The Call

The Newsletter


St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Centered in God, Focused on Others


The Reverend Amy Whitcomb Slemmer, Esq., Rector

Linda Gelinas, Sr. Warden

Sean Glennon, Music Director

Joanne Bibeau, Administrative Assistant

Jesse Avellino, Sexton

Courtney Hill, Sunday School Director



Beloved Siblings in Christ, 

We are in the midst of the long-promised cold snap. I hope you are warm and able to carry memories of the Christmas holidays with you as return to work, school or a standard, non-holiday, schedule.

I am excited to kick this year off with some additional learning opportunities for our community. First, I am looking forward to convening my first Inquirer’s Class for St. Andrew’s. I’ll spend 6 sessions covering the history, beliefs, and the Episcopal approach to faith and worship. We will also spend a bit of time covering our saints – both ancient and more modern who have been venerated by the Anglican Church. We can learn from their lives and their choices. Please sign up on-line if you are interested or curious. Classes will be after church on Sundays, and will repeat again in person 0r via Zoom on Thursday evenings. Our first gathering will be Sunday – February 16th at 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m. and repeating on Thursday, February 20th at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 

Among those public servants who lived their faith’s values was our 39th President, Jimmy Carter. He was an extraordinary man with whom you could vigorously agree or disagree on political policy issues, but his legacy will include his lifelong Christian faith that fueled his work as a Sunday School teacher, a builder of houses for the poor through Habitat for Humanity, his enduring belief in peace and diplomatic solutions to entrenched regional conflicts. As founders of the Carter Center, he and his wife Rosalynn worked to eradicate diseases, improve the lives of the poor and give voice to the marginalized. His funeral will be at 10 am on Thursday at the Washington National Cathedral and will be livestreamed. The scheduled events are expected to draw such large crowds that St. Albans, next door (my long-time DC parish) will host several of the gatherings. I commend the live stream service to you, and hope that you will be able to set aside a few minutes to participate in Thursday’s National Day of Mourning to honor President Carter and his legacy. If you would like to add your condolences or share a story about President Carter, you may do that here at the Carter Center.  

This Sunday we will announce the list of folks who have signed up for the Inquirers Class or are planning to be received in the Episcopal Church. If you are interested or curious, please sign up on the website at this LINK

Please bundle up and stay warm. I will look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we enter the Season after Epiphany and celebrate the Baptism of our Lord. 

God’s Peace, 



We were honored to hear about and celebrate Deborah Hollenberg's parents' Harry and Sophy Hansen's 80th wedding anniversary on Sunday, January 5th. It is a gift to have our living history and St. Andrew's legacies worshipping with us. Deborah has generously given the altar flowers for Sunday's service in Harry and Sophy's memory. 



ALL WECOME. Vestry Meeting -- January 19, 2025.

PLAN TO ATTEND! Annual Meeting -- February 2, 2025.


St. Andrew’s will join a very small group of churches in the US when we recognize and celebrate our 300th anniversary. This will be more than a year-long recognition that will include special events and services, an ambitious capital campaign that will allow us to make our campus fully accessible, and will take our communications, succession planning and community engagement to the next level. In all, our efforts will be aimed at equipping ourselves for the coming century and for doing the work that God needs us to do. If you are interested in a leadership or volunteer role, please join us for a brief overview meeting on Thursday, January 16th at 6pm. Beverages and snacks will be included for our informal discussion. 


Are you curious about becoming an Episcopalian? Have you been received into the Episcopal Church and would enjoy learning more about our structure, history and theology? Are you a lifelong Episcopalian who might enjoy a brush up on our polity? Reverend Amy is offering a 6-week class for inquirers. This class will meet after church and will repeat again on Thursday nights for those who are not able to join on Sundays.

If you are interested, please use this LINK to sign up.


Our first session will begin on Sunday, February 16th after church from 11:15 am – 12:45pm. All questions are welcome, as are all attendees! 


St. Andrew's Church

Stewardship Update: THANK YOU to each of you who has planned and pledged to financially support St. Andrew's this year. If you have not yet made a commitment, but intend to NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! The Rector's report to the Vestry on January 19th will include the final count for number of pledges we have received. Make your commitment today while you are thinking about it. The rector's report will be included in the Annual Meeting materials for February 2nd.


The Clemens Clan is returning this year to compete in the Winter Warrior Games at Nantasket Beach with friends, and a few strangers, to fundraise for Wellspring Multi-Service Centers. If you are available, we can take 4 or 5 more volunteers to fill out our team.


On Saturday February 1st the games will be happening at Nantasket Beach in Hull, topping off with the Polar Plunge into the Ocean. These Winter Warrior Games proceeds will go directly to support the Adult Education Program at Wellspring. Help us celebrate this community. 


In February of 1985, our friend, the late Reverend Diane Edson, opened Wellspring in a single Hull storefront after recognizing that many people needed assistance on Boston’s South Shore. Wellspring emerged as a safe place for neighbors needing to grab a cup of coffee and a warm coat as they sought help. 


Over the years, the rented storefront that provided warm clothes, caring counsel, and a welcoming place to seek help grew into a vital community and regional resource where professionals and volunteers work together to provide resources and skills to neighbors on the South Shore. 


Together, The Clemens Clan Team has committed to raising $3,000.00 for Wellspring. 


I hope you will join us in this adventure. Please visit our fundraising page and consider donating $25 or more. We appreciate any support you want to provide:


Winter Warrior Games 2025 - Keith Clemens's Fundraiser on Donorbox


Wellspring Multi-Service Centers’ mission is to provide support and skills to people facing challenges to their well-being in order to help them achieve independence and self-sufficiency. 


A private, 501(c)3, multi-service organization with two locations on Boston’s South Shore, Wellspring serves individuals and families throughout the region. Our programs, available in our Hull and Weymouth locations, reach beyond providing emergency services and help people become more independent, productive members of their communities. 


Keith H Clemens 


LOOKING FOR SOME VOLUNTEER COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: Duties include getting to Church early to put on the coffee, make sure there’s half & half, put the snacks out, and clean up after coffee hour. Sign up sheet is in the Parish Hall. Consider asking a new friend to be a “team” or sign-up as a family!


Episcopal Diocese of Boston is offering an Inauguration Eve Vigil at The Cathedral Church of Saint Paul.

138 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02111, USA

Join together for prayer at this time of transition in our nation:

A prayer service holding sacred space for leaning into our Christian faith.  Details here.


HANOVER FOOD PANTRY:  St. Andrew’s collects items for the Hanover Food Pantry. Please drop off in the narthex. Our current needs are: baked beans; raisin bran; pudding cups; relish; liquid dish soap; chips; strawberry jam; peanut butter; cookie mixes; applesauce (jars); mayo; chicken broth; grape jelly.  


  • Saturday, January 11 at 111 a.m.: JACK CANN Funeral
  • Sunday, January 12 at 9:30 a.m. service: Reception Requests announced
  • Thursday, January 16 at 6:00 p.m.: 300th Anniversary meeting
  • Sunday, January 19: Vestry Meeting
  • Monday, January 20:  55th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Breakfast in Boston, gathering under the theme “Freedom Isn’t Free” with keynote speaker professor, author, and activist Angela Davis. LINK to info.
  • Sunday, February 16 - first meeting of Inquirers Class

LINK to Rev. Amy's blog --- MORE THAN JUST GHANA STORIES. See her post-election self care & more.


Each week this prayer list includes requests we have received through publication (Thursday, noon). If you wish to add people to this list, please submit names by email to or call the office or place a note on the offertory plate or give to an usher or to Rev. Amy at Sunday service.  


Bill MacLellan – Nicol Family – John – Tracy Sprows – family of Amy Motta—Dennis – Dave N – Lee G – Don S – Pam E – Jan B – Leah – Katrina & Darren – Paul Nicol –Mark D – Art J – Joyce – Matthew –Thomas & Gloria – Barbara Whitman – Susannah – John Cann -- David – Margie T -- Paula


TUESDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.

WEDNESDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.

THURSDAY, 11:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M.

Hybrid Worship Service

Sundays 9:30 A.M.


Please note the following updated worship guidelines:

  • Masks optional.

  • Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance to the church, and for use before and after Holy Communion.

For those participating in the service from home, please join us on our Facebook link:

We want to thank you for your patience during this time. As always, the safety and health of our members is paramount.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the Vestry.