Kentucky State is open, but activities are heavily restricted.
As COVID-19 cases increase,
Gov. Beshear is encouraging more younger people to get vaccinated
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear is calling on Kentuckians between ages 20 to 49 to get vaccinated, as the recent increase in cases is skewed toward younger people. WFPL reported that 1.6 million people in Kentucky have received at least one dose of the vaccine. WFPL also reported Gov. Beshear said some capacity restrictions on businesses will be lifted once 2.5 million Kentuckians are vaccinated.

On Monday, President Joe Biden announced that every American 16 and over is eligible for the vaccine. Click here for vaccination locations in Kentucky.
COVID-19 Updates

The central location for COVID-19 updates at Kentucky State University

BREDS Back on the Hill: A Safe Start to Spring 2021

Read the Kentucky State University reopening plan for Spring 2021. The comprehensive guidelines provide a blueprint for keeping the campus community safe and healthy.

Kentucky State University COVID-19 Communications Strategy

The Kentucky State University COVID-19 Communications Strategy provides valuable information about the University's phased reopening plan.

Your Campus and COVID-19: The Road Back

·    Every student and employee of our campus community must complete the mandatory Your Campus and COVID-19: The Road Back training. To begin training, please click here (detailed log-in instructions below).
·    Everyone on campus or reporting to campus must do the daily COVID-19 self-screening process
·    Every member of the campus community must also quarantine if they feel even slightly sick or show any symptoms related to COVID-19. 
All members of our campus community are responsible for COVID-19 safety. The actions we take will affect the lives of others and result in our own life or death. At Kentucky State University each person’s life, whether student, faculty or staff, is important. 
Failure to comply with the proper protocols can result in death, severe health problems, and the closure of our campus.
Please remain vigilant as we fight together against COVID-19. Do the right things!
To complete your mandatory training click here and please enter the credentials noted below: 
Username: Your KSU email address
Password: Kysu2021!
Everyone will be prompted by the system to reset their temporary password and set a security question. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Human Resources, [email protected].
Wear a mask, protect others
COVID-19 Green and Gold Task Force members

Green Task Force (students)

Dr. Pernella Deams
Sophia Ellis
Samantha Todd
Barbara Hayes
Kirk Miller
Walter Malone
Arlen Sims
Tiffany Brockington
Jacqueline Duvall
Shuo Han

Gold Task Force (employees)
Atty. Shuo Han

Candace Raglin
Will Reilly
Jason Keeler
Jasmin Thurman
Eric Robinson
Charles Holloway
Samantha Todd
Micah Glenn
Pernella Deams
Phillip Clay

Kentucky State University is updating its Emergency Alert system. Fill out the BRED Alerts form.
Questions or concerns?
Campus community members are encouraged to send COVID-19 questions and concerns to [email protected] or to the chair of your designated task force.