Looking Ahead
Coming Events
Sunday, December 2 nd
Advent Wreath-Making Event

Wednesday, December 5 th
Service of Comfort
7 p.m.

Saturday, December 8 th
Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Sunday, December 9 th
Daughters of the King
11:30 a.m.

Sunday, December 9 th
Winds of Faith Christmas Concert
St. Augustine Church
6 p.m.

Monday, December 10 th
Prayer Shawl Ministry
1:30 p.m.

Tuesdays, December 11 th & 18 th
Apocalypse & Advent Classes

Wednesday, December 12 th
The Gathering Inn
Hosting Event

Saturday, December 22 nd
Greening of the Church

Monday, December 24 th
Christmas Eve Services
3 p.m. Children's Pageant
8 p.m. Christmas Eve Service

Tuesday, December 25 th
Christmas Day

Saturday, December 29 th
Memorial Service
Rod O'Connor
11 a.m.
Luncheon Reception to Follow
Coming Events 2019
Tuesday, January 1 st
New Year's Day

Saturday, January 12 th
Safe Church Training
11 a.m.

Wednesday, January 16 th
Lunch with Pastor Maryellen
12 p.m.

Friday & Saturday,
January 25 th & 26 th
Rise Again Hunger Event

Saturday, February 9 th
Convention for Election of the Bishop
Faith Episcopal Church
Cameron Park

Sunday, February 10 th
St. Augustine Annual Meeting

Tuesday, March 5 th
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
6 p.m.

Wednesday, March 6 th
Ash Wednesday Services
6:30 a.m. Noon 7 p.m.

March 12 th - April 9 th
Lenten Formation Classes
6 to 8:30 p.m.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday,
April 5 th , 6 th & 7 th
Women's Retreat
Mercy Center, Auburn

Sunday, April 14 th
Palm Sunday

Thursday, April 18 th
Maundy Thursday

Friday, April 19 th
Good Friday

Saturday, April 20 th
Holy Saturday
The Great Easter Vigil

Sunday, April 21 st
Easter Day

Saturday, June 29 th
Consecration of the 8 th Bishop
Diocese of Northern California
Mondavi Center
Table of Contents

From the Pastor
Service Times
Bishop's Prayer
Centering Prayer
Giving in Gratitude - Stewardship
St. Augustine Staff
Adult Formation Classes
Apocalypse & Advent
Episcopal 101
Service of Comfort
Memorial Service for Rod O'Connor
The Gathering Inn Rotating Shelter Program
The Gathering Inn Donations
Mission & Outreach
The Gathering Inn Work Day
Rise Against Hunger
St. James Grocery Cart Ministry
Safe Church Workshops
Lunch w/Pastor Maryellen
St. Vincent de Paul
Meal Train Ministry
FISH Youth Group
Advent Wreath Workshop
Sunday School News
Children's Christmas Pageant
News from the Nursery
Children's Choir
Holy Baptism
Daughters of the King
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Companion's Corner
Contact Information
From the Pastor

"This the Season...
Here we are in the middle of the Christmas season. Oh, I know it’s Advent and not Christmas, but all around us is Christmas. The shopping, cooking, baking, planning, stressing kind of Christmas. The season that tempts us to spend more money than we should and that magnifies any glitches in our families, past and present.

Please be kind to yourselves. Pick and choose more carefully what gets put on your shopping list, your to-do list and on your calendar. Commit to an Advent habit of lighting candles and saying prayers. Stop and breathe. Stop and pray. Pray for help – the Holy Spirit is happy to help us see things through God’s eyes. To see what matters and what doesn’t need to matter this year.

The baby Jesus is on the way. The love that changes the world forever is on the way. Let us prepare ourselves with less busyness, fewer things done out of guilt, more resting in quiet anticipation. Come worship and find the peace and hope and joy and love of the season.

God’s Peace,
Pastor Liz
Service Times
8 a.m. Sunday Service
This is a simple communion service without music using Rite II. The quiet service will appeal to some every week and to others occasionally as a quieter way to worship.

10 a.m. Service
The 10 a.m. service is supported by the St. Augustine Choir. Sunday School begins at 10 a.m., except on some holy days and special occasions. The FISH Youth Group meets 6 to 8 p.m. for dinner, lessons and worship most Sundays.
Special Prayer for
The Election of a Bishop
Almighty God, giver of every good gift, look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Bishop for this Diocese, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Centering Prayer

One of the themes that is emerging in our ongoing practice of Centering Prayer is the awareness that God just wants to spend time with us. In response to the enthusiasm growing around this feeling, our Centering Prayer gatherings are now offered Mondays at 6:30 p.m. and Fridays at noon. The former Tuesday evening gathering has been changed to Monday. We hope that you will join us and see how contemplation can enrich your own experience.

Giving in Gratitude
2019 Giving
Thank you all for your listening and discerning hearts this stewardship season. From the Gratitude Dinner in September to the in-gathering of pledges for 2019, the spirit of gratitude and generosity has filled our community.

We have received 104 pledges for a total of $324,235 for our 2019 budget. This represents an increase in pledge income of $38,235 from 2018! This increase of just over 13% includes 15 new pledges and 51 who increased their 2018 pledges.

What wonderful news as our Treasurer and the Vestry move forward in our plans for the sustainable stewardship of our $1.3 million in mortgage debt and our staff and program needs. There is still time to make a pledge of any size – just ask for a pledge card!

Pastor Liz
Your St. Augustine Staff

Pastor Liz
A significant portion of our operating budget is spent on staffing costs. Questions often come up about staff job roles and how many full and part-time staff we have. Here is a snapshot of our current staffing and the responsibilities of your staff:

Rector:  I am beginning my eighth year here as the lead, full-time priest and my 18 th year as a priest. As rector I have canonical responsibility, control and oversight of the spiritual life of the church, for all public worship, for the finances of the church, for the buildings and grounds, for all church groups and organizations, as supervisor of all staff and as the head of the Vestry. I also put toilet paper in the stalls and make the coffee for the 8 o’clock service. As required, I have a Letter of Agreement, signed by the Bishop, outlining my 40 hour work week, time off and benefits. My current salary is $82,416 a year with medical benefits and required pension contributions.

Associate Priest: The Rev. Maryellen Garnier has been our Associate priest for almost five years. While we went to seminary together, she has been ordained longer than I have, as a deacon and then as a priest. The term “Associate” is used in our diocese for those priests who are on staff per the Bishop’s approval, but who do not receive monetary compensation. Maryellen provides significant pastoral support, liturgical planning and presiding and adult formation leadership – along with a myriad of other things that go on behind the scenes. She keeps me going!

Assistant to the Rector: The Rev. Tom Gartin came to us several years ago as a lay person while in the discernment and ordination process. He served as a lay staff person for a few hours each week with responsibilities in Communications and Adult Formation and served as a volunteer overseeing our Youth programs. His current full-time position is for 40 hours per week with medical benefits and pension contributions. Due to the Bishop’s support, we were given a grant of $40,000 to cover one half of the cost of Tom’s salary and all benefits for 2019, including his medical insurance and required pension contributions. Tom’s areas of responsibility include Communications (e.g. website redesign, posting to Facebook), programs for the Youth (FISH Youth Group as opposed to our Children’s programs) and planning and implementing Adult Formation. In addition, Tom assumes regular pastoral and liturgical responsibilities throughout the week. He is also in charge of our Safe Church requirements. It is always tempting to think the “new” person can put all the odds and ends on their plate – after all, we’re paying him now – but Tom has clear job expectations and tasks that match the areas of responsibility outlined in his Letter of Agreement. 

Parish Administrator: Sharon Mershon has been the part-time office administrator for almost seven years. She is paid for 23 hours per week. Her job responsibilities include bookkeeping, producing worship bulletins and support for PowerPoint production, managing office and building contracts, records maintenance, website and calendar support, answering phones and church email and a whole list of things that help keep things working at St. Augustine. She provides assistance to me, to staff, to the Vestry and to the congregation in big and small ways.

Music Director: Amy Quinney has been in this part-time position for over five and a half years. She is paid for 8.5 hours per week plus 40 hours a year additionally for special music planning and services (e.g Holy Week and Easter). Her responsibilities include music planning, playing, instrument maintenance, choir recruitment, support, and leadership and maintaining the Church music library. She has recently added a Children’s Choir to our music program.

Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Shelby Larkey has resigned from this part-time position due to the demands of her new full-time teaching job and her ongoing schooling. Melissa Lovin has graciously agreed to act in a limited interim role for this position. The position averages eight hours per week. This position does not include responsibility for the Youth program.

Responsibilities include selection of Sunday School curriculum, recruitment and support of volunteer teachers, oversight of Sunday School supplies, supervision of the Nursery Attendant and coordination of Nursery volunteers and implementing and overseeing a Vacation Bible School program in the summer. This is a crucial position that demands relationship building skills with parents and families and flexibility – anyone who works with children and families knows that! If you are interested in this position, please speak with me.

Adult Formation Classes
Apocalypse & Advent
Join us for a special two-part class as we study the nature of hope and expectation in the Christian tradition. As we enter the season of Advent, we are reminded to cultivate hope and prepare ourselves, but what are we hoping for? And what can the ancient tradition of apocalypticism teach us about cultivating hope in our own time? The classes will meet Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m, December 11 th and 18 th .
Episcopal 101
Join us every third Sunday for a quick discussion of all things Episcopal. We meet in the Sunday School room after the 10 a.m. service. Do you have questions about the liturgy, our tradition or why we do things a certain way? Our next meeting will be Sunday, December 16 th .
Service of Comfort
Have you experienced a loss or hardship? This time of year can be very difficult as the joy that surrounds us seems to sharpen our sense of loss or loneliness. Join us for a special Advent service to help us reflect on God's loving presence and find comfort. The Service of Comfort will be Wednesday, December 5 th at 7 p.m.

In Loving Memory

Robert Emmet O'Connor

July 3, 1939

November 2, 2018

Memorial Service
A memorial service will be held for Rod O'Connor at St. Augustine Church on Saturday, December 29 th at 11 a.m. A luncheon reception will follow.
The Gathering Inn
Rotating Shelter Program
Every second Wednesday of the month, we host 70-plus homeless men, women and children, guests of The Gathering Inn, for a great meal and a safe place to sleep. Due to some changes in people's schedule and availability, we need a few more volunteers for meal preparation, coordination of volunteers and grocery shopping.

Sign-up sheets are at the Welcome Center in Canterbury Hall. The next hosting event is Wednesday, December 12 th. This is a very rewarding ministry, and if you are interested in learning about how to become involved or even more involved, please contact Jim Quinney at:

The Gathering Inn Donations
The Gathering Inn is expecting an influx of unsheltered folks due to the arrival of the rain and snow season. They are looking for all types of winter clothing.

The items of highest priority are laundry detergent to wash our guests' heavier winter clothing and sleeping bags. We can also definitely use men's and women's underwear, plastic ponchos and socks. The Gathering Inn could also make use of all the toiletries folks are able to donate. Every item is greatly appreciated.

Please place your donations in the grocery cart at the entry to Canterbury Hall. Every item is greatly appreciated. Beth Sulc will deliver the items to The Gathering Inn. If you are interested in helping to deliver donations, please contact Beth at:

Mission and Outreach

The Gathering Inn Workday

The Gathering Inn has seen a great increase in the number of families with children. There have been as many as 30 children on occasion. It was realized that a dedicated room to house the children was required before they go to the churches for the night. A separate place would allow them to be out of the way of street traffic, provide a place for naps for the toddlers and a place for the school children to do homework.

On November 10 th , volunteers from St. Augustine Church met at The Gathering Inn to upgrade the family room on the South Placer campus in Roseville. The work day was organized by Rich Wampler to add shelving, assemble floor lamps and blanket racks, hang two white boards, peg boards and unpack and place 15 chairs. These additions have continued an effort by the Roseville Police, an Eagle Scout and Girl Scout troop who also contributed to the family room upgrade.

Supplies for the work day were funded by a grant from the St. Augustine Outreach Team. Many thanks to all who participated: Rich Wampler, Gary Garnier, Barbara Sawyer, Art Grabowski, Scott Kennedy, Mike Lafarge, Nate Garcia, Maddie Lovin, Missie Lovin, Rick Lovin, Fred Buhler and Beth Sulc. Fred also documented the event with photos and a slide show. The families will rest better and be safer. 

Rise Against Hunger

Meal Packing Event

Friday, January 25 th 6 p.m.

Saturday, January 26 th 2 p.m.
Coming up is another opportunity for a fun, hands-on global outreach event...packing food for Rise Against Hunger. What often gets lost in all the fun, this is also a fundraising event. The more money that is donated will help purchase and pack more food. The Mission Outreach Team is funding a large number of the meals - 10,152. But your help is needed to make this a 20,000 meal endeavor. Every little bit helps, so please be generous.

One meal cost is $.34

One bag = 6 meals - cost is $2.04 per bag

One box of 36 bags is 216 meals – cost is $73.44 per box

Registration will be on-line this year. If you need assistance, there will people available to help on Sunday in January to sign up and make donations. There is a link to register on our St. Augustine website. Don't wait! Do it now! Your gift will be tax deductible for this year!

Thank you from the Mission Outreach Team!
St. James Grocery Cart Ministry

Thanks to everyone who generously brings food items for the St. James Pantry. The pantry serves a small niche in Lincoln, and the needs are pretty specific: flour and corn tortillas, pinto beans, canned chicken or tuna, rice, cereal, fruit cups and peanut butter.

Please make sure your items are not past the expiration date and are unopened.

The grocery cart is located at the entrance to Canterbury Hall. Thank you for your donations.
Safe Church Workshops

Safe Church training is important for all church leaders. There are training opportunities all over the diocese. St. Augustine will host two trainings. Please mark January 12 th and February 23 rd on your calendar. St. Augustine is offering a Safeguarding God's Children and Safeguarding God's People training on January 12 th , and a Healing Racism conversation on February 23 rd .
Lunch with Pastor Maryellen
Please join Pastor Maryellen at noon on the third Wednesday of the month for an informal, unrehearsed and fun time of conversation. No program, no agenda, no reservations required. Just bring your lunch to St. Augustine. A homemade dessert will be provided. The group will not meet in December. The next lunch with Pastor Maryellen is scheduled for Wednesday, January 16 th .
St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room
A group of volunteers from St. Augustine Church serves meals at the St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room the third Thursday of each month. They volunteer from approximately 9:15 a.m. until 1:45 p.m., helping prepare, cook and serve a warm meal for those in need.

Approximately two to three hours of standing are involved. All food is provided, and no cooking experience is needed.

Volunteers include Jack Dillon, John Redmond, Rob and Deidre Shonk, Catherine Beckman, Jim and Stephanie Tilton, Jim and Carla Dolislager, Rick and Janice Stenzel, Lyn Fuson, Steve Broce and Kathy Jordan. 

Volunteers for Thursday, December 20 th are Janice and Rick Stenzel and Kathy Jordan.

  Please contact Rob Shonk if you are interested in working in this important ministry:

Meal Train Ministry

The Meal Train Ministry is an online calendar that organizes delivery of meals for parish families in times of need. Barbara Woolman is in charge of the Meal Train Ministry. If you are interested in providing meals for parish families, please contact:

Youth Group News & Updates
Come & Worship with FISH

The FISH Youth Group, grades 6 - 12, meets Sunday nights for dinner, activities, discussion and prayer. Dinner is served at 6 p.m.

FISH has primarily been a high school group, so in an effort to make it better suited for our middle school friends, we will have combined FISH nights every other week.

All Church members are welcome to join the group at 7:30 for youth-led services.

FISH Calendar
December 2 nd

December 9 th

Dinner, Discussion & Compline (HS)
6 to 8 p.m.

FISH Christmas party at the Ekburg home. Text Fr. Tom for directions. Bring a gift for the gift exchange game!

FISH will be on break until Sunday, January 13 th .
Advent Wreath Workshop
Make your own Advent wreath with fresh greens! This special workshop will take place after each service on December 2 nd, the first Sunday of Advent. Cost is $15.
Sunday School News
Melissa Lovin has agreed to return to the role of Children's Ministry Coordinator as an interim. Her role is a little different as in interim. Melissa's goal is to reboot Sunday School and Children's Ministries while Pastor Liz searches for a new person to fill this role.

Godly Play is currently on hold. Sunday School will continue with the Whirl curriculum. However, it will be a Bible story-based curriculum rather than the lectionary-based curriculum now being used. The classes will work basically the same: Welcome, Hear, Respond, Launch. It will be easy for the teachers to make the switch because the basic format will look the same as the program now.

Due to a shortage of teachers at this time, we will be moving back to a one-room classroom. We currently only have one teacher signed up for the next quarter. Melissa strongly encourages ALL to consider Sunday School as your ministry. I am happy to show anyone how the curriculum works. The preparation is really what you make of it and is not difficult to follow.

Please let me know if this is something you are interested in doing. You are welcome to observe a class before making a decision. Signing up is easy and all online. You choose the Sundays you would like to teach. A new sign-up will be going out the first week of December. Let Melissa know if you would like to be on that email list.

If there is no teacher signed up for a Sunday, as interim, Melissa will no longer be taking over the teaching responsibility. If there is no teacher, there will be no Sunday School.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Melissa at the new Children's Ministry email:

You can also reach Melissa at 916.833.6263.
Children's Christmas Pageant
The Children's Christmas Pageant will take place Monday, December 24 th at 3 p.m. Natalie Cooper is this year's coordinator.

All children are invited to participate. If your child is planning to participate in the pageant, please plan to arrive at Church by 2:10 p.m. on Christmas Eve.

For more information, contact Natalie Cooper at:

News from the Nursery

The Nursery is doing well, and the children are very active. Please know that you are welcome to bring your child back into the nursery after communion, if you choose. Please let Emma know if you plan to do this, so she is prepared. Our attendants do take turns to receive communion, but there is always someone in the nursery.

We are currently in need of teen helpers to assist Emma. If your teen is interested, please contact Melissa Lovin.

Nursery care will be available during the 3 p.m. Christmas Eve service for all children under the age of four years. No child care will be available for the 8 p.m. service, but, as always, children are welcome in Church for the entire service.
Children's Choir

The St. Augustine Children's Choir will perform at the 3 p.m. Christmas Eve service. The Children's Pageant will also take place that day.

The choir rehearses on the first and third Sundays, following the 10 a.m. service. All children in kindergarten through fifth grade are welcome. For more information, please contact Amy Quinney:

Holy Baptism

Catherine and Allison Eccles were baptized into the Kingdom of God on Sunday, November 10 th by Fr. Tom Gartin. It was Fr. Tom's first baptism as a newly ordained priest. We welcome Catherine and Allison into our Church family.

The girls are the daughters of John and Sarah Eccles. Catherine is three and a half and Allison is ten months. The Eccles family began attending St. Augustine a year ago this month.

Daughters of the King

The St. Augustine Chapter of Daughters of the King meets on the second Sunday of each month, following the 10 a.m. service.

Rhonda Wampler hosted a potluck luncheon on November 11 th at her home. Members revealed their "secret prayer partners" at that event.

The Daughters will gather for their next regular meeting on Sunday, December 9 th following the 10 a.m. service. Pastor Maryellen will give a presentation on Advent.

"Christ's coming into our lives demands our involvement. It is a call for us to recognize the sacredness of this world into which Christ was born. We will explore time through a Christian lens which illuminates Christ's presence here and now. Christ is within us. Let's celebrate!" remarked Pastor Maryellen.

If you are interested in becoming a Daughter or would like more information, please contact our Chapter President, Joanne McCormack. The Daughters will hold new member training in the new year.

Joanne may be contacted at:

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew holds its regular monthly meetings at 9 a.m. in Canterbury Hall the second Saturday morning of the month. Coffee and breakfast are served. All men and boys are welcome and encouraged to attend a meeting.

"Even if you are not a member of the Brotherhood, and just have an interest in what we do, you are welcome to join us for breakfast," said Rob Shonk, Director. If you have an interest in learning about the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, please contact Rob or Secretary John Redmond.

The Brotherhood will be electing new officers for the 2019 year at the December meeting. The Brothers also plan on making an additional contribution to help the wildfire victims of California through the Bishop’s Discretionary fund. The Brotherhood will also be working with Father Tom for the upcoming Shrove Tuesday Supper on March 5 th.

The Brotherhood will be planning for a second Bingo Night/Spaghetti Feed for 2019. The group has also scheduled its annual summer BBQ for June 9 th , following the 10 a.m. service.

The next Brotherhood meeting will be Saturday, December 8 th at 9 a.m. in the Sunday School room.

If you have questions, please contact Director Rob Shonk or Secretary
John Redmond:

Prayer Shawl
Soft, warm and full of love... a prayer shawl is a tangible token of the power of prayers. They are given to those needing a physical reminder of our love and concern in times of healing and stress.  

The members of the Prayer Shawl ministry have a lovely time of fellowship when we meet each month in Canterbury Hall on the second Monday of the month at 1:30. There is always an open chair for anyone who would like to be a part of this ministry.
There are several shawls in inventory. Those pictured were recently blessed by Pastor Liz. If you would like to give one to someone, whether or not a member of St. Augustine, contact Greer Nave. They are presented with a beautiful card and a selection of prayers from the Book of Common Prayer. For shawls given outside the congregation, a donation to replenish our yarn supply is appreciated, but not required.

Companion's Corner

The word “logos” can be puzzling until we begin to read the book of John. Logos is the Greek term translated as “word,” “speech,” “principle” or “thought.” In Greek philosophy, it also referred to a universal, divine reason or the mind of God.

As we read John:1, “the word” (or “logos”), makes it clear that Jesus was clearly originated in the mind of God. “By the grace of God the word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.” NRSV

This marvelous gift came to us in the form of Jesus. Although the exact date of Jesus’ birth is not known, western Christianity has fixed December 25 th as the time of celebration of his birth.

It is so important that we focus on the gift that we received in His birth and not on the gifts we exchange. Distraction during this most holy season is a constant temptation.

Fix your mind on this perfect gift given to us and ponder the words “grace and truth." Give thanks for the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke who flesh out the birth story. Remember that the book of John is different and teaches that Jesus resided in the mind of God before God created the birth of this most holy child. . .and never before or since has such a gift been given to humankind!

Christmas blessings to you!
Carole Peterson

John 1:14

"And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.

New Revised Standard Version

December Birthdays
December 1
Jean Woodall
December 6
Leon Chavez
December 8
Joanne McCormack
December 10
Michael Buck
December 12
Marcia Rush
Emily Buck
Charlotte Bran
Cece Clark
Carol Zwemer
December 15
Thomas Schmidt

December 18
Tom McKay
Cynthia Schooss
December 19
Josh Sisk
December 20
Carol Vaughan
December 21
Trevor Marshall
December 23
Patrick Finn
December 24
Brandon Marshall
December 25
Lawrence Morehead
December 29
Rich Wampler

December Anniversaries
December 2
Rick & Janice Stenzel
December 8
John & Susan Ronan
December 10
Andrew & Gabrielle Sisk
December 28
Jerry & Marlene Harner
Contact Information
The Rev. Liz Armstrong

Associate Priest
The Rev. Maryellen Garnier

Assistant Priest
The Rev. Tom Gartin

Please contact the Church Office or Pastor Liz for pastoral emergencies.

St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal
A Safe Place for People Seeking God
1800 Wildcat Boulevard
Rocklin, CA 95765
Volume 8 No. 12 December 2018