Hello everybody!
St. Patrick’s Day was a wonderful celebration for our parish and school community with morning Mass, Irish dancers, a bagpipe for school dismissal, and a spirited fish fry. The Celtic Ceilidh was a great success and I want to thank all of those who worked so hard to make it so, all of our sponsors, and all who attended. We will let you know the final fundraising results for the roof in the weeks to come. Thanks to all!
Please keep the Men’s Welcome Retreat in your prayers this weekend. The Women’s Welcome Retreat was a time of blessing, refreshment, and encounter with Jesus. I pray the Men’s Welcome Retreat will be the same. God be with those who are on the retreat and those giving the retreat.
I am looking forward to our liturgical celebrations during Holy Week and am trying to make the most out of the remaining Lenten Season. May God bring to completion the good work he has begun in us this Lent.
Fr. Jeff