What is something people do not know about you?
Last year I flew in a helicopter and landed on a glacier in Alaska. As we got out onto the glacier and walked around it was very emotional for me. To think that God created something so beautiful and I was able to see and touch it. Some days our world doesn't seem so beautiful but it truly is.
What is your favorite scripture or prayer and why?
Hebrews 11:1, Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
We must have faith in order to believe that what we hope for, even if it's not on our timeline, that He will be with us when we truly need Him.
What do you love most about your ministry/serving at St. Patrick?
Some of you may or may not know that as of November, 2023 I am now only working part-time (Tuesday, and Thursday). Thank you Fr. Jeff and David Naber for making this possible. St. Patrick's ability to allow a good work/life balance is one of the things I love about my ministry as an Assistant Bookkeeper. Part of my job is to help parishioners with stewardship issues as well as answering tuition questions for parents. It's satisfying to me to help people and ease their mind.
To learn more about Lisa and the ministries she is involved with, go to https://stpatlou.org/lisa-zirnheld