November 2020 Edition
Well, today is Election Day, so if you have not already, don't forget to get out and vote. This is not only the Presidential election but Congress, state and local officials, judges, state amendments, and local laws will all be on the ballots across this great country.

The good news is our TVs, voicemail, and mailboxes will go back to "normal" next week, I hope! But I do imagine many of you have thought about risk at some point during this crazy year.

Protecting businesses from certain types of enterprise risk and helping them control their insurance costs is what we do here at U.S. Captive Partners & Associates. I enjoy not only assisting in the formation and management of the captive insurance companies for our clients but helping them keep more of their insurance money in their pockets.

If you have any questions about the information in these articles, call me directly. If you have questions about implementing a Captive, contact me, or visit our Captive 101 section

We appreciate your business!
Larry Papola
Lawrence J. Papola, Jr.
Policyholders See Rate Hikes
Uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout has driven the U.S. commercial insurance market into a “recalibration,” Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. said Monday in a fall insurance market update.

Most major lines of coverage except for workers compensation saw second-quarter increases and even comp rates are beginning to turn, the report said.
Are Your Client's Facing
Hard Market Challenges? 
Our Specialty Cell Solution May Be Your Answer!
What is a Specialty Cell Captive?
A private insurance solution designed to provide customizable coverage options for unique or difficult exposures business owners face. This type of captive can provide competitive and affordable alternatives to the commercial insurance market for P&C producers and their clients.
Designed to Address Difficult Insurance Challenges
We have developed game changing risk management programs which can be tailored to meet your client’s specific program needs. Our low frequency-high severity policy form provides considerable design flexibility, offering potential solutions for a wide variety of hard market challenges, including the following:
  • An increase in commercial premiums – where renewal prices may be significantly greater than prior years.
  • Your client’s loss history warrants more favorable renewal pricing.
  • An Increase in deductible limits. For instance, is the existing commercial carrier requiring your client to significantly increase the deductible on their policies? Are self-insured retention layers increasing to unreasonable levels?
  • Introduction of new policy exclusions – is a renewal coverage contingent upon acceptance of a coverage exclusion for exposures previously covered?
  • Imposition of sub-limit caps – renewal policies may present coverage limitations which are more stringent than prior coverage.
  • Carrier non-renewal – if your client is facing a non-renewal of coverage or excess layers; coverage may be unavailable or subject to significant premium increases.
  • Clients that need customizable coverages – loss of key customer, loss of key supplier, legislative/regulatory changes and business interruption, to name a few.
  • The inability to obtain specialized types of coverage from commercial third-party insurers.
This program can provide protection against risks which prove to be too costly in commercial markets or may be generally unavailable. 
Have an opportunity you wish to discuss? Please contact me today:
Captive Claim Highlight
Client Profile
Industry: Transportation
Specialty: Rider Care and Customer Service
Location: Tennessee
Claim Information
Description: An Insured was contracted by an insurance carrier to provide services for their clients. The Carrier stated the Insured did not meet the obligations of the contract and requested compensation. The Insured was operating under the impression they were in full compliance, however, were ultimately forced to pay the compensation. Through their Captive's Actual Net Loss Insurance Policy "Liquidated Damages" coverage, they were able to recover their losses. 
Line of Coverage: Liquidated Damages
This exposure was elected for coverage by the client under their Captive Policy. This resulted in a claim payment amount of approximately $12,000.
*Please note that each claim will undergo an independent investigation and thorough review process. Various components specific to the claim at hand will be assessed thoroughly to determine if the loss is covered by the policy.
November 2020 Calendar
NOV 1: Daylight Saving Time Ends
NOV 3: Election Day
NOV 11: Veterans Day
NOV 13: World Kindness Day
NOV 26: Thanksgiving Day
NOV 27: Black Friday
NOV 28: Small Business Saturday
NOV 30: Hurricane Season Ends
NOV 30: Cyber Monday
DEC 1: Giving Tuesday
November is Observed as:
Nat'l Diabetes Month
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Nat’l Adoption Month

Get Your Insurance Quotes From The:
Insurance Experts provides expert knowledge and assistance to individuals, families, and business owners who are making decisions about the proper insurance coverage for their needs. We’re here to help you cover losses you shouldn’t have to on your own.

Let our team of experts guide you through the daunting task of selecting the right insurance coverage for you or your business:
  • Life
  • Disability
  • Long-Term Care
  • Business
  • Personal
  • Captive
  • More...
485 Underhill Blvd.
Suite 101
Syosset, NY 11791

Office: 1-833-US-CAPTIVE
Fax: 888-929-6565