"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . "
The Chalice
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church 
“May he whose second Coming in power and great glory we await, make you steadfast in faith, joyful in hope, and constant in love. And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you forever” (Advent Blessing).
In the Advent season, we wait in joyous expectation for the birth of Christ. We shift our attention from worrying about the problems that face us to a crude manger in Bethlehem, where all of God’s promises are fulfilled. We shift from thinking about scarcity to the abundance that we have from God. Please take time to relax in this busy season and journey with all of us at St. John’s to Bethlehem. Our theme this season is Joy. My blessing for you this Sunday is that you will be steadfast in faith, joyful in hope, and constant in love. Last week we talked about being in right relationship with one another. In our vulnerability, God is able to show his love and mercy through the one born in a lowly manger. We need to just take a short rest from our worries and look away from the darkness into the light. Advent is a time when we realize the one who loves us deeply is coming again. It is a time when we deepen our relationships by calling others and listening to both their pain and joy. We take the time to visit with our family, co-workers and friends. We remember one another through cards, presents, and social media.

Advent is a time when we give of ourselves to others as Christ gave of himself to us. We bring about the coming of the kingdom of God by looking beyond ourselves. We pray for one another and help the poor and needy where we can. I have asked each member of St. John’s to draw closer to our Lord in the coming year. Please consider deepening your faith in Christ by loving God and one another. The best way to get started is to pray to God that your heart may be kindled again and that you will be steadfast in faith.

The St. John’s Youth Group will be delivering wreaths, flowers, and poinsettias on Saturday, December 4th, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm & Sunday, December 5th, 8:30 am to 12 noon. This fund raiser supports our youth on mission trips and youth events. The ECW is collecting money for the St. John’s Episcopal Hospital’s Adopt-A-Family Program for Christmas for the next two Sundays. Join us for an Advent Retreat "Four Advent Words from the Giver of the Gift" with Rev. Dr. John McGinty on Saturday, December 4th, 9:30 to 11:30 am on Zoom. Our Advent series, “Preparing the Way: Listening for God in the Borders of our World" will continue this Tuesda, December 7th with Jeanne Provenzano, Attorney. Please join us for Evening Prayer at 6:30 pm and our Advent Program from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Bible study continues with the Nativity in the Gospel of Luke and the book Hidden Christmas by Timothy Keller. It will be held Monday nights at 6:30 pm and Tuesday mornings at 11:00 am. There will be a LIGMC concert on Sunday, December 12th at 7:00 pm and our Sing Noel Concert on Sunday, December 19th at 7:30pm.

Lastly, I want to make a special request from the Altar Guild. They are looking for a few new members to care for the altar. It is a profoundly rewarding ministry to serve preparing the Lord’s altar. Please contact me if you are interested in more information.

In Christ’s love,
Fr. Duncan
Second Sunday of Advent
Join us for Sunday Worship at 8am and 10am in the church or remotely on Zoom and Facebook. Face masks and social distancing are required for all in person services.
8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist

9:45 am - Sunday School in the Guild Room and on Zoom

10:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist

The Readings

The Hymns*

*Not all songs are available to download. If you would like a hard copy of the Hymnal and Praise Book for at home worship, please contact the Parish Office.
We are so happy to welcome people into the church for in-person worship. As we increase the number of people allowed in the church, we can all do our part to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy:
  • Masks are required. Disposable masks are available at the back of the church;
  • Social distancing. Please maintain a 6ft distance between your group/family and others;
  • Sanitize hands upon entrance. Dispensers are available at the back of the church;
  • Prayer books and Hymnals are available;
  • Service bulletins and reading inserts are available at the back of the church.
All are welcome at Morning Prayer. We meet Monday through Friday at 9:00 am via Zoom.

Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occassionally to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connection with your friends at St. John's.

Join us via Zoom (NEW LINK):
Bible Study meets Mondays at 6:30 pm and Tuesdays at 11:00 am on Zoom. Tuesday sessions will cover the material discussed on the Monday before.

Zoom Link for Mondays -

NEW Zoom Link for Tuesdays -

Please contact the Parish Office if you need a copy of Hidden Christmas by Timothy Keller.
The annual Christmas wreath and flower sale is December 4th and 5th. You can pick up your order this Saturday from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm or on Sunday from 8:30 am to 12 noon.

Contact Ford Spilsbury with any questions at 212-873-7088
This Christmas remember your Loved Ones, or offer Special Thanksgivings, by making a donation for this year’s Christmas Poinsettias. Order forms can be found in the back of the church, as well as on our website. Order forms and payment are due Wednesday, December 15th.

St. John's ECW is continuing it's holiday tradition of supporting St. John's Episcopal Hospital's Adopt-A-Family! This year, we are collection monetary donations only. All funds collected will go to St. John's Hospital Adopt-A-Family program to purchase gifts for families in need.
Please send your donations to the Parish Office in the form of a check written out to "St. John's ECW" with "Adopt-A-Family" written in the memo. You may also give cash in an envelope marked with "Adopt-A-Family."
Home for the Holiday Special - Sunday, Decmeber 12th at 7:00 pm. The Long Island Gay Men’s Chorus is thrilled to begin their 2021-22 concert season with a fun new program featuring time-honored favorites from an array of yuletide TV classics. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased through the LIGMC website: COVID protocols remain in effect.

Sing Noel! - Sunday, December 19th at 7:30 pm. Take a joyous break from the holiday rush and join us for “Sing Noel!”, our annual concert of Christmas song, carols and stories featuring an amazing vocal quartet and special guests. $20. COVID protocols remain in effect. CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS
"Four Advent Words from the Giver of the Gift" with Rev. Dr. John McGinty on Saturday, December 4th, 9:30 to 11:30 am. Join us via Zoom:

“Surely coming”
“Constantly praying with joy”
“What should we do?”
“Blessed are you”

Each year the weeks of Advent invite us to begin again, to be new again, to listen and hear and rejoice again. We will spend our time together receiving four words from our God, taken from the Scriptures of the season, which individually and together invite our hearts to move to a season of renewal, toward a

Two reflections will present these four words, allowing time for personal prayer, conversation together, and music of the season. You are most welcome to begin again.
About Fr. John McGinty - The people of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Worcester, called the Rev. Dr. John P. McGinty to serve as rector, effective March 1, 2020. John was the rector of the Church of Saint Anselm of Canterbury, Shoreham, NY since 2016. He served as Dean of the George Mercer Jr. School of Theology, Garden City, NY, and Canon for Formation, Diocese of Long Island from 2012-2016.
Ordained a priest in the Roman Catholic Church in 1983, John was received into the Episcopal Church in 2011 by the Rt. Rev. Larry Provenzano, Bishop of Long Island. He holds the S.T.D., Doctor of Sacred Theology, from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy.

Suggested donation $10.


Tuesdays in Advent via Zoom
Evening Prayer: 6:30 pm
Program: 7:00 – 8:00 pm

December 7: Jeanne Provenzano, Attorney. Walking with God and our Brothers and Sisters in Christ: What it is like to walk side by side with families seeking asylum. How does their witness and faith in Christ change me?

December 14: Vivian Doremus, LMSW. Listening for God in Tiny Sneakers and Endless PB and J sandwiches: How my life changed by serving for two weeks on the border of Mexico in 2019. When we recognize that those from a non-dominant group also bring God to us, how might we too change?
The ECW will hold it's last meeting of the year on Sunday, December 12th in the Guild Room immediately following the 10am service.

Please contact Fran Gorman ( with any questions.
As you joyously consider your stewardship for 2022, please write your "Joy Thoughts" on the poster in the back of the church!
Our Joy will increase exponentially as we give of our time, treasure, and talent!

Please turn in your 2022 pledge card if you have not done so already. We will begin preparing our 2022 Budget, and pledges are vital in that process.

You may also submit your pledge online using our online pledge form. Then beginning in January of 2022 you may send your regular stewardship payments in the mail, leave them in the collection plate on Sundays, or set up automatic, recurring payments online.

Your stewardship is a commitment to sustaining St. John’s ministry today and going forward. We are so grateful for your pledge.
Christmas Eve
Friday, December 24th
4:00 pm - Rite II Family Christmas Service
In person, Zoom & Facebook

8:00 pm - Rite II Christmas Service with beautiful music
by St. John's Choir and special guest musicians
In person, Zoom & Facebook

11:00 pm - Rite I Midnight Mass
In person only
Christmas Day
Saturday, December 25th
10:00 am - Christmas Day Service with beautiful music
In person, Zoom & Facebook
St. John's Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Please contact Noelle DeLorenzo ( for the Zoom link to join this group.
Mission Trip to Arizona: April 25- May 2, 2022 
OUTREACH is sharing Christ’s love with all our neighbors! 

  Upcoming Meeting with all hoping to travel to Arizona: January 7, 2022, at 4 p.m. on Zoom!

To learn more about this trip, as well as all the outreach we are doing, please join us at our monthly Zoom meeting. 

If you are interested in participating in the mission trip, please contact Claire Mis or Fr. Duncan by January 15, 2022.
The monthly meetings with St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church help us get to know each other better and offer opportunities to get updates on the Christian outreach that is going on at our border, as well as within the wider area.
We are excited to have support from the Diocese of Arizona as we move forward. The Rev. David Chavez, the Missioner for Border Ministries. Fr. David will be leading us in an exciting and informative Lenten program here at St. John’s. Also attending that program will be the people from St. Francis in the Valley!
Arizona is rich with opportunities to serve underrepresented groups and we hope to be able to meet with The Rev. Canon Debbie Royals, their Canon for Native American Ministries. 
Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays!
12:00 to 3:00 pm 

Volunteers are needed - We are still bulding our Thursday and Saturday teams. If you wish to become a volunteer, please contact Nancy Feustel at

We accept donations of new or gently used seasonal clothing, household items and accessories. Please no books, out-dated electronics or damaged items.
If you would like to remember a loved one or give thanks for an important event with altar flowers or Perpetual Light, please complete an Altar Flower Form and return it to the Parish Office with your check made payable to "St. John's Altar Guild."

Reminder – Altar Flowers may not be given during weeks of Advent, November 28th thru December 19th. Please consider donating a poinsettia for Christmas in lieu of Advent flowers. The Perpetual Light may be still be given.
We pray for the sick: Fred, Lynn, Jackie, Manny, Cory, Richard, Barbara, Edward, Christine, Patricia, Alberta, Patti, Tom, Allison, Mike, Gabe, Joann, Patti, Christian, Anthony, Joanne, Harry, Christine, Gabriel, George, Frank, Theresa, Sue, Spencer, Tom, Stephanie, Matt, Wylie, Susan, Maggie, Ursula, Christina, Bill, Amy, Kate, Cheryl, John Michael, Lauren, Mikey, Marie, Dianne, Ryan, Rich, Preston, Lucy, Irene, Jim, Debra, Rhys

The Perpetual Light is given this week in loving memory of Oswald Burnett by Janice Burnett and Andria Wetsell.

We have started a new prayer list in Advent. Please send your updated prayers for the Advent season to Coral in the Parish Office,

For pastoral care and prayer, please contact Fr. Duncan or Claire Mis, directly.