This weekend there will several religious items out on the Welcome Desk in the atrium. If you see something that you would like, please take it home with you. All remaining items will be donated to various parishes next week.
Sunday is the last day to donate to the Women's Sanctuary Summer Essentials drive. You may bring bug spray, sunscreen, deodorant, visors, and sunglasses to the box in the parish atrium.
Discover Oklahoma will be airing a
story about the Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine tomorrow (Saturday, July 22nd) at 6:30pm on KFOR Channel 4. If you would like to watch it, use
this link, where it will be featured on the main page of their website the day it airs on TV, and continues on the page that week. After that week, it will then stay posted on the Episode page.
Feed the Hungry Ministry still has several needs for this Sunday, July 23rd at 11:30am. If you are willing and able, please
sign up here to provide items for the poor and hungry in OKC.
The Senior Adult Ministry will play Bunco next Tuesday, July 25th, from 1:30-3pm. We need at least 12 people to play; please call the Parish Life Office at (405) 842-1483 to reserve your spot. They're also taking a day trip to The Celebration of Quilts 2023 at 10am on Friday, July 28th at the Cole Community Center; lunch will follow. Admission will be $10 for the event; call the Parish Life Office to join the group.
There are
just a few tables left for the annual St. Joseph's Society Trivia Night on August 19th! You can
purchase your tickets here.
The Sunday Book Study will begin
The Ball and The Cross by G.K Chesterton on August 6th. Contact Jill at
[email protected] or (405) 641-7740 if you'd like to order a book and join in.