June 9, 2020

A Lost Opportunity:
The Unimaginative Re-Imagining of the SPF

After admitting the current accountability system cements institutional racism and contributes heavily to inequitable educational opportunities, and after a ten month process of “community-led, District supported” re-imagining of the current School Performance Framework (SPF) , a hard working committee came up with…drum roll please… a plan that will continue the status quo that has given us, you guessed it, institutional racism and inequitable educational opportunities with some new twists and turns. 

Initially there were no limits to designing a completely new way of evaluating quality schools, but it appears this three pronged resolution could pass even though it lacks clarity and could potentially add even more harmful data back into the school evaluation mix. This proposed District accountability tool could turn out to be even more punitive than the one we are trying to eliminate. The three gentlemen on the Board, Tay Anderson, Scott Baldermann, and Brad Laurvick seem to be NO votes, three of the four gentleladies, Angela Cobian, Barbara O’Brien and Carrie Olson, are YES votes. District 4 Director Jen Bacon seems undecided, in spite of the fact that her district will be most heavily adversely affected by the continuation of the current accountability system.

This is all happening while the District has no new Denver Plan in place, a process which has been postponed due to the pandemic. With this unprecedented opportunity for real change, real accountability, real different educational offerings and means of delivery, what has DPS decided to do? Embrace the status quo of education reform.