Happy Fourth of July! I love this country, and it looks like our country loves Captives! Our feature article this month is a great testament to how far this fantastic risk management strategy has come. Starting in 1981 with one, we now have over 3,400 captives licensed in the states.

Top 3 Captive Countries:
US: 3,400
Bermuda: 711
Cayman Islands: 703

Not only are the numbers strong, but US lawmakers have been working hard to keep up with this ever-changing industry. Six states have already amended captive statues this year. I am sure more will be coming as we move into the second half of the year. These changes are why it's important to have a captive management team like US Captive Partners & Associates keeping your captive in compliance and running smoothly.

If you have any questions about implementing a Captive, call me directly or visit our Captive 101 section on our website.

Larry Papola
Lawrence J. Papola, Jr.
How the United States Became Home to More Captives Than Any Other Country
When Vermont lawmakers passed legislation in 1981 to allow captive insurance companies to be set up in the state, they did something unique for a US state: authorize a captive domicile that would compete with Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, the world's biggest domiciles.

The results were quick and dramatic. First, dozens and later hundreds of organizations set up captives in the Green Mountain State, which for many years has been the world's third-largest captive domicile.

Happy Independence Day
July 2019 Calendar
JUL 4:  Independence Day
JUL 7: World Chocolate Day
JUL 17:  National Hot Dog Day
JUL 21:  National Ice Cream Day
JUL 25: Nat’l Intern Day
JUL 28:  Parents’ Day
JUL 29: National Lasagna Day
JUL 30: Int’l Day of Friendship
July is Observed as:
Nat'l Parks Month
UV Safety Month
Nat’l Picnic Month

US Captive Domiciles Keeping Captive Statutes Up to Date in 2019
In 2019, US lawmakers have continued the drive to keep their states' captive statutes up to date. So far this year, at least six states—including Vermont, Utah, Nevada, Tennessee, Montana, and Georgia—have passed measures amending their captive statutes.

Join in the Networking at the NCCIA 2019 Annual Conference!
Come to Charlotte, North Carolina, August 21–23 for the North Carolina Captive Insurance Association (NCCIA) Annual Conference. This year, the 3-day event offers ample opportunities for networking, continuing education, and meeting with regulators.

485 Underhill Blvd.
Suite 101
Syosset, NY 11791

Office: 1-833-US-CAPTIVE
Fax: 888-929-6565