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The CAEP Summit 2022 Opens Next Week

2023–27 WIOA Request for Applications

California Adult Education Digital Learning Guidance

CDSS In-Home Supportive Service Career Pathways Program Survey

Request for Application– California Community Colleges Adult Education Technical Assistance Provider

CASAS’ CAEP Accountability for 2022-23 Face-to-Face Training Coming to a City Near You

Upcoming WestEd In-Person Workshops

Educator Agency Training – Deconstructing Systemic Barriers Institute

CAEP Deliverable Reminders
Deadlines and Deliverables

The CAEP Summit 2022 Opens Next Week

The CAEP Summit 2022 opens next week! Not registered yet? What are you waiting on? Next week, adult education practitioners from across the State will convene to engage in welcome and plenary addresses, breakout sessions based on the CAEP statewide priorities, networking opportunities, and so much more. If you have not done so already, register to attend the CAEP Summit 2022. This year will be another virtual experience, hosted on an engaging, customized virtual platform which hopefully makes attending a little more convenient for all. Space is limited and filling up fast. Register today!


2023–27 WIOA Request for Applications

In an effort to ensure that Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) services are provided within all local workforce development board areas in the state, as defined by WIOA Section 3(32), the California Department of Education, Adult Education Office will be re-opening the demonstrated effectiveness eligibility screening process for the 2023–2027 grant cycle. Starting on the morning of Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 8:00 a.m. PDT and ending Friday, October 28, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. PDT, the online application portal will be available for new applicants. The web-based application will be accessible at the following link: Applicants that have already submitted demonstrated effectiveness data need take no further action.


For more information, please refer to the 2023–2027 WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Request for Application web page.

WIOA Application

California Adult Education Digital Learning Guidance

On behalf of the California Department of Education, Adult Education Office, the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN) is pleased to present the California Adult Education Digital Learning Guidance. The Guidance is the result of a collaborative effort designed to identify, document, and disseminate practical information to support effective implementation of digital learning within adult education. The Guidance was developed in contributions from statewide stakeholders including educators, content experts, and professional organizations. The Guidance is meant to serve as a practical resource for the many individuals who support adult learners including classroom teachers, classified and support staff, counselors and transition specialists, and school administrators. To ensure that the Guidance includes useful, research-based, and timely content, OTAN gathered input from state and national experts in the field of adult education.  


To learn more about the Guidance, read the letter provided by Dr. Carolyn Zachry, Education Administrator and State Director, CDE Adult Education Office. Additionally, visit the OTAN website. Lastly, participate in the California Digital Learning Guidance session at the CAEP Summit 2022. Below are the session details:


Session Title: Digital Learning Guidance for California Adult Ed Practitioners

Date and Time: Thursday, October 27, 2022 from 2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Presenters: Renee Collins, Neda Anasseri, Anthony Burik and Caroline McKinnon

If you have not registered to attend the Summit, register using the link below.


CDSS In-Home Supportive Service Career Pathways Program Survey

Do you offer allied health or nursing education? If yes, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) In-Home Supportive Service (IHSS) Career Pathways Program invites you to complete this short survey about your programs. The information you provide will be used to inform IHSS providers about affordable career education opportunities to enter clinical, social support, and administrative positions in the healthcare field. Please access the survey by October 21 at the following link.

Survey Link

Request for Application– California Community Colleges Adult Education Technical Assistance Provider

A funding opportunity has been made available seeking interested applicants that would like to serve as the California Community Colleges Adult Education Technical Assistance Provider.

The RFA is seeking to enhance the current technical assistance capacity provided to the CAEP community. The successful applicant will serve as a Technical Assistance Provider for the noncredit community colleges and the consortia to expand the support for community colleges with noncredit adult education programs. Together with the current K-12 Sacramento County Office of Education Technical Assistance Project (SCOE TAP), the California Community Colleges Adult Education Technical Assistance Provider will support and promote the CAEP Office efforts to increase student outcomes for CAEP noncredit students, career mobility for adult learners, and provide equitable training and technical assistance services for the CAEP community.


Link to the RFA on the Chancellor’s Office webpage:

Link to RFA

CASAS’ CAEP Accountability for 2022-23 Face-to-Face Training Coming to a City Near You

Circle with word Workshop and work tools at center

Missed Jay Wright and the Road Show? Well, Jay is back on the road and coming to a city near you in the not-so-distant future! In the upcoming workshops, Jay will provide an overview of quarterly and end of year CAEP data collection requirements, and steps for intake, update, and follow up reporting. During the workshops, new requirements will be identified and a review of existing guidelines for CAEP reporting, including initiatives at the federal level that may impact state reporting. Updates of CAEP reports and other tools that are available in TOPSpro Enterprise will be provided. State and federal level guidelines that affect CAEP data collection will be identified, and guidance to implement them at the local level will be provided. Lastly, practices for student enrollment, participation, and assessment implementation will be identified to ensure agency compliance and promote student success. Register to attend a session at one of the following sites:


Mt. Diablo Adult Education: November 9, 2022 from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Sacramento COE: November 10, 2022 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.


San Bernardino Valley College: February 15, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


More dates and cities will be announced soon!

Register to Attend

Upcoming WestEd In-Person Workshops

Join WestEd for a full day in-person workshop focused on strengthening the role of adult education and noncredit education as a gateway to college and living wage employment. This training will feature tool demonstrations, hands on exploration, and group discussion to help participants make data informed program and pathway development decisions that support student transitions and success. Participants will use their own data to generate and explore questions and strategies related to implementing their consortium’s three-year plan activities. Plus, you will get the chance to engage with your peers across the region to understand and share promising practices! Stay tuned for more information and to register for the training in your region. If you have any questions, contact Blaire Toso – [email protected] and Ayanna Smith – [email protected].

Educator Agency Training – Deconstructing Systemic Barriers Institute

The CA Perkins Joint Special Populations Advisory Committee is excited to bring their Professional Development "Educator Agency Training- Deconstructing Systemic Barriers" to the San Diego region.


This year's professional development will be facilitated by Equity on Everything, LLC, CEO, Joseph Graham, and focused on connecting the dots between systemic racism and the impact of decision-making for underserved populations.


The professional development training is to help educators see through the lines, challenge the lines, and connect the dots. The impact of issues is not siloed and solutions should not be created in siloes. In order to address the root of inequities in education, we must deconstruct and confront the patterns and practices in all areas. It can’t be silo efforts, it must be educator agency effort in all areas of the institution, organization, and workforce.


The training will take place December 6th-7th with a "Let’s Deconstruct Party" on December 5th. The training will be hosted at the San Diego Marriott Mission Valley. Registration will close on November 23rd.


Learn more about the event and register here.

Register for the Training

CAEP Deliverable Reminders

CAEP Student Data and Employment and Earnings Survey

The Quarter 1 student data is due in TOPSPro no later than October 31, 2022. Additionally, the Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey is also due on the same day, Oct 31, 2022.

Magnifying glass with the word Data at center

CAEP Budget and Work Plan Due Dates

graphic showing a dollar sign in a circle

The member Budget and Work Plan will be due October 30, 2022 and certified by the consortium no later than November 30, 2022. The Quarter 1 expense report due dates will remain the same.

CAEP Program Area Report Actuals Certified

The CAEP Program Area report actuals are to be certified in NOVA by December 1, 2022. To report hours of instruction, members are to use the TOPSpro® Enterprise CAEP 2021-22 member reports by program area, their agency’s attendance system, and the community college district’s apportionment attendance reports generated from the CCFS-320 Reporting System for noncredit FTES. To report leveraged funds, use your districts accounting records.

CAEP Quarter 1 Member Expense Report

graphic showing a dollar sign in a circle

The Quarter 1 Member Expense Report will be due December 1, 2022 and certified by the consortium no later than December 31, 2022. In addition, December 31st will be the last day members can spend 2020-21 funds.

Graphic showing arrows pointing right with word Deadline at center
  • Oct 30: 22/23 Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan due in NOVA (Extended for 2022)
  • Oct 31: Student data due in TOPSPro (Q1)
  • Oct 31: Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey
  • Nov 30: 22/23 Member Program Year Budget and Work Plan certified by Consortia in NOVA * (Extended for 2022)
  • Dec 1: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 Program Area Report (Instructional Hours and Expenses by Program Area; actuals) in NOVA and Certified by Consortium*
  • Dec 1: 20/21, 21/22 & 22/23 Member Expense Report Due in NOVA (Q1)
  • Dec 31: 20/21, 21/22 & 22/23 Member Expense Report certified by Consortia in NOVA (Q1) *
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