"To know Christ and to make Him known . . . " | |
The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church | |
“What’s in a word?”
This Sunday, which is firstly the Fourth Sunday of Advent, there is great emphasis in the lectionary readings about the “word” or speech in general. A word from the Lord comes to Nathan who instructs him to tell David to build a permanent tabernacle. Psalm 89 is sprinkled with references on words or speech. “My mouth will proclaim…” “Oath” “Spoke in a vision…” We should be well to remember that the Lord spoke all of creation into existence. “The Lord said, let there be light…” And then Mary proclaims one of the hardest and most humbling words we as Christians, and anyone to anyone else for that matter, can say. “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.” Difficult if only because our human nature wants to follow our will, my will, what I want to do.
If you were at Spirituality Group last week, you heard me talk on hope using my favorite theologian and thinker, Jacques Ellul. In another book of his, titled Humiliation of the Word, Ellul makes the distinction between reality, which is seen and has to do with sight, and the truth, which is spoken and heard through word. God reveals himself as Truth to all of reality (the reality he created by his Word) through the Word made Flesh. In today’s world, we seem to be more interested in what is seen. We demand proof and evidence (like St. Thomas!). Television, social media, advertisements have created what seems like a vortex of our attention. We spiral into binge watching our favorite TV shows or stay up late watching TikTok reels. We know that attention spans are decreasing. While many of grew up with television, we didn’t grow up with so many choices of screen time. Phones, tablets, televisions, video games, etc. I don’t wish to critique any parenting styles and know how convicted I am in my participation of screen time.
All of these images, however, can have the power to disconnect us from the source of all goodness and truth, God, who in his mighty power, came down to us, as a baby. (I’ve always wondered about those initial sounds baby Jesus made, those sweet coos, the yawn, the little grunts babies make when they stretch, just like the rest of us). Ellul does not argue that word and truth are superior to image and reality. Both are needed for the fullness of understanding who we are. So, what’s in a word? Everything else needed to make sense of what is in front of us. Jesus Christ will soon be here, the truth of God in the fullness of our reality. We are more than consumers of media or images.
Do you listen for a word from God? Sometimes this Word isn’t what we want to hear. Sometimes it’s exactly the answer to a prayer. It’s amazing who we can be and what we can do when we stop and listen and wait for the Word that creates us anew and allows us to say, “You called me, God, let it be done according to you.”
I hope you had a blessed Advent and have a Merry Christmas!
Fr. Zach
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The 4th Sunday of Advent
The Readings
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26
Join us for Sunday Worship at 9:00 am the church or remotely on Zoom and Facebook.
9:00 am – Rite II Choral Eucharist
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86739553648
Facebook Live Stream: https://www.facebook.com/stjohns1745
Bulletin: Rite II HE Advent
Processional: H 56 vs 7-8 O come, o come Emmanuel
Gradual: 265 The angel Gabriel from heaven came (vs 1-2)
Offertory anthem: "Mary Did You Know" by Mark Lowry & Buddy Greene
Communion: LEVAS 154 "Taste and see"
Recessional: LEVAS 14 "Soon and very soon”
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At Christmas time, our beautiful, historic church dons the green and red of the season. We celebrate with candlelight and beautiful music, performed by St. John’s Choir and an ensemble of world-class musicians.
Sunday, December 24th
4 pm - Rite II Choral Eucharist
7 pm - Rite II Choral Eucharist
10 pm - Rite I Holy Eucharist (in-person only)
Monday, December 25th
9 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist
To join us on Zoom (same link for 4pm, 7pm & 9am): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86739553648
Facebook livestreaam: https://www.facebook.com/stjohns1745
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The Parish Office will be closed from noon on Friday, December 22nd through Monday, January 1st. We will be in again on Tuesday, January 2nd at 9:00 am.
Wishing you and yours a blessed and happy Christmas!
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Please make sure your year-end giving and final Stewardship payments are received by December 31, 2023 to be included in your total 2023 giving.
Send your check payable to "St. John's Church" to:
St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Please include in the memo whether your contribution is for stewardship, plate or for a specific ministry.
Or use our online giving form:
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Morning Prayer will continue to meet December 26th - 29th. We will not meet on Christmas Day nor on New Years' Day.
Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occasionally to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connection with your friends at St. John's.
Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8604114654
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Bible Study will be taking a break the weeks of December 25 and January 1. We will resume January 8 and 9 with a study on the Gospel of Mark. Participants are encouraged (but not required!) to select just one of the supplemental books for this study: Tim Keller's Jesus is King, N.T. Wright's Mark for Everyone, or Donald English's The Message of Mark. All can be found inexpensively on Amazon or Thriftbooks.
Bible Study meets regularly on Mondays at 6:30 pm on Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83373971746) and Tuesdays at 11:00 am in person in the Guild Room. The material covered each Monday evening will be covered on the following Tuesday morning.
Please reach out to Fr. Zach with any questions, (631) 427-1752, ext. 105.
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Wednesday Noonday Prayer will resume on January 3rd at noon. The church will not be open on December 27th. | |
HIHI is the Huntington Interfaith Homeless Initiative. St. John's partners with other local houses of worship to provide food, clothing and shelter during the winter months.
This winter, St. John's is supporting HIHI by collecting gift cards to local fast food restaurants of $5 or $10 amounts to distribute to homeless in Huntington. If you would like to contribute, you may drop your Dunkin Donut, Burger King, McDonalds, or other gift cards off at St. John's, 12 Propect St, Huntington.
We are also collecting men's jeans, sweatshirts, work boots, and winter coats which may be dropped off at St. John's.
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First Holy Communion will take place on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at the 10:00 am service. Classes will begin on January 31, 2024 for children 2nd grade and above. First Communion classes will meet on Wednesdays at 5 pm in the Guild Room.
If you are interested in First Holy Communion for your child, please register using the link below. Forms are also available at the back of the church. If you have any questions about First Communion, please feel free to reach out to Fr. Duncan or the Parish Office.
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Confirmation and Reception will be held on Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 11:00 am at. St. John's Church in Cold Spring Harbor.
Any youth (7th grade or above) wishing to be Confirmed is welcome to attend classes on Sundays beginning January 7th. Classes will begin with lunch at 12:15 pm and finish at 2:15 pm. Classes will rotate between St. John's Huntington, Trinity Northport, and St. John's Cold Spring Harbor.
Click on the link below to download the registration form and calendar:
For more information, please contact Fr. Zach, zbaker@stjohnshuntington.org, (631) 427-1752, ext. 105.
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There are many folks that come to our church from different denominations. Have you ever wanted to ask the clergy questions that you might have about the Episcopal Church? Our clergy will be teaching Adult Confirmation and Reception Classes on Sundays in Lent from 11:15-11:45 AM. Youth and Adult Confirmation and Reception to the Episcopal Church will be held on June 6th at 11:00. Please register online below or let Fr. Zach, Deacon Claire or Fr. Duncan know that you are interested.
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All winter events (January 1 - March 31, 2023) must be submitted to the Parish Office by Monday, December 18, 2023. All parish events and building use must be submitted to the Parish Office and approved by the rector.
Notices for events to run in the Chalice, to post on the website and social media must be received by the Parish Administrator by 9:00 am on Tuesdays prior to publication.
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The Thrift Shop will be closed for the holidays between Friday, December 22nd and Monday, Janaury 1st. We will open again on Tuesday, January 2nd, 12 - 3 pm.
To volunteer or find our more, please contact Mary Beth Dieterle, (631) 427-1752, ext 106.
Donations welcome. We accept donations of new or gently used clothing, accessories, and household items. Please no books, furniture, out-dated electronics, or damaged items.
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We pray for: Jim, Irene, Amy, Kate, Cheryl, Jenni, John, Sue, Nancy, Sue, Kim, Annetta, Suzy, Gladys, Richard, Anthony, Christian, Joanne, Betty, Johnny, Richard, Barbara, Christine, Amy, Kara, Geralynn, Diane, Melissa, Marie, Jonas, Sylvia, Tom
The Perpetual Light is given in loving memory of Bunny Roberts by her daughter, Crystal Roberts.
The Perpetual Light is given in loving memory of Bertha, Frank & John Lasek, and Modesto & Natividad Roman by Dave and Nelly Lasek.
We have begun a new prayer list in Advent. Please send your prayers or updates to prayers@stjohns1745.org, call Coral in the Parish Office, 631-427-1752, option 1, or click on the link below and complete the online form:
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Thank you for volunteering to serve. | |
St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect Street
Huntington, New York 11743
(631) 427-1752
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