The Business & Disability Bulletin

disability is our business







Volume 6 Issue 2 September 2014 

In This Issue
October is Disability & Employment Month
Assistive Technology in the Workplace
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October is Disability & Employment Month 


What can you do to promote Disability & Employment Month?

October is good time to let employees know that you value a diverse workforce and are committed to hiring and retaining employees with disabilities.  

Introducing them to the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is one way to demonstrate that commitment.   


You could e-mail employees a link to JAN at or show this video at your October staff meeting while reviewing the company procedures for requesting reasonable accommodations.   


Job Accommodation Network (JAN)



GOOD IDEA:  You might also want to host a movie and discussion for employees using a film that focuses on disability as a diversity issue.   

movie and popcorn
Ask us for suggestions - we would be happy to bring a film and facilitate a discussion.  Contact Michele at   



Assistive Technology in the Workplace 

Most people who do not have disabilities are unfamiliar with the term "assistive technology".

Assistive technology (AT) is any product or system that is used to increase, maintain or improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities. 
Assistive technology does not have to be high tech or
expensive to be effective.

highlighted AT device to help a reader track the line they are on photo of a poster advertising Voice Recognition Software programs


The photo on the left shows a low cost, low tech device that helps people stay on track when reading a written document.  The photo on the right shows voice recognition software programs that can assist people with a wide variety of disabilities.

Created by the National MS Society, the video below talks about how assistive technology can benefit employees with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Assistive Technology and MS in  the Workplace

Assistive technology exists for all kinds of tasks.  What works well for one person may not be a good fit for the next.  Everyone has their preferences (high tech vs low tech) and ways of accomplishing something.  Keep looking until you find the right fit for you and your employee.  If you need help brainstorming assistive technology solutions, give us a call at (269) 345-1516.  We'd be happy to help. 

FREE RESOURCE!   AT in the workplace  
is a webinar from JAN about how assistive technology can benefit employees with disabilities.  Feel free to share this with others.


The Business & Disability Bulletin is a free electronic newsletter for business leaders and human resource professionals in Southwest Michigan who believe in the value of an inclusive workforce and in creating a welcoming customer environment.


This newsletter is published bi-annually by Disability Network Southwest Michigan. Previous editions of this newsletter can be found at