This newsletter is sent to Churches, Priests and Deacons, Diocesan Council, Standing Committee, Delegates and Alternates, Formation Leaders, Wardens, Treasurers, Vestry Members, Safe Church Ministers, Parish Administrators, Trustees, Seasonal Chapel Leadership, and Diocesan Staff | |
Updates and Announcements | |
June Wardens & Treasurers Meeting Recap
Director of Finance and Benefits, Lauren Tennett shares this update:
"Thanks to everyone who joined us for our presentation on stewardship and for taking part in the discussion afterward. If anyone would like to view the slides from the presentation, they are available here. We do not have a video available; however, there are links to additional resources in the slides. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Benge or Lauren with any questions you may have about stewardship.
Our next meeting will be on July 19 at 7 p.m. We will be discussing insurance, property taxes, and Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT).
I hope you enjoy the summer. Thank you so much for your generous service to your churches and to The Episcopal Church of NH!"
Nominating Committee Presents Profile for 28th Presiding Bishop, Calls for Names
The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop issued a letter to the church announcing the availability of the “Profile for the Election of the 28th Presiding Bishop” and inviting Episcopalians to submit the names of bishops for the committee to consider as nominees. The deadline is July 15.
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Pray For Our EYE Delegation
Youth and adults from the New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont dioceses will attend the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) in College Park, MD, from July 4th-July 8th this year. EYE is the second-largest gathering of Episcopalians worldwide, second only to General Convention.
It's a unique gathering created by youth, for youth, to promote growth and learning, leadership development, exploring spiritual practices, and beginning stages of vocational discernment. It's a high-energy event that calls young people from around the globe to take charge of their faith lives and to live into fellowship and leadership in the Church.
The New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont EYE delegation is spending the next month preparing for the EYE experience and they covet your prayers. Pray for the safety and well-being of the delegation, that they will each feel the real, true presence of God in their midst as they prepare for their travels!
Email Maine's Director of Faith Formation Emily Keniston for more information, and read more about EYE and what our delegation will be doing while there, at their website.
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Share In Your Church Newsletter
Clergy and Parish Administrators, please feel free to share this information in your church newsletters:
Did you know that there is a newsletter from the diocesan office with stories from throughout the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire? It comes out once a month and is called The Vine. You can subscribe to The Vine with this link here.
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July 15 Deadline - Resolutions & Candidate Submissions
July 15 is the deadline to submit the personal statement and consent agreement form for nomination to an open elected position.
You can find out more about nominations for open elected positions here.
July 15 is also the deadline for when Preliminary drafts of resolutions are due to the Resolutions Committee.
You can find out more about resolutions here.
Watch for additional updates coming in a special convention e-blast in early July!
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Best Wishes, Peggy!
The Rev. Peggy Schnack had her last Sunday as Curate at St. Paul’s Church in Concord on June 25. We send her onward with many blessings in her next call doing community and school ministry. Thank you, Peggy, for all the lives you have touched!
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Upcoming Diocese of New Hampshire Events | |
Barbara C. Harris Camp & Conference Center Family Camp
Friday, June 30 - Wednesday, July 5
Enjoy an extra long weekend of delicious meals, arts & crafts, swimming, boating, outside games, music, worship, and time to be together in new and expanding relationships with folks from all over New England. Come and join BCH for a time of rest, renewal, silliness, and an experience of Episcopal-centered, family-oriented fellowship. Families of all configurations are welcome.
Click here to register
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Save the Date & Early Registration: Earth Care Family Fun Day
Saturday, July 22
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Elm Brook Park, Hopkinton, NH
Families of New Hampshire churches, join us for a Family Fun Day at Elm Brook Park in Hopkinton this summer!
Linden Rayton of Living Water Nature Programs and members of the diocesan Earth Care Commission Outdoors group are hosting this event. There will be games, water fun, outdoor worship, and a bring-your-own picnic lunch. There is no cost for this event but registration is required.
All families are invited: parents, guardians, aunties and uncles, family friends, and all beloveds. We can't wait to see you there!
Click here to register.
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D House Closed July 4
The diocesan office will be closed for the 4th of July holiday. Enjoy family, friends, and festivities!
Lord God Almighty, you have made all the peoples of the earth for your glory, to serve you in freedom and in peace: Give to the people of our country a zeal for justice and the strength of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance with your gracious will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
For the Nation (Book of Common Prayer, page 258)
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Learn More About City Year
Thursday, June 29
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
In-person at Boards & Brews, Manchester
City Year is a year-long opportunity for young people interested in community service, diversity & equity, or education careers. City Year NH's last event for the year is June 29, 6-8 pm, at Boards & Brews in Manchester where potential applicants can meet current corps members and like-minded peers.
Eligible young people (ages 17-25) can also apply directly or schedule a 1:1 chat to learn more. The final application deadline for next year’s corps is July 10 and they still have spots open!
Click here to register for the June 29 event.
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Save the Date: Province 1 Conference
Thursday, December 14
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Online (Zoom)
The 2023 meeting of the Provincial Conference for Province 1 will be held on Thursday, December 14 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Zoom. The meeting will include a review of the work of the province in 2023, reports from provincial delegates and bishops about the 2024 budget, and the election of a new Executive Committee member.
The Provincial Conference will meet again in early 2024 to offer more opportunities for interaction and for deputies to the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church to connect with one another.
Details about the Province 1 Conference will continue to be announced on the Province 1 website and monthly newsletter.
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Communications Office Hours
Are you interested in a working session regarding technology, social media, or how to communicate your message?
These are all topics for discussion at CommsChat - aka Communications Office Hours. The discussion each week is guided by the questions of those who attend. This is a non-mandatory, come-if-you'd-like open discussion session with Director of Communications Katie Clark. All are welcome!
This week's CommsChat is on Thursday, June 29 at 11 a.m.
Click on the "Register Here" button below if you'd like to attend.
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Trinity Episcopal/Lutheran Church in Claremont, NH is seeking someone who loves interacting with people to apply for their open Parish Administrator position. This position requires a highly organized person with strong computer skills and knowledge of computer programs essential to the creation of worship bulletins and newsletters. This position is part-time (10 hrs per week). Interested candidates should email a letter of interest, and resume to the church, or send via mail to Trinity Church, PO Box 172, Claremont, NH, 03743.
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Dover is seeking a Church Administrator to provide administrative support and coordination for the ministry of the parish, serving as a direct assistant to the Rector. This person should have a commitment to church ministry, strong communication and organizational skills as well as computer skills. A commitment to healthy communication, and a willingness to work with others. Click here for the job description and how to apply.
Is your church hiring? Would you like us to share the job description in The Call (this email) and the diocesan web page? If so, let us know!
As a reminder, churches that are in the search process for a new clergyperson are listed on the diocesan website here.
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Bishop's Visitations & Diocesan Events | |
30 Family Camp at Barbara C. Harris Camp begins
2 Bishop's Visitation: St. Francis’ Chapel, Marlborough
4 Diocesan Office Closed for Independence Day
9 Bishop's Visitation: Chocorua Island Chapel, Squam Lake
15 Bishop's Visitation: Church of the Transfiguration, Bretton Woods
16 Bishop's Visitation: Church of the Epiphany, Lisbon
22 Earth Care Family Fun Day
23 Bishop's Visitation: St. Barnabas’ Church, Berlin
30 Bishop's Visitation: St. Stephen’s Church, Pittsfield
Please see the diocesan calendar on the website for more information. Please see individual church websites for visitation times, and email the Bishop's Executive Assistant Shelli Gay with questions about the visitation schedule.
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