"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . "
The Chalice
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church 
Lord, You Give The Great Commission:
“Heal The Sick And Preach The Word.”
Lest The Church Neglect Its Mission
And The Gospel Go Unheard,
Help Us Witness to Your Purpose
With Renewed Integrity:
With The Spirit’s Gifts Empower Us
For The Work of Ministry.
Lord, You Call Us To Your Service:
“In My Name Baptize And Teach.”
That The World May Trust Your Promise,
Life Abundant Meant For Each,
Give Us All New Fervour, Draw Us
Closer In Community:
With The Spirit’s Gifts Empower Us
For The Work of Ministry.
Lord, You Bless With Words Assuring:
“I Am With You To The End.”
Faith and Hope and Love Restoring,
May We Serve as You Intend,
And, Amid the Cares That Claim Us,
Hold In Mind Eternity:
With The Spirit’s Gifts Empower Us
For The Work Of Ministry
(Hymn 528 v. 1, 2, & 5).

The mission of the Church is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ” (BCP p. 855). We can accomplish this by becoming a preaching, baptizing, teaching, and forgiving Eucharistic community through the Holy Spirit. The Episcopal Church Hymn, “Lord, You Give the Great Commission” works well as a hymn of mission in our liturgy. After the Eucharist, we are sent into mission every Sunday with this prayer, “Father, send us out to do the work that you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord" (BCP p. 365). This Hymn will be sung during the offertory to remind us of the mission of the Church today. We are sent forth in the name of Christ. Hymn 528 articulates the Church’s mission through the use of biblical phrases and themes. The first verse refers to a passage in Matthew. “As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give” (Matt. 10:7-8). In this chapter, Jesus summons his disciples and tells them where to go and what to preach. The mission of the Church today is to become a preaching community. We are given the great commission to “go” and preach to the entire world. This preaching comes not only from the pulpit at our Sunday liturgy, but by the way we live our lives in the world as faithful Christians. We are asked to “witness to your purpose.” Mother Teresa said to “proclaim the Gospel” and use words if necessary. By the example of Christ and in the tradition of the saints, we live our lives as a living testimony of the love of God in Jesus Christ. Jesus and his disciples healed the sick and brought people to unity with God and one another. They accomplished this in a servant ministry to those in need. Mother Teresa dedicated her life to healing and caring for the sick. As the Church today, our mission is to do likewise.

In the second verse, we are called into service to baptize and teach. The great commission says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" (Matthew 28:19-20). The theology of the Church today is a Baptismal ecclesiology. We are called to be a baptizing community. “Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church” (BCP p. 298). Our theology must focus on Baptism as an essential aspect of the Church’s mission. This is where non-Christian individuals enter the Church. We become disciples and empowered through the triune God with our gifts of ministry. The refrain in hymn 528 articulates the crucial element between every verse, “with the Spirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry.” This Baptismal ecclesiology is the core of the Church’s mission. Please join us every Sunday in July as we celebrate 5 Baptisms at St. John’s.

In Christ’s love,
Fr. Duncan
Join us for Sunday Worship at 8:00 am and 10:00 am in the church or remotely on Zoom and Facebook.
8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist

Sunday School will not meet in the summer

10:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist

Opening: 537 Christ for the world we sing
Before Gospel: 541 Come, labor on
Offertory anthem: "Lord, you give the great commission”
Communion: LEVAS 201 I've got peace like a river
Closing: 535 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim

Join us in congratulating the following 2022 EfM graduates:

Mary Beth Dieterle
Denise Hernandez
Jane Matchett
All are welcome at Morning Prayer. We meet Monday through Friday at 9:00 am via Zoom.

Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occasionally to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connection with your friends at St. John's.

Wednesdays at 12 noon in the church

To continue to be welcoming neighbors in the village, we will be opening our doors to the community at large.
St. John's Church will open its doors to Huntington for an hour during the week! Noonday Prayer will start at 12:15 for any who are interested in attending this brief in person service.
If any one feels called to join in this ministry and help expand it, please reach out to Fr. James at jreiss@stjohnshuntington.org . All are welcome!
Bible Study will not meet on July 4th and 5th.

Summer Bible Study - Tuesday Bible Study will pause for the summer. Beginnning on July 11th, Fr. John Morrision will lead a summer book club on Mondays at 6:30 pm. We will be reading and discussing Michael D. O'Brien's novel, Island of the World. Copies are available in the Parish Office.
Sunday, July 3 at 7pm
St. John's Episcopal Church in Huntington

The Oyster Bay Musical Festival is a classical music festival
featuring highly talented and prize-winning young artists.

The talented musicians of Oyster Bay Music Festival will present a program called Folk Dreams. The concert will feature imaginative instrumental and vocal works inspired by folk music from around the world. Included will be a special performance from Ukrainian flutist Denis Savelyev, winner of numerous competitions and “Rising Star'' at the 2021 Galway Flute Festival.

The Oyster Bay Muiscal Festival runs June 26 through July 4. www.oysterbaymusicfestival.org, a classical music festival featuring highly talented and prize-winning young artists, 16-26 celebrates their 2nd decade of performance in the community.

OBMF concerts feature gifted young musicians, who study at Juilliard, Yale School of Music, Eastman School of Music, San Francisco Conservatory, and New England Conservatory, among others. Often more seasoned professionals will join in the fun for a performance or two. Audience favorites such as the Zandieh Trio from Oyster Bay, pianist Maxim Lando, winner of the prestigious Young Concert Artists Competition, and award-winning Ukranian flutist Denis Savelyev will return this season.

Come join us to share in the magic!
The Youth Group will meet on Sunday, July 17th at 3:00 pm at the church.

Do you not know how to change a tire or check your oil? Wish you knew more about your car? Tony Chamorro, St. John's Vestry Member and owner of Trio Auto Repair on New York Ave, is extending an invitation to the high school youth and our college young adults (and any others who are interested) to an individualized session on getting to know your car.

Tony will be at St. John's on Sunday, July 17th at 3:00 pm. He will be available to meet with our older youth who have questions about cars as they prepare to spend more time on the road.

Any questions, please reach out to Tony or Fr. James at (631) 427-1752 ext. 105.
Join us on Sunday, July 31st, noon - 6:00 pm for United for Ukraine - a fundraiser with live music and a marketplace at St. John's and films by Ukrainian filmmakers about Ukraine at the Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington.

St. John's will host a marketplace with a silent auction as well as "buy it now" sales of art, jewelry, crafts, goods & services; food and drinks will also be for sale. A concert featuring St. John's Artist-in-Residence, Alex Pryrodny, and other artists from Ukraine and Long Island favorites will occur all afternoon in the church's sanctuary. The film, "Olga" about a Ukrainian gymnast in exile by Ukrainian filmmaker, Elie Grappa, will be screened at the Cinema Arts Centre at 12 pm & 7 pm.
All proceeds from the event will be split between World Central Kitchen, who sets up food distribution and cooks meals for refugees in the border nations as well as in Ukraine; and to Direct Relief which gives medical supplies, equipment and funds to refugees as well as those still in Ukraine. Charity Navigator rates both charities 4 of 4 stars, the highest rating, with 100% going to aid the refugees. 
World Central Kitchen - https://wck.org
Direct Relief Ukraine - https://www.directrelief.org
Tickets to the Marketplace and concerts at the church are by a suggested donation of $30, more if possible and less if necessary, and purchased at the door. Tickets for the films are separate and can be purchased at the Cinema Arts Centre: $10 CAC Members/$15 Public.
All are invited to join us for yoga and meditation in the Garden of Blessings Fridays from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Practice will be led by Lynn LaBorde, a twice certified 200 hour yoga teacher, practicing since 1990 and meditation guide. Please bring your yoga mat. Yoga will move into the Great Hall if weather warrants. Drop-ins welcome.

For more information on this and other Spirituality Group programs, contact Patti Aliperti at 631-385-1410 or silverymoon33@yahoo.com.
The Spirituality Group is sponsoring a special program called "Expanding Our Worship Experience". The first of 3 programs will be on July 23rd from 1-3 in the Garden of Blessings (Great Hall if rain).

Qi Gong and Drumming Circle with Leslie Martin and Dr. Ric Statler.

ALL ARE WELCOME. A free will offering of $20 is suggested to support our Mission trip to Arizona.

Please see attached flyer for more details. CLICK HERE FOR FLYER
Christmas in July Sale!
Come & Shop our wide selection of Christmas ornaments, decorations and tableware!

St. John's Thrift Shop is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays, 12-3pm.
The Thrift Shop will be closed on Saturday, July 2nd, Independence Day weekend.

Donations Needed! We accept donations of new or gently used clothing, accessories, and household items. Please no books, furniture, out-dated electronics, or damaged items.
Volunteers continue to be needed - We are still bulding our teams. If you wish to become a volunteer, please contact Mary Beth Dieterle at mbdieterle@yahoo.com or call (631) 427-1752, ext 106.
MISSION TRIP to Arizona is a GO!!!!
October 24 – 30 2022  
OUTREACH is sharing Christ’s love with all our neighbors! 
Next meeting for our group is July 19 at 7:00 p.m. on zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88256077481?pwd=YlBLbTBvd2hjeHRBQzFnODF5SWtidz09
In Special Thanksgiving to: 
The Prayer Shawl Ministry for making beautiful prayer hearts tagged with a prayer and message of hope which we will distribute on our journey!
The Spirituality Group for hosting “Expanding Our Worship Experience” in order to raise awareness and funds for our journey (see above message about this program and please tell your friends)!

Please keep the 9 of us who are traveling to the border in your prayers: 
Deacon Claire
Fr. James Reiss
Ken Denker
Paula Dodge
Barbara Hinton
Bob McGonagle
Jan Stebbins
Stephanie West
Judy Wohrle
Please join us at St. John's for Evensong, an ancient traditional Anglican/Episcopal service of evening prayers, psalms, biblical readings and canticles, chanted in a choral setting. In collaboration with Alex Pryrodny and the St. John's Choir, Fr. James will officiate our monthly Service of Evensong on the fourth Thursday of the month. Please join us Thursday, July 28th at 7:00 PM in the church.
Free at home COVID tests are available for pick up at the back of the church on Sundays before and after services and Wednesdays during Operatio Open Doors while supplies last.
Prayerfully consider setting up recurring automatic payments directly from your bank account or using your credit card. Our secure online system, OnRealm, is an easy way to help to sustain us through the summer. Your regular stewardship payments are vital to the operation and maintenance of our beautiful church. Use the button below to make a regular payment or to set up recurring payements.
If you have not yet pledged, pledge cards are available in the pews and at the back of the church. You may also submit your pledge online using our secucre, online pledge form. You may send your regular stewardship payments in the mail, leave them in the collection plate on Sundays, or set up automatic, recurring payments online.
If you would like to remember a loved one or give thanks for an important event with altar flowers or Perpetual Light, please complete an Altar Flower Form and return it to the Parish Office with your check made payable to "St. John's Altar Guild."
We pray for Susan, Jack, Charise, Spencer, Matt, Ernest, Sue, Wylie, Tom, Debra, Christina, Ursula, Victor, Melissa, Olivia, Annie, Tom, Allison, Chyah, Mary, James, Dylan, Jake, Jeff, Shannon, Kelsey, Justin, Patti, Richard, Barbara, Cole, Edward, Christine, Fred, Patricia, Hal, Carmen, Ignacio, Anita, Jeff, Amy, Katherine, Briton, Cheryl, Edith

Altar Flowers are a gift of Ford Spilsbury in loving memory of Vaughan Spilsbury.

Please send your prayers to prayers@stjohns1745.org or call Coral in the Parish Office, 631-427-1752, ext. 101.
May you walk with God this summer in
whatever you do wherever you go.

Walking with God means…
Walking with honesty and with courage.
Walking with love and respect and concern for
the feelings of others.

May you talk to God this summer on every day
and in every situation.

Talking with God means…
Praying words of praise for the beauty of creation.
Saying prayers of thanks for friends and good times.
Asking God’s help in all your decisions.
Expressing sorrow when you have failed.

May you talk with God every day.
May God make you steadfast in faith,
Joyful in hope, and untiring in love
All the days of your life.

- Author unknown