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This Month's SEL Conversation / January 2023

This month’s SEL-inspired art: First grade project from Blossom Valley Elementary

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Dear Carolina,

When it comes to social and emotional learning (SEL), the mountain of evidence keeps growing.

Decades of research already established a strong evidence base—now, new studies further confirm that SEL positively impacts children’s lives. The latest proof points come froa new study spanning an estimated one million students from 2011 to 2020. And forthcoming research from Yale University will also share findings across more than 400 studies, reflecting over 50 countries, and more than 250 discrete SEL programs. Both confirm what hundreds of independent studies have consistently shown: SEL supports academic learning, mental wellness, school safety, and more. 

Of course, there’s much more to learn about SEL, including which practices are most effective and what works for different communities. At CASEL, we plan to keep centering the evidence and continuous learning. We kicked off the year by sharing research around authentic family engagement, and we invite researchers to continue sharing their findings across the SEL field and beyond (submissions are currently open for our 2023 conference and the SEL Journal). We also invite you, SEL champions, to share the stories behind the facts in your community conversations around education. This year, let’s ask ourselves: 

How can we work together to elevate the evidence for SEL?

Read on for more about updated SEL research, including evidence of stronger academics, increased school safety, and long-term benefits.

The Evidence Is Clear: SEL Strengthens Academic Learning

If your school wants to strengthen academics, SEL should be an essential part of that priority. Why? When students have supportive relationships and opportunities to practice social and emotional skills across many different contexts, academic learning accelerates. New research consistently saw increases in academic performance with SEL. These new findings merely build on what we have long known. As Dr. Aaliyah A. Samuel said, “Any parent or teacher knows the basics of learning involve supportive relationships, joy, and skills like perseverance and effective communication.”

The Evidence Is Clear: SEL Supports School Safety

Safe schools start with the foundation of a supportive learning environment for every student. We know that SEL can help foster these environments with supportive relationships, self-regulation, and more. The new research confirms the role of SEL, finding fewer behavioral issues, as well as overall improved school climate and safety. While not a quick fix, SEL is an essential tool for cultivating safe environments where students can focus on learning.

The Evidence Is Clear: SEL Benefits Are Long-Term

We know that SEL is not limited to a certain grade level; it stays with us for a lifetime.The skills students learn and the relationships they cultivate promote success and well-being long after the bell rings. New research also supports the idea of SEL’s lasting impact. Students who participated in SEL interventions had improved social and emotional skills, attitudes, and peer relationships, along with reductions in emotional distress and externalizing behaviors, six months or more after the intervention ended. In reviewing independent studies that followed students after SEL programs ended, researchers found strong evidence that positive effects continue long-term.

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Education Week:

What Does SEL Mean Anyway? 7 Experts Break It Down

January 27:

CASEL webinar on the "State of the Field 2023: SEL at a Crossroads"

  • Constellations: How Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships Spark Innovation

  • The 74: How Rapper Darryl “DMC” McDaniels Is Helping Kids Grow By Embracing Their Emotions
  • February 3: AASA session on “Reclaiming the Narrative on SEL: Strengthening Parent Support” 

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