"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . "
The Chalice
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church 
April 23, 2023

Our Road To Emmaus

We join a journey that began before us,

that stretches back, and also onward.

The Unknown One joins us, and hears.

We tender our brokenness.

The Storyteller tells the old story in a new way

and we see in a new way. It is our story.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes


As I was preparing the sermon for this week, I felt a little lost. There were so many directions to go. Lost - probably not unlike the disciples who were on the road to Emmaus right after the tomb was found to be empty by devoted and strong women. Women, who were not afraid to speak truth out loud. The tomb is empty! And yet, for the multitudes that had been singing hosannahs only a week before, there may have been a sense of betrayal, anger, sadness, and loss. Let’s get out of here!

We had hoped…

“We had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel.” We may feel so similar to the two disciples of Emmaus, full of disappointed hopes, which make us angry or even resentful. Put yourselves there – on that road – maybe, just maybe the pain will go away by the time we reach Emmaus. We are disoriented, unable to make sense of the events around us. Let’s get away from the feelings deep in the pit of our stomachs – We’ve been betrayed… yet

We had hoped…

So, in all of my pondering and preparation, I simply wondered – where are our Emmauses? Where are those places we go to escape from the intensity of the pain that we imagine might be more than we can bear. Escape from something too large to grasp – and yet how can we fully grasp the Resurrection? This Resurrection!

Can we allow ourselves to hope?

Who is this intruder in our pain. The one who chastises us for not remembering the scriptures. Yet, he listens – deeply listens. There is something about this stranger that makes us want to know him. So, we invite him to rest and have dinner with us. And as the bread is broken, we are reminded that while on that road, our hearts burned – a profound knowing. 

Our hearts burn within us.

Drawn together, we invite the Stranger to our table,

offering our gifts and hospitality.

We break bread,

and in the sharing we behold the Holy.

Our eyes are opened.

Wonder, reverence, awe, and gratitude

swell in us, and raise us up

and send us out to tell others.

We go with haste, rejoicing.

Steve Garnaas-Holmes


This IS the one who through suffering redeemed Israel. He is ALIVE! We are never alone. Pray that we recognize his presence as we all journey through this life together.

Hope is indeed alive!

Your sister traveler,

Deacon Claire


The Third Sunday of Easter

The Readings

Acts 2:14a,36-41

1 Peter 1:17-23

Luke 24:13-35

Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17

Join us for Sunday Worship at 8:00 am and 10:00 am in the church or remotely on Zoom and Facebook.


8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83803451202

Facebook Live Stream: https://www.facebook.com/stjohns1745/live_videos/

Bulletin: Rite I Eastertide

9:45 am - Sunday School meets in the Canterbury Corner

2022-23 Sunday School Calendar

10:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86739553648

Facebook Live Stream: https://www.facebook.com/stjohns1745/live_videos

Bulletin: Rite II Eastertide


Opening: 304 I come with joy to meet my Lord

Communion anthem: 306 Come risen Lord, and deign to be our guest

Recessional: 296 We know that Christ is raised and dies no more


Bible Study meets regularly Mondays at 6:30 pm on Zoom.


Monday Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83373971746

We are studying Jonah in April. We will be doing a unit on Amos is May. Books are available for purchase through the Parish Office.


Please join us this Friday, April 21st at 6:00 pm for "A Taste of St. John's"-- an evening of food, friendship and more! Tony Chamorro has selected some wines, and he will provide information about their background and qualities; these will be available for sampling. 


Bring an appetizer (last names beginning with A - M) or a dessert (last names beginning with N - Z). 

Bring friends! A suggested donation of $20 per person is requested.


If you have any questions, please contact Carol Goldbaum at:  



There will be a memorial service in thanksgiving for the life of Jean Giacomini on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:00 am at St. John's Church in Huntington. A reception will follow in the Great Hall.

If you would like to help with the reception, please contact Jean's daughter, Adriane Landrio at (814) 730-8141.


The ECW will meet this Sunday, April 23rd at 11:15 am in the Guild Room.


Please contact Carol Goldbaum at ecw.st.johns.huntington@gmail.com with any questions.


Saturday, April 29th at 1:30-4:30 pm

in the Garden of Blessings

This event is part of an annual global wave called "World T’aiChi & QiGong Day," which has been happening for about 20 years so far.


Leslie Martin of GiGong for Vitality & Joy will lead QiGong in the Garden. Enjoy ancient, meditative, self-care exercises in tradition of Taoist QiGong, the foundation of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Donations appreciated.


Please join us at St. John's for Evensong, an ancient traditional Anglican/Episcopal service of evening prayers, psalms, biblical readings and canticles, chanted in a choral setting. Please join us Thursday, May 18th at 7:00 pm in the church.


All are welcome! Join us to pray for our broken world in need of healing, through the gift of music!


The Thrift Shop is open regularly on Tuesday, Thursdays & Saturdays, 12 - 3 pm.


To volunteer or find our more, please contact Mary Beth Dieterle, (631) 427-1752, ext 106.


Donations welcome. We accept donations of new or gently used clothing, accessories, and household items. Please no books, furniture, out-dated electronics, or damaged items.


Pilgrimage to the Isle of Iona, Scotland

September 29-October 8, 2023

IONA WELCOMES ALL! Come you of great faith and you who struggle with faith; you who believe and you who doubt; explorers and questioners, adventures and contemplatives! Experience Iona without expectation. Let the sacred isle uncover what you need to see and reveal what you need to hear!

For more information or questions please contact the Pilgrimage Leader, Leslie Valentine: Phone: (516) 815-1169; Email: leslieval@aol.com.

Iona 2023 Brochure


Iona 2023 Registration Form


All are welcome at Morning Prayer. We meet Monday through Friday at 9:00 am via Zoom.

Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occasionally to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connection with your friends at St. John's.

Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86041146543


Prayer Shawl Ministry - 1st Thursday of each month at 6 pm in the Guild Room. Contact Noelle DeLoreno or Lynn Hansen.

Spirituality Group - 2nd Thursday of each month at 5 pm in the Guild Room. Contact Patti Aliperti.

Racial Reconcilitation & Social Justice Minsitry - 4th Wednesday of each month on Zoom. Contact Heather Kress.

St. Hilda's Guild (Sewing & Crafting) - Weekly on Tuesdays, 12:30 - 3 pm in the Guild Room. Contact Sue Hartman.


We pray for Faith, Patrick, Eric, Anita, Chaya, Valerie, Anna, Denise, Dan, Gladys, Richard, Barbara, Edward, Christine, Brooke, Cassandra, Valerie, Edith, Cole, Luke, Danielle, Steve

We have begun a new prayer list in Easter. Please send your prayers or updates to prayers@stjohns1745.org or call Coral in the Parish Office, 631-427-1752, ext. 101.

St. John's Episcopal Church

12 Prospect Street

Huntington, New York 11743

(631) 427-1752


