Mark Young, who loved participating in the event. Early bird registration discounts apply through February 24. Register online. Team price for adults: $20 ($15 before February 24). Price for youth 18 and under: $15
Meals for Oasis Youth Center: St. Mark’s continues to provide monthly meals for marginalized youth in the community. Please consider signing up to prepare a main dish for 6-10 youth or dessert for 18-24. Prepared meals with a list of ingredients and reheat instructions are delivered to Karis Crocco on N. 47th St. Drivers and beverages are also needed. To sign up go here.
Oasis supports the LGBTQIA+ youth in our community with a comprehensive array of programs and our donations provide evening meals. Questions? Contact Karis Crocco or Roz Lueck-Mammen. MANY THANKS for your help! -St. Marks GSA
Donations for WPC Nepal Trip - February 3-23! From February 3-23, St. Marks members have the opportunity to donate items, at the table in the Narthex, that will be hand carried to Nepal to the St. Mark's ministry, "Friends of Women's Protection Center, Nepal" (see their wish list here). A group of 13 women, including one from St. Mark's, will travel to Nepal in March to visit the safe homes for children and deliver needed donations such as backpacks, shoes, pajamas, toothbrushes, and peanut butter! The WPC provides safe homes and awareness programs to prevent trafficking. Questions? Contact Catherine Terrill (253-732-3479). Thank you!
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Preschool Registration: 2025-2026 School Year: St. Mark's Preschool registration for the 2025-2026 school year is just around the corner! It opens for current families and SMLC members on February 3 and everyone on February 13. All registration information can be found at www.stmarksprek.org. Please contact Katie Jones by email or phone (253.752.4929) with any questions. Thank you!
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Please click here to read a special Stewardship Report from the recent Congregational Meeting.
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Join us for worship this Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:00 a.m.
Share prayer requests with us by sending them to: prayers@smlutheran.org.
St. Mark's Podcast Channel: Be sure to check out the St. Mark's podcast channel for weekly sermon recordings and special podcast content published throughout the year. St. Mark's podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, and more. You can also access our podcast feed directly on our website.
Altar Flowers: Would you like to provide Altar flowers in celebration of an occasion or in memory of someone? There is an Altar Flower Chart on the bulletin board outside the church office for 2025 where you can sign up for any Sunday you choose. We have a standing order with the local Safeway florist OR you can provide the flowers. If you have any questions, contact Linda in the church office. Thanks!
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Huge Rummage Sale at eliseo: Helping Hands, serving the eliseo community, will be holding a rummage sale at the Mortvedt Center on February 21 and 22 from 10-4 on both days. The Mortvedt Center is found by entering through the eliseo gate on Vassault off Westgate Blvd. We will have a large selection of household items, linens, decorative items, art work and furniture at very low prices! The money raised goes to improvements for the eliseo community, such as adding an additional automatic door into the Bistro to allow for easier access for people with disabilities. All are welcome. Bring family and friends!
Holden Village Spring Work Week: Each year Holden Village hosts two work weeks in the spring (April 28-May 4) and fall. Getting the village ready to open and close requires lots of outside support. The village provides lodging and meals for the week. You will just need to pay for your transportation. If you are interested in supporting the village in this way and would like to do so with a group from St. Mark's, please sign up on the Welcome Center. You will also need to apply on the Holden Village website. For more information, contact Teresa Handy.
Host Families: Educatius is the world-leading organization dedicated to high school programs for international students. The local chapter is seeking host families between February through June 20. Host families, who receive monthly compensation, need to be able to provide meals (or ensure that the student has access to three meals per day) and a bedroom. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Stasha Moreno (stasha.moreno@gmail.com, 253.226-7932).
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