April 2017
In This Issue
Quick Links
CFA Central Office Staff
Featured Cat
Our banner cat for April is GC, NW MAINE LVRS KING-OF-HEARTS, a red tabby and white Maine Coon male. (photo by Chanan)


May 1  - Delegate forms must be POSTMARKED or faxed by this date to be eligible to vote at Annual Meeting. FAXED FORMS must be received by close of business 5:00pm EST.

May 11 - Club fees & membership list must be RECEIVED in CO by this date for a club to be eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting.

June 1 - CFA Officers and Regional Director ballot must be RECEIVED in CO by this date

June 1Club fees & membership list must be RECEIVED in CO by this date for a club to remain on CFA's membership roster.


As we count down the final few weeks of CFA's 2016-2017 show season, let's all pause for a moment and remember just how we got into this wonderful hobby of ours. In one way or another, our love of our feline companions all brought us together. Please always remember that the goals obtained or missed pale in comparison to the bond that we have with our beloved cats.  They're more precious than any trophy one can win.

Best of luck, and safe travels. The next CFA Newsletter brings us all a new season, new dreams, and new adventures to come!


photo by Tyler
The World Cat Congress' show in Las Vegas is just a week away.  Have you entered yet?  Our entry clerk tells us the show is going to fill with 225 entries and it closes Sunday night so don't delay - get your entries in.  It's a 6x6 show with four CFA judges in Allbreed rings each day and guest judges from other associations around the world in the Specialty rings.  It's a hotel show and we are working hard to make this an exciting and enjoyable show for exhibitors.

We held a Board meeting via conference call earlier this week.  Annette Wilson's notes were distributed in a CFA-News announcement later that night.  The Board approved the CFA budget for the next fiscal year which starts May 1st.  Included in the budget is $1,000 sponsorship for our clubs to help them in the production of their show.  With the hundreds of shows licensed each year, that's a significant investment in our shows.  Clubs must apply for the sponsorship as they have in the past.  Contact our Deputy Director, Verna Dobbins, at  Clubs that include an Agility Ring at their show can get up to $300 from CFA to help cover the cost of the ring to include ring setup, an Agility Ring Master, a steward, etc.  That is on top of the $1,000 sponsorship from CFA.  Again, contact Verna.

Advertising the Cats' Incredible et al. Show

Next year's budget also includes an increase in our budget for marketing.  Our Marketing Committee, chaired by Lisa Kuta, has plans to do more to let the cat loving public know about CFA, our shows, and our many unique breeds.  During the past year CFA hired a marketing specialist to help us with our marketing efforts.  As our finances improve, we can afford to do more to help our clubs, breeders, and exhibitors. 

Each year we see fewer ads in our Yearbook.  In an attempt to turn that around, we are offering special low rates for those who place an ad in both the Yearbook and Cat Talk magazine.  See more information about this effort elsewhere in newsletter.  Remember that those who pay for Grand and DM photos in both publications have their cat's photo placed on our website for free.  With the many visitors to our website, that's great exposure for your winning cats.

Our show season wraps up at the end of this month.  If you have a cat who achieved an end-of-season award please check for information on photos due, banquet reservations, etc. Be proactive so you don't miss out.

Let me wrap up my input to the newsletter by offering congratulations to every exhibitor who achieved a win this season whether it be a grand, a breed win, a Division win, a Regional win, or a National win.

Terri Barry
CFA Executive Director
As we close out the show season, we continue to be very busy here at Central Office.  Just a few more weeks to go and another show season comes to an end.

Just a couple of reminders: 
  • April 14, 2017 - Proposed Amendments & Resolutions were to have been received in Central Office
  • April 21 - 24, 2017 CFA is hosting the World Cat Congress and show at the Rio, Las Vegas
  • May 1, 2017 - Delegate forms must be postmarked, faxed or emailed by this date to be eligible to vote at the Annual.  Faxed and emailed forms must be received by 11:59 P.M. E.D.T.
  • May 11, 2017 - Club fees and membership list must be RECEIVED in Central Office to be eligible to vote at the Annual
  • June 1, 2017 - Club fees and membership list must be received in Central Office by this date for a club to remain on CFA's membership roster
  • June 1, 2017 - CFA Directors-at-Large ballot must be received in Central Office
  • June 2, 2017 - Deadline for Delegate book ads
  • June 29 - July 2, 2017 CFA's Annual Meeting at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Chicago, IL.
  • June 2, 2017 - Deadline for room block reservations
  • June 22, 2017 - Deadline for breakfast and dinner reservations
We have streamlined information regarding the Annual.  By using this link, you will be able to view the schedule of events.  You will also be able to reserve meals, order duplicate awards or check the status of all your clubs payments and ballots.
A tip of the hat to CFA Midwest Region 6 and a special thanks to Director Mary Auth for putting this together.
Also, as another reminder don't forget to check out our new DNA testing program available at:  

Delegate Booklet Ads

Get your ad in for the 2017 Delegate Book before June 2, 2017

Congratulate your friends, promote your breed clubs, and of course, to toot your own horn "and all that jazz!"

Promote your upcoming show, with our show flyer special.

Information available here.
CFA IT Program Report
Tim Schreck
CFA IT Program Chair

As stated last month we want to emphasize that with new entry clerk program, shows will not be created for your access until the show is licensed. We have experienced several requests for yet-to-be-licensed shows. However, creating the show while entering the license is the best control to make sure the information is correct.

Also if you need to change entry clerks for any reason Melissa can handle this. All currently licensed shows have been entered. If for any reason you believe your show has been missed please contact either Melissa at or me at

We will begin working in the second set of enhancements to the program soon.
Please continue to report any problems so we can get them corrected.
We will continue defining the rest of the requests for programming.
Work is also continuing moving applications from the HP.
CFA Website
Kathy Durdick, Webmaster

World Show Map:

As some of you may have already discovered, a few weeks ago we added a searchable map of world-wide shows at the top of the Show Calendar page!  

You can zoom in to any area of the world you are interested in, to see shows in that area.  Clicking on the "paw print" will display a window with additional information about the show, including:
  • Club Name
  • Address
  • Show Date
  • Entry clerk name and email address
  • Link to the full show listing on the CFA website

The map currently shows 6-8 weeks worth of shows, which is updated weekly.

2017-18 Show Rules/Breed Standards:

The 2017-18 Show Rules and Breed Standards are now available online.  You can find links on the Exhibitors page, or the CFA Manuals Page 

CFA Judging Program
Annette Wilson, chair

At the April 11, 2017 CFA Board Meeting, the following judges were advanced:

Nicholas Pun - to Apprentice Longhair (second specialty)
Koji Kanise - to Approved Allbreed
Neil Quigley - to Approved Allbreed

Edward Maeda's medical leave of absence was extended to July 31, 2017.
Cat Talk
Teresa Keiger

The April issue of Cat Talk magazine is now out! We hope that you enjoy our spring-themed issue focusing on kittens AND Pet First Aid Month! There's also a preview of the 2017 Annual, a tribute to Wayne Trevathan, and information on platelet rich plasma therapy for cats. We also launch our "What You Don't Know About..." breed profiles with the Siberian!

I am proud to announce that Cat Talk, its staff, and its contributing writers earned a total of 6 Certificates of Excellence in the 2016 Cat Writers' Association Communications Contest! (meaning that 3 judges gave the entry a combined average score of 90 or above).  The highest scoring entry in each category will receive a CWA Muse medallion.

2016 Certificate of Excellence Winners from Cat Talk magazine:
I.1 Magazine - National Circulation
Cat Talk, editor Teresa Keiger

I.5 Magazine Article - Any Other Topic
Ramona Marek, One Health and The Human-Animal Bond - June 2016
Ramona Marek, The Human-Animal Bond: A Biological Imperative  - June 2016
Shery Clark, Holidays and Heartbreak  - December 2016
(Ramona is a freelance writer who has written several outstanding articles for Cat Talk. Shery Clark is a licensed grief counselor)

I.6 Magazine Column
Mollie Shutt, Su-PURR-Stions

IX.5 Photographic Art
 Teresa Keiger, Cat Talk October Cover

Additionally, 2 books that we reviewed in Cat Talk last December were also Certificate Winners
V.3 Books - Health and General Care
Ramona Marek, Cats for the Genius
V.4 Books - Behavior and Training
Dusty Rainbolt, Cat Scene Investigator

So...the next time you see one of our fine Cat Talk staff members, let them know how much you appreciate their hard work! It really is a team effort all around!
Curious to see what other entries earned certificates?  Take a look at the list here.

Advertising Special!!
sample ad

Don't miss this great opportunity! 

Place an advertisement in BOTH the 2018 Yearbook AND the August issue of Cat Talk magazine for ONE low price. 

$350.00 for a full page ad - BOTH publications
(regularly $300 for yearbook only)
$200.00 for a half page ad  - BOTH publications
(regularly $165 for yearbook only)
Same ad in both publications

The 2018 Yearbook is bringing back 
the popular breed articles!

This yearbook will feature the American Shorthair and the Ragdoll. Advertising is a great opportunity for those breeders and exhibitors to include themselves in this special feature!

DEADLINE for this special offer is JUNE 15, 2017 OR when quota is met

Limited space available, send your ad in early. Once our quota is met, we will not be able to accept any more ads for this special combo. 

Information can be found here  or email Shelly Borawski  with any questions.
Wagging Tailz - id bands and collars for kittens and puppies

CFA Registration Growth - First Quarter 2017
Dick Kallmeyer
CFA Vice President

CFA registrations are continuing with double digit growth in the first quarter of 2017.

Source of registrations by geography in 1Q2017.

Distribution of North America _R1-R7_ registrations for 1Q2017

World Cat Congr ess
Seminar Schedule
No Fee, Reservation Required
Contact Allene Tartaglia to reserve your seat.

Open Meeting with World Cat Congress Delegates

Dr. Heather Lorimer
Genetics Professor at Youngstown State University
and Oriental Shorthair breeder

Karen Lawrence
CFA Foundation and Museum

Dr. Vicki Thayer
Winn Foundation - Research Updates

Laureline Malineau
Royal Canin's Role in the World Cat Congress.

Pat Jacobberger
CFA Judging Program Education Chair
"Ethics and Psychology of Judging"

Royal Canin
Nutrition & Reproduction

Breed Presentation - American Curl
Presented by the breed's founder, Grace Ruga

Winn Logo

by Vicki Thayer DVM , Winn Executive Director

A list of our donors contributing $100 or more in March is available  

Important April Dates for Winn Outreach:  Dr. Vicki Thayer, Winn's Executive Director will talk about several significant and recent Winn-funded cat health studies at the World Cat Congress on April 21st. Winn is actively involved in finding answers for such cat diseases as FIP, HCM, cancer such as lymphoma, GI disease and many others. In addition, Winn is a leader in stem cell and genomic research for cats.
In addition, TICA is sharing an exhibit booth with Winn at the America's Family Pet Expo in Costa Mesa, CA from April 28th-30th. Stop by and visit. We will have plenty of informational materials about Winn's programs and will be happy to answer any of your questions.
A Reminder ~ The Winn Symposium Registration is Open : Our speaker is one of the foremost experts on FIP, Dr. Niels Pedersen. The 2-hour symposium on June 29th at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago will be dedicated to current information about FIP. Register early since we expect a large crowd. Details to register are here.  Cat clubs that have donated $500 or more since July 1, 2016 and through June 25, 2017 will receive one free registration for a club selected member to attend the Symposium.
More on Winn's 50th Anniversary Celebrations: Winn is working busily on our planned 50th Anniversary book. It will be even better than the 40th Anniversary book which has been received well over the past years and been an important "ambassador" about Winn for cat lovers around the world.
2017 Winn Grant Announcement: The 2017 Winn grant awards will be announced the week of April 10th.  There will be 11 grant awards announced (not ten as previously stated), totaling $214,017. Please look for Winn's April newsletter or on Winn's website, f or more details.
Winn is fundraising for a Fall Bria Fund grant cycle and the 2018 Winn grant review: Winn's efforts are never finished. We are starting our fundraising campaign for an out of cycle FIP (Bria Fund) grant review in October that will be held at the same time as Winn's Miller Trust grant review.We also need to also build toward another exceptional Winn grant cycle in 2018 to further benefit cat health. Please consider Giving Now   to help the future of cat health.
Planned Giving (Tax) Tip for April: While volunteer services for a charity aren't tax deductible you may be able to deduct expenses.  You may deduct your actual costs of using your vehicle for charity or use the standard mileage rate.  For 2017 the standard mileage rate for operating your personal motor vehicle in service of a charity will be 14 cents per mile driven.  In addition to either your actual costs or the standard mileage rate, you may also deduct your parking and tolls.  You must keep reliable records and itemize your deductions to claim charitable car expenses. 

California Pet Sales and Lease Legislation
And Other Bill Updates

California Bill Assembly Bill 1491. In response to national media reports about new predatory pet financing plans, the American Society for Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) sponsored the first legislative effort to curb this - California Assembly Bill 1491. These plans target consumers with poor credit and offer installment payments either as sales with the pet as security or leases with title transfer at the end of the lease. In either case, contracts provide for repossession of the pet for nonpayment. This is probably more a coercive tool than reality, but the legislative intent is to make both installment sales secured by the pet and lease contracts for pets unlawful against public policy. In order to protect use of breeding leases by both dog and cat breeders, AB 1491 has been amended to provide that only a lease that provides for or offers the option of transfer of ownership of the dog or cat at the end of the lease term will be void as against public policy. AB 1491 will now go to the full Assembly. This topic may progress to other states and will require vigilance to protect historic fancier practices. If enacted, breeders should carefully review their lease and contract provisions in light of these issues. 
California Local Note: Riverside, CA.  The City of Riverside, California is reviewing its animal ordinance and began with a Planning staff recommendation to follow the Long Beach ordinance that requires sterilization of all cats at four months and with no legal cat breeding. Local opposition is organizing now. Contact us for more information. 
Other State Bill Updates
New Jersey Senate Bill 3041. Senate Bill 3041, identical to SB 63, which could make many pedigreed cat breeders and purebred dog breeders a pet dealer for selling 10 or more cats or dogs to consumers in the state in one year, has passed both the Senate and the Assembly. It now awaits action by Governor Christie. For a full history of Senate Bill 3041, SB 63 and HB 2338, see the What's Hot articles in the CFA e-newsletter for June, October, and December for 2016, and February and March for 2017. The CFA e-newsletter archives link is at the end of this article.
Arkansas House Bill 1717 would have created a permit program for registering sellers of cats and dogs. In HB 1717, "a person who offers, or attempts to offer, a cat or dog, or both, for sale within this state by advertising through any form of public media shall register as a seller with the Department of Health." On March 30, 2017, bill sponsor Representative Sorvilla withdrew the bill, and the House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development recommended it be studied in the interim. Similarly, HB1715, which would have created a dog breeder registration and regulations for dog breeders, was withdrawn by Representative Richmond for study in the interim.  House Bill 1717 was discussed in the March 2017 What's Hot article.
Montana House Bill 570 and House Bill 582 .  House Bill 570 would have regulated dog and cat breeders if it had passed and been enacted. In addition, HB 582 would have established licensing requirements and regulations for cat and dog breeders. Information on these bills was posted on the CFA Legislative News Facebook page. Both bills missed the deadline for revenue bill transmittal.
The link to the CFA e-newsletter archives is

Please report legislation happening in your area to the Legislative Group -
Visit the  CFALegislativeNews Facebook page to see the current legislative news.

CFA Ambassador Cats
by Karen Lane
A-Cats Program Chair
Hi-Fashion comes to the
CFA Ambassador Cat Program

Our newest A-Cat members are Kathy and Kaitlyn Pritchard. They, and their glamour girls, live in Spotsylvania, Virginia.

Kathy and Kaitlyn have been breeding Cornish Rex for 14 years. They belong to their breed council and they attend an average of 10 shows per year.

Their four-legged "Glamour Girls" are called Gia, Zsa Zsa and Eva. We all could have guessed. These girls have been strutting their stuff in the most glamorous evening and daytime attire.

Wherever they attend, they steal the spotlight. One of their sponsors is Shirley Peet and Shirley has mentored them in all of the ways of cat fashion.

The "Glamour Girls" travel with 150 gowns and casual apparel and 75 hats.

The CFA Ambassador Cat Program is thrilled to have these very fancy girls be our newest Ambassador Cats. Please look for them at one of your shows and thank them for all of the work and time they bring to our shows. This is a truly a "show-stopper" for the people that attend our shows and events.

Thank you Kathy and Kaitlyn for joining this special group of special cats and their people.

CFA Ambassador Program
by Candilee Jackson
CFA Ambassador Program Chair 

You're Invited!  The Ambassadors are hosting a snack and chat on Thursday, June 29th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm, at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago.  You will have plenty of time to make it to the Winn Symposium at 4pm, so stop by and say "hi!"
Many thank yous to everyone who has been following my open-heart surgery journey:  your prayers, cares, notes, posts and letters of support have been an incredible part of my recovery.  Though still not up to speed, I am taking things with baby steps and noticing positive improvements in my abilities every day.  Yes, it DOES take a village, not just raise our children correctly, but to support one another in times of need.  Thank you, CFA family!
Region 5:  Shari Millar
  Aside from the Hawaii show, the two shows sponsored by Region were basically put for the exhibitors as more of social shows, so not much of any gate, but there was a lot of great food! Mark's "great all day food galore" was a hit, and That Taco Man is a KEEPER!
At both the Las Flores Cat Club and Marina Allbreed Cat show in Ontario, and Los Colores Cat Club in Palm Springs shows was a special and familiar attendee. Summer is a Pet Me and Therapy Cat seen regularly at all the Southwest shows as well as the Northwest shows. She is a true ambassador for CFA so I'd like to feature her this month. She is a stunning ruddy Somali. Summer's therapy work takes her to hospitals, where she entertains both patients and staff, and the occasional college campus to destress students. She travels from California up to Canada frequently. She also has a large online following on her website

Region 6:  Candilee Jackson
April is always a fun month for the MWR with COWS (Cats of Wisconsin) presenting their spring show.  This show always brings in a strong gate, and this year Purebred Specialty Rescue set up an amazing booth that brought together both spectators and exhibitors with their wonderful pictures, video and displays of purebred kitties who need forever homes as well as beautiful success stories from around the country.  This grassroots organization is a treasure for the MWR as well the USA, placing kitties around our nation to just the right home environment, and is an ambassador's tool for helping people connect with cats.

Although the message has gotten around CFA, the MWR is extremely sad to announce the passing of Tonkinese exhibitor, Mary-Margaret Richardson of Kirkwood MO.  Labeled a "spark plug," this lady broke glass ceilings with the FDA as their first female inspector, and went on to pave the way for women's equality in this organization.  As a friend, she was like none other:  sassy, upbeat, full of fun and mischief, her trusty camera in hand.  She used to joke that she was the "official UN-OFFICIAL" CFA photographer!  May you rest in peace, dearest friend...we have wonderful memories of shows, parties, regionals and annuals because of you.

Region 8:  Masanari and Takako Kojima
Nishinihon Cat Club hosted an 8-ring show on March 18019 in Osaka, Japan, at the Osaka Act III Hall.  Many exhibitors were very excited to have an 8-ring format, the first in a long time.
Masanari and Takako showed a silver tabby male, and took Raptor as an ambassador, as usual. Raptor was so happy because he could see his two cousins at show hall!

Raptor was also happy to see several spectators, many young girls, and especially, one young couple who came to ambassador booth and loved Raptor at once.  They were looking for some different kind of breed at first, so  I suggested they look around cats in the benching area and to ask questions.  They also went to check their favorite breed.  Later, they came to see Raptor again and stayed with him until show finished. Raptor also loved this young girl so much! I suppose this girl also has very open mind just like Raptor!! They looks like "Stedy."

Another couple came to ask me which breed could be better for their first cat as pet. At first they were interested in Persian and Himalayan.  I asked young girl if she liked grooming.  She said, "No," then I recommended shorthair breeds such as Abyssinian, ASH, British shorthair, and so on.
Then they went to look around benching cats to focus one or two suitable breeds.  Unfortunately, they could not decide breed because, there were many beautiful cats. I suggested them to go to the CFA Japan Region website, and check show standard which they would like to have. They told me it was good idea and try to do so! I hope CFA Japan Region website will be helpful for them.  I am sure they will come to show hall again. 

I was a little bit quiet, not too much speaking for me since I was just out of the hospital, and I only attended the show on Saturday.  On Sunday, however, I heard that Raptor did very well with his visitors, very friendly and welcoming.

I thought the cats and the cat show made me cheerful even though I was not in perfect condition. Cats and cat fanciers are best medicine for me! 

Region 8 has one last show for this season on April 23 in Tokyo.

We hope every cats and owners will do their best with positive sportsmanship!

Corporate Affliates
Our friends at Motel 6 would like CFA to continue to receive the 10% discount at participating locations by using the new updated reservation code of OAPHHT.  There is a dedicated reservation site for CFA at or you may call 800-466-8356.



Budget Car Rental
Link to Avis


Discounts Available to You!

Region 1
by John Adelhoch,  Regional Director 

Kit Fung (Hong Kong) judged his first USA show at this show. Shown here with his clerk.
"Pink and Purple" ruled the day!   That's what greeted you when you walked through the doors on March 25-26th.  Cats Incredible, Hudson Vally CC, Atlantic Himalayan Club and Ragamuffin CC club members, judges, and exhibitors joined in the color at a combined show in Exton, PA! Clubs sharing the Limelight! Clubs joining together to benefit each other and the Region! Is this the wave of the future?  A beginning of NAR clubs and exhibitors coming together in camaraderie for one united purpose, to promote CFA, NAR and our beautiful felines?  Many clubs and exhibitors are saying it may well be the wave of the future. Perhaps the only way we all can survive the cost of putting on shows. Multiple coalitions of NAR clubs joining together to be vibrant and remain solvent.  A way to bring back those glory days of actually having fun at a show and taking time to nourish new-bee's into our fabulous hobby. YES, that's correct it is a wonderful place to make new friends and celebrate with those of many years. 
Highest Scoring RagaMuffins

Teresa Land & Deb Kenny at the AHC Bake Sale

Speaking of celebrating with friends that's just what happen at the Warwick Valley Feline Fanciers on March 17th. Exhibitors, judges and even the bartender joined in for karaoke and line dancing! I found out not everyone can do the Electric Slide! Kudos to Tony, Marilee and Keith for teaching me!  Cat shows can be real fun!

Well that's all for now, hope to see you all at NOVA and Sign of the Cat, April 22-23, Easton, PA. The end of the show season, but a beginning of a new one!
Remember these are the best of times, so get out there and SHOW!

Region 2
Terri Zittel, Regional Secretary  

Region 2 finished up the show season with a bang. We had the Northwest Region
Fundraiser in Portland, OR at the Double Tree at Lloyd Center. This show was followed
by the IdaCats show in Boise, ID. Then the traditional Crow Canyon show in Pleasanton,
CA. Finally Puget Sound/McKenzie River clubs put on a 10 ring show in Longview,
WA, Phew! A race to the end!

On May 6, 2017 the region will hold the annual CFA Fundraiser Picnic in Sacramento,
CA at Foothill Community Center on 5510 Diablo Drive. The flier for the picnic is
posted at on the show calendar.

This year's NW Regional Awards Banquet will be held on June 10, 2017 at the Seven
Feathers Casino in Canyonville, OR. This year it will be a banquet only. Details again
may be found on the website.

Tammy Roark is taking sponsorships for the regional winners. Again on the website.

Kendall Smith proud to announce a new D.M. GC, RW Benhana Chika of Kenipurr became a
new D.M. on Saturday with the granding of one daughter in Portland, OR, and another in
Ontario, CA. Her 5 Grand-daughters are:
  • GC, RW Kenipurr's Who Am I
  • GC Kenipurr Ritaan of Benhana
  • GC Kenipurr's Sweet Caroline
  • GC Kenipurr's Cracklin' Rosie
  • GP Kenipurr Desiree of Yozora
Quite an accomplishment!

Region 3
by Kathy Black, Regional Director   

As the season is coming to a close we reflect on all of the times that we spent together. The good times, the laughter, the celebrations, and sometimes the sad times. The weekend that we spent together in Denver at the Foot of the Rockies cat show in April contained all of these emotions.

We were sad that we've lost two of our favorite exhibitors this year who were so prominently present at all of the Colorado shows. Mark Delman and Dennis Allen will both be missed but their presence was felt at this weekend show.

We were not sad although we miss them greatly, we had too much to celebrate. There were cakes and the songs of happy birthday and there was a celebration of Jimmy Thompson's 40 years of judging. This was Jimmie's last Colorado show to judge and exhibitors we're going to make it memorable for him. Somehow there were several stuffed animals that showed up and Jimmy's Household Pet judging ring. We will all miss Jimmy in the judging ring. If you happen to see him at a show between now and July make sure you take time to congratulate him on 40 years of judging.
Region 4
by John Colilla, Regional Director
Our region is very active in social media. We are a member of Pinterest and have our own Facebook page. You can check out what is going on in our region through these social media sites at:  and 
Keep an eye out on the Great Lakes Region in April and May. There will be a show almost every weekend. First up is Cincinnati Cat Club  in Hamilton, Ohio.
Be sure to mark your calendar with our upcoming shows:
More information can be found online at  
  • Apr 15-16    Cincinnati Cat Club , Hamilton OH , 7AB , 3 SP
  • Apr 29        Great Lakes Great Maines, Medina OH 4AB, 2SP 
  • Apr 30        Great Lakes Regional Benfit, Medina OH , 4AB, 2SP
  • May 13      Anthony Wayne Cat Fanciers, Ann Arbor MI, 5AB, 1SP
  • May 20      Almost Heaven Cat Club, Charleston WV, 5 AB , 1 SP
  • May 27      Golden Triangle Cat Fanciers, Cambridge ON, 5AB, 1SP
Region 5
by Lisa Marie Kuta, Regional Director 

A big "thank you" to the Los Colores Cat Club for producing such a fun
show in Palm Springs on March 25!

Spring has sprung and the 2016-2017 show season is coming to a close.
Just a few more hours left to enter the World Cat Congress shows in Las
Vegas! The close date is April 16, FIRM. Don't miss this one-of-a-kind
opportunity to experience CFA favorites and judges from all over the world
in the same showhall. This is a 6x6--two separate shows, one Saturday,
one Sunday.

Celebrate the end of the show season with the Santa Monica Cat Club at the
Pomona Fairplex on April 29-30. The club has a great show planned, the
perfect way to end the season.

Region 6
by Mary Auth, Midwest Regional Director
Garfield dropped in to see the cats and met up with Kevin Richardson.
Birman breeders John Brubacher and Sue DeLadi are tickled by Gary Powell. Gary dusted off his cow-bolo tie for the show.

Cats of Wisconsin (COWS) hosted their annual show with the usual flair for fun - all centered around the "cows" theme. 
Fund raising activities to pay for the Annual Hospitality room continue. A new fund raising activity is a raffle for a $2500 AMEX gift card. Tickets are $25 each and only 200 will be sold. Second prize is a hand-sculpted vase/urn made by Midwest Region potter and Devon Rex breeder Doug Schmidt (see photo, left). Third place is a 2017 CFA Yearbook.  Look for Jack Nichols at the shows for a ticket and the chance to win. Drawing will be during the delegate meeting at the Annual in Chicago.

Gena Garton and her brother were at the COWS show


Region 7
by Jean Dugger, Regional Director

The Southern Region Planning Team has been hard at work-meeting weekly by teleconference, to insure that "no stone is left unturned" for our 2017 Awards Ceremony and show, the second weekend of June (10th & 11th).   The banquet will be at the Holiday Inn on Ordway Drive in Roanoke (where the January show is held) and the show will be held at the new Roanoke Civic Center.  We are excited about this new venue and look forward to meeting many spectators, and perhaps new fanciers'.   Please plan to join us !

The Southern Region website  is the "go to" place to find all the information you need about the show, attending the banquet, what to eat, what to wear (well perhaps not, but everything else!!   Under the sponsorship section you will find information on how to sponsor your friends and fellow exhibitor's regional winner, regional breed winner, household pet winner, agility winner, as well as cats earning distinguished merit and grands of distinction.   And all you need to know about sending your photos of your cats, as well as "on the road again" pictures!   PLEASE send us pictures - send us LOTS of pictures, and send them early!!    Please remember,  these events do not just happen by magic, it is a ton of hard work by VOLUNTEERS, who take time away from their families, their cats, and their lives, to make these very special productions happen!  Don't forget to thank them for their efforts!  Everyone who is working so hard to make this happen is a "Southern Star" and deserves our deepest gratitude!   Watch for emails on the CFA lists to advise about updates to our website with more and more details, as they happen.

Also,  please LIKE our Southern Region Facebook page, which has lots of this same information and links (you can never have too many links) to help you find what you need - and enjoy our newsletter, all the pictures and updates about our Southern Region shows and exhibitors!  All this comes from all of you - so send us your stories and we will share them

The last show of the Southern Region is this weekend in Frederick, Maryland - the traditional Easter show of the Mad Catters Cat Club.  I couldn't help thinking about this show when I learned the sad news that the cat fancy lost another great, as Linda Rogge passed away this week!   I remember being at this very show many years ago, benched with Linda, when she was showing a beautiful black Persian.  Linda's encouragement was a great help to me, and I know that I was only one of many many of us, whose lives she touched!  I know she will be looking down on us this weekend, smiling as we continue the hobby that she loved so much!  Go in peace, Linda!

Region 8
Edward Maeda resigned his position as regional director last month and is currently recovering from his recent illness. A special election is being held to fill this vacancy. We wish Edward a speedy and complete recovery.
Region 9
by Michael Hans Schleissner 

Once again 44 Gatti Cat Club produced another great event on April 1-2/2017 in Erba, Italy. It was a show in conjunction with a big pet fair which included tropical fishes, birds, chicken, reptiles, insects, turtles and, of course, pedigreed cats. The count was around 100 cats.

The real impressive thing was the gate. With more than 15,000 spectators the club garnered a lot of attention for CFA. Fortunately 44 Gatti Cat Club had the opportunity to have Silvia Pampallone as the show photographer.

All in all a well done event and a wonderful advertising for CFA.

Upcoming shows:

April 30, 2017 Last show in the season !
Chatte Noir Club, Moscow, Russia
6 AB rings

May 6-7, 2017
Felinus international, Grote Brogel / Belgium
4 AB + 2 SP
Important: Entry limit is only 125 cats!
This show will be for championship only !

International Division
Dick Kallemyer, International Division Chair 

Scenes from International Division shows in March.

Show committee, Hong Kong exhibitors, and judges for the Cat Fanciers of Korea show in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea on April 2-3, 2017.   

Premiership final at the Cat Fanciers Society of Indonesia show.

Suki Lee at the Cornerpet Cat Fanciers Club show in Nanjing, China on April 8-9, 2017.

Judging at the Shanghai Cat Lovers_ show in Shanghai March 18-19, 2017.

Attendees at Chloe Chung's clerking school on April 7, 2017 in Nanjing, China.

Dieting at the Cat Fanciers Society of Indonesia show on April 8-9,2017 in Bandung, Indonesia.

Judging at the Taipei Savour Feline Fanciers show in New Taipei City, March 4, 2017.

Have a question or a comment about the CFA Newsletter? 
Feel free to contact me at
Thank you for being a subscriber!

Teresa Keiger
CFA Newsletter Editor