Thursday, September 12, 2019
Join churches from across the CBA Church Network for the 134th Annual Gathering!
The program will focus on the state of the Gospel in Collin County, Church Planting, and how
CBA Churches are working to be a living witness at home and beyond.

Hutchin's BBQ in McKinney will cater the free lunch event.
The Encourager Magazine-LIVE!  
continues on Facebook this Fall
Tune in every other Thursday to watch The Encourager Magazine - LIVE! to get the latest news from churches across the CBA Church Network.  
From summer missions to church planting, co-hosts Marc Ira Hooks and Jennifer Bailey bring you features, news, and information you need.
Thursday, September 19 @ 3 p.m.
If you would like to be featured on The Encourager Magazine-LIVE!, send an email to: [email protected]

MinistrySafe will be hosting Sexual Abuse Awareness training
for SBTC churches at the
ERLC National Conference in Dallas - Caring Well.
The first 200 SBTC church leaders to register will be FREE, after that churches can send five free leaders for MinistrySafe training according to the SBTC Sexual Abuse Awareness Initiative.
By completing this form you will be registered for both MinistrySafe training and the ERLC Caring Well National Conference.

Registration does not include lodging, meals or parking. Go to the ERLC Website for more information. 
Early registration ends July 31.

In 1910, the  Mary Hill Davis Offering®  was established to empower state missions efforts for Texas Baptists. I hope you will mark your calendars for September 8-15 to recognize and promote this offering at your church. The state goal this year is $3.8 million. Your giving mobilizes ministries and missionaries to go make disciples and multiply churches among all people for the glory of God.
Demographic studies for member churches
Who are we? Who are our neighbors? How do we engage them?

These important questions should be asked as churches strive to evaluate their mission field. Once upon a time, churches would spend hundreds of man-hours having church members canvass door-to-door and create people maps of the surrounding neighborhoods. Today, state-of-the-art technology and access to multiple national databases makes our mission field knowable. And, knowing more about who our neighbors are allows the church to customize their engagement strategies based on this knowledge.

Is God calling you to plant churches  
in Collin County and beyond?

An initiative of the CBA Church Network
CBA Partners with RightNow Media - Vince Smith
CBA Partners with RightNow Media - Vince Smith

CBA has created a unique partnership with McKinney-based RightNow Media to provide access to their vast library of Bible studies and Christian video content. Watch the video above to find out more. Then, contact Phillip Bleecker to talk more about how your church can take advantage of this special offer.