What is something people do not know about you?
Two facts: I love school. I like getting to know classmates and professors and the challenge of learning new material. I like the process (I just really like a process of any sort) of outlining papers and continuously building on knowledge. And if I am being honest, I enjoy the satisfaction of earning good grades and diplomas. I am an introvert. While I can make presentations and be in groups, I crave days when I may not speak to anyone and can read, cook, clean, etc... in total silence. Those days don't happen very often, but I appreciate those times when they occur.
Favorite scripture or prayer and why?
Philippians 2:3-4 "Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but [also] everyone for those of others." I like this verse for two reasons. First, I am generally drawn to St. Paul and his writings because I can appreciate his conversion story (I came into the Church as an adult) and journey. Second, I believe this verse encapsulates how Catholics (and Christians) should live. Imagine the divides and hate that could be healed if we all lived with this verse at the forefront of our minds, which admittedly is difficult.
What do you love most about your ministry/serving at St. Patrick?
Watching my children learn to read allowed me to watch their imaginations, intellects, and worlds open. What a gift literacy is! Working in ministry is something I liken to this experience. In ministry, I am invited into the personal spaces of people's lives. This is a sacred invitation because these spaces are often messy and require trust, vulnerability, and emotion, which are uncomfortable places for many of us. Often, these spaces include conversations that are not easy or filled with cheer. Nor does it infer that parties always agree. I have realized, however, that if every exchange is done from a place of love, the outcome, even if unexpected, can lead to something positive. Every encounter I have is the chance to experience someone's life, mind, heart, etc... being impacted by Christ, similar to the gift of watching my children learn to read. I never want to squander either of these gifts.
To learn more about Tammy and the ministries she is involved with, go to https://stpatlou.org/tammy-kessler