"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . "
The Chalice
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church 
Glory to you, Lord God of our fathers;
you are worthy of praise; glory to you.
Glory to you for the radiance of your holy Name;
we will praise you and highly exalt you forever.
Glory to you in the splendor of your temple;
on the throne of your majesty, glory to you.
Glory to you, seated between the Cherubim;
we will praise you and highly exalt you forever.
Glory to you, beholding the depths;
in the high vault of heaven, glory to you.
Glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
we will praise you and highly exalt you forever.
Greetings from vacation! As you get to know me, you'll learn I like to know two things about liturgy: rules, and the exceptions to the rules. For example, there are rubrics (rules) for the celebration of Holy Communion on Sundays. For the Liturgy of the Word (the first half of the service) there are requirements of the lessons proclaimed: at least one reading from scripture, a psalm, and the gospel must be proclaimed. So… when the rubrics inform the clergy that for Trinity Sunday: instead of the psalm of the day, Canticle 13 may be used, this usually catches the clergy-person’s attention as this is not the norm.

The Daily Office has twenty-one canticles (hymns or chants taken from a biblical text). They are usually paired with different readings and used at Morning and Evening Prayer. Some of the more popular canticles are well known: the Gloria is the hymn of praise which we sing every Sunday right at the beginning of the service (except during Advent and Lent). Another hymn of praise many know is the Magnificat – or the Song of Mary. The choir chanted the Magnificat during Evensong just a few weeks ago. Sunday is one of the rare days that a canticle can replace the psalm of the day, simply because the lectionary declares this text worthy: The Song of the Three Young Men – Canticle 13 which is the text at the beginning of this article.

The background of this canticle comes from an Old Testament book of the prophet Daniel. In chapters one and two, King Nebuchadnezzar rejects the God of the Judeans, and in the third chapter, he sentences three men to death for their unwillingness to renounce their belief in God. The angel of God came down to be with the three men as they were put into a furnace – but were unharmed by the harsh flames due to the protection from the angel. As any of us would do in that situation, the three men started giving praise to God.

The bible has very Trinitarian language around this scriptural incident: “then the three with one voice praised and glorified and blessed God in the furnace.” I believe the three men crying out in one voice is symbolic of the relationship of the Trinity. There are plenty of examples of how to explain the complicated Trinity: three persons, one God. One of the classic explanations comes from St. Augustine; he explained the Trinity as “Lover, Beloved, and Love itself.” I do appreciate the analogy, but as a visual person I need something tangible to work with. As I’ve been working with the choir recently, I worked on a three-part arrangement of this canticle. Alex helped to break us up into three parts: sopranos sang the melody, altos sang a lower counter melody, and the tenors and basses sang the lowest portion of the harmony. Three different notes, working together in harmony, to accomplish the goal of a single chord.

In an article from 2011 by the British Broadcasting Company regarding the celebration of Trinity Sunday, the author proclaimed that “the Trinity expresses the way Christians should relate to God; worship God the Father, follow the example set by God the Son, and how God the Holy Spirit lives in you.” As we approach this weekend, let us think about what the Trinity means to us, let us meditate on how we work in harmony with others, and how we are called to give praise to God like the Three Young Men. Glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We will praise you and highly exalt you forever.

Your sibling in Christ,
Fr. James 

Trinity Sunday
1st Sunday after Pentecost

The Readings
Following the 10 am service this Sunday, June 12th, all are welcome to join us in wishing thanks and farewell to Jennifer Hebert, Nursery School Director. Jennifer has been a part of the St. John's family for over 17 years, first as as teacher, then as Director of our Nursery School. She has sustained a vibrant, engaging program even through the toughest of times. St. John's and the Huntington community have been blessed by her leadership, energy, knowledge and friendly, smile. Come and help us to wish her all the best as she pursues her new, professional path.
SUNDAY JUNE 12, 2022, 7 PM at St. John's Episcopal Church, Huntington. The Long Island Gay Men’s Chorus performs “Destination Anywhere” with songs about getting away, featuring songs like “Come Fly with Me,” I Go to Rio,” “Loch Lemond,” and the works of of Stephen Sondheim, Walt Whitman, John Denver, Peter Allen, JohnnyCash, Frank Sinatra and more!

Tickets are $25 and may be purchased through the LIGMC website:
Introduction by Heather Kress, Chairperson of St. John's Racial Reconciliation & Social Justice Ministry

Since we began writing about the designated Heritage Months, they have been about the several, mostly ethnic, groups who came here and made America their home. If you have been reading our articles, you know that each group met with incredible intolerance, rejection and outright hatred. This month celebrates the LGBTQ+ community. It should not be surprising that they also face much of the same and more. Although homosexuality in particular (and to a lesser degree, lesbianism) have been embraced in some cultures, in general they have been ostracized since olden times, including in the so-called “seven gay Biblical passages” that frequently are cited by Christians and non-Christians alike who otherwise would reject outright the notion of the Bible’s authority in other matters.

"Being a Gay Christian"
by Jean Sidebottom

All are welcome at Morning Prayer. We meet Monday through Friday at 9:00 am via Zoom.

Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occasionally to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connection with your friends at St. John's.

Bible Study meets on Zoom, Mondays at 6:30 pm and Tuesdays at 11:00 am. Material covered on Mondays will also be covered on Tuesdays of the same week.

Our current unit on the Resurrection. We are reading NT Wright's Surprised by Hope. Please contact the Parish Office to get your copy.

Zoom Link for Mondays at 6:30 pm - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83373971746
NEW Zoom Link for Tuesdays at 11:00 am -  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82553627635

Summer Bible Study - Tuesday Bible Study will pause for the summer. Our last meeting will be on June 28th. Beginnning in July Fr. John Morrision will lead a summer book club on Mondays at 6:30 pm. We will be reading and discussing Michael D. O'Brien's novel, Island of the World. Copies are availalbe in the Parish Office.
All are invited to join us for yoga and meditation in the Garden of Blessings Fridays from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. Practice will be led by Lynn LaBorde, a twice certified 200 hour yoga teacher, practicing since 1990 and meditation guide. Please bring your yoga mat. Yoga will move into the Great Hall if weather warrants.
To RSVP or if you have questions, please call Patti Aliperti at 631-385-1410, or email silverymoon33@yahoo.com.
Our Labyrinth walk will be on Saturday, June 11th. We will meet at St John's at 10 am and carpool to CW Post to walk the Labyrinth. Afterwards, we will have lunch at Bar Frites, in Greenvale. Hopefully, we can eat on the outdoor patio. Everyone will pay for their own lunch.

Please call Patti Aliperti at 631-385-1410, or email silverymoon33@yahoo.com to reserve your spot.
Sunday, June 12th, 4:30 to 7:00 pm at Bay Crest Beach

Welcome the summer & Fr. James! St. John's Youth and friends are welcome to join St. John's Youth Group for a beach barbecue. We will provide the burgers, hot dogs, sausages, and drinks.

What can you bring?
  • Chips & Salsa
  • Veggies & Dip
  • Tossed Salad
  • Potato Salad 
  • Cole Slaw
  • Baked Beans
  • Brownies
  • Smores makings
  • Fruit

Contact Ford Spilsbury at fordspils@gmail.com to RSVP & let him know what you are able to bring.

June 11, 2022, 12 - 3 pm at the SCO Family of Serivces at 164 Third Avenue, Brentwood. Please spread the word among your immigrant friends and neighbors about a community event at the Long Island Immigration Clinic (LIIC) in Brentwood. It will provide information and resources about issues ranging from applying for a driver’s license to all about asylum to knowing your rights as a U.S. resident. This is a wonderful opportunity to walk in love with members of our immigrant community, joining them to learn and offering help and support. LIIC is supported by the Diocese of Long Island.

To continue to be welcoming neighbors in the village, we will be opening our doors to the community at large.

Starting Wednesday, June 15th at 12:00 PM, St. John's Church will open its doors to Huntington for an hour during the week! Noonday Prayer will start at 12:15 for any who are interested in attending this brief in person service or on Zoom:

If any one feels called to join in this ministry and help expand it, please reach out to Fr. James at jreiss@stjohnshuntington.org . All are welcome!
On Sunday, June 19th at the 10 am service, we will recognize our Sunday School students at the Peace. They will receive their Certificates of Completion and be recognized for their growth and good work.
Please join us at St. John's for Evensong, an ancient traditional Anglican/Episcopal service of evening prayers, psalms, biblical readings and canticles, chanted in a choral setting. In collaboration with Alex Pryrodny and the St. John's Choir, Fr. James will officiate our monthly Service of Evensong on the fourth Thursday of the month. Please join us Thursday, June 23rd at 7:00 PM in the church. Our guest preacher will be The Rev. Andrew Garnett who shares with us about the saint we remember that day: Etheldreda, Queen, Foundress and Abbess of Ely. All are welcome! Join us to pray for our broken world in need of healing, through the gift of music.
Position: Director for St. John’s Nursery School, Huntington L.I., Sept 2022. Preferred start date in July 2022 to run summer camp. Successful candidate is responsible for overall operation of the school, staff management and care and instruction of the children and must demonstrate ability to:

  • Facilitate a safe, comfortable and welcoming educational environment for both children and parents;
  • Be accessible to parents and responsive to their questions and feedback; 
  • Manage staff and enable their professional training and development; 
  • Work proficiently with computers and technology, including social media, as an aid to education and communication.
  • Use proven organizational skills, attention to detail and know-how to combine leadership with a collaborative working relationship with staff. 

See detailed job description. NYS Certification for Early Childhood Education and minimum of 5 years pertinent experience required. Master’s degree preferred. Compensation package includes competitive salary and benefits including medical and pension for this part-time position (~30 hours per week). Contact: Heather G. Kress, Chair Nursery School Steering Committee, hkress44@gmail.com; with resume and letter of interest. Call 631-549-5186 for more information.
Prayerfully consider setting up recurring automatic payments directly from your bank account or using your credit card. Our secure online system, OnRealm, is an easy way to help to sustain us through the summer. Your regular stewardship payments are vital to the operation and maintenance of our beautiful church. Use the button below to make a regular payment or to set up recurring payements.
If you have not yet pledged, pledge cards are available in the pews and at the back of the church. You may also submit your pledge online using our online pledge form. You may send your regular stewardship payments in the mail, leave them in the collection plate on Sundays, or set up automatic, recurring payments online.
St. John's Thrift Shop is open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays, 12-3pm.

Donations Needed! We accept donations of new or gently used clothing, accessories, and household items. Please no books, furniture, out-dated electronics, or damaged items.

Volunteers continue to be needed - We are still bulding our Thursday and Saturday teams. If you wish to become a volunteer, please contact Lilly Welch, 631-271-1648 welchr@optonline.net.

The Thrift Shop will be closed on Saturday, July 2nd, Independence Day weekend.
MISSION TRIP to Arizona is a GO!!!!
October 24 – 30 2022  
OUTREACH is sharing Christ’s love with all our neighbors! 
How can YOU help?
  • Do you have credit card or air points that you can donate to support your group that will be traveling?
Thinking about joining us on the journey? Contact Deacon Claire as soon as possible.
With your support of Episcopal Ministries of Long Island (EMLI) in 2021, you and fellow parishioners transformed lives across our diocese:
  • A new, industrial sized community fridge distributed over 14,000 pounds of food in Brooklyn  
  • 40 children struggling in school benefitted from the care of an afterschool tutoring program in Queens 
  • A ministry supporting our immigrant neighbors disseminated over 6,000 educational flyers about the rights of undocumented workers across Nassau County  
  • Volunteers from across our diocese spent 5,500 hours stocking Blessing Boxes for those experiencing homelessness in Suffolk County 
In these past two years, you bore witness to isolation, loss, and injustice – but you walked with your neighbors as Christ walks with us. Investing in EMLI is an opportunity to walk with our neighbors – and see Christ in them – every day. 
Your gift is a vital part of resourcing, nurturing, and amplifying ministries across the diocese. Will you make an investment in EMLI today and help us reach our goal of $100,000 by June 19th? Your partnership grows and strengthens this vital work bringing the love of Christ from the pew to the public square. 
For e-news: 
Please visit episcopalministries.org to make a secure gift online. You can also mail a check to:
Episcopal Ministries of Long Island 
36 Cathedral Avenue 
Garden City, NY 11530
If you would like to remember a loved one or give thanks for an important event with altar flowers or Perpetual Light, please complete an Altar Flower Form and return it to the Parish Office with your check made payable to "St. John's Altar Guild."
We have begun a new prayer list for the summer season. Please send your updated prayers to prayers@stjohns1745.org or call Coral in the Parish Office, 631-427-1752, ext. 101.
We pray for Susan, Jack, Charise, Spencer, Matt, Ernest, Sue, Wylie, Tom, Debra, Christina, Ursula, Victor, Melissa, Olivia, Annie, Tom, Allison, Chyah, Mary, James, Dylan

We pray for the recently departed, Joan Boehmer, sister of Evelyn McCarthy, and Roger Giacomini, son of Jean and Jerry (deceased) Giacomini.

Please send your prayers to prayers@stjohns1745.org or call Coral in the Parish Office, 631-427-1752, ext. 101.