2023 End of Year Giving
Thank you for your faithfulness in praying, learning, serving, joining and giving this year. God calls us to be generous with all of our gifts, including our financial resources. In gratitude we are called to give back to God. Stewardship supports St. Patrick’s mission and ministries. Gifts to stewardship help offset day-to-day operations of the parish as well keep school tuition costs down. As we approach the year-end, we invite you into an encounter with God and consider including St. Patrick in your giving plans.
There are several ways to make a gift to our parish:
2023 Stewardship Gift
Make a gift to stewardship. Gifts received or dated in the Parish Office by December 31 will be included on your 2023 statement.
Christmas and Special Archdiocesan Collection
Archdiocesan Charities on December 24/25 to support the work of Catholic Charities
Gifts can be made via offertory envelopes or online at stpatlou.org under Giving Menu.
Gift of the Magi Collection for St. Vincent de Paul
- Make checks payable to St. Patrick SVDP Conference and drop in the offertory collection
- Make a one-time or recurring online donation – go to www.stpatlou.org, click on “give today”, enter the amount you wish to give, click on the Fund drop down arrow and select “St. Vincent DePaul”.
Roof Replacement Project
We have completed 99% of the flat roof replacement for the church. The school piece is 75% complete. The work on the school will resume in June. If you would like to donate to this cause, click here and choose Roof Replacement fund.
Stock Donations
Stock donations are a great way to ease your tax burden before year-end. For information contact Dave Naber, Business Manager at (502)244-6083.
Planned Giving
Remembering the Church with a gift from your estate is a wonderful way to help ensure that the ministry of the Church will continue to bear fruit by the intentional sharing of things that we have accumulated during our lifetime. It is important that everyone have a will.
Memorial Brick
Become a part of our history and leave a lasting impression on the place we love to call home! All checks payable to the St. Patrick School Foundation and donations are tax deductible. Contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement at (502)244-6083 or lmarshall@stpatlou.org. The next order will be placed in February 2024 and it takes 4-6 weeks for delivery and install. Order online at stpatlou.org.
For more information, contact Lynne Marshall, Director of Engagement, at lmarshall@stpatlou.org.