About The CalCoast Wave

CalCoast™ publishes The CalCoast™ WAVE without charge to readers up and down the California coast and around the world. CalCoast™ WAVE readers are from federal, state and local governments, as well as NGOs, coastal consultants, academia and students. We have been publishing our weekly e-newsletter since 1997 and we now reach more than 3,200 readers each week .
We hand-curate the week's important news from dozens of sources so you don't have to. Each edition of The CalCoast™ WAVE also includes timely announcements from government agencies, NGOs and others, as well as relevant information about conferences, meetings, and job openings. We encourage readers to forward the CalCoast™ WAVE to friends and colleagues. In addition, please also send us any news tips, announcements, events, or job openings that may be of interest to our readers.

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Editor's Notes:

Executive Order on "Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth" Could Result in Environmental Laws and Regulations Implemented Under the Obama Administration
On March 28 th  and April 10 th , President Trump issued executive orders which aim to promote private investment in energy generating projects by streamlining EPA permit processes, removing critical provisions of the Clean Water Act, rescinding dozens of environment-related EOs issued during the Obama administration and expanding the federal government's power of eminent domain by weakening the power of local governments to exercise this right. In addition, local governments would lose the right to regulate new energy-related projects. The EOs have several dates by which the EPA, Interior Department and other agencies must issue reports that will assist the Trump administration in carrying out the EOs. Opponents of the EOs have said they will litigate the EOs if implemented. The March 28 EO may be 
r ead here. The April 10 EO may be read here.

Legislation Seeks to Reduce Plastic Pollution and Marine Debris   (Update)
We have been reporting on  two bills that call for a reduction of plastic pollution and marine debris. SB 54 (Allen D-Santa Monica ) and its companion bill in the Assembly, AB 1080 (Gonzalez D-San Diego ), would establish the California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, requir ing  the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), in consultation with the State Water Resources Control Board and the Ocean Protection Council, to adopt regulations to source reduce and recycle at least 75% of single-use packaging and products sold or distributed in California by 2030, and requires CalRecycle to develop a scoping plan to achieve those requirements. 
To watch a video created in support of AB 1080, click  here For bill text, committee staff reports, status and other information about these bills, click here and enter the bill number in the "Quick Bill Search" window.
SB 54 is currently in the Senate Approproations Committee A May 6 hearing in that committee was canceled at the request of the author. AB 1080 is currently in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. A hearing on the bill has not yet been scheduled. To move a bill out of an Appropriations Committee, it needs strong support from a variety of organizations. Many of our readers have contacted us to find out how they can register their support for these bills. You can post comments in support of SB 54 and AB 1080 here. We are tracking these bills and we will keep everyone advised of their progress
Bill to Fund Local Government Emergency Preparedness Related to Shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Plant Clears First Hurdle
The Senate Government Organization Committee recently approved SB 465 by Sen. Patricia Bates 
(R-Laguna Niguel) that would ensure local governments continue to receive funding for offsite emergency response planning, training, and exercises related to the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). SB 465 is currently in the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration at a later date. To check SB 465's history, votes, staff reports and status, click here.
You may post comments about SB 465 here. You may sign-up to receive email notifications about SB 465 and other bills from the California Legislative Information website by clicking here. We will follow this legislation and keep our readers advised of its status.

Bill Would Limit The Authority of Local Governments To Reduce Litter and Marine Debris   (Update)
Earlier this year, Assemblymember Phillip Chen (R-55) introduced  AB 1171, which would prohibit local governments, or other local public agencies, from requiring a grocery store to use a certain type of food packaging for any food sold in the grocery store if the majority of residential households within the jurisdiction of the local agency have access to a curbside program that accepts the material from which that food packaging is made. Opponents of AB 1171, including the
  California State Association of Counties, the California Product Stewardship Council and its affiliate, the National Stewardship Action Council, say the bill could restrict the ability of cities and counties to respond timely to changing market conditions for each material type which, in turn, could negatively affect an already fragile recycling infrastructure. In addition, opponents say AB 1171 could curtail efforts by local jurisdictions to restrict packaging types to reduce litter and marine debris. 
AB 1171 was heard  last month in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee where it was amended and re-referred to the committee. An April 26 re-hearing was cancelled by the author.
To check the history, votes and status of AB 1171, click here. You may post comments about AB 1171 here. You may sign-up to receive email notifications about AB 1171 and other bills from the California Legislative Information website by clicking here. We will follow this legislation and keep our readers up-to-date, but it would appear from AB 1171's history,  and a strong opposition campaign, that the bill will not pass this year.
Highlights From The Articles & Content Below:

  • Pacific Grove residents speak out on coastline
  • How powerful lawmakers are killing California bills-without a peep
  • An Apple lobbyist just sneakily pushed California to postpone its right-to-repair bil
  • Gov. Newsom issues executive order demanding drought-climate plan
  • Contaminants in California tap water could result in over 15,000 additional cancer cases, study says 
  • Despite abundant snowpack, water still limited for some farmers
  • Strong winds are supersizing the ocean's biggest waves
  • Earth Day 2019: Working around-the-clock to combat ocean pollution
  • Here are the top 10 fastest growing California cities
  • Southern California ranked as second-worst "mega city" to live in
  • San Bernardino to consider 5-year contract extension for commercial cannabis consultant
  • San Diego homeless count 2019: Data shows over 8,000 living on county streets or in shelters

Proposed EPA program would give $50-million boost to children's health

SAN FRANCISCO - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a new $50-million grant program, the Healthy Schools Grant Program, to expand the Trump Administration's efforts to protect children where they learn and play. The announcement is part of President Trump's proposed Fiscal Year 2020 budget and supports EPA's ongoing commitment to evaluate and address risks to children's health. The Healthy Schools Grant Program is a comprehensive environmental health grant program with the goal of identifying and addressing environmental health risks in and around schools that contribute to increased absenteeism and reduced academic performance. The program would provide a total of $50 million for schools to identify, prevent, reduce and resolve environmental hazards including: reducing childhood lead exposure; reducing asthma triggers; promoting integrated pest management; and reducing or eliminating childhood exposure to one or more toxic chemicals in schools. To learn more about what EPA is doing to promote healthy schools, click here . To learn about all of EPA's Children's Health programs, click here .
CDFW Awards $13.2 Million for Fisheries Habitat Restoration and Forest Legacy Projects

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) today announced the selection of 41 projects that will receive funding for the restoration, enhancement and protection of anadromous salmonid habitat in California watersheds, as well as forest legacy restoration.

The grants are distributed through CDFW's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP). They include $994,421 allocated for timber legacy restoration projects and approximately $12.2 million for anadromous salmonid restoration projects. FRGP monies come from a combination of state sources and the federal Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.The 41 approved projects will further the objectives of state and federal fisheries recovery plans, including removing barriers to fish migration, restoring riparian habitat, monitoring of listed populations and creating a more resilient and sustainably managed water resources system that can better withstand drought conditions. The list of approved projects is available on the  FRGP website .

Coastal Commission News
Policy & Political News
Drought, Water, & Wetlands News

Beach & Coastal News
Local Government News
Climate Change & Environmental News

Deadline Alert! Tell a Green Startup to Apply ASAP!

Know a sustainability entreprenuer with a startup idea? Tell them to apply to Cleantech Open's summer accelerator today to: Create business deliverables, including a pitch deck, pitch video, business plan, market strategy, and more....Find a mentor in their niche, meet with investors and raise capital, gain visibility, consult with experts, connect with industry partners, and access commercialization resources. Cleantech Open graduates have gone on to raise over $1.2 billion in external funding and over $300 million in revenue. Check out our #CTOAlumniSuccess on Twitter. Help us help the planet--spread the word! Give your fellow geek   this link or send him/her to here for more information.

Announcing New ACES Conference Chairs

ACES is pleased to announce Dr. Emily Pindilli and Ms. Shonté Jenkins will assume leadership as co-chairs of the ACES 2020 Planning Committee, effective April 15. Dr. Dianna Hogan, who chaired the Planning Committee for ACES 2016 and 2018, will remain active in the ACES community and will assist Emily and Shonté as they bring new ideas and energy into ACES. Emily Pindilli is the Natural Resource Economics Lead at the USGS Science and Decisions Center where she leads multidisciplinary studies on a diverse portfolio of environmental and informational economics research topi cs. Shonté Jenkins is the Science Information Lead at the USGS Science and Decisions Center and has been a member of the ACES Planning Committee since ACES 2012 and co-chaired the ACES 2018 Program Committee. The ACES community appreciates Dianna Hogan's outstanding efforts during ACES 2016 and 2018. More information on ACES 2020, including dates and location, will be shared over the coming months. Stay tuned to our website.

EPA requires Hawaii property owner to close illegal cesspool serving heavy-duty truck yard

HONOLULU - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced a settlement with Detroit Diesel Corporation (DDC) for failing to close a large-capacity cesspool (LCC) in Campbell Industrial Park Kapolei, Oahu. Detroit Diesel will pay a $129,000 fine and the cesspool was replaced with an individual wastewater treatment system in January. Detroit Diesel owns the property where Freightliner of Hawaii operates a heavy-duty truck dealership and truck service center. EPA inspectors found a large-capacity cesspool serving the bathrooms on the property. DDC is the fifth facility in the Campbell Industrial Park area where EPA has identified illegal LCCs over the past two years. Large capacity cesspools were banned under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act in 2005.   "Protecting Hawaii's marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, means improved wastewater management," said EPA Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Mike Stoker. "Working with the Hawaii Dept. of Health, EPA will continue to inspect and drive closure of illegal cesspools."
Cesspools are used more widely in Hawaii than in any other state, even though 95 percent of all drinking water in Hawaii comes from groundwater sources. In the 13 years since the federal LCC ban took effect, more than 3,400 large-capacity cesspools have been closed statewide, many through voluntary compliance. Cesspools collect and discharge untreated raw sewage into the ground, where disease-causing pathogens and harmful chemicals can contaminate groundwater, streams and the ocean.
The settlement is subject to a 30-day comment period. For more information and to submit comments visit epa.gov . For more information on large-capacity cesspools and the 2005 ban, click here.

California Adopts Complex Rules Governing Filling Waters and Wetlands

The State Water Resources Control Board has adopted regulations imposing stringent new requirements for permits to discharge dredged or fill material into waters and wetlands, which it newly defines. In the face of opposition grounded on the lack of demonstrated need for such new rules (see Newsletter of February 21, 2019), the costs and delays the new rules would impose, and questions whether the new requirements would yield any better results than the already complex existing ones, the proposal of new rules had largely stalled for over a decade. Fears from some that the Trump administration will roll back federal regulation of wetlands, long the mainstay of wetland protection, refreshed efforts to develop new state rules and culminated in the Board's adoption of the new regulations on April 2, 2019.   More information here.

U.S. EPA Honors 2019 ENERGY STAR® Partners of the Year in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Pacific Southwest Region and the U.S. Department of Energy are honoring 21 ENERGY STAR partners for their outstanding contributions to public health and the environment. These enterprises have earned ENERGY STAR Awards for demonstrating national leadership in cost-saving energy efficient solutions. They are among the 183 ENERGY STAR Award Winners nationwide that will be honored in Washington, D.C., on April 11.  For more than 25 years, EPA's ENERGY STAR program has been America's resource for saving energy and protecting the environment. Since 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped save American families and businesses nearly 4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity and associated reductions of over 3 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases. In 2017 alone, ENERGY STAR and its partners helped Americans save $30 billion in energy costs.

CSEF Conference

If you're focused on local economic development through community based infrastructure and interested in understanding new approaches and capital options available to owners, including alternative delivery procurement, public-private partnerships, and opportunity zone funding options, you will want to attend this May. Join more than 650 government and industry leaders, project owners, CVB officials, economic development agencies, developers, and AEC professionals for the Convention, Sports, & Entertainment Facilities Conference (CSEF).
Taking place May 16-17 in San Diego , CSEF is the premier project delivery and networking conference for local governments and the development industry focused on convention centers, conference centers, headquarters hotel, stadium/arena, and entertainment district venues.

ASBPA 2019 National Coastal Conference CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Due May 4, 2019

The American Shore & Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA), in cooperation with the Coastal Zone Foundation, announces the Call for Abstracts for its 2019 National Coastal Conference,October 22-25 at the Myrtle Beach Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, SC. ASBPA is the nation's first organization to promote science-based policies for the preservation of coastal areas. The theme of the 2019 conference, "Where Coasts & Rivers Meet" continues to broaden our focus across the entire physical coastal and estuarine system. The National Coastal Conference provides an opportunity for coastal stakeholders and managers to develop collaborative networks to promote best management practices, while learning the latest science, engineering and policy needed to maintain and improve the health of our beachfront and estuarine shorelines and ecosystems. Technical, policy-oriented, and coastal floodplain resource and flood risk management presentations or posters are invited for a broad range of coastal & estuarine ecology, science, engineering, economics, and policy.
Presentations may be PowerPoint or poster format. Abstracts (up to 500 words) are due by May 4, 2019. Submit abstracts via the online form at www.asbpa.org .  Presenters are responsible for all of their expenses including travel, lodging, and registration fees. Notification of presentation status will occur by June 24, 2019. Additional information can be found at www.asbpa.org .

Sustaining Benefits from Marine Protected Areas in a Changing Ocean: Findings and Recommendations from the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee
The Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee (MPA FAC) conducted an extensive investigation that identified significant and far-reaching benefits to U.S. ecosystems, economies, communities and cultures resulting from the creation and long-term implementation of the nation's MPAs. Generally, the MPA FAC has found that our nation's MPAs: 1) support healthy, productive, and resilient ecosystems; 2) support coastal communities; and 3) connect America's people to their ocean heritage. Click here for the committee's executive summary and click here for the committee's findings and reccomendations.
Employment Opportunities
I Love A Clean San Diego
Career Opportunities

I Love A Clean San Diego (ILACSD) is in the business of change. The organization works to improve the health and beauty of San Diego. If you're looking for a dynamic, impact-driven organization that values passion and professionalism, ILACSD wants to meet you! Currently there is 1 position open: Philanthropy Manager, Corporate Relations. For job descriptions and details for applying, please click here.

Politico Seeks a California Consumer Reporter Politico HQ

This position would encompass consumer privacy, weed rules and the nationally influential regulations emanating from the Department of Consumer Affairs. POLITICO is looking for a versatile reporter to cover the policy and politics of consumer regulation in California, including data privacy, marijuana and other hot-button issues, as part of their new POLITICO California Pro bureau in Sacramento. Job posting here .
Countywide  Integrated Waste Management: Citizens Advisory Committee/CRRA San Diego Chapter and Zero Waste San Diego Public Meeting

The Citizens Advisory Committee/CRRA will meet on Thursday, May 9, 2019 from 12:00 - 2:00 pm.  The meeting will be held at 5510 Overland - 4th Floor Large Conference Room.  The contact for this meeting is Rick Anthony ( [email protected] ) and Steve Weihe ([email protected] - (858)694-2559 ).  For the meeting agenda, click here.
2019 ACES Oceania Forum Christchurch, New Zealand
September 2-6, 2019

The second ACES Oceania Ecosystem Services Forum (OESF) will build on the success of the inaugural event in Brisbane, Australia in 2017, that raised the profile of the value of ecosystems in decision-making in the Oceania region. OESF 2019 aims to bring together policy-makers, businesses, community leaders and researchers with the aspiration of managing, restoring and creating healthy communities and ecosystems for a resilient future. Please Note: Presentation abstracts and workshop proposals close May 10th. For more information and to register, visit here.

Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference (ELEMCON) Denver, Colorado
May 13-15, 2019

At ELEMCON, participants will discover the most current energy programs and initiatives in manufacturing, refining, transportation, warehousing, healthcare, hospitality, retailing, education, and other industries. Participants will leave the conference with an arsenal of tools and best practices to help increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and minimize impact on the environment.  ELEMCON is currently seeking Speaker & Session proposals for their 2019 conference. Read the call for proposals here and submit by October 31. Use code YALE for 20% off registration. Register now .

You have received this e-newsletter from the California Coastal Coalition (CalCoast™), a non-profit advocacy group comprised of 35 coastal cities; five counties; SANDAG, BEACON and SCAG; private sector partners and NGO's, committed to protecting and restoring California's coastline through beach sand restoration, increasing the flow of natural sediment, wetlands recovery, improved water quality, watershed management and the reduction of marine debris and plastic pollution. When possible, we try to post articles that are not protected by pay walls.  
Steven Aceti, JD
Executive Director,  
California Coastal Coalition

3110 Hataca Road | Carlsbad, CA 92009