The Weekly Sunday Bulletin of St. John’s Episcopal Church
“I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you,
and that your joy may be complete.
This is my commandment,
that you love one another as I have loved you.”
(John 15:11-12)
On the second Sunday of May we honor our mothers. For those still blessed with their mother, we try to give thanks to them in person. Last week I mentioned that agape love is the unconditional, abiding love that God shows us. This is expressed in the person of Jesus Christ and demonstrated in the relationship of the Father and the Son. Yet for many of us, this is demonstrated to us by the love that we are shown from our own mother. For me, I treasure the example of Christ’s love that my mother has shown to me in my lifetime. For those who no longer have your mother, I hope you give thanks and treasure the memories that become more precious with each passing day.
This week in the church, we celebrate the lives of two wonderful saints who were both mothers. Julian of Norwich was an English mystic who taught that divine love could best be expressed with motherly love. She wrote one of the first and certainly one of the best known books in the English language written by a mystic, Revelations of Divine Love. During her lifetime, the city of Norwich suffered the devastating effects of the Black Death, which affected large parts of England in 1381. Mother Julian fell seriously ill and she thought she was on her deathbed. She received a series of visions of the Passion of Christ. Her perspective of a mother and a mystic is somewhat lacking in scripture, but we find several good examples. The prophet Isaiah asks, “Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you” (Isaiah 49:15).
The Catholic theologian, St. Augustine knew the love of God through his mother, Monica. We celebrated the life of Monica this week as a saint and mother on Tuesday. Augustine remembered in his book Confessions that his inner life was dominated by the love that his mother, Monica had for him. Augustine speaks of his mother as follows, “In the flesh she brought me to birth in this world: in her heart she brought me to birth in your eternal light” (Confessions). In the temporal world, his mother lived her whole life for that one moment when her son would come to the eternal life of Christianity. She stayed with him in prayer at every turn of his life. She told Saint Augustine, "There was one reason, and one alone, why I wished to remain a little longer in this life, and that was to see you a Christian before I died"(Confessions).
For me, I knew God’s love before I knew God through the love of my mother. Her constant care, prayer, and love have been consistent through my whole life. With the same unconditional love that God loves us, we can love one another. At times in my life and certainly in the life of St. Augustine, we walk in paths that are divergent to that agape love, living for ourselves and unappreciative of those who love us. By the grace of God we eventually find our way and turn back to God. This is also important to remember if some of our moms have not always lived up to our own expectations. We forgive them as they forgive us.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms! Thank you for everything you do. Thanks be to God whose perfect love can be seen in the Gospel through Jesus Christ. All praise and glory be to you forever and ever.
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Duncan
8:00 am - Rite I Holy Eucharist in the church
Face masks, social distancing, and contract tracing sign in. Space is limited.
8:00 am - Rite II Morning Prayer
9:15 am – Rite II Morning Prayer with Music
10:15 am - Sunday School will not meet this week.
11:00 am - Rite II Holy Eucharist in the church & Facebook Live
In person: Face masks, social distancing, and contract tracing sign in. Space is limited.
Please note: Pre-registration for in person services is no longer required. Attendees will have to sign in upon arrival for contact tracing purposes. Please see the Vestry protocols outlined below.
We are so happy to welcome people back into the church for in-person worship. As we slowly re-open and increase the number of people allowed in the church, we can all do our part to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy:
- Masks are required. Disposable masks are available at the back of the church;
- Social distancing. Please maintain a 6ft distance between your group/family and others;
- Sanitize hands upon entrance. Dispensers are available at the back of the church;
- Prayer Books available to borrow;
- Service bulletins and reading inserts and are available at the back of the church;
- Only sit in designated areas;
- No singing at this time
- Follow all traffic flow signs and instructions of the ushers.
All are welcome at Morning Prayer. We meet Monday through Friday at 9:00 am via Zoom. Our short prayer service is followed by some fellowship and discussion. Feel free to join us occassionallly to listen and pray, or come more often to participate as a leader or reader, and to start your day with your focus on Christ and a deeper connnection with your friends at St. John's.
Bible Study meets on Mondays at 6:30 pm and on Tuesdays at 11:00 am.
Monday Evening Bible Study at 6:30 pm:
Tuesday Bible Study at 11:00am:
We are happy to share that our parishioner, Mary Gallagher-Seaman, RN-BS, NE-BC, MSN, is running a nurse coaching group Monday evenings 7:00-8:15 pm. Mary is an experienced nurse currently working towards nurse coaching certification at the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy. The group will provide support and coaching to set health goals and an action plan to obtain your highest level of wellness.
The pandemic has been tough on all of us. Come and join this free, lively group to work together on our health!
If interested, please contact the Parish Office to sign up, or (631) 427-1752. This is a first come, first served small your place now!
Episcopal Ministries Helps Provide a Lifeline… What started as a family of three preparing basic meals in the church kitchen in the earliest days of the pandemic, grew into a community project feeding up to 3,000 Long Island families. EMLI was proud to provide St. John’s, Huntington with a grant from the COVID-19 Frontline Fund to kick off this endeavor with Project Hope that truly brought the hope of Christ to the homes of thousands in a time of great need and despair.
When you give to EMLI, you make these projects possible. Give today to join us in common ministry as we rise to meet the challenges ahead.
If you prefer to give by check, postage paid envelopes addressed to EMLI are available at the back of the church. Please make check's payable to "EMLI" or "Epsicopal Minsitries of Long Island."
There will be a Thrift Shop meeting on Wednesday, May 12th at 7pm via Zoom. New volunteers are welcome to join us!
The Thrift shop is open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12-3 pm. But additional volunteers are needed for sorting and tagging on other days. If you wish to become a volunteer in this vital ministry, please contact Nancy Feustel at
The Spirituality Group will have its monthly meeting on Thursday, May 13th at 4pm via Zoom. Fr. Duncan will share some of his favorite, spiritual poetry to facilitate reflection and discussion during St. John's Spirituality Group's meeting. Join us!
St. John's RR&SJM will meet on Thursday, May 13th at 6:30pm via Zoom.
All are welcome to this monthly meeting where we will discuss how we move forward and what actions we can take locally and beyond to promote communication, understanding and healing.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry has truly been reenergized!
We have distributed 27 shawls this year! We are grateful to have received some yarn donations and monetary donations.THANK YOU to those who donated and to those making these beautiful shawls! As we continue to make shawls for those in need in our community, we can use your support to keep us going.
Please consider donating to help our ministry! You can donate yarn or donate financially using the link below or sending a check into the church. You are also welcome to make a shawl and donate the completed shawl to the ministry.
We meet via Zoom on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6pm, for a group check in. Our next meeting is Thursday, May 13 at 6pm.
Please contact Noelle DeLorenzo at with any inquiries on donations, receiving prayer shawls, or joining the ministry.
The St. John's Scholarship committee is now accepting applications for the 2021 Florence and Robert Scott Scholarship.
A scholarship will be awarded to one or two graduating High School senior(s). Your application must be received by the Parish Office by Friday, May 14, 2021. You may submit your application and supporting documents via email to or by mail to: St. John's Church, Attn: Scholarship Committee, 12 Prospect St, Huntington, NY 11743.
If you have not already pledged, please consider making a Stewardship commitment in 2021 in support of the ministry of St. John’s. Your stewardship is a commitment to sustaining St. John’s ministry today and going forward.
Using your credit card or a direct payment from your checking account, you will be able to make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments using our secure payment platform Realm. Please click on the link below to make a payment:
Or send a check made payable to "St. John's Episcopal Church" to 12 Prospect Street, Huntington, NY 11743.
We pray for all our doctors, nurses, and medical staff who put themselves at risk to care for us during this corona virus epidemic.
We pray for all our men and women serving in the armed services and all first responders who put themselves at risk every day, especially during this time. May God keep them safe and healthy, and return them home to their loved ones.
We pray for those who work for justice. May God give us all strength and wisdom to act for change when it is needed.
We pray for the sick: Tom, David & Irene, Linda, Danica, Lori, Leslie, Hope, Mike, Michael, Elizabeth, Patti, Bob, Christian, Gladys, Lynn, Fred, Jim & Irene, Debra, Alex, Michelle, Pauline, Richard, Barbara, Bill, Pat, Cory, Allassadra, Ellen, Lucille, Frank, Theresa, Spencer, Sue, Wylie, Matt, Cheryl, Tom, Stephanie, Lisa, Gary, Maggie, Tyler, Ursula, Christine, Samantha, Edward, Alan, Tali, Bill, Kate, Amy
Please note: We have begun a new prayer list for Easter. Please send your updated prayers for the Easter season to Coral in the Parish Office,
St. John's Episcopal Church
12 Prospect Street
Huntington, New York 11743
(631) 427-1752