The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church
“The love which he incarnated, by which we are saved, is to become the love which fills us beyond capacity and flows out to heal the world; so that the Word may become flesh once more, and dwell (not just among us, but) within us. Having beheld his glory, we must then reveal his glory, glory as of the beloved children of the father, full of grace and truth.”
(NT Wright and Michael Bird, The New Testament in its World)
Last Sunday, Alex, our choir, and the choirs and musicians of St. Augustine’s, Brooklyn put on a Gospel Concert. What made it remarkable was the deep spiritual content of the program. Gospel music can be incredibly more than just a genre of music. Claire told us that Gospel singing goes deep into our physical beings and I believe that it can go right into our souls. This way of thinking is expressed perfectly in the Gospel of John. Jesus says I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Fr. John said in Bible Study that there is one word that sums us the Gospel of John, Love. Paul said that, “The message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us that are being saved it is the power of God” (1Cor. 1:18). Our mission at St. John’s is to feel deep in our hearts the love of God through Jesus Christ so strongly that the love of Jesus Christ exudes from our singing, hospitality, worship, prayer, mission outreach, and love of our neighbor.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus travels to Jerusalem early in his ministry. Jesus prepares for the Passover by going to temple in Jerusalem three times in John’s Gospel. The temple in Jerusalem was the center of attention for Jews in Jesus’ time and Passover was the time when Jews made a pilgrimage to the city. Jerusalem was the place that their God had promised to dwell with them. It was more than just the place where they worshiped; it was the center of all facets of their life. When he arrives he is angered by the money changers and the merchants. Some are trying to make a large profit by converting Greek or Roman coinage to Tyrian currency so that it may be donated to the temple. Others are controlling the sale of animals to be used in temple worship. Jesus can’t believe what is going on and he seems to totally lose control. He makes a whip and chases away the animals, turns over the tables and pours out the coins of the money changers. Jesus had the ability to see not only their actions, but also their motivation. This is a deep conviction from Jesus that the people of God have forsaken their relationship with God and reverence for God’s house for personal gain. Jesus is purging the temple of those who are taking advantage of the pilgrims.
Too often today, I see churches that are focused on being politically correct and as a result miss the truth. While taking the popular flavor of their cultural time, they miss the whole point of the Gospel. The Gospel is offensive to those who use God’s House for personal gain. The Gospel is offensive to those who pollute our environment for their personal comfort. The Gospel asks us to love God and our neighbor. Therefore, it is offensive to those who do not love God with all their heart, soul, and might. It is offensive to those who hate one another. The Gospel is offensive to those who perpetuate racism by what they say or don’t say.
“I know your works; you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth. For you say, ‘I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing.’ You do not realize that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich; and white robes to clothe you and to keep the shame of your nakedness from being seen; and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. I reprove and discipline those whom I love. Be earnest, therefore, and repent. Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me. To the one who conquers I will give a place with me on my throne, just as I myself conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. Let anyone who has an ear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.” (Revelation 3:15-22).
Today is a perfect day to hear the love of the Gospel of John and to give yourself fully to God. God waits patiently for a deeper relationship. Your witness in word and deed may be the only Gospel that many people will ever hear. Ring true to the love of God deep in your heart as our choirs and musicians did at our Gospel Concert!
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Duncan
8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist in the church
Face masks, social distancing, and registration required.
8:00 am - Rite II Morning Prayer
9:15 am – Rite II Morning Prayer with Music
10:15 am - Sunday School via Zoom
11:00 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist in the church & Facebook Live
Face masks, social distancing, and registration required for all in person worship.
“Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, 'You owe me.' Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.”
Hāfiz, a Persian Poet
Where have you seen the light of Christ in our world?
Join us for
Lent at St. John's
Morning Prayer
Monday - Friday at 9am via Zoom
Bible Study
Mondays at 6:30pm via Zoom
Tuesdays at 11am via Zoom
Lenten Series- Tuesdays in Lent
"Lent through Children's Eyes"
Our 2021 Lenten Series using children's books selected by our Racial Reconciliation & Social Justice Ministry will take place on Tuesdays in Lent via Zoom. We will begin with Stations of the Cross at 6:00 pm, Evening Prayer at 6:30 pm. The program will be from 7:00-8:00 pm. Each week will feature a different speaker:
March 9th - Pat Ahmad, Same Difference by Calinda Rawles
March 16th - Fr. Duncan Burns, The Watcher: Inspired by Psalm 121 by Nikki Grimes
March 23rd - Crystal Roberts, Something Happened in Our Town by Marianne Celano
Thursdays at 8:15 pm
Daily Lenten Devotions
"A Lenten Journey: A Christian Piligrimage toward New Life"
Download St. John's "A Lenten Journey: A Christian Pilgrimage to a New Life." This small collection of Lenten meditations was composed by now Bishop Allen Shin when he was rector of St. Johns as an offering to the members of St. John’s.
The Thrift shop is now open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12-3 pm. Huge Sales will offer great buys with select clothes as low as $2 each, Jewelry and Nic Nacs 50% off and games/toys $1. The Thrift Shop will begin to accept donations of clothes only as of March 6th. If you wish to become a volunteer in the ministry of the Thrift Shop, please contact Nancy Feustel at
Come and Shop!
Thursday, March 11th at 4pm via Zoom:
All are welcome to join St. John's Spirituality Group for our next monthly meeting. We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We will be reflecting and discussing ...
If you are interested in exploring your spirituality and deepening your connection to others, consider joining us. To find out more about SJSG, contact Patti Aliperti (
To help beautify St. John’s Altar at Easter we ask for your donation for Easter Flowers in rememberance of your deceased loved ones, or in thanksgiving for your blessings. Please complete and return this form to the office by Monday, March 29th.
Make checks payable to “St. John’s Altar Guild”
Palm Sunday
7:30 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist (Church only)
9:15 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist with music (Church, Zoom, Facebook Live)
11:00 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist with music (Church, Facebook Live)
The Passion will be presented at each service by the Rambling Readers. If you are interested in joining the Rambling Readers in the Passion play for Palm Sunday, please contact Rob Wheeler at
Maundy Thursday
7:00 pm - Christian Seder (Zoom only)
7:30 pm - Maundy Thursday Service with music (Church, Zoom, Facebook Live)
Good Friday
12 to 3 pm - The Last Words of Christ (Zoom only)
7:00 pm - Stations of the Cross (Zoom only)
7:30 pm - Good Friday Service with music (Church, Zoom, Facebook Live)
Easter Vigil with the Cathedral of the Incarnation
Easter Sunday
7:30 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist (Church only)
9:15 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist with music (Church, Zoom, Facebook Live)
11:00 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist with music (Church, Facebook Live)
Please note: All services in the church require registration for contact tracing purposes, face masks, and social distancing. Details for registration and other links will be available beginning March 19th.
Thank you so much for your generous spirit and continued support of the ministry of St. John’s. Your stewardship is a commitment to sustaining St. John’s ministry today and going forward.
Using your credit card or a direct payment from your checking account, you will be able to make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments using our secure payment platform Realm. Please click on the link below to make a payment:
Or send a check made payable to "St. John's Episcopal Church" to 12 Prospect Street, Huntington, NY 11743.
If you are interested in setting up your On Realm St. John's membership account, please contact Coral in the Parish Office to receive an account invite and sign up for a training session. Please send an email to or call 631-427-1752, ext 101.
We pray for all our doctors, nurses, and medical staff who put themselves at risk to care for us during this corona virus epidemic.
We pray for all our men and women serving in the armed services and all first responders who put themselves at risk every day, especially during this time. May God keep them safe and healthy, and return them home to their loved ones.
We pray for those who work for justice. May God give us all strength and wisdom to act for change when it is needed.
We pray for the sick: Bob, Christian, Gladys, Lynn, Fred, Ellen. Lucille, Frank, Theresa, Spencer, Sue, Tom, Stephanie, Madeline, Gary, Allison, Maggie, Susan, Tyler, Ursula, Jim and Irene, Debra, Bill, Amy, Kate, Richard, Barbara, Shannon, Justin, Ogueira, Tom, John and Debra, Janice, Fran, Patti, Cheryl, Sylvia, Sue and Fr. John, Diane, Allison, Bill, Mary Ann
The Perpetual Light is given this week in loving memory of Dorothy and Carl Hansen by Pam Hansen Dolph.
The Perpetual Light is given this week loving memory of Frank, Bertha, and John Lasek by Dave and Nelly Lasek.
St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect Street
Huntington, New York 11743
(631) 427-1752