Our Road To Emmaus
We join a journey that began before us,
that stretches back, and also onward.
The Unknown One joins us, and hears.
We tender our brokenness.
The Storyteller tells the old story in a new way
and we see in a new way. It is our story.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
As I was preparing the sermon for this week, I felt a little lost. There were so many directions to go. Lost - probably not unlike the disciples who were on the road to Emmaus right after the tomb was found to be empty by devoted and strong women. Women, who were not afraid to speak truth out loud. The tomb is empty! And yet, for the multitudes that had been singing hosannahs only a week before, there may have been a sense of betrayal, anger, sadness, and loss. Let’s get out of here!
We had hoped…
“We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” We may feel so similar to the two disciples of Emmaus, full of disappointed hopes, which make us angry or even resentful. Put yourselves there – on that road – maybe, just maybe the pain will go away by the time we reach Emmaus. We are disoriented, unable to make sense of the events around us. Let’s get away from the feelings deep in the pit of our stomachs – We’ve been betrayed… yet
We had hoped…
So, in all of my pondering and preparation, I simply wondered – where are our Emmauses? Where are those places we go to escape from the intensity of the pain that we imagine might be more than we can bear. Escape from something too large to grasp – and yet how can we fully grasp the Resurrection? This Resurrection!
Can we allow ourselves to hope?
Who is this intruder in our pain. The one who chastises us for not remembering the scriptures. Yet, he listens – deeply listens. There is something about this stranger that makes us want to know him. So, we invite him to rest and have dinner with us. And as the bread is broken, we are reminded that while on that road, our hearts burned – a profound knowing.
Our hearts burn within us.
Drawn together, we invite the Stranger to our table,
offering our gifts and hospitality.
We break bread,
and in the sharing we behold the Holy.
Our eyes are opened.
Wonder, reverence, awe, and gratitude
swell in us, and raise us up
and send us out to tell others.
We go with haste, rejoicing.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes
This IS the one who through suffering redeemed Israel. He is ALIVE! We are never alone. Pray that we recognize his presence as we all journey through this life together.
Hope is indeed alive!
Your sister traveler,
Deacon Claire