Hello everybody!

As our season of preparation for the advent of Jesus, in history, at his second coming, and each day in our lives continues, we are less than two weeks from the celebration of Christmas. The last day of school before the Christmas break is this Friday, we continue this Wednesday and next to have additional opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 6:30 p.m. in the church, and we will celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent this weekend. At the 8:30 a.m. mass, we will bless prayer blankets that are lovingly and prayerfully made to be given to those who are in need of healing or comfort as a sign of the prayers and support of our parish family. If you know someone who would benefit from receiving a prayer blanket, they are available in a hutch in the hallway to the left and adjacent to the church from the gathering space. Simply write who it is for in the book and take a blanket to whoever needs one. Thanks to all who make this important ministry possible!

Great news! We have reached our archdiocesan participation and dollar goals for the Catholic Services Appeal. Thank you! With your help, I believe we can reach our stretch participation goal of 400 families. We have great potential as a parish community and are not far from reaching this stretch goal. Please prayerfully consider joining in the success of CSA and our contribution to our wider church family by helping those in need. Thank you for your generous giving!

As I write this, I have had three cancellations today of meetings that were on my calendar. Dr. Sturtzel, our principal, has recently written to our school families and staff about JOMO, or the joy of missing out. It may be the most wonderful time of the year, but for many of us it is also the most busiest time of year. In these final days of Advent, take some time to pause, pray, and be at peace. Miss out on something so that the important things don’t get lost in the busyness. Today, I am grateful to do the same. May God bless you, keep you, and be always with you.


Fr. Jeff
Our parish is a faith community, not just a Sunday gathering. Stay up to date with all that is happening here.

Prayer Blanket Blessing
We will have a prayer blanket blessing at the 8:30 a.m. Mass. If you have made prayer blankets, please bring them to Mass to be blessed. The blankets can be placed on the tables in the church gathering space.

Christmas Mass Music Prelude
Enjoy beautiful Christmas music from our adult choir prior to the 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. Music will begin at 9:30 p.m.
January 2023
Details Forthcoming
Moving Toward Oneness Ministry
In an effort to learn and grow in harmony with a multicultural brothers and sisters around the diocese, St. Patrick has formed a group that will be exploring new ways of communicating, collaborating, and sharing with others who offer different perspectives. If you feel called to participate, contact Tim Grove, Director of Adult Faith Formation and Initiation at tgrove@stpatlou.org.
During this fourth week of Advent, you can access online resources at stpatlou.org, Advent 2022.
Advent Reconciliation
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
  • December 14
  • December 21
Grief Bible Study
As we enter the holiday season, we face new difficulties in the loss of our loved ones. Join us for bible study, reflecting on the surrender of grief to God and ways to work through our sorrow.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Join us for Mass this Christmas! All are welcome.
Catholic Services Appeal 2022
Thanks to those who have made a gift to the appeal. Please help us reach our dollar goal and stretch participation goal of 400 families.
Gifts can be made in the following ways: 
  • Online at archlou.org
  • Online at stpatlou.org
  • Envelopes via mail or at the Welcome Desk or the QR code in the Learn More button below.

Weekly Stewardship - 12/11/2022
  • $48,810

Weekly Budget          
  • $54,400

Stewardship YTD
  • $773,007

Budget YTD
  • $786,500

YTD Over (Under)
  • ($13,493)
Gift of the Magi Collection
Click on donate button (choose the St. Vincent DePaul fund) to support the parish St. Vincent DePaul Conference which helps those who come to the parish office seeking emergency assistance.
Thank you for making a commitment of your time, talent and treasure! Questions? Contact the parish office at
Memorial Brick
Become a part of our history and leave a lasting impression on the place we love to call home! All checks payable to the St. Patrick School Foundation and donations are tax deductible. Contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at lmarshall@stpatlou.org or 244-6083.
Opportunities for faith enrichment in both large and small group settings for adults in our parish.

Open for ALL children from our parish from birth - 5th grade. Details on the Learn More button.

Ski trip open for ALL youth in grades 6-12.
Now offering YM gift certificates for your gift giving needs. Click Learn More for details.
Serving Our Community
We encourage all in our parish community to live out their faith by learning about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, reaching out generously to those in need, and advocating for a fair and just society.
Parish Staff Cookie Contest
Vote December 5-18 in the Gathering Space for your favorite decorated cookie.
Save the Date
More details forthcoming.
Celtic Athletic Ministry (CAM)
For news and sports signups.