"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . "
The Chalice
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church 
This week, we sent out our annual pledge cards so that the vestry could plan the budget for next year. I humbly ask you to pray about your stewardship at St. John’s, fill out your pledge card, and send it to the office. Stewardship should be a joyful celebration of giving back to God what God has already given us. “God’s initiative is always to bless, and that blessing is never earned, it is freely given. This year at St. John’s you will hear witness to the joy that many people have found at St. John’s. I ask you to think about the joy that you have received and write down one word at the entrance to the church. We will have poster board and magic markers to collect your thoughts, To worship God is to offer something of value. We offer praise and thanksgiving not only with our lips but with our lives. The annual pledge campaign can be an opportunity to bless God and bless the community from the offerings of the labor of our lives. Through our commitment to proportional giving, we offer a pledge of thanksgiving for all we have received and for all we will become as we grow into the image of Christ” (Blessed to be a blessing).

This Saturday, we ask for all members of St. John’s to support our Harvest Fair. We ask you to come to church and enjoy some great baked goods, soups, chili and cheese. If you are available, stop by at 6:00PM tonight or 9:00AM on Saturday and help out. If you are a newcomer, please come down and feel the joy and family comradery that exists at St. John’s. Our ECW gives a tremendous amount to local charities each year after the fair. Help us, to help others.

Give of your time, talent and treasure to God because you truly believe that Christ died that you might have abundant life. When a heart is filled with the love of God, the desire to give a portion back comes from deep within, not from a rational sense of obligation. We use the gifts that God has given us to do the work God is calling us to do. God will never ask you to do anything unless God provides the means for you to do it. You should give proportionately to God what God has given to you. If you have time, give of your time. If you have talent, give of your talent. If you have treasure, give of your treasure. God wants to bring you to wholeness in your life. Give from your heart and St. John’s will serve this community with generosity as we have for the past 276 years. Both for the individual and for the community, stewardship is a joyful act for the sake of God's world. Please give joyfully from your heart. God is well pleased when we give in this manner and will provide everything we need to do the work that God calls us to do.

God’s abundance is a feeling that what you do matters and that your life has meaning. God’s abundance includes our worship, our music, our pastoral care and our physical buildings and property. In a time of despair and worry, God offers hope and contentment. In a time of enmity and separation, God offers love and unification. In a time of uncertainty, God offers us eternal life. By the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, we know that God’s unending love for us is real and that God’s promises are true. I urge you to see your life as a precious gift from God and to give of your time, talent and treasure accordingly.

In Christ’s love,
Fr. Duncan
Join us for Sunday Worship at 8am and 10am in the church or remotely on Zoom and Facebook. Face masks and social distancing are required for all in person services.
8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist
Bulletin: Rite I HE Bulletin

9:45 am - Sunday School in the Guild Room and on Zoom

10:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist

The Readings

The Hymns
We are so happy to welcome people into the church for in-person worship. As we increase the number of people allowed in the church, we can all do our part to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy:

  1. Masks are required. Disposable masks are available at the back of the church;
  2. Social distancing. Please maintain a 6ft distance between your group/family and others;
  3. Sanitize hands upon entrance. Dispensers are available at the back of the church;
  4. Prayer books and Hymnals are available;
  5. Service bulletins and reading inserts are available at the back of the church.
All are welcome at Morning Prayer. We meet Monday through Friday at 9:00 am via Zoom. Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occassionally to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connection with your friends at St. John's.

Bible Study meets Mondays at 6:30 pm and Tuesdays at 11:00 am on Zoom. Tuesday sessions will cover the material discussed on the Monday before.

Zoom Link for Mondays - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83373971746

Zoom Link for Tuesdays - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84448323853

Please contact the Parish Office if you need a copy of "The Dead Sea Scrolls TODAY."
The building will be open for those needing to set up on Friday afternoon beginning at 2 pm after Nursery School lets out.
Tables will be set up at 6 pm on Friday. Many hands are needed at that time to make lighter work.
THIS Saturday, October 23rd
10 am - 4 pm
Rain or Shine!
Join us for our Raffle Baskets, Silent Auction, Crafts, Live Music, Food, Bake Sale, Raffles and More!
Come shop, volunteer, buy some raffle tickets, and enjoy the fun, fellowship and music!
The purpose of the Fair is to raise money local charities as well as to help St. John's Church maintain and continue its presence in the Huntington community.
Help us to help others!
This Saturday at 1:00 pm in the Church
during the Harvest Fair
The Deep Roots Ensemble is a chamber music group which focuses on studying and performing Traditional American Music as well as contemporary works which draw upon American roots music. They will perform old time folk, country and bluegrass favorites and original music from their new album "Hard Tellin’.” The concert includes a Q&A session.
Your free-will offering is greatly appreciated.
Quarterly Pledge Statements were sent via email. Please check your inbox or spam to make sure you received yours. Those without an email on file will receive a printed statement in the mail.

If you have any questions about your giving statements or need help accessing your statement online, please contact Coral in the Parish Office, (631) 427-1752, ext. 101 or cfreas@stjohnshuntington.org.
October is Italian Heritage Month

There can be no doubt that Italians have integrated fully into the life and culture of America and that America has adopted some of their culture as its own. 

Italians came here in two major waves of immigration. Northern Italians came first during the 17th century. Italians from the south, including the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, came in the second wave in the late 19th century. In the former, Italian craftsmen, renowned the world over, came and helped to build our American institutions. Thomas Jefferson had a particular affinity for Italian culture, recruiting Italian stonemasons to work on his home at Monticello and bringing musicians from Italy to form the core of the Marine Band. The second group were farmers and laborers seeking to escape the dire poverty and hardships in their own country, recently brought under one flag but by no means unified or in any condition to aid its people. At the same time, transatlantic travel was becoming more affordable and word of American prosperity from returning immigrants and U.S. recruiters lured them to America in search of steady jobs to earn money and send to their families back home. Many hoped to stay only for a short time.

Mission Trip to Arizona: April 25- May 2, 2022
We LOVE to do OUTREACH as we share Christ’s love with all our neighbors!
To learn more about this trip, as well as all of the outreach we are doing, please join us in one of the following zoom meetings:
If you are interested in participating in the mission trip, please contact Claire Mis or Fr. Duncan by January 15, 2022.
The monthly meetings with St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church help us get to know each other better and offer opportunities to get updates on the Christian outreach that is going on at our border, as well as within the wider area.
We are excited to have support from the Diocese of Arizona as we move forward. The Rev. David Chavez, the Missioner for Border Ministries. Fr. David will be leading us in an exciting and informative Lenten program here at St. John’s. Also attending that program will be the people from St. Francis in the Valley!
Arizona is rich with opportunities to serve underrepresented groups and we hope to be able to meet with The Rev. Canon Debbie Royals, their Canon for Native American Ministries.
Are you excited yet???? St. Francis lives out its mission to be the hearts and hands of Jesus. 
Check out these sites to learn more!!!  
St. John's ECW is continuing it's holiday tradition of supporting St. John's Episcopal Hospital's Adopt-A-Family! This year, we are collection monetary donations only. All funds collected will go to St. John's Hospital Adopt-A-Family program to purchase gifts for families in need.

Please send your donations to the Parish Office in the form of a check written out to "St. John's ECW" with "Adopt-A-Family" written in the memo. You may also give cash in an envelope marked with "Adopt-A-Family." We are collecting until November 15th.
If you were unable to make last Sunday's talk on Anxious to Talk About It, the video of the livestream is available on Facebook:https://fb.watch/8Nbb-wpIYJ/

Signed copies of Rev. Dr. Carolyn B. Helsel's book are available in the Parish Office for $20 each.
Your stewardship is a commitment to sustaining St. John’s ministry today and going forward. Thank you for supporting our work with your regular contribution.

Using your credit card or a direct payment from your checking account, you will be able to make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments using our secure payment platform Realm. Please click on the link below to make a payment:

Or send a check made payable to "St. John's Episcopal Church" to 12 Prospect Street, Huntington, NY 11743.
If you would like to remember a loved one or give thanks for an important event with altar flowers or Perpetual Light, please complete an Altar Flower Form and return it to the Parish Office with your check made payable to "St. John's Altar Guild."

We pray for all our doctors, nurses, and medical staff who put themselves at risk to care for us during this corona virus epidemic.

For all our men and women in the armed services and all first responders. May God keep them safe and return them home to their loved ones.

Especially those on our prayer list.

We pray for the sick: Tom, David & Irene, Linda, Danica, Lori, Leslie, Hope, Mike, Michael, Elizabeth, Patti, Bob, Christian, Gladys, Lynn, Fred, Jim & Irene, Debra, Alex, Michelle, Pauline, Richard, Barbara, Cory, Allassadra, Ellen, Frank, Theresa, Spencer, Sue, Wylie, Matt, Cheryl, Tom, Stephanie, Lisa, Gary, Maggie, Tyler, Ursula, Christine, Samantha, Edward, Tali, Bill, Kate, Amy, Jean, Pat, Joanie, Sueann, Dermot, Jill. Jenna, Walter, Evelyn, John, Liam, Charlie, John, Matthew, Gail, Frank, Gabriel, Karen, Deacon Jennifer, Lucy, Richie, Kenny, Aliison, Kyle, Robert, James

Please send your prayers to Coral in the Parish Office, cfreas@stjohnshuntington.org.

For pastoral care and prayer, please contact Fr. Duncan or Claire Mis, directly.