Happy July,

This month, we're excited to amplify ways to support wellness among our staff. The work we do is hard - and it can often be emotionally (and physically!) draining. Here's how we're trying to support wellness here at CRJ:

  • This week, we rolled out a year-long subscription of the CALM App for ALL employees. The CALM app is the #1 app for mental fitness. Staff can add multiple devices to their account. We encourage you to share with your loved ones! Whether you have 30 seconds or 30 minutes, the CALM app offers exercises, meditations, and activities to keep your mind well. Visit this link to get started: https://www.calm.com/b2b/community-resources-for-justice/subscribe. Sign up with your CRJ email (or log in to your existing account).

If you have any questions about today's Journal, suggestions for the next issue, send us your thoughts at connect@crj.org. Thank you for everything you do.

Scenes and Shout-Outs from our Programs

Senator Liz Miranda and Represenative John Moran visited with the staff and residents at McGrath House to learn more about opportunities and community support for women as they tranisiton out of incarceration.

Congrats! Our CJI team will support Oklahoma in criminal justice reform efforts.

Oklahoma ranks 47th in the nation for incarceration. Under the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, the team at CJI will join a task force of elected officials, mental health professionals, district attorneys, sheriffs, and community stakeholders to "examine data from jails across the state and look for strategies other states utilize to protect public safety while shifting resources to keep less people behind bars."

Learn more here.

Spotlight on McGrath House: A plant from home takes on new meaning

"I have a plant I was neglecting because I was working, so I brought my plant into work with me so that I could take better care of it. The plant grew so much so that I came up with the idea to give each resident a plant to take care of so they can see where they started from when they first came to the McGrath House. [Residents] water the plant and take care of the plant - and it will continue to grow. In other words: Look at the plant as part of your life. As long as you take care of your plant, you will continue to grow. The plants are a reminder of how far residents have come - and there is still plenty of room for growth." - Leah Britt, Shift Supervisor, McGrath House

Quote of the Month:

“I love going to P-town, I feel like it’s a place where everyone can be themself and is welcomed.”

- Max, a resident at Community Strategies, Wrentham

For Pride Month, Max traveled to Provincetown to take part in the national "NOH8" campaign and photoshoot. Identifying as a transgender man himself, Max believes strongly in supporting the LGBTQ community. This year, the photoshoot was held in a house that supports individuals who are kicked out of their homes because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes visited Family Reentry Bridgeport to talk with staff and program alumni about opportunities to support individuals transitioning out of incarceration.

The Congressman had the chance to talk with Jimmy Cave, a graduate of FRE's program. Thanks to mentoring and support from the FRE team, Jimmy is now a business owner, a home owner, and a proud father.

Announcing: The Winners of the CRJ Scavenger Hunt!

Most Creative: Team McGrath House

Most Collaborative: Team Houston House

Most Colorful: Team Athol (Aka "Team Weet Weet")

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