About The CalCoast Wave

CalCoast™ publishes The CalCoast™ WAVE without charge to readers up and down the California coast and around the world. CalCoast™ WAVE readers are from federal, state and local governments, as well as NGOs, coastal consultants, academia and students. We have been publishing our weekly e-newsletter since 1997 and we now reach more than 3,200 readers each week .
We hand-curate the week's important news from dozens of sources so you don't have to. Each edition of The CalCoast™ WAVE also includes timely announcements from government agencies, NGOs and others, as well as relevant information about conferences, meetings, and job openings. We encourage readers to forward the CalCoast™ WAVE to friends and colleagues. In addition, please also send us any news tips, announcements, events, or job openings that may be of interest to our readers.

Please add steveaceti@calcoast.org to your address book so The CalCoast™ WAVE does not end up in a Junk Mail folder. Thank you for your interest in The CalCoast™ WAVE!

Highlights From The Articles & Content Below:

  • California Coastal Commission to Recommend Eminent Domain to Combat Sea-Level Rise?
  • Fact Check: Trump's Emergency Powers And The Border Wall
  • Shutdown effects: Where federal workers are not getting paid
  • Courts Run Out of Cash Next Friday. Here's What Happens Then
  • Gender inequality in California auto insurance rates will no longer be allowed
  • State regulation would broaden wetlands rules
  • Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project To Move City Of Santa Monica Closer To Water Self-Sufficiency
  • Trump threatens to cut off disaster funding for California fire victims
  • On day 2, Gov. Newsom calls for greater fire safety - and seeks Trump help
  • Poseidon prevails in desalination lawsuit
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Grant Projects Funded
"Water Log" - Web Resource for Coastal and Watershed News

On this website, you'll find a lot of practical information about sea level rise, climate change, disaster assistance, Federal agencies that aid in coastal resilience, laws that govern U.S. waters, and much more.  Special attention is paid to the Army Corps of Engineers because it's the critical agency when it comes to constructing and maintaining our water resources infrastructure.  You'll also find coastal resources by region, info on the regional use of sediment, and lots of important links that will aid you in your quest for knowledge. You can find the "Water Log" website here. 


CDFW Awards $13.2 Million for Fisheries Habitat Restoration and Forest Legacy Projects

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) today announced the selection of 41 projects that will receive funding for the restoration, enhancement and protection of anadromous salmonid habitat in California watersheds, as well as forest legacy restoration.

The grants are distributed through CDFW's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP). They include $994,421 allocated for timber legacy restoration projects and approximately $12.2 million for anadromous salmonid restoration projects. FRGP monies come from a combination of state sources and the federal Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund.The 41 approved projects will further the objectives of state and federal fisheries recovery plans, including removing barriers to fish migration, restoring riparian habitat, monitoring of listed populations and creating a more resilient and sustainably managed water resources system that can better withstand drought conditions. The list of approved projects is available on the  FRGP website.

Interior Disburses $44.8 Million in FY
2018 Energy Revenues to California

Revenues going back to the state will fund critical educational and infrastructure improvements, land and water conservation projects.  U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced that Interior's Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR), disbursed $44.891 million in Fiscal Year 2018 energy revenues to California. This represents an increase of $8.649 million from the previous year's total. The funds are derived from energy produced on federal and Indian lands, as well as U.S. offshore areas.

Interior Department Announces Second Consecutive Year of Growth in Energy Revenues as FY 2018 Disbursements Climb to $8.93 Billion

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced today that Interior's Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR) disbursed $8.93 billion in Fiscal Year 2018 from energy production on federal and American Indian lands and offshore areas. That figure represents an increase of $1.82 billion over the previous year. Often the second-highest generator of federal income following taxes, energy revenue disbursements are a critical source of funding to states, American Indian Tribes and individual Indian mineral owners, as well as to the Land and Water Conservation Fund, Reclamation Fund, Historic Preservation Fund and the U.S. Treasury. A complete list of states receiving revenues and FY 2018 disbursement data will be available here

Coastal Commission News
Policy & Political News

Drought, Water, & Wetlands News
Beach & Coastal News
Local Government News
Climate Change & Environmental News

2019 Business Waste Reduction & Recycling Awards

The City of San Diego's Environmental Services Department invites local businesses and organizations with successful waste diversion and recycling programs to apply for a Business Waste Reduction & Recycling Award. The top applicants with the most comprehensive, innovative and/or improved recycling programs will receive the highest honor, the Recycler of the Year Award.  The application period runs through February 8, 2019. For additional information and to apply, please click here.

The Coastal Conservancy

The Coastal Conservancy is seeking members for an inaugural Explore the Coast Advisory Board to advise on the application process, review of applications, and ongoing administration of the grant program. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to improve the Explore The Coast Grant Program by harnessing the insights and experience of diverse stakeholders and to share decision-making power with the communities served by the program. Applications
are due January 28, 2019.

Mattress Recycling Council Program

Did you know that more than 80 percent of mattresses can be recycled and turned into new consumer and industrial products? For example, old mattress foam is recycled into carpet padding, mattress springs are sold as scrap steel, which is melted to make building materials and other steel products, and wood from box springs is chipped and used as landscape mulch. Mattress Recycling Council's Bye Bye Mattress Program offers no-cost, environmentally friendly alternatives to Californians disposing of old mattresses through local collection sites, public events and collaborations with local retailers and solid waste providers. Consumers may take their old mattresses to more than 230 drop-off locations and collection events throughout California. The Program also recycles mattresses collected by retailers, hotels, universities and other sources that discard mattresses in large volumes. For more information, click here.

Night Work on New I-5 Carpool Lanes Begins in Carlsbad

Construction crews began night work on Dec. 2, to extend a HOV/Carpool Lane on Interstate 5 in each direction between Manchester Avenue in the City of Encinitas and Palomar Airport Road in the City of Carlsbad. The work is necessary for crews to prepare the freeway for the placement of k-rail (concrete barriers) on the inside shoulder of I-5, which will be in place for approximately 18 months, and allow construction crews to operate safely within the median. The work will occur between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. over eight to 10 weeks, excluding Friday and Saturday nights and holidays. For more information, click here.

Ballona Institute Celebrates Recent Victory

The Ballona Institute has recently saved The Villa Marina Tule Wetlands and 118 mature trees on the edge of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. The West LA Area Planning Commission voted 4-0 to support the appeals of community groups and neighbors, objecting to city planning staff approvals to pave over open space, divert a significant part of the wetlands through a concrete pipe and approve a new vehicle storage parking lot where live trees are currently used by birds and butterflies.  The Commission also ruled that a zoning change from agriculture was inappropriate and that the Coastal Development Permit was improperly approved under the California Coastal Act. Climate change was also a reason to not to approve a project that would have resulted in the loss of 118 mature trees and move or eliminate wetlands vegetation that is currently sequestering carbon.
The Institute thanked LA City Councilmember Mike Bonin for accepting the community appeals and the Del Rey Neighborhood Council for reversing its original support of the project and all who wrote letters, agreed to support the appeals and/or trekked to West LA on a rainy night last week to participate in a lengthy hearing.

Explore the Coast Overnight Assessment Public Draft Released for Comment

The California State Coastal Conservancy is proud to announce the first draft of the Explore the Coast Overnight Assessment. The Conservancy would like to invite you to read and submit your comments on the assessment by Friday, January 25, 2019 via any of the following methods:
email: etcovernight@scc.ca.gov ; fax: (510) 286 - 0470; or mail a hard copy to the State Coastal Conservancy. The comments received will be reviewed and may be integrated into the assessment, which will then be presented at the State Coastal Conservancy's board meeting on March 14, 2019. The draft assessment can be found here. More information on the Conservancy's Explore the Coast Overnight Program can be found here.

Sustaining Benefits from Marine Protected Areas in a Changing Ocean: Findings and Recommendations from the Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee

The Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee (MPA FAC) conducted an extensive investigation that identified significant and far-reaching benefits to U.S. ecosystems, economies, communities and cultures resulting from the creation and long-term implementation of the nation's MPAs. Generally, the MPA FAC has found that our nation's MPAs: 1) support healthy, productive, and resilient ecosystems; 2) support coastal communities; and 3) connect America's people to their ocean heritage. Click here for the committee's executive summary and click here for the committee's findings and reccomendations.

Wheeler North Reef Expansion Project Draft Subsequent EIR is available for public comment

The California State Lands Commission, as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, has completed a Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Construction and Management of an Artificial Reef in the Pacific Ocean near San Clemente, California: Wheeler North Reef Expansion Project.  Please click here for the Project Description, location, information about how to submit comments, and for the public hearing information.

New Dune Doctors Podcast:  Podcast for Building Beaches Better (P4B^3)

Coastal engineering is the cornerstone of shoreline management in many coastal states and Florida may well lead the way. In the "fluid" environment of the American shoreline, sustaining sandy shorelines or rebuilding marshes is a difficult and controversial challenge. The right approach is rarely obvious or settled. Thankfully, ASPN has a show dedicated to the profession and a top-notch host to walk you through it all. Join Peter and Tyler to welcome to ASPN Michael Poff, host of the Podcast for Building Beaches Better (P4B^3). Michael is a great pro, having worked on the American shoreline for more than 25 years and leads Coastal Engineering Consultants out of Naples, Florida. When it comes to coastal engineering, he knows the ropes. Click here for podcast.
Employment Opportunities

Chief Audience Officer (CAO)

CALmatters is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, public-interest news organization that provides insightful and thought-provoking journalism about the major issues facing Californians, including education, environment, economy, health and human welfare. The CAO will be a key member of our leadership team, report to the Publisher, and will drive audience growth, acquisition, insights, and brand awareness. You will play a critical role in developing innovative, actionable and efficient digital audience development campaigns that build awareness, drive traffic and membership. CALmatters is looking for someone to help find, attract and cultivate relationships with every Californian who cares about the future of our state. Are you up to the challenge? For more information, please click here.

Politico Seeks a California Consumer Reporter Politico HQ

This position would encompass consumer privacy, weed rules and the nationally influential regulations emanating from the Department of Consumer Affairs. POLITICO is looking for a versatile reporter to cover the policy and politics of consumer regulation in California, including data privacy, marijuana and other hot-button issues, as part of their new POLITICO California Pro bureau in Sacramento. Job posting here .

Environmental Planner
SANDAG San Diego, CA

Two Environmental Planning positions are available. One position will support the environmental review, monitoring, and reporting functions related to capital project implementation, and the second will support the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for San Diego Forward: The Regional Plan. These are Limited-Term positions. The first review of applications will begin on Friday, November 9, 2018. When submitting your application, please identify which position you are applying for or if you would like to be considered for both positions. For more information, click here.


SCCWRP Spring Seminar Series
January 11, 2019

The Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) has announced its Spring Seminar Series. The first seminar, entitled "The Great Energy Transformation," will be held this Friday (Jan 11) at SCCWRP's  headquarters in Costa Mesa, CA. The featured presenter will be Robert Hemphill of Sunshine Soldiers. For more information on this seminar and all of the seminars that comprise SCCWRP's Spring Seminar Series, visit SCCWRP's website.

P3C Public-Private Partnership Conference & Expo 2019
Dallas, TX
March 4-6, 2019

The 7th annual Public-Private Partnership Conference & Expo returns to Dallas with over 1,250 senior representatives from governments, higher education institutions, and leading firms in the global construction and financial markets. The conference attracts professionals from all corners of the industry and provides a valuable opportunity to facilitate new partnerships with industry peers and public sector partners. Attendees will discover new alternative project delivery methods, strategies for implementing successful P3 projects, the nuts and bolts of how deals work, and how to manage risks associated with legal and financial frameworks. Attendees will participate in interactive panels, workshops, and conversations specifically tailored to the needs of public agencies evaluating P3s. Click here for more info and updates.Register by Friday, December 14th to save $200.

MS4 Stormwater Training in Oakland, San Jose, San Diego and Los Angeles
Oakland on Dec. 10-11, 2018 | San Jose on Dec. 13-14, 2018
San Diego on Jan. 22-23, 2019 | Los Angeles on Jan. 24-25, 2019

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC is pleased to announce that a training course is coming to your area that will make you Stormwater Qualified! This course is designed for people who perform or manage personnel who perform MS4 stormwater inspections. In this two-day course we will cover all the topics to ensure that you meet the regulatory requirement to conduct Stormwater Inspections. We will review the requirements of your state MS4, Construction, and Industrial General Permits; we will discuss what it takes for you to be in compliance with the permits; we will discuss inspection techniques that will help you better evaluate whether or not other permittees are in compliance with their permits - and how that influences your permit compliance; and, yes, we will discuss BMPs - which are best, when to use them, how to use them, and how to know if BMPs are correctly installed and maintained. Click here for the class schedule and more information.
Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference (ELEMCON) 
Denver, Colorado
May 13-15, 2019

At ELEMCON, participants will discover the most current energy programs and initiatives in manufacturing, refining, transportation, warehousing, healthcare, hospitality, retailing, education, and other industries. Participants will leave the conference with an arsenal of tools and best practices to help increase efficiencies, reduce costs, and minimize impact on the environment.  ELEMCON is currently seeking Speaker & Session proposals for their 2019 conference.

Read the call for proposals here and submit by October 31. Use code YALE for 20% off registration. Register now .

You have received this e-newsletter from the California Coastal Coalition (CalCoast™), a non-profit advocacy group comprised of 35 coastal cities; five counties; SANDAG, BEACON and SCAG; private sector partners and NGO's, committed to protecting and restoring California's coastline through beach sand restoration, increasing the flow of natural sediment, wetlands recovery, improved water quality, watershed management and the reduction of marine debris and plastic pollution. When possible, we try to post articles that are not protected by pay walls.  
Steven Aceti, JD
Executive Director,  
California Coastal Coalition

3110 Hataca Road | Carlsbad, CA 92009