The Call

The Newsletter


St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Centered in God, Focused on Others


The Reverend Amy Whitcomb Slemmer, Esq., Rector

Linda Gelinas, Sr. Warden

Sean Glennon, Music Director

Joanne Bibeau, Administrative Assistant

Jesse Avellino, Sexton

Courtney Hill, Sunday School Director



My Dear Siblings in Christ, 

Ours was a joyful and spirited gathering on Sunday. We were blessed to be joined by Susannah Leslie and her family, including Grandson Tucker for whom we sang and celebrated his birthday! We had lovely comments and feedback from community members who joined us from warmer climes, and I was inspired by the reverence and care with which our youngest parishioners recessed out of the sanctuary to dispose of our extra consecrated communion elements. After a week that included highly inflammatory public rhetoric, it was a gift to find solace and deepen our community’s roots and shoots via worship. 

The week ahead promises to be full and eventful as well, and I am looking forward to acknowledging the feast day of Samuel Shoemaker, priest and community builder who led a spiritually engaged life, traveled widely and founded the Faith at Work organization as well as several other communities. Read more about his legacy here, and you could give him a thought on Friday. This is the collect written to celebrate his contributions: 

Holy God, we thank you for the vision of Samuel 

Shoemaker , priest and co-founder of Alcoholics 

Anonymous; and we pray that we may follow his example 

to help others find salvation through knowledge and love 

of Jesus Christ our Savior; who with you and the Holy 

Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 


GREAT news – as of Sunday, we are only SEVEN PLEDGES shy of having 50 pledging units committed to supporting our work and ministry in the coming year (an increase from 41 last year). If you have made your pledge for 2025, thank you so much! The budget that we will present at the annual meeting reflects our current pledges to day. If you have not turned in your pledge card, regardless of the amount that you are pledging to invest at St. Andrew’s this year, your commitment makes a very big difference! Thanks to everyone who has made my first foray into supporting our annual finances easier by responding so generously! 


SUNDAY is Candlemas AND our Annual Meeting. Candlemas includes some beautiful liturgical movements and song and the use of candles and light. More details below. Please bring a candle from home and we’ll bless it as part of our service on Sunday morning. Having a blessed and sacred candle at home can help focus your quiet time and speed your spiritual connection via prayer. 


I can’t wait to see you on Sunday and to spend time together highlighting the incredible accomplishments of 2024 while we begin to live into the potential of 2025. 

With tons of gratitude – and praying for God’s peace for all, 




  • It is with sadness that we inform you of the passing of our brother David Nickerson. Dave passed into glory on Monday, January 27th surrounded by love and family. A celebration of Dave’s life will be held at St. Andrew’s on Saturday, February 22nd at 11 am. More info to follow. If you would like to express your condolences and appreciation to Janice Nickerson, her address is: 273 South Street, Halifax, MA 02338. 
  • Susannah Leslie can be reached at Wingate at Silverlake, 21 Chipman Way, Room 127, Kingston, MA 02364.
  • A Meal Train has been established for Dianne & Paul Nicol at 

The flowers on the altar this Sunday are in loving memory of Donald William Hansen February 28, 1950 - February 1, 2020



We have babysitters and lots of food AND a professional photographer, Jennifer Lynn (see her excellent work here) who will join us on Sunday morning.

Please bring your family for our Candlemas Service, and our annual meeting. At the end of our worship service, we will take an All Parish Family Photo in the sanctuary and then will be invited into the Parish Hall for a delicious breakfast and our Annual Meeting. During breakfast, families, friends and groups are invited to have their individual photos taken for our next parish directory.

Reserve your time with the photographer here:  LINK


The time has arrived. All preparing for baptism are invited to gather at St. Andrew’s on Friday, February 21st at 10:30 am for instruction and preparation for our March Baptism Service.

If you are unable to make it on Friday in person, please let the office know and we will make arrangements for a Zoom link to be shared. This is a joyous occasion!

This is for anyone regardless of age, background or belief. If you have any questions please let Rev’d Amy know! (781) 422-4112 direct line.

To join us on Friday, February 21st, please RSVP on the website at this LINK. Please download & complete the Baptism Form at this LINK and bring it with you on the 21st.


Any interested men who would like to discuss the common good during divided times is graciously invited to join facilitator Skip Aluisi ( for a regular get together. This group will begin by establishing a foundational framework by reading the book Morality by Jonathan Sacks. Reading and discussions will take place over several weeks. For anyone concerned with the cost of the book, free copies will be available in the downstairs parlor’s bookshelves. For more information, please reach out directly to Skip. (781) 826-7143 


By Vote of the St. Andrew's Vestry and as a faithful response to the devastating wildfires that have destroyed houses, synagogues, schools and churches, St. Andrew's will donate the Sunday plate cash contributions from all February services to this effort. Our donations will be sent to the Episcopal Relief and Development Fund (which has a 100% Charity Navigator Rating) and to local targeted efforts that prioritize support for marginalized and low income residents. THANK YOU in advance for any additional support that you offer during our February services, and may God Bless all of the front line responders, and those directly impacted by this tragedy.


Are you curious about becoming an Episcopalian? Our first Inquirer’s Class will be on Sunday, February 16th after church in the Parish Hall. If you have already signed up, fantastic! If you have not, but meant to, please follow this link and plan to join us either on Sunday the 16th or on Thursday at St. Andrew’s at 6pm and via Zoom. This is a 6 week course and offers an overview of the Episcopal Church. Classes will include Church History, what we believe, who we are and how we are governed. After taking this course, all participants will be qualified to be confirmed or received from another denomination or religious community, into the Episcopal Church. For longtime or cradle Episcopalians this short course will offer a brush up on the common tenets of our faith. All Are Welcome. Bring your questions, your doubts and your preconceived notions or assumptions. We’ll dive in and navigate through all of them! If you are interested, please use this LINK to sign up.

"How is God Calling Me?": Ministry Discernment Conference to offer resources for vocations of all kinds: Registration is open until Jan. 29 for the annual Ministry Discernment Conference, which has a broader focus in 2025. Everyone who is interested in discerning calls to ministry in the church and in the world, both lay and ordained, is invited to gather at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul in Boston for the Ministry Discernment Conference on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This gathering, jointly hosted by the Commission on Ministry and the St. Paul Center for Theology and Prayer, will feature Bishop Julia E. Whitworth’s reflections on discernment, a panel discussion with people serving in a variety of Christian vocations and an introduction to resources for individual reflection, communal discernment in congregations and churchwide discernment programs. After lunch, participants will be invited, in smaller groups, to learn more about the programs that most interest them. 

Those who want to learn about the ordination process in the Diocese of Massachusetts are especially encouraged to attend, along with their sponsoring clergy, potential parish discernment committee members and family members. 


St. Andrew's Church

Stewardship Update: Thus far we have received 43 amount of pledges totaling $79,598. We hope to reach 50 pledges by the Annual Meeting. If you have not yet pledged, please consider doing so and be a part of our success in reaching our goal! More details to follow at the Annual Meeting.


The Clemens Clan is returning this year to compete in the Winter Warrior Games at Nantasket Beach with friends, and a few strangers, to fundraise for Wellspring Multi-Service Centers. If you are available, we can take 4 or 5 more volunteers to fill out our team.


On Saturday February 1st the games will be happening at Nantasket Beach in Hull, topping off with the Polar Plunge into the Ocean. These Winter Warrior Games proceeds will go directly to support the Adult Education Program at Wellspring. Help us celebrate this community. 


In February of 1985, our friend, the late Reverend Diane Edson, opened Wellspring in a single Hull storefront after recognizing that many people needed assistance on Boston’s South Shore. Wellspring emerged as a safe place for neighbors needing to grab a cup of coffee and a warm coat as they sought help. 


Over the years, the rented storefront that provided warm clothes, caring counsel, and a welcoming place to seek help grew into a vital community and regional resource where professionals and volunteers work together to provide resources and skills to neighbors on the South Shore. 


Together, The Clemens Clan Team has committed to raising $3,000.00 for Wellspring. 


I hope you will join us in this adventure. Please visit our fundraising page and consider donating $25 or more. We appreciate any support you want to provide:


Winter Warrior Games 2025 - Keith Clemens's Fundraiser on Donorbox


Wellspring Multi-Service Centers’ mission is to provide support and skills to people facing challenges to their well-being in order to help them achieve independence and self-sufficiency. 


A private, 501(c)3, multi-service organization with two locations on Boston’s South Shore, Wellspring serves individuals and families throughout the region. Our programs, available in our Hull and Weymouth locations, reach beyond providing emergency services and help people become more independent, productive members of their communities. 


Keith H Clemens 


LOOKING FOR SOME VOLUNTEER COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: Duties include getting to Church early to put on the coffee, make sure there’s half & half, put the snacks out, and clean up after coffee hour. Sign up sheet is in the Parish Hall. Consider asking a new friend to be a “team” or sign-up as a family!

Website: It is time to polish and update our marvelous website. We are in search of someone to take on the design responsibility for the next era of our website. While it has wonderful information, it does not reflect our current energy and aspirations. If you are a web designer, or know someone who would be willing to work with Rev'd Amy, please let the office know.


HANOVER FOOD PANTRY:  St. Andrew’s collects items for the Hanover Food Pantry. Please drop off in the narthex. Our current needs are: baked beans; raisin bran; pudding cups; relish; liquid dish soap; chips; strawberry jam; peanut butter; cookie mixes; applesauce (jars); mayo; chicken broth; grape jelly.  


  • SUNDAY, FEBUARY 16 - first meeting of Inquirers Class

LINK to Rev. Amy's blog --- MORE THAN JUST GHANA STORIES. See her post-election self care & more.


Each week this prayer list includes requests we have received through bulletin publication (Thursday, noon). If you wish to add people to this list, please use the prayer board in the narthex or email or call the office or place a note on the offertory plate or give to an usher or to Rev. Amy at Sunday service.


Bill MacLellan – Nicol Family – John – Tracy Sprows – family of Amy Motta—Dennis – Dave Nickerson – Lee G – Don S – Pam E – Jan B – Leah – Katrina & Darren – Paul Nicol –Mark D – Art J – Joyce – Matthew –Thomas & Gloria – Susannah – David – Margie T -- Paula -- Virginia

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers, mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to these your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


TUESDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.

WEDNESDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.

THURSDAY, Noon TO 7:00 P.M.

Hybrid Worship Service

Sundays 9:30 A.M.


Please note the following updated worship guidelines:

  • Masks optional.

  • Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance to the church, and for use before and after Holy Communion.

For those participating in the service from home, please join us on our Facebook link:

We want to thank you for your patience during this time. As always, the safety and health of our members is paramount.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the Vestry.