Welcome to the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce
newsletter for the week of Jan. 13, 2020!

Our mission: The Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce promotes economic and community development by providing services and addressing issues important to business.

WELCOME: Please join the Chamber in welcoming our newest Premium Member, Scentsy by Chris Powers . Check out the bottom of our newsletter for a full list of all our Platinum and Gold members!
This week's quick hits
  1. Quint Studer to be featured speaker at Annual Meeting March 10
  2. Pickaway-Ross Adult Ed on Industrial Drive to host Wednesday BAB
  3. Tech Cred program could help employees learn vital skills.
  4. Nellie Dog Pottery moving; manufacturing wage growth and more news
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Quint Studer to speak at 2020 annual meeting

CHILLICOTHE – A renowned leader with a passion for community development will be the featured speaker at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, March 10.

Quint Studer , who helped Pensacola, Fla. win the 2019 Strongest Town contest, has been tabbed as the speaker for the dinner, which also serves as the vehicle to present the Chamber’s highest awards.

“We’re fortunate to have a leader in community development interested in Chillicothe and willing to come here and see our success story in action,” said Michael Throne, Chamber president and CEO. “Not only will Quint come here for our meeting, but he’s going to spend three days here leading us through a process that will help continue the forward momentum we have.”

Studer’s desire to create vibrantly thriving communities resulted in the creation of the Studer Community Initiative and the publication of the 2018 book “Building a Vibrant Community: How Citizen-Powered Change is Reshaping America.”
Pickaway Ross Adult Ed hosts BAB!
It's a new year and our first Business After Business event of 2020 is all set for Wednesday.

Our friends at the Pickaway-Ross Adult Education on Industrial Drive are ready to showcase their building and the great ways they are building the base of knowledge for adult learners in Ross County. From career-based training programs to personal enrichment courses, they've been offering courses computer technologies, public safety, skilled trades, and health care technologies to help bolster the local workforce.

But remember, the BAB event - which will feature food from The Pour House at Machinery Hall and Two Roasting Joes/Livy Cakes - is at the campus just north of town and off Ohio 104. The exact address is 1410 Industrial Drive, not the Crouse Chapel campus.
Click the image above to reserve your spot
NELLIE DOG POTTERY MOVING: Nikki Bridenbaugh of Nellie Dog Pottery and Paints announced last week that business will move to 37 N. Paint St. in the coming months. She also announced that "new things are coming" to her soon-to-be former home on Water Street. No definitive date on the move yet.

LCNB DECISION NEAR?: The city's Design Review Board meets at 4:30 p.m. Thursday at the Chamber office and the decision on the future of 30 East Main St. could be made at that time. LCNB has said they will work to preserve the façade of the Lynch Building, instead of demolishing the structure, and the DRB has it listed on the agenda for Thursday's meeting.

HOMELAND CREDIT UNION NAMES ATHLETIC FACILITY: Homeland Credit Union last week announced they had reached a deal with the Chillicothe City Schools to name the former Chillicothe Racquet Club. A $250,000 donation to the school system will renovate and repair the facility, which will be known as the Homeland Credit Union Athletic Center in the future. The two groups have planned a signing ceremony and reception for 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Chillicothe High School library. For more information, click here .

MANUFACTURING STRONG IN REGION: A recent report from the State Science and Technology Institute shows e arnings for Appalachian manufacturing workers grew 3.4 percent from 2012 through 2017 to an average of $63,583. Ross County was at the top of that scale when it comes to earnings per employee. Check out the report for more details.

LAST WEEK'S POLL RESULT: Which is the biggest cyberthreat to your business? Phishing and Malware led the way with 43 percent each, while Ransomware had 14 percent.
Special thanks to our

Platinum: Adena Health System, Advanced Services Heating and Cooling, Atomic Credit Union, C. Walters Management, Central Ohio Financial Services, Chillicothe City Schools, Chillicothe Paints, Classic Brands, Horizon, Janney Montgomery Scott, Kenworth Truck Co., Kingston National Bank, Landmark Properties Group LLC, McDonald's, Ohio University Chillicothe, Petland Inc., Printex Same-Day Printing, Ross County Banking Center, Signature HealthCARE of Chillicothe, and Wesbanco.

Gold: National Church Residences, Scentsy by Chris Powers, Staff Source, U.S. Army Recruiting Station in Chillicothe, U.S. Bank.

Would you like to hear more about premium member benefits? Call Bobbi at 740-702-2722.
Chillicothe Ross Chamber of Commerce
45 E. Main St., Chillicothe, OH 45601