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CalCoast™ publishes The CalCoast™ WAVE to subscribers up and down the California coast and around the world. CalCoast™ WAVE subscribers are from federal, state and local governments, as well as NGOs, coastal consultants, academia and students.
For a subscription of only $5.95 per month (renewed automatically until cancelled), we hand-curate and send you the week's important news from dozens of sources so you don't have to. 
At no cost, each edition of The CalCoast™ WAVE also includes timely announcements from government agencies, NGOs and others, as well as relevant information about conferences, meetings, and job openings. We encourage readers to forward the CalCoast™ WAVE to friends and colleagues.
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Editor's Notes

Highlights from the articles and op-eds below:
  • Prepare for 10 Feet of Sea Level Rise, California Commission Tells Coastal Cities
  • 28 bills boosting wildfire prevention, recovery signed by Gov. Jerry Brown
  • Op-ed: Long Road Still Ahead to Fund New California Water Storage
  • Beaches freed of more than half a ton of trash, recyclables
  • Construction Begins For Hermosa Avenue Improvement Project


State Coastal Conservancy Webinar: The History of Racial Restrictions on California's Public Beaches
Join the State Coastal Conservancy (Sept 20) at noon for Dr. Alison Rose Jefferson's presentation: "Making Visible Overlooked Stories of African Americans in California Dreams." You can attend in person at 1515 Clay St, 10th Floor, Big Sur Conference Room, in Oakland near the 12th Street BART station or by webinar. Register for the webinar at: Feel free to bring a lunch.
Dr. Jefferson will briefly discuss the history and public memory of the African American experience at a Santa Monica, California beach site that has sometimes been called "the Inkwell" and the city of Manhattan Beach's, Bruce's Beach. Additionally, she will discuss her efforts towards innovative public programming forged in new partnerships with colleagues in ocean stewardship as well as in the history industry, social action and ocean aquatics, to build interpretation projects at these sites that are facilitating pathways to broader and younger audiences by connecting them with overlooked culturally diverse stories of our collective history and national heritage. 
Dr. Jefferson is a historian and heritage conservation consultant whose research explores the intersection of the history of the African American experience in Southern California, historical memory, heritage conservation, and, spatial and social justice.
P3 Federal Conference
Washington, D.C.
The P3 Federal Conference will be held in Washington, D.C. this November and event organizers invite local, state, and federal representatives and industry professionals for P3 education, project development, and networking opportunities to attend. The two-day conference is designed for owners who want to better understand how alternative project delivery can be used for their next project, identify trends and upcoming procurement opportunities, and connect with other communities and agencies who have used P3s for their critical infrastructure challenges. More information is available here. 



NOAA Marine Debris Program FY19 Marine Debris REMOVAL Grants

Projects awarded through the removal grant competition will create long-term, quantifiable ecological habitat improvements for NOAA trust resources, with priority consideration for efforts targeting derelict fishing gear and other medium- and large-scale debris. Projects should also foster public awareness of the effects of marine debris to further the conservation of living marine resource habitats, and contribute to the understanding of marine debris composition, distribution and impacts.  The submission period for removal proposals will extend from August 20 - October 29, 2018 . For more information, please click here.

NOAA Marine Debris Program FY19 RESEARCH Grants

This opportunity provides funding for research directly related to marine debris through field, laboratory, and modeling experiments. Successful project proposals will explore the ecological risk associated with marine debris, determine debris exposure levels, examine the fate and transport of marine debris in nearshore coastal environments, and/or quantify habitat impacts resulting from marine debris. The submission period for research proposals will extend from September 17 - December 14, 2018 . For more information, click here.
California receives $8.5 Million to Support State Parks and Outdoor Recreation
WASHINGTON - Secretary of the Interior Ryan K. Zinke today announced a 8.5 million distribution from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) to California for state-identified outdoor recreation and conservation projects. This is part of a $100 million distribution from the LWCF to all 50 States, the Territories, and the District of Columbia. LWCF funds are non-taxpayer dollars derived from Outer Continental Shelf lease revenues and are awarded through federal matching grants administered by the National Park Service.  Since the inception of the LWCF, over $4.2 billion from responsible offshore oil and gas development has been made available to state and local governments to fund more than 43,000 conservation projects throughout the nation. The allocation for the State and Local Assistance Program is determined by a formula set in the LWCF Act. For more information, please visit

Coastal Commission News
Policy & Political News
Drought, Water, & Wetlands News
Beach & Coastal News
Local Government News
Climate Change & Environmental News

Oct 12, 2018 abstract deadline - Feb 2019 National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology - St. Augustine Beach, FL

The abstract deadline for the 2019 National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology is Friday, October 12 th , 2018. The conference is being held February 6-8, 2019, at the brand new St. Augustine Beach Embassy Suites Oceanfront Resort.  Abstracts may be submitted to . The Conference Planning Committee welcomes abstracts on a variety of coastal topics. Please visit the conference website here for more information.  Conference objectives include: To present the latest in beach preservation technology and real-world practice and to provide a technological transfer from the scientific and engineering community to government officials who make the decisions on coastal projects and policies.

Connecting the Drops from Summit to Sea: Early Registration Ends September 4

The California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Annual Conference will be held in Riverside in just over 2 months from October 15-17 . The full conference program can be viewed here and reflects the conference theme Connecting the Drops from Summit to Sea. The extensive program includes training workshops, technical presentations, and posters addressing a range of challenges and opportunities facing urban stormwater practitioners as well as a large and diverse exposition of the latest products and services. Speaker and poster presenters must register by Monday, September 17, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Late and webcast registration ends Tuesday, October 9 at 5:00 p.m.

The Bay Foundation Releases 5 Year Report: the LAX Dunes are Thriving

TBF has been busy helping remove non-native vegetation at the LAX Dunes, hosting many community restoration events with a wide range of volunteer groups. These efforts and those of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) have turned the dunes into healthy, thriving habitats for an abundance of wildlife and native vegetation. TBF recently completed a 5-Year Report summarizing restoration activities in the "Coastal Dunes Improvement Project" (CDIP) area since 2013. The data show that restorations in CDIP areas are meeting the restoration performance criteria with predominantly native coastal vegetation. To participate in one of the monthly volunteer events at the LAX Dunes, please click here.
MARID VI:Invitation & Abstract
The 6th edition of the Conference series on Marine and River Dune Dynamics (MARID) will take place April 1-3, 2019 in Bremen, Germany.  The aim of this meeting is to encourage effective communication between physicists, geologists, biologists and modellers to improve our understanding of bedform dynamics with particular attention to societal relevance.  The conference is open to all professionals and stakeholders dealing with bedform dynamics. MARID VI will offer student travel grants and will make awards available for their high standard contributions to the meeting by young scientists. Click  here for more details. Submission of extended abstracts for oral or poster presentations is due by Tuesday October 30, 2018. Please use the template that is provided, and keep to a length of 2 to 6 pages (all inclusive). Details on how to submit are available  here.  If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to

Employment Opportunities

Assistant Professor in Coastal Resiliency
Rice University
Houston, TX

The Rice University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering invites applications for a tenure track assistant professor position in the area of Coastal Resiliency to begin July 2019. Exceptional candidates at higher ranks also will be considered. We seek candidates with expertise and interest in interdisciplinary research that contributes to enhancing the resilience of urban communities and infrastructure systems to the impacts of coastal natural hazards and climate change. The successful candidate is expected to establish a rigorous, externally funded research program, to teach core courses and develop undergraduate and graduate courses within their area of expertise, advise graduate students, collaborate with other faculty, and be involved in service to the university and the broader scientific community. Applicants must have  earned a Ph.D. degree in Civil / Coastal / Environmental Engineering or a related field, demonstrate excellence in research, display distinction (or potential for distinction) in teaching, and be able to collaborate across disciplines.  To apply, please submit materials in electronic form through the Rice Application Portal via this link .  Review of applications will begin November 1, 2018
California Clean Air Day
October 3, 2018
California's Clean Air Day goal is to spread the message throughout California about air pollution and how it directly impacts all Californians' health. Everyone is directly affected by air pollution. Only with the whole community's help can we get the message out about how important clean air is to all our neighborhoods. Make sure to tag @CleanAirDay on Instagram and Twitter, and at @CaliforniaCleanAirDay on Facebook. Thank you so much for sharing and for doing your part to #ClearTheAir! Click herefor the many ways you can share your commitment to clean air.

Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) Hong-Kong
November 14 - November 16
SOS provides a global platform for leadership companies and organizations to advance the development and implementation of industry-driven solutions to ocean sustainability challenges. After September 21st, SOS 2018 registration will increase from $625 to $865 for WOC Members, and from $865 to $1,025 for Non-WOC Members.  Registration includes access to the Full Program Activities: all presentations and exhibits, Welcome Reception and food and beverage throughout the conference.    Registration for the World Ocean Council Sustainable Ocean Summit 2018 will open soon.  For more details on the SOS and last year's program please click here.

Living Lab Grand Opening
Ocean Discovery Institute
San Diego, CA
October 7 , 2018
12-2:30 pm
Ocean Discovery Institute has partnered with the San Diego Unified School District to build a permanent, state-of-the-art science and conservation education facility in City Heights. They will soon be opening the doors of the Living Lab for all to join in celebration of the achievements and contributions that made this vision come to life. This Living Lab will be a place where San Diego Unified students and their families engage in hands-on experiences both during and after-school - enabling young people to achieve in science and become leaders who make our world a better place. Find out what is possible for you at the Living Lab! Click here for more information & registration.

P3 Federal Conference: Using  Public-Private Partnerships to Meet Our Infrastructure Challenges Washington, D.C.
November 27 - 28, 2018

Join more than 800 public representatives, owners, industry leaders, and P3 experts for two days tailored to the needs of authorities focused on transportation, water, energy, and social infrastructure project delivery. The P3 Federal Conference invites local, state, and Federal representatives and industry professionals for P3 education, project development, and networking opportunities. The two day conference is designed for owners who want to better understand how alternative project delivery can be used for their next project, identify trends and upcoming procurement opportunities, and connect with other communities and agencies who have used P3s for their critical infrastructure challenges.  Please click here to view the program.
To be included in future event updates, receive presentations, and connect with the over 700 delegates who attend last year's conference, please click here.

Women Count: Professional Women in Advocacy Conference

October 9-10, 2018
Washington, D.C.

Professional Women in Advocacy (PWIA) hosts a national conference to provide professional development and leadership training to women in all areas of advocacy including federal, state and local government relations, public affairs, community relations, public policy, legislation, Congressional relations, community activism, political engagement and campaigns. When women have a seat at the public policy table, everyone benefits. In order to get and keep our seat, we must be equipped to competently and confidently represent our viewpoint. The goal of this conference is to provide women in advocacy the information, tools and contacts they need to be successful representatives for their organization or cause. We achieve this by hosting substantive policy discussions, teaching the latest methods and strategies in advocacy and filling the room with network contacts that help attendees do their job at the highest possible level.  For more information and registration click  here.
You have received this e-newsletter from the California Coastal Coalition (CalCoast™), a non-profit advocacy group comprised of 35 coastal cities; five counties; SANDAG, BEACON and SCAG; private sector partners and NGO's, committed to protecting and restoring California's coastline through beach sand restoration, increasing the flow of natural sediment, wetlands recovery, improved water quality, watershed management and the reduction of marine debris and plastic pollution. When possible, we try to post articles that are not protected by pay walls.  
Steven Aceti, JD
Executive Director,  
California Coastal Coalition

3110 Hataca Road | Carlsbad, CA 92009