Hello everybody!
In the midst of all the many good ministries and activities happening in our community, I thought I would step back and give you an update on how our roof replacement project is going. Of course, our mission is about God and people, but our facilities give us necessary tools to connect heart to heart and meet the needs of people. I am grateful for the good work of Dave Naber, our Business Manager, maintenance staff, and Finance Council, who work closely with Ray Nolan Roofing and Patrick D. Murphy Architects on this project.
As you recall, this is a massive project to remove and reinstall all of the flat sections of roof on the Church, Miles Hall, and Schindler Hall buildings. It has been 10 months of work, so far, and about 75% of the work is complete. While more has to be done, it feels like the end is coming into sight! The sources of funding for the project are cash reserves, Beacon of Hope bond proceeds of $500K, proceeds from the Celtic Ceilidh fundraiser of $85K and support from stewardship and individual parish donors. The total cost of the project is $1.5M. If you feel called to contribute specifically to the roof replacement project, please contact Dave Naber or Lynne Marshall at 244-6083.
Please continue to pray for the success and completion of this significant project. May God bless us all, our mission, and our efforts for his kingdom. Below, you will see a few before and after images of the work being done. Thanks!
Fr. Jeff