Weekly Newsletter | September 20, 2022

Worship at St. Mark's
Sunday Morning Worship
We gather in person each Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 a.m. in our sanctuary. 

Also, please remember that we will continue to offer an online worship service every Sunday at 10 a.m. As in the past, this will be a livestreamed on our Facebook page and also available on our St. Mark's website. 

Share prayer requests with us by sending them to prayers@smlutheran.org. If you would like us to include them in the Prayers of the Church during Sunday worship, please make note of that.

For recordings of the Bible study, sermons, matins, and more, please check out our podcasts on Podbean. You’ll be able to connect with Apple Music, Spotify, and more on the podbean website.
Click Here for Online Services

Mexico Mission Trip 2023 – Save the Date!

We are pleased to announce that after a multi-year COVID-induced hiatus, St. Mark’s is planning to once again travel to Tijuana, Mexico, July 1-7, 2023 to partner with Lutheran Border Concerns in their small house-building ministry. Look for interest meetings and additional information after the New Year! Questions? Feel free to talk to Melanie Summerour, Sarah Moore Sherry, or Teresa Handy. 

LWR Quilting Group

We would love to have you join the LWR Quilting Group that meets weekly on Monday mornings in the Parish Commons from 9:00-11:00 a.m. The quilts we create are shipped twice a year to Lutheran World Relief for distribution all over the world where earthquakes, fires, natural disasters, and other times of crises happen. LWR is on the ground quickly getting supplies to people in need. NO sewing/quilting skills are necessary. We always need fabric to be cut, quilt tops to be assembled and tied. IF you are handy at a sewing machine we have squares to be sewn into tops. This is a warm and friendly group who work together to share God's love around the globe. If you are interested, please call or email Linda in the church office. 253-752-4966/linda.mckeller@smlutheran.org.

Children, Youth, and Family Faith Formation

Children and Youth at St. Mark's: We are ready for you!

Thank you to everyone who stepped up and volunteered to teach one of the faith formation groups for children and youth preschool-grade 12. If you didn't get a chance to sign up to help, don't worry we can always use substitutes and teachers/assistants for the late winter/spring term. Please reach out to Ingelaurie Lisher at ingelaurie@smlutheran.org if you are interested. 

Sunday Morning Faith Formation Classes for all students have started!

  • 3 years old to 4th grade lower Preschool/CFC Wing: 3/4 year old & PreK will meet in Rooms 6 & 7, Kindergartners Room 2, 1st & 2nd gr. Room 5; 3rd & 4th gr. Room 1--all students 3 years old to 4th grade will begin in Room 4--look for Mr. Cooper and look for the piano.
  • 5-12th grade students: 5/6th grades Teal Room in Lower Youth Wing; 7/8th grade Lower Youth Room; 9-12th grades Fireside Room.

Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism 

  • 9th grade mini-Retreat–Saturday, October 1, stay tuned for exact times and details. Affirmation of Baptism Service: Sunday, October 30, 11 a.m. 

Thursday Nights for youth--starting September 22

  • Youth Group for youth grades 6-12th runs from 5:30-6:30 p.m. the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. 2022 Youth Group dates: 9/22; 10/6 & 20; 11/3 & 17; 12/1 & 15.
  • Youth Choir 6:30-7:30 p.m. with Cooper
  • Youth Marimbas 7:30-8:30 p.m. with Jeff

The Well for High School students begins Sunday, November 13, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Be on the lookout for the location coming soon.


  • The church nursery is open on Sunday mornings from 8:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. for children up to age 4.
  • We are working on hiring and opening the nursery for Wednesday evenings for children up through age 5.  
  • Youth...The sign up sheet for nursery hours is here. Please sign up to work so we can serve our littlest children.

Adult Faith Formation  

Sunday Morning Forum: This fall’s first Sunday morning Adult Forum series (Sept 11 – Oct 16, 9:45 a.m.) – “Earth and its People” – will include a session (September 25) on the Shalom Project and its work. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Shalom Project (The Shalom Project is a collaboration between St. Mark’s and Peace Lutheran Church on Hilltop. Together we seek concrete ways to work for economic, social, and racial wholeness (“shalom”), with a special focus on climate justice.)

The summer offered something of a hiatus: The housing project was moving ahead on planning and regulatory levels, and the tree-planting project needed to wait for cooler, moister fall weather. Now with fall, we’re ready to resume!

Housing: In late July, Peace Lutheran approved the first small housing build (DADU) behind one of their existing rental homes, for an estimated $213,000. The permitting process is underway, financing is proceeding apace, and construction will begin shortly. Peace will be looking to St. Mark’s partners in the later phases of the build: helping with site clean-up, with landscaping, and with interior painting. In addition, St. Mark’s is working on a proposal to put solar panels both on our St. Mark’s building (in several phases) and on the Peace DADU builds – a proposal now working its way through our Creation Care Alliance and our council.

Trees: St. Mark’s and Peace are teaming up with the Tacoma Tree Foundation, hoping to host a giveaway of 500 fruit and shade trees for the Hilltop and other communities, as a crucial step in seeking climate justice for all. We’re currently looking to secure funding together, and we envision an event this fall for giving trees and helping to plant them. Interested? Watch this space.

Next week (10/2), we look forward to having Keah Calluccie with us for a forum. Keah joined Earth Ministry/WAIPL in 2021 as the Multifaith Outreach Coordinator. With a history of work in museums, non-profits, and universities, she is excited to bring her experiences into the realm of environmental justice and advocacy with communities of faith. Keah has a Master of Arts in International Studies: Comparative Religion from the University of Washington where she studied the relationships between late antique science within Jewish and Christian communities of the Near East and Mediterranean. In her free time, Keah loves to read and make candles.

Midweek Renewal: As part of our Midweek Renewal Series Deacon Ingelaurie Lisher will be leading a conversation on the book, No Cure For Being Human by Professor Kate Bowler; here is an excerpt from the book:"It’s hard to give up on the feeling that the life you really want is just out of reach. A beach body by summer. A trip to Disneyland around the corner. A promotion on the horizon. Everyone wants to believe that they are headed toward good, better, best. But what happens when the life you hoped for is put on hold indefinitely?" Discussion on this book will be held: September 21-October 12. To purchase the book go here or check it out in your local library. 

Bible study: Meets Wednesdays at noon.

Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. Morning Bible Study has resumed with our study of Joy, a study of Philippians. We begin arriving at 9:15 a.m. for coffee and visiting in the upper fireside room. We are a welcoming group, who enjoy sharing questions and insights. Join us! For information: Linda Durant, (253) 363-8202, hotdouug@centurylink.net.

Fully Alive Bible Study meets Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. (Please note the earlier start time.) This fall we will be reading and studying the Book of Matthew and discovering how it fits into the Old Testament Jewish culture. We hope to see you there! If you have questions, you can contact Sherry Maiura at 253-549-4222.

Congregational Care

Living Well through Grief and Loss begins Wednesday, September 21 at 6:30 p.m. This 4-week class will help those who have gone through a loss with supportive companionship along the journey of grief. This class will help you learn how paying attention to one's emotions, thoughts, body, and spirit can help you to heal and eventually find comfort and peace. No matter what kind of loss you are dealing with, you are welcome to participate. 

For more information contact sigi.helgeson@smlutheran.org.

Habitat for Humanity Work Day
St. Mark's Habitat for Humanity work day for the Building On Faith house is October 1. This link has all of the information; everyone who will be coming out to volunteer should be signed up here at least 48 hours in advance. Please email Deborah Herforth at Deborah.Herforth@sheraton.com with any questions.
Peace and Justice

The Merzayee Family is Moving! Assistance Needed for Repairs of Their New Home 

St. Mark's has sponsored the Merzayee family from Afghanistan since they arrived in Tacoma as refugees early this year. Since then, they have had a baby, two of the children have enrolled in school and the father, Rohullah, has taken a job as a security guard while also looking to utilize his Commercial Driver's License training. They have been living in an apartment off Pearl St., but now they have the opportunity to move into a rental house in University Place at a reduced rental rate. Before they can move in, the home they will be renting needs some work. If you are available to do yard work, drywall, painting and/or cleaning, please consider joining the work party. It will take place on Saturday, October 1, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. (or whenever people need to leave). Food, drink, and all supplies will be provided. The address is 8517 36th St. W, University Place, WA 98466. Some projects may take more time. if you have interest in helping on October 1 or after, please let Amanda know by replying to Amanda Minnis @ 253-226-5492 or Amanda.minnis@gmail.com.

Nativity House Update

Nativity House Update

We're cooking for Nativity House again this Saturday, September 24, in the St. Mark's kitchen. We welcome your help, whether experienced or new to the activity. You can find more information at the St. Mark's Nativity House ministry website. Or contact Melanie Summerour (melaniesummerour@gmail.com) or Peter Postovoit (p.postovoit@gmail.com) if you have other questions.

So far in 2022, the volunteers have prepared and delivered over 4,600 meals for Nativity House guests! Thanks to all who have helped (and who will be helping in the future).

Upcoming events:

Saturday 24 (Sat): 10:00 a.m., cooking; 11:00 a.m., meal preparation for 4th Saturday meal preparation, St. Mark's kitchen

October 6 (Thu): 11:00 a.m., 2nd Saturday meal preparation (for October 8), St. Mark's narthex

* flexible times/locations: remote volunteer activities, including bulk ingredients shopping and sack meal preparation (note: sack lunch meal kits available for easier meal preparation).

St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows
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